All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
v1.2.0 (2022-03-10)
- add param for extension #41 (thunderpants73)
- v1.1.1 release #39 (rnelson0)
v1.1.0 (2020-09-30)
- v1.1.0 release #37 (rnelson0)
- Updating contributing docs, mock_with Rspec for future compatibility, and puppet-vault_lookup dependency #36 (ekingme)
- Adding support for reading crt/key from Vault #35 (ekingme)
v1.0.0 (2019-12-27)
- Remove puppet 3 testing, add puppet 5 testing #31 (rnelson0)
- Update test configuration #23 (rnelson0)
- Update #18 (rnelson0)
- Initial rspec fixtures #12 (rnelson0)
- Improvements to match puppet style. #10 (rnelson0)
- Empty class and trailing slashes #5 (rnelson0)
- Update vhost_spec.rb #4 (paschdan)
- Remove direct reference to semantic_puppet #30 (rnelson0)
- Gemfile: Remove guard-rake from development group. #22 (rnelson0)
- Bump to v0.6.0 #9 (rnelson0)
- Certs modified to fail when included directly. #1 (rnelson0)
- Release candidate for v1.0.0 #34 (rnelson0)
- Pdkconvert #33 (rnelson0)
- Use puppet-strings for documentation #32 (rnelson0)
- Modulesync #29 (rnelson0)
- MSync Gemfile and Rakefile #28 (rnelson0)
- Update .travis.yml and Rakefile #21 (rnelson0)
- August msync #20 (rnelson0)
- Update from rnelson0's modulesync #19 (rnelson0)
- Add hiera boilerplate (testing an empty hiera config for errors or warnings) #17 (rnelson0)
- Build master branch as well as PRs #15 (rnelson0)
- Add badges #14 (rnelson0)
- Initial commit using Travis CI for testing #13 (rnelson0)
- v0.6.2 - Update url to match renamed repo #11 (rnelson0)
- Ready for the forge #7 (rnelson0)
- Spec helper #6 (rnelson0)
- Correct's TOC #3 (rnelson0)
- Create a proper file #2 (rnelson0)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator