All URIs are relative to https://elements.local
Method | HTTP request | Description |
abortTask | POST /api/2/tasks/{id}/abort | |
createJob | POST /api/2/jobs | |
createSchedule | POST /api/2/schedules | |
createSubtask | POST /api/2/subtasks | |
deleteFinishedTasks | DELETE /api/2/tasks/finished | |
deleteJob | DELETE /api/2/jobs/{id} | |
deleteSchedule | DELETE /api/2/schedules/{id} | |
deleteSubtask | DELETE /api/2/subtasks/{id} | |
deleteTask | DELETE /api/2/tasks/{id} | |
downloadAllTaskLogs | GET /api/2/tasks/logs/download | |
downloadTaskLog | GET /api/2/tasks/{id}/log/download | |
exportJob | GET /api/2/jobs/{id}/export | |
getAllEvents | GET /api/2/events | |
getAllJobs | GET /api/2/jobs | |
getAllSchedules | GET /api/2/schedules | |
getAllSubtasks | GET /api/2/subtasks | |
getAllTaskQueues | GET /api/2/tasks/queues | |
getAllTaskTypes | GET /api/2/tasks/types | |
getAllTasks | GET /api/2/tasks | |
getEvent | GET /api/2/events/{id} | |
getFinishedTasks | GET /api/2/tasks/finished | |
getJob | GET /api/2/jobs/{id} | |
getPendingTasks | GET /api/2/tasks/pending | |
getPythonEnvironments | GET /api/2/python/environments | |
getSchedule | GET /api/2/schedules/{id} | |
getSubtask | GET /api/2/subtasks/{id} | |
getTask | GET /api/2/tasks/{id} | |
getTaskLog | GET /api/2/tasks/{id}/log | |
getTaskType | GET /api/2/tasks/types/{type} | |
getTasksSummary | GET /api/2/tasks/summary | |
importJob | POST /api/2/jobs/import | |
killAllPendingTasks | DELETE /api/2/tasks/pending | |
killTask | POST /api/2/tasks/{id}/kill | |
patchJob | PATCH /api/2/jobs/{id} | |
patchSchedule | PATCH /api/2/schedules/{id} | |
patchSubtask | PATCH /api/2/subtasks/{id} | |
restartTask | POST /api/2/tasks/{id}/restart | |
startJob | POST /api/2/jobs/{id}/start | |
startTask | POST /api/2/tasks/start | |
updateJob | PUT /api/2/jobs/{id} | |
updateSchedule | PUT /api/2/schedules/{id} | |
updateSubtask | PUT /api/2/subtasks/{id} |
open class func abortTask( id: String) -> Promise<Void>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = "id_example" // String | A unique value identifying this task info.
AutomationAPI.abortTask(id: id).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | A unique value identifying this task info. |
Void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: Not defined
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open class func createJob( jobUpdate: JobUpdate) -> Promise<Job>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let jobUpdate = JobUpdate(subtasks: [SubtaskReference(id: 123, kwargs: "TODO", graphLayout: "TODO", validationError: "validationError_example", trigger: "trigger_example", name: "name_example", noopDontSave: false, noConcurrency: false, timeout: 123, logVariable: false, task: "task_example", conditionVariable: "conditionVariable_example", conditionValue: "conditionValue_example", sync: false, queue: "queue_example", enqueueAtFront: false, parent: 123, relativeTo: 123)], schedules: [ScheduleReference(id: 123, variables: "TODO", nextRun: Date(), type: 123, enabled: false, lastRun: Date(), every: 123, period: "period_example", crontabDayOfMonth: "crontabDayOfMonth_example", crontabDayOfWeek: "crontabDayOfWeek_example", crontabHour: "crontabHour_example", crontabMinute: "crontabMinute_example", crontabMonthOfYear: "crontabMonthOfYear_example", job: 123)], allowUsers: [ElementsUserReference(id: 123, ancillaryPath: "ancillaryPath_example", ancillaryPathReadOnly: "ancillaryPathReadOnly_example", allowChangingPassword: false, allowWanLogin: false, allowedFsPaths: ["allowedFsPaths_example"], allowedFsWritePaths: ["allowedFsWritePaths_example"], avatar: "avatar_example", defaultPage: "defaultPage_example", displayName: "displayName_example", effectivePermissions: ["effectivePermissions_example"], email: "email_example", expiry: Date(), fmBookmarks: ["fmBookmarks_example"], fullName: "fullName_example", gid: 123, groupPermissions: ["groupPermissions_example"], hasPassword: false, home: 123, isExternal: false, isCloud: false, isCloudDefault: false, isEnabled: false, language: "language_example", lastSeen: Date(), ldap: 123, ldapDn: "ldapDn_example", passwordChangeRequired: false, permissions: ["permissions_example"], shaperCeiling: 123, shaperRate: 123, syncId: 123, totpEnabled: false, uid: 123, unixUsername: "unixUsername_example", username: "username_example")], allowGroups: [ElementsGroupReference(id: 123, permissions: ["permissions_example"], membersPreview: [MemberPreview(id: 123, avatar: "avatar_example", email: "email_example")], effectivePermissions: ["effectivePermissions_example"], ancillaryPath: "ancillaryPath_example", ancillaryPathReadOnly: "ancillaryPathReadOnly_example", name: "name_example", ldapDn: "ldapDn_example", unixGroupname: "unixGroupname_example", gid: 123, ldap: 123, members: [123])], variableDefinitions: ["TODO"], mediaRoots: [123], specialType: 123, name: "name_example", enabled: false, allowOthersToStart: false, allowClientToStart: false, showAsButton: false, inputType: "inputType_example", hook: "hook_example", webhookSecret: "webhookSecret_example", securityContext: 123, partOfWorkflowFor: 123) // JobUpdate |
AutomationAPI.createJob(jobUpdate: jobUpdate).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
jobUpdate | JobUpdate |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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open class func createSchedule( scheduleUpdate: ScheduleUpdate) -> Promise<Schedule>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let scheduleUpdate = ScheduleUpdate(variables: "TODO", type: 123, enabled: false, lastRun: Date(), every: 123, period: "period_example", crontabDayOfMonth: "crontabDayOfMonth_example", crontabDayOfWeek: "crontabDayOfWeek_example", crontabHour: "crontabHour_example", crontabMinute: "crontabMinute_example", crontabMonthOfYear: "crontabMonthOfYear_example", job: 123) // ScheduleUpdate |
AutomationAPI.createSchedule(scheduleUpdate: scheduleUpdate).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
scheduleUpdate | ScheduleUpdate |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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open class func createSubtask( subtaskUpdate: SubtaskUpdate) -> Promise<Subtask>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let subtaskUpdate = SubtaskUpdate(kwargs: "TODO", graphLayout: "TODO", trigger: "trigger_example", name: "name_example", noopDontSave: false, noConcurrency: false, timeout: 123, logVariable: false, task: "task_example", conditionVariable: "conditionVariable_example", conditionValue: "conditionValue_example", sync: false, queue: "queue_example", enqueueAtFront: false, parent: 123, relativeTo: 123) // SubtaskUpdate |
AutomationAPI.createSubtask(subtaskUpdate: subtaskUpdate).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
subtaskUpdate | SubtaskUpdate |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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open class func deleteFinishedTasks() -> Promise<Void>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
AutomationAPI.deleteFinishedTasks().then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: Not defined
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open class func deleteJob( id: Int) -> Promise<Void>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = 987 // Int | A unique integer value identifying this job.
AutomationAPI.deleteJob(id: id).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Int | A unique integer value identifying this job. |
Void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: Not defined
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open class func deleteSchedule( id: Int) -> Promise<Void>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = 987 // Int | A unique integer value identifying this schedule.
AutomationAPI.deleteSchedule(id: id).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Int | A unique integer value identifying this schedule. |
Void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: Not defined
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open class func deleteSubtask( id: Int) -> Promise<Void>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = 987 // Int | A unique integer value identifying this subtask.
AutomationAPI.deleteSubtask(id: id).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Int | A unique integer value identifying this subtask. |
Void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: Not defined
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open class func deleteTask( id: String) -> Promise<Void>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = "id_example" // String | A unique value identifying this task info.
AutomationAPI.deleteTask(id: id).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | A unique value identifying this task info. |
Void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: Not defined
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open class func downloadAllTaskLogs( jobInstance: String? = nil, jobInstanceIn: String? = nil, subtask: Double? = nil, state: String? = nil, stateIn: Double? = nil, id: String? = nil, idIn: String? = nil, name: String? = nil, taskName: String? = nil, ordering: String? = nil, limit: Int? = nil, offset: Int? = nil) -> Promise<Void>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let jobInstance = "jobInstance_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `job_instance`. (optional)
let jobInstanceIn = "jobInstanceIn_example" // String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
let subtask = 987 // Double | Filter the returned list by `subtask`. (optional)
let state = "state_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `state`. (optional)
let stateIn = 987 // Double | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
let id = "id_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `id`. (optional)
let idIn = "idIn_example" // String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
let name = "name_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `name`. (optional)
let taskName = "taskName_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `task_name`. (optional)
let ordering = "ordering_example" // String | Which field to use when ordering the results. (optional)
let limit = 987 // Int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
let offset = 987 // Int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
AutomationAPI.downloadAllTaskLogs(jobInstance: jobInstance, jobInstanceIn: jobInstanceIn, subtask: subtask, state: state, stateIn: stateIn, id: id, idIn: idIn, name: name, taskName: taskName, ordering: ordering, limit: limit, offset: offset).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
jobInstance | String | Filter the returned list by `job_instance`. | [optional] |
jobInstanceIn | String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional] |
subtask | Double | Filter the returned list by `subtask`. | [optional] |
state | String | Filter the returned list by `state`. | [optional] |
stateIn | Double | Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional] |
id | String | Filter the returned list by `id`. | [optional] |
idIn | String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional] |
name | String | Filter the returned list by `name`. | [optional] |
taskName | String | Filter the returned list by `task_name`. | [optional] |
ordering | String | Which field to use when ordering the results. | [optional] |
limit | Int | Number of results to return per page. | [optional] |
offset | Int | The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional] |
Void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: Not defined
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open class func downloadTaskLog( id: String) -> Promise<Void>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = "id_example" // String | A unique value identifying this task info.
AutomationAPI.downloadTaskLog(id: id).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | A unique value identifying this task info. |
Void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: Not defined
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open class func exportJob( id: Int) -> Promise<Void>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = 987 // Int | A unique integer value identifying this job.
AutomationAPI.exportJob(id: id).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Int | A unique integer value identifying this job. |
Void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: Not defined
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open class func getAllEvents( ordering: String? = nil, limit: Int? = nil, offset: Int? = nil) -> Promise<[Event]>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let ordering = "ordering_example" // String | Which field to use when ordering the results. (optional)
let limit = 987 // Int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
let offset = 987 // Int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
AutomationAPI.getAllEvents(ordering: ordering, limit: limit, offset: offset).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ordering | String | Which field to use when ordering the results. | [optional] |
limit | Int | Number of results to return per page. | [optional] |
offset | Int | The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func getAllJobs( specialType: String? = nil, specialTypeIsnull: String? = nil, hook: String? = nil, name: String? = nil, ordering: String? = nil, limit: Int? = nil, offset: Int? = nil) -> Promise<[Job]>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let specialType = "specialType_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `special_type`. (optional)
let specialTypeIsnull = "specialTypeIsnull_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `special_type__isnull`. (optional)
let hook = "hook_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `hook`. (optional)
let name = "name_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `name`. (optional)
let ordering = "ordering_example" // String | Which field to use when ordering the results. (optional)
let limit = 987 // Int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
let offset = 987 // Int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
AutomationAPI.getAllJobs(specialType: specialType, specialTypeIsnull: specialTypeIsnull, hook: hook, name: name, ordering: ordering, limit: limit, offset: offset).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
specialType | String | Filter the returned list by `special_type`. | [optional] |
specialTypeIsnull | String | Filter the returned list by `special_type__isnull`. | [optional] |
hook | String | Filter the returned list by `hook`. | [optional] |
name | String | Filter the returned list by `name`. | [optional] |
ordering | String | Which field to use when ordering the results. | [optional] |
limit | Int | Number of results to return per page. | [optional] |
offset | Int | The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func getAllSchedules( job: Double? = nil, ordering: String? = nil, limit: Int? = nil, offset: Int? = nil) -> Promise<[Schedule]>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let job = 987 // Double | Filter the returned list by `job`. (optional)
let ordering = "ordering_example" // String | Which field to use when ordering the results. (optional)
let limit = 987 // Int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
let offset = 987 // Int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
AutomationAPI.getAllSchedules(job: job, ordering: ordering, limit: limit, offset: offset).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
job | Double | Filter the returned list by `job`. | [optional] |
ordering | String | Which field to use when ordering the results. | [optional] |
limit | Int | Number of results to return per page. | [optional] |
offset | Int | The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func getAllSubtasks( parent: Double? = nil, ordering: String? = nil, limit: Int? = nil, offset: Int? = nil) -> Promise<[Subtask]>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let parent = 987 // Double | Filter the returned list by `parent`. (optional)
let ordering = "ordering_example" // String | Which field to use when ordering the results. (optional)
let limit = 987 // Int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
let offset = 987 // Int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
AutomationAPI.getAllSubtasks(parent: parent, ordering: ordering, limit: limit, offset: offset).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
parent | Double | Filter the returned list by `parent`. | [optional] |
ordering | String | Which field to use when ordering the results. | [optional] |
limit | Int | Number of results to return per page. | [optional] |
offset | Int | The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func getAllTaskQueues( ordering: String? = nil, limit: Int? = nil, offset: Int? = nil) -> Promise<[Queue]>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let ordering = "ordering_example" // String | Which field to use when ordering the results. (optional)
let limit = 987 // Int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
let offset = 987 // Int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
AutomationAPI.getAllTaskQueues(ordering: ordering, limit: limit, offset: offset).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ordering | String | Which field to use when ordering the results. | [optional] |
limit | Int | Number of results to return per page. | [optional] |
offset | Int | The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func getAllTaskTypes( ordering: String? = nil, limit: Int? = nil, offset: Int? = nil) -> Promise<[TaskType]>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let ordering = "ordering_example" // String | Which field to use when ordering the results. (optional)
let limit = 987 // Int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
let offset = 987 // Int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
AutomationAPI.getAllTaskTypes(ordering: ordering, limit: limit, offset: offset).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ordering | String | Which field to use when ordering the results. | [optional] |
limit | Int | Number of results to return per page. | [optional] |
offset | Int | The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func getAllTasks( jobInstance: String? = nil, jobInstanceIn: String? = nil, subtask: Double? = nil, state: String? = nil, stateIn: Double? = nil, id: String? = nil, idIn: String? = nil, name: String? = nil, taskName: String? = nil, ordering: String? = nil, limit: Int? = nil, offset: Int? = nil) -> Promise<[TaskInfo]>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let jobInstance = "jobInstance_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `job_instance`. (optional)
let jobInstanceIn = "jobInstanceIn_example" // String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
let subtask = 987 // Double | Filter the returned list by `subtask`. (optional)
let state = "state_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `state`. (optional)
let stateIn = 987 // Double | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
let id = "id_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `id`. (optional)
let idIn = "idIn_example" // String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
let name = "name_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `name`. (optional)
let taskName = "taskName_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `task_name`. (optional)
let ordering = "ordering_example" // String | Which field to use when ordering the results. (optional)
let limit = 987 // Int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
let offset = 987 // Int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
AutomationAPI.getAllTasks(jobInstance: jobInstance, jobInstanceIn: jobInstanceIn, subtask: subtask, state: state, stateIn: stateIn, id: id, idIn: idIn, name: name, taskName: taskName, ordering: ordering, limit: limit, offset: offset).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
jobInstance | String | Filter the returned list by `job_instance`. | [optional] |
jobInstanceIn | String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional] |
subtask | Double | Filter the returned list by `subtask`. | [optional] |
state | String | Filter the returned list by `state`. | [optional] |
stateIn | Double | Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional] |
id | String | Filter the returned list by `id`. | [optional] |
idIn | String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional] |
name | String | Filter the returned list by `name`. | [optional] |
taskName | String | Filter the returned list by `task_name`. | [optional] |
ordering | String | Which field to use when ordering the results. | [optional] |
limit | Int | Number of results to return per page. | [optional] |
offset | Int | The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func getEvent( id: String) -> Promise<Event>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = "id_example" // String |
AutomationAPI.getEvent(id: id).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func getFinishedTasks( jobInstance: String? = nil, jobInstanceIn: String? = nil, subtask: Double? = nil, state: String? = nil, stateIn: Double? = nil, id: String? = nil, idIn: String? = nil, name: String? = nil, taskName: String? = nil, ordering: String? = nil, limit: Int? = nil, offset: Int? = nil) -> Promise<[TaskInfo]>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let jobInstance = "jobInstance_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `job_instance`. (optional)
let jobInstanceIn = "jobInstanceIn_example" // String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
let subtask = 987 // Double | Filter the returned list by `subtask`. (optional)
let state = "state_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `state`. (optional)
let stateIn = 987 // Double | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
let id = "id_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `id`. (optional)
let idIn = "idIn_example" // String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
let name = "name_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `name`. (optional)
let taskName = "taskName_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `task_name`. (optional)
let ordering = "ordering_example" // String | Which field to use when ordering the results. (optional)
let limit = 987 // Int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
let offset = 987 // Int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
AutomationAPI.getFinishedTasks(jobInstance: jobInstance, jobInstanceIn: jobInstanceIn, subtask: subtask, state: state, stateIn: stateIn, id: id, idIn: idIn, name: name, taskName: taskName, ordering: ordering, limit: limit, offset: offset).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
jobInstance | String | Filter the returned list by `job_instance`. | [optional] |
jobInstanceIn | String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional] |
subtask | Double | Filter the returned list by `subtask`. | [optional] |
state | String | Filter the returned list by `state`. | [optional] |
stateIn | Double | Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional] |
id | String | Filter the returned list by `id`. | [optional] |
idIn | String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional] |
name | String | Filter the returned list by `name`. | [optional] |
taskName | String | Filter the returned list by `task_name`. | [optional] |
ordering | String | Which field to use when ordering the results. | [optional] |
limit | Int | Number of results to return per page. | [optional] |
offset | Int | The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func getJob( id: Int) -> Promise<Job>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = 987 // Int | A unique integer value identifying this job.
AutomationAPI.getJob(id: id).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Int | A unique integer value identifying this job. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func getPendingTasks( jobInstance: String? = nil, jobInstanceIn: String? = nil, subtask: Double? = nil, state: String? = nil, stateIn: Double? = nil, id: String? = nil, idIn: String? = nil, name: String? = nil, taskName: String? = nil, ordering: String? = nil, limit: Int? = nil, offset: Int? = nil) -> Promise<[TaskInfo]>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let jobInstance = "jobInstance_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `job_instance`. (optional)
let jobInstanceIn = "jobInstanceIn_example" // String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
let subtask = 987 // Double | Filter the returned list by `subtask`. (optional)
let state = "state_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `state`. (optional)
let stateIn = 987 // Double | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
let id = "id_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `id`. (optional)
let idIn = "idIn_example" // String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
let name = "name_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `name`. (optional)
let taskName = "taskName_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `task_name`. (optional)
let ordering = "ordering_example" // String | Which field to use when ordering the results. (optional)
let limit = 987 // Int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
let offset = 987 // Int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
AutomationAPI.getPendingTasks(jobInstance: jobInstance, jobInstanceIn: jobInstanceIn, subtask: subtask, state: state, stateIn: stateIn, id: id, idIn: idIn, name: name, taskName: taskName, ordering: ordering, limit: limit, offset: offset).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
jobInstance | String | Filter the returned list by `job_instance`. | [optional] |
jobInstanceIn | String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional] |
subtask | Double | Filter the returned list by `subtask`. | [optional] |
state | String | Filter the returned list by `state`. | [optional] |
stateIn | Double | Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional] |
id | String | Filter the returned list by `id`. | [optional] |
idIn | String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional] |
name | String | Filter the returned list by `name`. | [optional] |
taskName | String | Filter the returned list by `task_name`. | [optional] |
ordering | String | Which field to use when ordering the results. | [optional] |
limit | Int | Number of results to return per page. | [optional] |
offset | Int | The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func getPythonEnvironments() -> Promise<[PythonEnvironment]>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
AutomationAPI.getPythonEnvironments().then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func getSchedule( id: Int) -> Promise<Schedule>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = 987 // Int | A unique integer value identifying this schedule.
AutomationAPI.getSchedule(id: id).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Int | A unique integer value identifying this schedule. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func getSubtask( id: Int) -> Promise<Subtask>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = 987 // Int | A unique integer value identifying this subtask.
AutomationAPI.getSubtask(id: id).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Int | A unique integer value identifying this subtask. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func getTask( id: String) -> Promise<TaskInfo>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = "id_example" // String | A unique value identifying this task info.
AutomationAPI.getTask(id: id).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | A unique value identifying this task info. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func getTaskLog( id: String) -> Promise<TaskLog>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = "id_example" // String | A unique value identifying this task info.
AutomationAPI.getTaskLog(id: id).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | A unique value identifying this task info. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func getTaskType( type: String) -> Promise<TaskType>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let type = "type_example" // String |
AutomationAPI.getTaskType(type: type).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
type | String |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func getTasksSummary( jobInstance: String? = nil, jobInstanceIn: String? = nil, subtask: Double? = nil, state: String? = nil, stateIn: Double? = nil, id: String? = nil, idIn: String? = nil, name: String? = nil, taskName: String? = nil, ordering: String? = nil, limit: Int? = nil, offset: Int? = nil) -> Promise<TasksSummary>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let jobInstance = "jobInstance_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `job_instance`. (optional)
let jobInstanceIn = "jobInstanceIn_example" // String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
let subtask = 987 // Double | Filter the returned list by `subtask`. (optional)
let state = "state_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `state`. (optional)
let stateIn = 987 // Double | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
let id = "id_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `id`. (optional)
let idIn = "idIn_example" // String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
let name = "name_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `name`. (optional)
let taskName = "taskName_example" // String | Filter the returned list by `task_name`. (optional)
let ordering = "ordering_example" // String | Which field to use when ordering the results. (optional)
let limit = 987 // Int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
let offset = 987 // Int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
AutomationAPI.getTasksSummary(jobInstance: jobInstance, jobInstanceIn: jobInstanceIn, subtask: subtask, state: state, stateIn: stateIn, id: id, idIn: idIn, name: name, taskName: taskName, ordering: ordering, limit: limit, offset: offset).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
jobInstance | String | Filter the returned list by `job_instance`. | [optional] |
jobInstanceIn | String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional] |
subtask | Double | Filter the returned list by `subtask`. | [optional] |
state | String | Filter the returned list by `state`. | [optional] |
stateIn | Double | Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional] |
id | String | Filter the returned list by `id`. | [optional] |
idIn | String | Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional] |
name | String | Filter the returned list by `name`. | [optional] |
taskName | String | Filter the returned list by `task_name`. | [optional] |
ordering | String | Which field to use when ordering the results. | [optional] |
limit | Int | Number of results to return per page. | [optional] |
offset | Int | The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func importJob( importJobRequest: ImportJobRequest) -> Promise<ImportJobResponse>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let importJobRequest = ImportJobRequest(content: "content_example", replace: false, rename: "rename_example") // ImportJobRequest |
AutomationAPI.importJob(importJobRequest: importJobRequest).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
importJobRequest | ImportJobRequest |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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open class func killAllPendingTasks() -> Promise<Void>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
AutomationAPI.killAllPendingTasks().then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: Not defined
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open class func killTask( id: String) -> Promise<Void>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = "id_example" // String | A unique value identifying this task info.
AutomationAPI.killTask(id: id).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | A unique value identifying this task info. |
Void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: Not defined
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open class func patchJob( id: Int, jobPartialUpdate: JobPartialUpdate) -> Promise<Job>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = 987 // Int | A unique integer value identifying this job.
let jobPartialUpdate = JobPartialUpdate(subtasks: [SubtaskReference(id: 123, kwargs: "TODO", graphLayout: "TODO", validationError: "validationError_example", trigger: "trigger_example", name: "name_example", noopDontSave: false, noConcurrency: false, timeout: 123, logVariable: false, task: "task_example", conditionVariable: "conditionVariable_example", conditionValue: "conditionValue_example", sync: false, queue: "queue_example", enqueueAtFront: false, parent: 123, relativeTo: 123)], schedules: [ScheduleReference(id: 123, variables: "TODO", nextRun: Date(), type: 123, enabled: false, lastRun: Date(), every: 123, period: "period_example", crontabDayOfMonth: "crontabDayOfMonth_example", crontabDayOfWeek: "crontabDayOfWeek_example", crontabHour: "crontabHour_example", crontabMinute: "crontabMinute_example", crontabMonthOfYear: "crontabMonthOfYear_example", job: 123)], allowUsers: [ElementsUserReference(id: 123, ancillaryPath: "ancillaryPath_example", ancillaryPathReadOnly: "ancillaryPathReadOnly_example", allowChangingPassword: false, allowWanLogin: false, allowedFsPaths: ["allowedFsPaths_example"], allowedFsWritePaths: ["allowedFsWritePaths_example"], avatar: "avatar_example", defaultPage: "defaultPage_example", displayName: "displayName_example", effectivePermissions: ["effectivePermissions_example"], email: "email_example", expiry: Date(), fmBookmarks: ["fmBookmarks_example"], fullName: "fullName_example", gid: 123, groupPermissions: ["groupPermissions_example"], hasPassword: false, home: 123, isExternal: false, isCloud: false, isCloudDefault: false, isEnabled: false, language: "language_example", lastSeen: Date(), ldap: 123, ldapDn: "ldapDn_example", passwordChangeRequired: false, permissions: ["permissions_example"], shaperCeiling: 123, shaperRate: 123, syncId: 123, totpEnabled: false, uid: 123, unixUsername: "unixUsername_example", username: "username_example")], allowGroups: [ElementsGroupReference(id: 123, permissions: ["permissions_example"], membersPreview: [MemberPreview(id: 123, avatar: "avatar_example", email: "email_example")], effectivePermissions: ["effectivePermissions_example"], ancillaryPath: "ancillaryPath_example", ancillaryPathReadOnly: "ancillaryPathReadOnly_example", name: "name_example", ldapDn: "ldapDn_example", unixGroupname: "unixGroupname_example", gid: 123, ldap: 123, members: [123])], variableDefinitions: ["TODO"], mediaRoots: [123], specialType: 123, name: "name_example", enabled: false, allowOthersToStart: false, allowClientToStart: false, showAsButton: false, inputType: "inputType_example", hook: "hook_example", webhookSecret: "webhookSecret_example", securityContext: 123, partOfWorkflowFor: 123) // JobPartialUpdate |
AutomationAPI.patchJob(id: id, jobPartialUpdate: jobPartialUpdate).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Int | A unique integer value identifying this job. | |
jobPartialUpdate | JobPartialUpdate |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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open class func patchSchedule( id: Int, schedulePartialUpdate: SchedulePartialUpdate) -> Promise<Schedule>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = 987 // Int | A unique integer value identifying this schedule.
let schedulePartialUpdate = SchedulePartialUpdate(variables: "TODO", type: 123, enabled: false, lastRun: Date(), every: 123, period: "period_example", crontabDayOfMonth: "crontabDayOfMonth_example", crontabDayOfWeek: "crontabDayOfWeek_example", crontabHour: "crontabHour_example", crontabMinute: "crontabMinute_example", crontabMonthOfYear: "crontabMonthOfYear_example", job: 123) // SchedulePartialUpdate |
AutomationAPI.patchSchedule(id: id, schedulePartialUpdate: schedulePartialUpdate).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Int | A unique integer value identifying this schedule. | |
schedulePartialUpdate | SchedulePartialUpdate |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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open class func patchSubtask( id: Int, subtaskPartialUpdate: SubtaskPartialUpdate) -> Promise<Subtask>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = 987 // Int | A unique integer value identifying this subtask.
let subtaskPartialUpdate = SubtaskPartialUpdate(kwargs: "TODO", graphLayout: "TODO", trigger: "trigger_example", name: "name_example", noopDontSave: false, noConcurrency: false, timeout: 123, logVariable: false, task: "task_example", conditionVariable: "conditionVariable_example", conditionValue: "conditionValue_example", sync: false, queue: "queue_example", enqueueAtFront: false, parent: 123, relativeTo: 123) // SubtaskPartialUpdate |
AutomationAPI.patchSubtask(id: id, subtaskPartialUpdate: subtaskPartialUpdate).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Int | A unique integer value identifying this subtask. | |
subtaskPartialUpdate | SubtaskPartialUpdate |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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open class func restartTask( id: String) -> Promise<TaskInfo>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = "id_example" // String | A unique value identifying this task info.
AutomationAPI.restartTask(id: id).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | A unique value identifying this task info. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func startJob( id: Int, startJobRequest: StartJobRequest) -> Promise<[TaskInfo]>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = 987 // Int | A unique integer value identifying this job.
let startJobRequest = StartJobRequest(variables: "TODO", secret: "secret_example") // StartJobRequest |
AutomationAPI.startJob(id: id, startJobRequest: startJobRequest).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Int | A unique integer value identifying this job. | |
startJobRequest | StartJobRequest |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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open class func startTask( startTaskRequest: StartTaskRequest) -> Promise<TaskInfo>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let startTaskRequest = StartTaskRequest(taskType: "taskType_example", parameters: "TODO", sync: false) // StartTaskRequest |
AutomationAPI.startTask(startTaskRequest: startTaskRequest).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
startTaskRequest | StartTaskRequest |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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open class func updateJob( id: Int, jobUpdate: JobUpdate) -> Promise<Job>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = 987 // Int | A unique integer value identifying this job.
let jobUpdate = JobUpdate(subtasks: [SubtaskReference(id: 123, kwargs: "TODO", graphLayout: "TODO", validationError: "validationError_example", trigger: "trigger_example", name: "name_example", noopDontSave: false, noConcurrency: false, timeout: 123, logVariable: false, task: "task_example", conditionVariable: "conditionVariable_example", conditionValue: "conditionValue_example", sync: false, queue: "queue_example", enqueueAtFront: false, parent: 123, relativeTo: 123)], schedules: [ScheduleReference(id: 123, variables: "TODO", nextRun: Date(), type: 123, enabled: false, lastRun: Date(), every: 123, period: "period_example", crontabDayOfMonth: "crontabDayOfMonth_example", crontabDayOfWeek: "crontabDayOfWeek_example", crontabHour: "crontabHour_example", crontabMinute: "crontabMinute_example", crontabMonthOfYear: "crontabMonthOfYear_example", job: 123)], allowUsers: [ElementsUserReference(id: 123, ancillaryPath: "ancillaryPath_example", ancillaryPathReadOnly: "ancillaryPathReadOnly_example", allowChangingPassword: false, allowWanLogin: false, allowedFsPaths: ["allowedFsPaths_example"], allowedFsWritePaths: ["allowedFsWritePaths_example"], avatar: "avatar_example", defaultPage: "defaultPage_example", displayName: "displayName_example", effectivePermissions: ["effectivePermissions_example"], email: "email_example", expiry: Date(), fmBookmarks: ["fmBookmarks_example"], fullName: "fullName_example", gid: 123, groupPermissions: ["groupPermissions_example"], hasPassword: false, home: 123, isExternal: false, isCloud: false, isCloudDefault: false, isEnabled: false, language: "language_example", lastSeen: Date(), ldap: 123, ldapDn: "ldapDn_example", passwordChangeRequired: false, permissions: ["permissions_example"], shaperCeiling: 123, shaperRate: 123, syncId: 123, totpEnabled: false, uid: 123, unixUsername: "unixUsername_example", username: "username_example")], allowGroups: [ElementsGroupReference(id: 123, permissions: ["permissions_example"], membersPreview: [MemberPreview(id: 123, avatar: "avatar_example", email: "email_example")], effectivePermissions: ["effectivePermissions_example"], ancillaryPath: "ancillaryPath_example", ancillaryPathReadOnly: "ancillaryPathReadOnly_example", name: "name_example", ldapDn: "ldapDn_example", unixGroupname: "unixGroupname_example", gid: 123, ldap: 123, members: [123])], variableDefinitions: ["TODO"], mediaRoots: [123], specialType: 123, name: "name_example", enabled: false, allowOthersToStart: false, allowClientToStart: false, showAsButton: false, inputType: "inputType_example", hook: "hook_example", webhookSecret: "webhookSecret_example", securityContext: 123, partOfWorkflowFor: 123) // JobUpdate |
AutomationAPI.updateJob(id: id, jobUpdate: jobUpdate).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Int | A unique integer value identifying this job. | |
jobUpdate | JobUpdate |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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open class func updateSchedule( id: Int, scheduleUpdate: ScheduleUpdate) -> Promise<Schedule>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = 987 // Int | A unique integer value identifying this schedule.
let scheduleUpdate = ScheduleUpdate(variables: "TODO", type: 123, enabled: false, lastRun: Date(), every: 123, period: "period_example", crontabDayOfMonth: "crontabDayOfMonth_example", crontabDayOfWeek: "crontabDayOfWeek_example", crontabHour: "crontabHour_example", crontabMinute: "crontabMinute_example", crontabMonthOfYear: "crontabMonthOfYear_example", job: 123) // ScheduleUpdate |
AutomationAPI.updateSchedule(id: id, scheduleUpdate: scheduleUpdate).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Int | A unique integer value identifying this schedule. | |
scheduleUpdate | ScheduleUpdate |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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open class func updateSubtask( id: Int, subtaskUpdate: SubtaskUpdate) -> Promise<Subtask>
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ElementsSDK
let id = 987 // Int | A unique integer value identifying this subtask.
let subtaskUpdate = SubtaskUpdate(kwargs: "TODO", graphLayout: "TODO", trigger: "trigger_example", name: "name_example", noopDontSave: false, noConcurrency: false, timeout: 123, logVariable: false, task: "task_example", conditionVariable: "conditionVariable_example", conditionValue: "conditionValue_example", sync: false, queue: "queue_example", enqueueAtFront: false, parent: 123, relativeTo: 123) // SubtaskUpdate |
AutomationAPI.updateSubtask(id: id, subtaskUpdate: subtaskUpdate).then {
// when the promise is fulfilled
}.always {
// regardless of whether the promise is fulfilled, or rejected
}.catch { errorType in
// when the promise is rejected
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Int | A unique integer value identifying this subtask. | |
subtaskUpdate | SubtaskUpdate |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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