This is a small set of solutions to various technical interview questions that I or others I know have experienced. I hope that they prove useful to anyone who is trying to work their way through the technical interview.
Many thanks go out to Dev Bootcamp for the use of their space and students. I also need to recognize the authors of Programming Problems in Ruby, Jason Brewer and Bradley Green, on whose descriptions of the Linked List data structure and the Tree data structure I have based the presented Linked List and Tree solutions. My code feels more idiomatically Ruby (e.g. no-argument methods are not defined with empty parentheses, the return command is only used to specifically break from a method or a block with the return value), but a lot of the logic can be attributed to them.
I developed these solutions live in front of students at Dev Bootcamp, soliciting their feedback and suggestions at times. I wish I had done a better job of including other suggestions instead of writing my own solutions, but I think the finished products are worth sharing. If you have access to, find my videos there; I hope you find them instructive.
Thank you for taking the time to visit this repo.