Habitat Builder is part of the Habitat ecosystem, built and maintained by a community of dedicated humans, listed below.
This file lists how the Builder project is maintained and the humans and companies who make up "The Builder Maintainers."
When making changes to the system, this file tells you who needs to review your patch - you need approval of at least one maintainer for the relevant subsystems to provide a Github Approval on your pull request. Additionally, you need to not receive a veto from a Sub-Lead or the Project Lead.
Check out the Maintenance Policy for details on the process, how to become a maintainer, Sub-Lead, or the project lead.
These are the humans who maintain Builder. These people have permission to merge code changes to the various components and other rights and responsibilities as detailed in the Maintenance Policy.
Below are key components that make up Builder. Each component must have one Sub-Lead and may have many maintainers.
The web application for the Habitat builder and depot.