- Fix it so that it will replace existing .app files (Or at least warn and not do it unless -f is passed)
- Clean up warnings in desktop.xcodeproj
- Figure out a better workflow such that you can npm link shrinkray locally and it will work
- Get draw.io wrapped once we have the embedded server. Also strip draw.io down even further to make it lean
- Consider making Shrinkray's design goals being to make desktop style javascript apps easy to make, but also if made easy to host in a standard container that provides the same APIs as on desktop (Menus, file save/load, etc)'
- Get a domain?
- io domain?
- shrinkrayjs.org?
- Add support for generating .dmg and .pkg
- Add support for .shrinkray file that specifies things like:
- icons
- app name
- file extensions
- Reference: electron-builder
- Research other similar approaches before spending too much time on this
- https://nodekit.io/ (This looks pretty impressive)
- Create npm module and cli that gets basic functionality working
- Build in an HTTP server, and host files via http://localhost: instead of file:///<path-to-index.html>