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Apr 2, 2024

Outreach WG

Electron's Outreach Working Group is responsible for managing Electron's community presence through social media, the official Electron blog, the community Discord server, and usergroups (e.g. Electron China).

The Outreach WG also manages relations between Electron governance and apps or developers interested in participating in maintenance or otherwise contributing to the open source process.

It also manages Electron's presence at in-person and online developer spaces (e.g. tech conferences, open source programs, etc.)


Avatar Name Role Time Zone
@erickzhao Erick Zhao @erickzhao Chair PT (Vancouver)
@BlackHole1 Kevin Cui @BlackHole1 Member BJT (Hangzhou)
@bnb Tierney Cyren @bnb Member ET (New York City)
@ckerr Charles Kerr @ckerr Member CT (New Orleans)
@dsanders11 David Sanders @dsanders11 Member PT (Santa Barbara)
@felixrieseberg Felix Rieseberg @felixrieseberg Member PT (San Francisco)
@marshallofsound Samuel Attard @MarshallOfSound Member PT (Vancouver)
@VerteDinde Keeley Hammond @VerteDinde Member PT (Portland)
@alicelovescake Alice Zhao @alicelovescake Member PT (San Francisco)

Emeritus Members

Emeritus Members
Avatar Name Role Time Zone
@sofianguy Sofia Nguy @sofianguy Member PT (San Francisco)
@erikmellum Erik Mellum @erikmellum Member PT (Chico)
@BinaryMuse Michelle Tilley @BinaryMuse Member PT (San Francisco)
@tonyganch Tony Ganch @tonyganch Member CET (Prague)

Membership Requirements

Becoming a member

Anyone interested in supporting the Electron community is invited to consider joining this working group. Possible inductees need to be approved by a 2/3 majority vote of existing working group members.

Membership requirements

Being an active member of this working group requires that you actively participate in Electron's outreach efforts. Unlike other working groups, our mandate is broad and the ways in which you could support the Electron community are manyfold. With that in mind, membership requirements are equally roomy:

  • We expect members to regularly attend working group meetings
  • We expect members to actively devote time or other resources to outreach work on an ongoing basis

Examples for work include writing or improving onboarding documentation, meeting and communicating with companies building apps on top of Electron, organizing conferences or meetups, or answering developer questions on social media. Helping developers building apps with Electron and community members interested in contributing to Electron can take on countless forms.

WG Removal Policy

If a sitting member of the WG has not been active in a meaningful way for at least one month, the WG may vote to remove them from its set of sitting members.

This is done primarily to ensure that there are no open avenues of compromise for the project given that the Outreach WG confers notable permissions.

Meeting Schedule

  • Sync Meeting 60 min meeting every other Monday @ 18:00 UTC

Meeting notes may be viewed in meeting-notes.