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Getting Started

Tallys Martins edited this page Aug 13, 2018 · 5 revisions

ElixirBench Guide

ElixirBench is currentl on alpha stage and just a few projects have being selected for testing and improvements on our services.

To add your project, get in contact with us and we will give you the support and instructions.


To start using ElixirBench, make sure you have:

  • A Github account.
  • Owner permissions for project hosted on Github.
  • Benchmarks scripts to be executed in our runners.

How to get started

  1. Go to your project settings > webhooks.
  2. Add a webhook pointing to and listening to push and pull-request events.
  3. Make sure the webhook successfuly responded to the ping event. ✔️
  4. Add a bench/config.yml file to your repository to tell ElixirBench what to do. The following example specifies a project that should be built with Elixir 1.5.2 and erlang OTP 20.1.2.
elixir: 1.5.2
erlang: 20.1.2
  1. Add a bench/benchee_helper.exs file to your repository with all the setup and calls to your benchmarks. More details in the next section.

Benchmark Runners

There are a few libraries out there for writing benchmarks in Elixir. Right now, only one benchmark runner is supported - the benchee package. This library was specially designed to make it easier to setup and compare the results of your benchmarks. Before proceeding, take a minute to look at the documentation and features.

The runner, once the whole environment is brought up, will invoke a single command to run the benchmarks:

mix run bench/bench_helper.exs

This script is responsible for setup, execution and cleanup of benchmarks. Results of the runs, must be stored in JSON format in the directory indicated by the BENCHMARKS_OUTPUT_PATH environment variable. An example benchmark can be found in the Ecto repository.

Configuring your project

To leverage ElixirBench in a project, a YAML configuration file is expected in bench/config.yml in the project's Githib repository. This configuration file specifies the environment for running the benchmark. Additional services, like databases can be provisioned through docker containers.

elixir: 1.5.2
erlang: 20.1.2
  MYSQL_URL: root@localhost
  PG_URL: postgres:postgres@localhost
    - container_name: postgres
      image: postgres:9.6.6-alpine
    - container_name: mysql
      image: mysql:5.7.20

Benchmark Samples

Here are some projects that you can get inspired to learn and setup your benchmarks!

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