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FrostCore is a free, open-source utility library for JavaScript.

It is a tiny (~2kb gzipped) and modern library, providing various methods for manipulating arrays, functions, objects & more.

Table Of Contents


In Browser

<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/frost-core.min.js"></script>

Using NPM

npm i @fr0st/core

In Node.js:

import * as _ from '@fr0st/core';



Create a new array containing the values of the first array, that do not exist in any of the additional passed arrays.

  • array is the array you wish to filter.

Any additional arguments supplied will be used to test for the values of the first array.

const diff = _.diff(array, ...arrays);


Create a new array containing the unique values that exist in all of the passed arrays.

All arguments supplied to this method will be tested for intersections.

const intersect = _.intersect(...arrays);


Merge the values from one or more arrays or array-like objects onto an array.

  • array is the array you wish to merge onto.

Any additional arguments supplied will be merged onto the first array.

_.merge(array, ...arrays);

Random Value

Return a random value from an array.

  • array is the array you wish to retrieve a value from.
const randomValue = _.randomValue(array);


Return an array containing a range of values.

  • start is a number indicating the first value of the sequence.
  • end is a number indicating where the sequence will end.
  • step is a number indicating the increment between values in the sequence, and will default to 1.
const range = _.range(start, end, step);


Remove duplicate elements in an array.

  • array is the array you wish to remove duplicates from.
const unique = _.unique(array);


Create an array from any value.

  • value is the value you wish to create an array from.
const array = _.wrap(value);



Create a wrapped version of a function that executes at most once per animation frame (using the most recent arguments passed to it).

  • callback is the function you wish to wrap.
  • options is an object containing options for executing the function.
    • leading is a boolean indicating whether you wish the function to execute on the leading edge of the animation frame, and will default to false.
const animation = _.animation(callback, options);

The returned animation function has a cancel method which will cancel the callback.



Create a wrapped function that will execute each callback in reverse order, passing the result from each function to the previous.

Any arguments supplied will be added to the chain of callbacks.

const composed = _.compose(...callbacks);


Create a wrapped version of a function, that will return new functions until the number of total arguments passed reaches the arguments length of the original function (at which point the function will execute).

  • callback is the function you wish to wrap.
const curried = _.curry(callback);


Create a wrapped version of a function that executes once per wait period (using the most recent arguments passed to it).

  • callback is the function you wish to wrap.
  • wait is the number of milliseconds to wait between executions, and will default to 0.
  • options is an object containing options for executing the function.
    • leading is a boolean indicating whether you wish the function to execute on the leading edge of the wait period, and will default to false.
    • trailing is a boolean indicating whether you wish the function to execute on the trailing edge of the wait period, and will default to true.
const debounced = _.debounce(callback, wait, options);

The returned debounced function has a cancel method which will cancel the (trailing) callback.



Evaluate a value from a function or value.

  • value is the value to evaluate.
const result = _.evaluate(value);


Create a wrapped version of a function that will only ever execute once. Subsequent calls to the wrapped function will return the result of the initial call.

  • callback is the function you wish to wrap.
const once = _.once(callback);


Create a wrapped version of a function with predefined arguments.

  • callback is the function you wish to wrap.

Any additional arguments supplied will be passed on as default arguments to the wrapped function. Specify undefined for a default argument to allow that argument to be sent to the wrapped function.

const partial = _.partial(callback, ...defaultArgs);


Create a wrapped function that will execute each callback in order, passing the result from each function to the next.

Any arguments supplied will be added to the chain of callbacks.

const piped = _.pipe(...callbacks);


Create a wrapped version of a function that executes at most once per wait period (using the most recent arguments passed to it).

  • callback is the function you wish to wrap.
  • wait is the number of milliseconds to wait between executions, and will default to 0.
  • options is an object containing options for executing the function.
    • leading is a boolean indicating whether you wish the function to execute on the leading edge of the wait period, and will default to true.
    • trailing is a boolean indicating whether you wish the function to execute on the trailing edge of the wait period, and will default to true.
const throttled = _.throttle(callback, wait, options);

The returned throttled function has a cancel method which will cancel the (trailing) callback.



Execute a function a specified number of times.

  • callback is the function you wish to execute.
  • amount is the number of times you wish the function to execute.
_.times(callback, amount);



Clamp a value between a min and max.

  • value is the number you wish to clamp.
  • min is the number which will be the minimum of the clamped value, and will default to 0.
  • max is the number which will be the maximum of the clamped value, and will default to 1.
const clamp = _.clamp(value, min, max);

Clamp Percent

Clamp a value between 0 and 100.

  • value is the number you wish to clamp.
const clampPercent = _.clampPercent(value);


Get the distance between two vectors.

  • x1 is the number to be used as the first X co-ordinate.
  • y1 is the number to be used as the first Y co-ordinate.
  • x2 is the number to be used as the second X co-ordinate.
  • y2 is the number to be used as the second Y co-ordinate.
const dist = _.dist(x1, y1, x2, y2);

Inverse Linear Interpolation

Inverse linear interpolation from one value to another.

  • min is the number to be used as the minimum of the "lerped" amount.
  • max is the number to be used as the maximum of the "lerped" amount.
  • value is the value to inverse interpolate.
const lerp = _.inverseLerp(min, max, value);


Get the length of an X,Y vector.

  • x is the number to be used as the X co-ordinate.
  • y is the number to be used as the Y co-ordinate.
const len = _.len(x, y);

Linear Interpolation

Linear interpolation from one value to another.

  • min is the number to be used as the minimum of the "lerped" amount.
  • max is the number to be used as the maximum of the "lerped" amount.
  • amount is the amount to interpolate (between 0 and 1).
const lerp = _.lerp(min, max, amount);


Map a value from one range to another.

  • value is the number you wish to map.
  • fromMin is the number to be used as the minimum value of the current range.
  • fromMax is the number to be used as the maximum value of the current range.
  • toMin is the number to be used as the minimum value of the target range.
  • toMax is the number to be used as the maximum value of the target range.
const map =, fromMin, fromMax, toMin, toMax);


Return a random floating-point number.

  • a is the number to be used as the minimum value (inclusive).
  • b is the number to be used as the maximum value (exclusive).

If b is omitted, this function will return a random number between 0 (inclusive) and a (exclusive).

If both arguments are omitted, this function will return a random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).

const random = _.random(a, b);

To Step

Round a number to a specified step-size.

  • value is the number you wish to constrain to a specified "step".
  • step is the number to be used as the minimum step-size.
const toStep = _.toStep(value, step);



Merge the values from one or more objects onto an object (recursively).

  • object is the object you are merging to.

Any additional arguments supplied will be merged onto the first object.

_.extend(object, ...objects);


Flatten an object using dot notation.

  • object is the object you are flattening.
const flattened = _.flatten(object);

Forget Dot

Remove a specified key from an object using dot notation.

  • object is the object you wish to remove a key from.
  • key is a string using dot notation, indicating the key to remove.
_.forgetDot(object, key);

Get Dot

Retrieve the value of a specified key from an object using dot notation.

  • object is the object you wish to retrieve a value from.
  • key is a string using dot notation, indicating the key to retrieve.
  • defaultValue is the default value to return if the key does not exist, and will default to undefined.
const value = _.getDot(object, key, defaultValue);

Has Dot

Returns true if a specified key exists in an object using dot notation.

  • object is the object you wish to test for a key.
  • key is a string using dot notation, indicating the key to test for.
const hasKey = _.hasDot(object, key);

Pluck Dot

Retrieve values of a specified key from an array of objects using dot notation.

  • objects is the array of objects you wish to retrieve values from.
  • key is a string using dot notation, indicating the key to retrieve.
  • defaultValue is the default value to return if the key does not exist, and will default to undefined.
const values = _.pluckDot(objects, key, defaultValue);

Set Dot

Set a specified value of a key for an object using dot notation.

  • object is the object you wish to set a value for.
  • key is a string using dot notation, indicating the key to set the value.
  • value is the value you wish to set the key to.
  • options is an object containing options for setting the value.
    • overwrite is a boolean indicating whether you wish to overwrite an existing key, and will default to true.
_.setDot(object, key, value, options);


Camel Case

Convert a string to camelCase.

  • string is the string you wish to transform to camelCase.
const camelCase = _.camelCase(string);


Convert the first character of string to upper case and the remaining to lower case.

  • string is the string you wish to capitalize.
const capitalized = _.capitalize(string);


Convert HTML special characters in a string to their corresponding HTML entities.

  • string is the string you wish to escape.
const escape = _.escape(string);

Escape RegExp

Escape a string for use in RegExp.

  • string is the string you wish to escape.
const escapeRegExp = _.escapeRegExp(string);


Convert a string to a humanized form.

  • string is the string you wish to humanize.
const humanized = _.humanize(string);

Kebab Case

Convert a string to kebab-case.

  • string is the string you wish to transform to kebab-case.
const kebabCase = _.kebabCase(string);

Pascal Case

Convert a string to PascalCase.

  • string is the string you wish to transform to PascalCase.
const pascalCase = _.pascalCase(string);

Random String

Return a random string.

  • length is the length of the random string, and will default to 16.
  • characters is a sequence of characters to generate the string from, and will default to 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYXZ0123456789'.
const randomString = _.randomString(length, characters);

Snake Case

Convert a string to snake_case.

  • string is the string you wish to transform to snake_case.
const snakeCase = _.snakeCase(string);


Convert HTML entities in a string to their corresponding characters.

  • string is the string you wish to unescape.
const unescape = _.unescape(string);


Is Array

Returns true is the value is an array.

  • value is the value you wish to test.
const isArray = _.isArray(value);

Is Array Like

Returns true is the value is array-like.

  • value is the value you wish to test.
const isArrayLike = _.isArrayLike(value);

Is Boolean

Returns true if the value is a boolean.

  • value is the value you wish to test.
const isBoolean = _.isBoolean(value);

Is Document

Returns true is the value is a Document.

  • value is the value you wish to test.
const isDocument = _.isDocument(value);

Is Element

Returns true is the value is a HTMLElement.

  • value is the value you wish to test.
const isElement = _.isElement(value);

Is Fragment

Returns true if the value is a DocumentFragment.

const isFragment = _.isFragment(value);

Is Function

Returns true if the value is a function.

  • value is the value you wish to test.
const isFunction = _.isFunction(value);

Is NaN

Returns true if the value is NaN.

  • value is the value you wish to test.
const isNaN = _.isNaN(value);

Is Node

Returns true is the value is a Node.

  • value is the value you wish to test.
const isNode = _.isNode(value);

Is Null

Returns true if the value is null.

  • value is the value you wish to test.
const isNull = _.isNull(value);

Is Numeric

Returns true if the value is numeric.

  • value is the value you wish to test.
const isNumeric = _.isNumeric(value);

Is Object

Returns true if the value is an object.

  • value is the value you wish to test.
const isObject = _.isObject(value);

Is Plain Object

Returns true if the value is a plain object.

  • value is the value you wish to test.
const isPlainObject = _.isPlainObject(value);

Is Shadow

Returns true if the value is a ShadowRoot.

const isShadow = _.isShadow(value);

Is Text

Returns true if the value is a text Node.

const isText = _.isText(value);

Is String

Returns true if the value is a string.

  • value is the value you wish to test.
const isString = _.isString(value);

Is Undefined

Returns true if the value is undefined.

  • value is the value you wish to test.
const isUndefined = _.isUndefined(value);

Is Window

Returns true if the value is a Window.

  • value is the value you wish to test.
const isWindow = _.isWindow(value);