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A simple bootstrap notification modal with jQuery

demo screenshot


  • jquery
  • bootstrap (css) : If you are already using bootstrap that will work fine, otherwise notiModal requires Buttons and Popover bootstrap style components. use bootstrap.popover.min.css file for the minimum style requirements.


1- Clone/Download the plugin npm install notimodal

2- Then add the dependencies:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap.min.css">
<script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="notiModal.min.js" type="text/javascript" ></script>


You can create modals as many as you need with $.notiModal.init() and call them later with$.notiModal.get()

$.notiModal.init("test1", {
            title: "this is a test"

or use theme directly after creation

$.notiModal.init("test2", {
            title: "this is another test"



method description usage options example
init creats a new modal $.notiModal.init(unique_name, options); unique_name : a unique name for the modal. options : See the options section below. $.notiModal.init('mymodal01', {title: 'hello', content: 'hey there, this is a notification'});
get get a created modal (with init) $.notiModal.get(unique_name); Unique_name : the modal name. $.notiModal.get('mymodal01');
show shows selected modal a modal can be selected with get method or after when it is created : $.notiModal.get(unique_name).show({force: false, sound: false}); the options parameter overrides global and init() options $.notiModal.init('mymodal02', {title: 'hello', content: 'hey there, this is a notification'}).show({sound: true}); or $.notiModal.get('mymodal02').show({sound: true});
hide hides selected modal and calls the callback, if present, after the hide animation ends $.notiModal.get(unique_name).hide(callback); - $.notiModal.get('mymodal02').hide(funtion(notimodal) {{content: "show the modal again"}) });


option default type accepted values description example
name '' string a unique name for the modal myModal01
title 'Hello world' string the modal title
content 'Hi there, this is a test content' string the modal content
ok 'ok' string the modal "ok" button text
no_more 'Stop showing this' string button text: when clicked the modal stops showing
close 'Close' string closes the modal
top '20px' string or integer the modal top position (overrides bottom position value)
bottom 'initial' string or integer the modal bottom position (overrides top position value by setting it to 'initial')
max_width '320px' string or integer the modal max width
animation_duration '500ms' string the modal css animation animation_duration
delay 0 integer the delay before the modal was shown after calling show()
storage window.localStorage if exists otherwise false object -window.localStorage - window.sessionStorage the browser storage to use window.sessionStorage
force false boolean boolean the force option for a particular modal
sound false boolean boolean the sound option for a particular modal
auto_hide false boolean the auto_hide option for a particular modal
show_duration 10000 integer the show_duration option for a particular modal
template see the plugin sourve file string modal Html
onOkClick function(noti_modal) { } function called after the "ok" button was clicked function(noti_modal) { // code noti_modal.hide(); }
onClose function(noti_modal) { } function called after the modal was hidden function(noti_modal) { // alert('the modal now is hidden') }

Global options

option default type description example
sound false boolean plays a sound when showing the modal. you can set this option to a specified modal.. see show and init methods options $.notiModal.config.sound = true;
force false boolean forces the modal show (even if the "never show again" button was clicked). you can set this option to a specified modal.. see show and init methods options $.notiModal.config.force = true;
auto_hide false boolean hide the modal automaticaly after a given duration. see show_duration option $.notiModal.config.auto_hide = true;
show_duration 10000 integer used when auto_hide is set to true, the duration in milliseconds the modal will be shown before hiding automaticaly. $.notiModal.config.show_duration = 30000;

You can set all the options as global to avoid setting them to eath modal, if you want, then you might override them with the init() parameters or the show() parameters.
