Change Log
- Angular updated to 5.0
- Fixed empty popups on all elements
- Changlelog was moved here
- Changes on package.json to avoid certain webpack error
- Change structure to be more compatible with a stricter tsconfig
- Live website with some examples here
- Changes for depended type geojson
- Css bug fixes
- updates on tests
- Angular updated to version 4.0.0
- Project was renamed to ngx.leaflet.components (for obvious reasons) and previous one got deprecated
- Coordinates now are automatically get re-projected, except for (wgs84 and 3857) so when using a custom crs, you need to pass, on the components, the coordinates associated with that particular crs. Automatic reprojection to wgs84 works on all components except ImageOverlay.
- Bug Fixes
- Components now accept x,y as inputs as well as lat lngs
- Angular updated to 2.4.7
- Circle Marker Element Added
- Bug fixes
- Polyline, Polygon, Circle and Marker now implement an ng-content pop up strategy
- Increased Webpack compatibility (seems to work fine now)
- Marker layer is no longer slow (it should work fine even with nearly 1000 markers)
- Bug fixes
- Bug fixes
- Layers have attributions
- Map has optional maxBounds
- Scale, Zoom and Attribution are different components
- Coverage reports for tests
- Improved Webpack support
- ImageOverlay support
- GeoJson Layer support
- CRS support for different coordinate systems (Proj4Leaflet is not working for leaflet 1.0.x though you need to write your own custom projection, I am working on an example)
- Fixed a bug that didn't display a wms layer when set as basemap
- Stopped using typings, switched to @types
- Unit testing for more stable releases
- Upgraded to typescript 2.14 and Angular 2.41
- Fixed a bug that didn't allow the usage of polygons in a multiple map per page set up
- Angular updated to 2.3.0
- Bug fixes
- Polygon element now supports holes
- Polygon element can now be dynamically updated
- Code was optimised, now everything is much faster
- Layer Control can now be dynamically updated
- polyline element now can be dynamically updated (able to create animated elements). Soon more elements will follow.
- Added popup element
- Choose whether a layer should be basemap or overlay on layerControl
- Add names for the layers or groups on the layerControl
- Custom marker icon
- Multiple maps support
- mouseover and onclick popup's for marker and all vector elements
- css had top:64px now it has 0px so the map can take the whole available space
- Added polygon element
- Added polyline element
- Error handling for circle-element
- Error handling for marker-element
- Added layer groups