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File metadata and controls

167 lines (138 loc) · 4.91 KB


This addon adds links to open the source code of story or components in your editor.

Getting started


  • Storybook 8.0 or later

1. Install the addon.

npm install -D storybook-addon-source-link
# or
yarn add -D storybook-addon-source-link
# or
pnpm add -D storybook-addon-source-link

2. Register the addon in your Storybook configuration.

Then, register it as an addon in .storybook/main.js (or .storybook/main.ts).

// .storybook/main.ts
import type { StorybookConfig } from "@storybook/your-framework";

const config: StorybookConfig = {
  // of config
  addons: [
    // ...other addons

export default config;

3. (Optional) Configure the addon.

You can modify or add links using .storybook/preview.ts or the parameters of a Story.

import type { Preview } from "@storybook/react";
import {
  type SourceLinkParameter,
} from "storybook-addon-source-link";

const preview: Preview = {
  parameters: {
    // ...other parameters
    sourceLink: {
      links: {
        // override addon's default link
        "story-vscode": ({ importPath, rootPath, isStaticBuild }) => {
          if (isStaticBuild) return undefined;
          if (!rootPath) return undefined;
          const fileUrl = getFileUrl(rootPath, importPath);
          const href = `vscode://${fileUrl.href}`;
          return {
            label: importPath.split("/").at(-1) ?? "",
            icon: "StorybookIcon",

        // add a new link type
        "story-github": ({ importPath, rootPath }) => {
          if (!rootPath) return undefined;
          const href = `${importPath.replace(
          return {
            label: importPath,
            icon: "GithubIcon",
    } satisfies SourceLinkParameter,

export default preview;



This addon contributes the following parameters to Storybook, under the sourceLink namespace.


Storybook parameters can be specified at the story, component, and global levels, and are merged for each value.


Type: { [key: string]: LinkEntry | undefined | ((context: ResolveContext) => LinkEntry | undefined) }

If undefined is returned, the link will not be added.

  • ResolveContext:
    • rootPath: The path to the root directory of the source files. e.g. "/Users/username/project". If isStaticBuild is true, this value is "".
    • isStaticBuild: Whether the Storybook is built statically.
    • type: The type of entry. "story" or "docs".
    • importPath: The path to the source file. e.g. "./src/stories/Button.tsx"
    • id: The ID of the story. e.g. "example-button--primary"
    • title: The title of the story or the component. e.g. "Example/Button"
    • name: The name of the story. e.g. "Primary"
    • tags: The tags of the story. e.g. ["autodocs"]
  • LinkEntry:
    • label: The label of the link.
    • href: The URL of the link.
    • icon: (Optional) The icon name in @storybook/icons
    • type: (Optional) The type of the link.
      • "link": The link will be opened in the same tab.
      • "linkBlank": (default) The link will be opened in a new tab. Added target="_blank" to the link.
      • "copy": The link will be copied to the clipboard.
    • order: (Optional) When order is specified, it will be sorted in ascending order. The default value is 0.

Preset settings provided by the addon

// preview.tsx

const preview: Preview = {
  parameters: {
    sourceLink: {
      links: {
        "component-vscode": ({ importPath, rootPath }) => {
          if (!rootPath) return undefined;
          const componentPath = importPath.replace(/\.stories\.tsx?$/, ".tsx");
          const componentFileUrl = getFileUrl(rootPath, componentPath);
          return {
            label: componentPath,
            href: `vscode://${componentFileUrl.href}`,
            icon: "VSCodeIcon",
        "story-vscode": ({ importPath, rootPath }) => {
          if (!rootPath) return undefined;
          const fileUrl = getFileUrl(rootPath, importPath);
          const href = `vscode://${fileUrl.href}`;
          return {
            label: importPath,
            icon: "VSCodeIcon",
        "addon-powered-by": {
          label: "Powered by addon-source-link",
          href: "",
          order: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,
          icon: "InfoIcon",
    } satisfies SourceLinkParameter,