- Address: A.Rahimov st. Baku, Azerbaijan
- Phone: +994 706371716
- E-mail: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: elvin-yekayev
- GitHub: elvinyeka
- CodePen: ElvinYeka
- Medium: elvinyeka
I'm currently working several small web projects (example: speakers.az).My goal is to learn everything new and exciting. I love to code and coffee. I can(love) spend a lot of time doing what interests me. My core strengths are in problem solving and fast learning.I want to get knowledge and skills that will be enough for employment in a company.
- CSS (Framework Bootstrap, Preprocessor SCSS, BEM methodology).
- JavaScript (Fundamentals,Functional Programming, OOP, Asynchronous JavaScript, ES6+,DOM),JSON.
- React JS, Redux (intermediate level knowledge).
- Version control: Git (remote service GitHub).
- Module Bundlers: Gulp, Webpack.
- C (basic knowledge), Python(basic knowledge) - Flask Framework( basic knowledge), SQLite(basic knowledge).
- Windows OS, Linux(Ubuntu)
- Figma(for web development)
- Editors: Sublime, Brackets, VSCode, PyCharm community.
function{color:blue} findLongestWord(text) {
let words = text.split(" ");
let word = "";
// for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
// if (word.length < words[i].length) {
// word = words[i];
// }
// }
for (let item of words) {
if (word.length < item.length) {
word = item;
return (word);
const longestWord = findLongestWord("Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent
rutrum, quam sit amet semper tempus, velit
nibh pellentesque dui, nec consectetur
erat orci et libero. ");
- Bachelor, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University,Baku
- Faculty of Mathematics.
- IT-City Academy
- Basic knowledge of programming and algorithm knowledge using C language.
- Ecma-Code Education
- Basic and advanced knowledge of üeb development knowledge using JavaScript and React JS.
- Pragmatech Education
- Introduction to programming,Algorithms, Pseudocode, Syntax, Data Types, Operators. Booleans, CommandLine Interaction, Functions.
Small own business -- Fast-food delivery(Since 2014).
I have little experience in JS and Frontend development. I have worked in the team on several small projects and currently working.
- Azerbaijan
- Turkish
- Russian
- StreamLine Language School English test result: Pre-Intermediate (CEFR A2+).
- EPAM English test result: A1 I try to learn English in every possible way. I use application in smartphone: Duolingo and I use google translate a lot.