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CSCI 3366 Programming Languages

Spring 2017

R. Muller

Lecture Notes: 4


Getting Started with OCaml Part 2: Structured Types & Recursive Functions

  1. Structured Types
  2. Recursive Functions
  3. Functions are Values Part 1

In the previous section, we learned the basics of OCaml, the basic data types, operators etc. In this section we're going to explore OCaml's built-in structured types, ways to make new types and how to process data of unbounded size using recursive functions.

1. Structured Types###


# let pair = (1 + 2, Char.chr 65);;
val pair : int * char = (3, 'A')                (* int * char is -product- type *)

# fst pair;;                                    (* fst : 'a * 'b -> 'a is pervasive *)
- : int = 3

# snd pair;;
- : char = 'A'

# let (n, a) = pair;                             (* matching pattern (n, a) against pair *)
val n : int = 3
val a : char = 'A'


# type point = {x : int; y : int};;              (* x and y are field labels *)
type point = {x : int; y : int}

# let p = {x = 2 * 2; y = 8};;
val p : point = {x = 4; y = 8}

# p.x;;
- : int = 4

# let {x; y} = p;;
val x : int = 4
val y : int = 8


Sum types are especially important in programming languages. They're sometimes called union types and sometimes called variants.

# type fruit = Apple | Lemon | Tomato | Lime;;
type fruit = Apple | Lemon | Tomato | Lime

# let t = Tomato;;
val t : fruit = Tomato

We can think of Apple, Lemon, Tomato and Lime as a complete enumeration of the constants of type fruit. OCaml has a powerful match form for processing values of sum type.

(* isCitrus : fruit -> bool
let isCitrus fruit =
  match fruit with
  | Apple  -> false
  | Lemon  -> true
  | Tomato -> false
  | Lime   -> true
let isCitrus fruit =         (* slightly more succinct *)
  match fruit with
  | Lemon | Lime -> true
  | _ -> false
type herb = Basil | Celery | Banana

type food = Fruit of fruit | Herb of herb

The symbols Fruit and Herb are constructors. We can think of the Fruit constructor as a function from fruit to food — if you apply it to a value of type fruit, it returns a value of type food.

# let aBite = Fruit Tomato;;
val aBite : food = Fruit Tomato

(* tomLikes : food -> bool                   Tom likes Apples and Celery
let tomLikes food =
  match food with
  | Fruit fruit -> (match fruit with | Apple  -> true | _ -> false)
  | Herb  herb  -> (match herb  with | Celery -> true | _ -> false)


# Apple :: [];;
- : fruit list = [Apple]

The operator ::, called "cons", is a built-in list constructor that accepts a list element and a list and returns a new list with one new element. When we type ordinary user-friendly list notation:

[Lime; Apple]

OCaml views it as a sequence of conses ending in the empty list [] called "nil".

# Lime :: Apple :: [];;
- : fruit list = [Lime; Apple]
# let fruits = [Lime; Apple];;
val fruits : fruit list = [Lime; Apple]

# let head :: tail = fruits;;                 (* matching a cons *)
val head : fruit = Lime
val tail : fruit list = [Apple]               (* the tail of a list is a list! *)

# List.length fruits;;
- : int = 2

Lists are polymorphic — they can hold values of any type as long as all the values in the list are of the same type. What if we want a list of floats and ints together? Must make a combining type:

type number = Float of float | Int of int

# let numbers = [Float 3.14; Int 343; Float 0.5];;
val numbers : number list = [Float 3.14; Int 343; Float 0.5]

2. Recursive Functions

The type list is defined in OCaml as a recursive sum of products (!). Roughly speaking:

type 'a list = [] | :: of 'a * 'a list

In this notation, the symbol 'a is a type variable standing for any type. The larger "definition" is really just a slogan suggesting how lists work, the actual type is built-in as a special case because it is so ubiquitous.

# let foods = [Fruit Lemon; Herb Banana; Fruit Lime; Fruit Apple];;
val foods : food list = [Fruit Lemon; Herb Banana; Fruit Lime; Fruit Apple]

(* countFruits : food list -> int
let rec countFruits foods =
  match foods with
  | [] -> 0
  | (Fruit _) :: foods -> 1 + countFruits foods       (* NB: recycling the variable name foods! *)
  | _ :: foods -> countFruits foods

Key Idea

when writing a function that processes a value of a recursive type, one can often solve a major sub-problem by applying the function recursively to those parts of the value that are defined recursively in the type.

(* append : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
   For a call (append xs ys), this function definition is linear in (List.length xs).
let rec append xs ys =
  match xs with
  | [] -> ys
  | x :: xs -> x :: append xs ys
(* reverse : 'a list -> 'a list

   For a call a (reverse xs), this function is QUADRATIC in (List.length xs). Why? It calls
   a linear function a linear number of times. Not good!
let rec reverse xs =
  match xs with
  | [] -> []
  | x :: xs -> append (reverse xs) [x]
(* A more efficient, tail-recursive version. This version is LINEAR in (List.length xs) 
let reverse xs =
  let rec loop xs answer =
    match xs with
    | [] -> answer
    | x :: xs -> loop xs (x :: answer)
  loop xs []
(* copy : 'a -> int -> 'a list
let rec copy item n =
  match n = 0 with
  | true  -> []
  | false -> item :: copy item (n - 1)
(* nth : int -> 'a list -> 'a
let rec nth n xs =
  match (n = 0, xs) with
  | (true, x :: _) -> 
  | (true, []) -> failwith "nth: not enough elements"
  | (false, _ :: xs) -> nth (n - 1) xs


type 'a tree = Empty | Node of {info : a'; left : 'a tree; right; 'a tree}

A 'a tree is a binary tree carrying information of polymorphic type 'a. Since the left and right fields are defined recursively, processing 'a trees will usually involve some sort of recursive calls on those fields. Note that there is no null, in OCaml — the base case of the recursive definition is explicitly defined as Empty.

type sym = A | B | C | D | E                                                          
let t : sym tree = Node {info = A;                                                             A
                         left = Node {info = B;                                               / \
                                      left = Empty;                                          B   C
                                      right = Node {info = D; left = Empty; Right = Empty}}   \
                         right = Node {info = C; left = Empty; Right = Empty}}                 D
(* preorder : 'a tree -> 'a list 
let rec preorder tree =
  match tree with
  | Empty -> []
  | Node{info; left; right} -> info :: (preorder left) @ (preorder right)
(* breadthFirst : 'a tree -> 'a list
let breadFirst tree =
  let rec loop forest =
    match forest with
    | [] -> []
    | Empty :: forest -> loop forest
    | (Node{info; left; right}) :: forest ->
      info :: loop (left :: right :: forest)
  loop [tree]                 

Abstract Syntax Trees

type value = int

type ast = Literal of int
         | Plus of {left : ast; right : ast}
         | Times of {left : ast; right : ast}

let fmt = Printf.sprintf

(* format : ast -> string
let rec format ast =
  match ast with
  | Literal i -> string_of_int i
  | Plus{left; right} -> fmt "(%s + %s)" (format left) (format right)
  | Times{left; right} -> fmt "(%s * %s)" (format left) (format right)
(* eval : ast -> value
let rec eval ast =
  match ast with
  | Literal i -> i
  | Plus {left; right} -> (eval left) + (eval right)
  | Times {left; right} -> (eval left) * (eval right)

3. Functions are Values Part 1###

To be continued.