This project implements a Data Vault 2.0 architecture for an ecommerce platform using dbt. The architecture organizes data into Hubs, Links, Satellites, Point-in-Time (PIT) Tables, Bridge Tables, Dimensions, and Facts, ensuring a scalable, auditable, and efficient analytical data model.
The dataset consists of anonymized ecommerce transactions, capturing over 3 million grocery orders from more than 200,000 users. It provides insights into:
- Order sequences
- Products purchased per order
- Day and time of orders
- Time gaps between consecutive purchases
The dataset is publicly available on Kaggle.
Staging tables handle raw, unprocessed data from source systems and prepare it for Data Vault modeling:
- stg_aisles: Raw data for aisles.
- stg_departments: Raw department data.
- stg_order_products: Raw data linking orders to products.
- stg_orders: Raw order data.
- stg_products: Raw product data.
Hubs store unique business keys, providing a single source of truth for key business entities:
- hub_aisle: Unique identifier for aisles.
- hub_department: Unique identifier for departments.
- hub_order: Unique identifier for orders.
- hub_product: Unique identifier for products.
- hub_user: Unique identifier for users.
Links establish relationships between business entities and enable historical tracking:
- link_order_product: Connects orders to products.
- link_product_department: Maps products to departments.
- link_order_user: Associates users with their orders.
Satellites store attributes and historical changes for business entities:
- sat_aisle: Historical changes for aisle attributes.
- sat_department: Historical changes for department attributes.
- sat_order: Tracks historical order data over time.
- sat_order_product: Tracks order-product interactions, including reorder status.
- sat_product: Stores product information.
- sat_user: Tracks user-related changes.
PIT tables speed up historical data retrieval by storing the latest valid data per key:
- pit_order: Latest state of orders.
- pit_order_user: Latest state of user orders.
- pit_order_product: Latest order-product relationships.
- pit_product: Latest product attributes.
Bridge tables optimize queries involving many-to-many relationships:
- brg_order_product: Precomputes metrics for order-product relationships, improving query performance.
Dimensions provide descriptive data for reporting and business intelligence:
- dim_aisle: Attributes related to product aisles.
- dim_department: Department-level attributes.
- dim_product: Enriched attributes for products.
- dim_user: Aggregated user-level attributes.
- dim_order: Enriched order details.
Fact tables store numerical data for analytical reporting and dashboards:
- fact_orders: Aggregated order data per customer.
- fact_orders_by_time: Time-based analysis of orders.
- fact_product_sales: Key sales metrics for products.
- fact_product_reorder: Tracks product reorder rates.
- fact_user_order_analysis: Provides insights into user purchasing behavior.
The data is sourced from the ecommerce schema, which includes:
- aisles: Contains data about aisles.
- departments: Contains data about product departments.
- products: Contains detailed product attributes.
- orders: Includes customer order information.
- order_products: Describes product details within orders.
- Clone this repository:
git clone cd ecommerce-data-vault
- Set up a PostgreSQL database environment.
- Run dbt tests:
dbt test
- Fact Tables: Provide insights into orders, products, and user behaviors for business intelligence and reporting.
- Dimension Tables: Improve reporting with descriptive data for entities.
- Hubs, Links, Satellites: Enable scalable historical tracking and data lineage for auditability.
- PIT & Bridge Tables: Optimize query performance and accelerate analytical workflows.
- Indexing: Key business keys (
) are indexed to optimize joins. - Pre-aggregations: Bridge tables precompute totals to reduce query complexity.
- Point-in-Time Tables (PIT): Snapshots reduce the need for costly historical joins.
- Custom Indexing: The following indexes enhance query performance:
CREATE INDEX idx_link_order_product ON public.link_order_product (hub_order_id, hub_product_id); CREATE INDEX idx_sat_order_product ON public.sat_order_product (hub_order_id, hub_product_id); CREATE INDEX idx_brg_order_product ON public.brg_order_product (hub_order_id, hub_product_id); CREATE INDEX idx_fact_product_sales ON public.fact_product_sales (hub_product_id); CREATE INDEX idx_pit_order_product ON public.pit_order_product (hub_order_id, hub_product_id); ANALYZE public.link_order_product; ANALYZE public.sat_order_product; ANALYZE public.brg_order_product; ANALYZE public.fact_product_sales; ANALYZE public.pit_order_product;
Built with ❤️ using dbt, PostgreSQL, and Data Vault 2.0. 🚀