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Local clusters

When working on compliantkubernetes-apps it is possible to work with local clusters running on kind.

This requires that kind is installed and that either podman or docker is available and setup to work with kind.



Ensure your KUBECONFIG variable is not pointing to a config that you don't want to get edited by kind.


Ensure your inotify limits are high enough else pods might fail with the "too many open files" or similar

sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_instances # at least 1024 recommended
sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches   # at least 102400 recommended


With rootless podman or docker ensure your unprivileged port limit starts at 53.

sysctl net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start # expected at 53


In its current state the local cluster is created to be either SC or WC, and currently the scripts does not support setting up both a SC and WC. To setup two independent clusters the following must be changed manually:

  1. the kind-config/local-cluster-profile must not bind the ingress controller to the same address, and
  2. the node-local-dns/local-resolve config must be updated to point towards the correct clusters.


Since local clusters are effectively ephemeral they can pull a lot of images and kind has no build in system to manage images. So, for the local clusters script there are commands to create and delete local pull through registry caches for a few upstream registries. Commands to do so is ./scripts/ cache <create|delete>, then one can make use of the local cluster profiles <single|multi>-node-cache that are prepared to use it by default.

# with CK8S_CONFIG_PATH and CK8S_PGP_FP set
./scripts/ config <name> <apps-flavor> <domain>
./scripts/ create <name> <kind-config|local-cluster-profile> # use list profiles to see built-in configs

This will configure apps with ck8sCloudProvider: none and ck8sFlavor: <apps-flavor> and set some default values to run on local clusters. By default it will use calico for networking, local-path-provisioner for block storage, and minio for object storage.

The configuration contains some set-me's that must be configured manually.



Setting up ingresses properly requires some additional steps documented later in this section.


If you are using Docker and deploying the allow-coredns network policy in the networkpolicy/common chart DNS resolution will stop working. This seems to be because Kind uses a user-defined Docker network which in turn uses an embedded DNS server that isn't actually listening on port 53. To solve this remove the port 53 restriction from the allow-coredns egress network policy and things should start working again.

Manage apps by using helmfile directly and with needs it will pull in all required releases:

# for service cluster
helmfile -e service_cluster <operation> --selector app=<application> --include-transitive-needs
# for workload cluster
helmfile -e workload_cluster <operation> --selector app=<application> --include-transitive-needs


As written in the helmfile README: "All needs are written according to what is needed to get applications running not to get applications usable ...", this means that with --include-transitive-needs the dependencies that are pulled in are not complete themselves.

Example with Grafana: When app=grafana is installed we also get prometheus through needs, but we do not get other monitoring ServiceMonitors or PrometheusRules, as they are separate releases within app=prometheus.

Example with OpenSearch: When app=opensearch is installed we also get cert-manager through needs, but we do not get ClusterIssuers or Issuers, as they are separate releases within app=cert-manager.

So one have to be explicit about which features to install.

Use helmfile -e <service|workload>_cluster list to list all releases and to view their labels. By default all releases have name=<release-name> and chart=<chart-name> as predefined labels.

Enabling ingress and resolve requires a special setup. The ingress will by default be port-mapped on the local address The local clusters script provide commands to create and delete a local DNS server to resolve any domain on and to the same local address. Commands to do so is ./scripts/ resolve <create|delete> <domain>, matching the base domain of the cluster. Note that this will make a temporary override of your current DNS server, and you may need to rerun it if you network settings are reset.


To use podman with their aardvark DNS resolver the CoreDNS ConfigMap must be patched to prefer UDP, this is done automatically, but should DNS resolution fail you may need to check its config.


To use certificates from Let's Encrypt you must enable DNS-01 challenges in cert-manager. Remember to add the correct network policies, for Amazon Route 53 the IP range is:

Support matrix:

App SC WC Notes
calico 🟨️ 🟨️ Requires Cluster API settings to work.
cert-manager 🟩️ 🟩️
dex 🟩️ ⬜️ Does not pull in cert-manager or ingress-nginx. For full functionality use:
-lapp=cert-manager -lapp=dex -lapp=ingress-nginx -lapp=node-local-dns
external-dns 🟩️ 🟩️
falco 🟥️ 🟥️ Installs but cannot start due to lack of permissions inside Kind.
fluentd 🟩️ 🟩️
gatekeeper 🟩️ 🟩️
grafana 🟩️ ⬜️ Does not pull in cert-manager, dex, ingress-nginx, monitors, rules, or thanos. For full functionality use:
-lapp=cert-manager -lapp=dex -lapp=ingress-nginx -lapp=node-local-dns -lapp=prometheus
harbor 🟩️ ⬜️ Does not pull in dex or ingress-nginx. For full functionality use:
-lapp=cert-manager -lapp=dex -lapp=harbor -lapp=ingress-nginx -lapp=node-local-dns
hnc ⬜️ 🟩️
ingress-nginx 🟩️ 🟩️
kured 🟩️ 🟩️
node-local-dns 🟩️ 🟩️
opensearch 🟩️ ⬜️ Does not pull ingress-nginx. Prod flavour is heavy on resources. For full functionality use:
-lapp=cert-manager -lapp=dex -lapp=ingress-nginx -lapp=node-local-dns -lapp=opensearch
prometheus 🟩️ 🟩️
thanos 🟩️ ⬜️ Does not pull cert-manager, or ingress-nginx. For full functionality use:
-lapp=cert-manager -lapp=ingress-nginx-lapp=node-local-dns -lapp=opensearch -lapp=thanos
trivy-operator 🟩️ 🟩️
velero 🟩️ 🟩️

Key: 🟩️ Runs without issues, 🟨️ Runs with some issues, 🟥️ Does not run, ⬜️ Does not install by design.


# for service cluster
helmfile -e service_cluster destroy
# for workload cluster
helmfile -e workload_cluster destroy
# might need two tries if the first fails due to webhooks

helmfile -e local_cluster destroy

kubectl delete pvc --all -A

./scripts/ delete <name>

Code styling guidelines



  • Use Github flavored markdown.
  • One sentence per line - do not line break long sentences.


  • Naming conventions?
  • Line length limit (except for markdown)?


Tools for making development easier for everyone!

Set up git pre-commit hooks

Install pre-commit using pip:

# From the project root
sudo apt install python3-pip git rbenv
wget -qO- | sudo tar -J -xf - --strip-components=1 -C /usr/local/bin/ --no-anchored shellcheck
pip3 install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Note: pre-commit is usually installed at $HOME/.local/bin. Make sure it is on your PATH.

Some tests will now be performed on the staged files each commit.

To uninstall the pre-commit checks, remove the file at .git/hooks/pre-commit.

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Editor plugins

VS Code

Some recommended plugins:

  • timonwong.shellcheck
  • davidanson.vscode-markdownlint
  • redhat.vscode-yaml
  • editorconfig.editorconfig
  • signageos.vscode-sops

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