diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 48da41488..655ede15c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ For register blocks, YAMLs are intially extracted from SVDs, manually cleaned up
 We don't maintain "patches" for registers unlike the `stm32-rs` project. This has two advantages:
 - Fixing mistakes and typos in the SVDs is now much easier (and yes, there are A LOT of those). It doesn't require a complicated patching system, you just edit the YAML to fix the mistake instead of writing a patch that will fix it when applied.
-- Ensuring consistency for the same peripherals between chips. (i.e. we check in a single `i2c_v2.yaml` and ensure it is good, vs trying to patch wildly differing SVDs for what's an identical IP block into being consistent). The `stm32-rs` project doesn't have this as a goal goal, while we do. Writing a single HAL for all stm32 chips (such as  [the `embassy-stm32` HAL](https://github.com/embassy-rs/embassy/tree/main/embassy-stm32)) is impossible otherwise.
+- Ensuring consistency for the same peripherals between chips. (i.e. we check in a single `i2c_v2.yaml` and ensure it is good, vs trying to patch wildly differing SVDs for what's an identical IP block into being consistent). The `stm32-rs` project doesn't have this as a goal, while we do. Writing a single HAL for all stm32 chips (such as  [the `embassy-stm32` HAL](https://github.com/embassy-rs/embassy/tree/main/embassy-stm32)) is impossible otherwise.
 ## Install pre-requisites