MicroProfile is a collection of features designed for a microservice-focused platform.
There is no formal relationship with Java EE. The 1.0 release of MicroProfile was based on three APIs (CDI, JSON-P and JAX-RS) which are Java EE APIs, but the MicroProfile effort is not limited to the Java EE APIs. Brand new APIs are equally as valid as established APIs.
MicroProfile is not governed by the JCP. Rather, it is an independent effort governed under the Eclipse Foundation and licensed under the Apache v2 Software License.
Current vendors implementing MicroProfile specifications include:
Red Hat (WildFly Swarm)
IBM (WebSphere Open Liberty)
Payara (Payara MicroProfile)
Tomitribe (TomEE MicroProfile)
Hammock (MicroProfile distribution)
A more complete list of the various MicroProfile implementations and the specification versions they support can be found on the MicroProfile wiki.
There are many individuals who contribute to the MicroProfile project. The Java community as a whole is encouraged to take part and contribute to the project; there are no restrictions.
Read through, comment on, and create new topics on the MicroProfile Google Group
Test the sample apps, fix bugs and submit a pull request, or create a new one (Developer resources)
Submit a proposal (Introducing New Ideas to MicroProfile)
There is no formal "joining" process, since anyone is welcome to join the discussion in the Google Group. Depending on how involved you want to be, however, you may need to sign an Eclipse Contributor Agreement to contribute to the project.
A process has been created specifically for the evolution of the MicroProfile, and can be found under the Feature Initialization section of the wiki.