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  1. Overview
    1.1. Reference Table
    1.2. Specific Types
    1.2.1. Time
    1.2.2. Size
    1.2.3. Dictionary
    1.2.4. Expression
  2. Aliasing

1. Overview

All the configuration values have the default values which may be seen in the file <MONGOOSE_DIR>/config/defaults.yaml. The file contains the comments so it's quite self-descriptive and may be used as quick reference.

1.1. Reference Table

Name Type Default Value Description
item-data-input-file Path null The source file for the content generation
item-data-input-layer-cache Integer > 0 25 The maximum count of the data "layers" to be cached into the memory
item-data-input-layer-heap Boolean false Specifies the type of memory for the data (payload) generation. Direct (off-heap) memory buffers are used by default.
item-data-input-layer-size Fixed Size 4MB The size of the content source ring buffer
item-data-input-seed String (hex) 7a42d9c483244167 The initial value for the random data generation
item-data-ranges-concat Range null The number/range of numbers of the source objects used to concatenate every destination objec
item-data-ranges-fixed Byte Range
null The fixed byte ranges to update or read (depends on the specified load type)
item-data-ranges-random Integer >= 0 0 The count of the random ranges to update or read
item-data-ranges-threshold Size 0 The size threshold to enable the multipart upload if supported by the configured storage driver
item-data-size Size 1MB The size of the data items to process. Doesn't have any effect if item.type=container
item-data-verify Flag false Specifies whether to verify the content while reading the data items or not. Doesn't have any effect if load-op-type != read
item-input-file Path null The source file for the items to process. If null the behavior depends on the load type.
item-input-path String null The source path which may be used as items input if not "item-input-file" is specified. Also used for the copy mode as the path containing the items to be copied into the output path.
item-naming-length Integer > 0 12 The name length for the new items. Has effect only in the case of create (if not partial) load
item-naming-seed Integer or Expression %{math:xor(
The initial id for the new item ids
item-naming-prefix String or Expression null The name prefix for the processed items. A correct value is neccessary to pass the content verification in the case of read load.
item-naming-radix Integer >= 2 36 The radix for the item ids. May be in the range of 2..36. A correct value is neccessary to pass the content verification in the case of read load.
item-naming-step Integer 1 The item naming step. Makes sense in case of "serial" naming type. Negative values cause descending order.
item-naming-type Enum random Specifies the new items naming order. Has effect only in the case of create load. "serial": the new items are named in a sequential order, "random": the new items are named randomly
item-output-file Path null Specified the target file for the items processed successfully. If null the items info is not saved.
item-output-path String or Expression %{date:
The target path. By default the expression will once generate the constant value equal to the timestamp.
item-type Enum data The type of the item to use, the possible values are: "data", "path", "token". In case of filesystem "data" means files and "path" means directories
load-batch-size Integer >= 1 4096 The count of the items/operations processed by a single invocation. It may be useful to set to 1 for MPU or DLO tests
load-op-limit-count Integer >= 0 0 The maximum number of the load operations to execute for a load step. 0 means infinite
load-op-limit-fail-count Integer >= 0 100000 The maximum number of the failed load operations before the step will be stopped, 0 means no limit
load-op-limit-fail-rate Boolean false Stop the step if failures rate is more than success rate and if the flag is set to true
load-op-limit-rate Float >= 0 0 The maximum number of the load operations to execute per second (throughput limit). 0 means no rate limit.
load-op-limit-recycle Integer >= 1 1000000 The load operations and results queues size limit
load-op-output-duplicates Flag false Specifies whether to add duplicates to output items list when in recycle mode or only print them once. No duplicates by default
load-op-recycle-mode Flag false Specifies whether to recycle the successfully finished operations multiple times or not
load-op-recycle-contents-update Flag false Specifies whether to update the contents of the recycled object. Note: usually you just want to have a new object. This is rarely used. E.g. s3 versioning.
load-op-retry Flag false Specifies whether to retry the failed operations or not
load-op-shuffle Flag false Defines whether to shuffle or not the items got from the item input, what should make the order of the load operations execution randomized
load-op-type Enum create The operation to process the items, may be "create", "update", "read" or "delete"
load-op-wait-finish Flag true Specifies whether it should wait until unfinished operations at the end of the step are completed. True by default, if set to false can leave garbage data on a system as no more requests are done once time is out.
load-service-threads Integer >= 0 0 The global count of the service threads. 0 means automatic value (CPU cores/threads count)
load-step-id String null The test step id. Generated automatically if not specified (null). Specifies also the logs sub directory path: log/<STEP_ID>/
load-step-idAutoGenerated Flag false Internal
load-step-limit-size Fixed size >= 0 0 The maximum size of the data items to process. 0 means no size limit.
load-step-limit-time Time >= 0 0 The maximum time to perform a load step. 0 means no time limit
load-step-node-addrs List of strings Distributed mode: the list of the slave node IPs or hostnames, may include port numbers to override the default port number value. Standalone mode is used if empty (default behaviour).
load-step-node-port Integer > 0 1099 Distributed mode: the common port number to start/connect the slave node
output-color Flag true Use colored standard output flag
output-metrics-average-period Time >= 0 0 The time period for the load step's metrics console output. 0 means to not to output the metrics to the console
output-metrics-average-aggregation-period Int > 0 100 The time period in ms for the load step's metrics to get aggregated to entry node. Happens not often than the specified value (meaning for 100ms it can happen 10 or less times).
output-metrics-average-persist Flag true Persist the average (periodic) metrics if true
output-metrics-average-table-header-period Integer > 0 20 Output the metrics table header every N rows
output-metrics-quantiles List 0.25,0.5,0.75 Output quantiles for metrics (only for Monitoring API)
output-metrics-summary-persist Flag true Persist the load step's summary (total) metrics if true
output-metrics-trace-persist Flag false Persist the information about each load operation if true
output-metrics-threshold 0 <= Float <= 1 0 The concurrency threshold to enable intermediate statistics calculation, 0 means no threshold
run-comment String "" A user defined comment to run the scenario via the Control API
run-node Flag false Run in the slave node or not
run-port Integer > 0 9999 Port for REST API
run-scenario Path null The default file scenario to run, null means invoking the default.js scenario bundled into the distribution
run-version String 4.2.15 The Mongoose version
run-id long 0 The run identifier (see Runs API). If not specified, it takes the value of timestam
storage-auth-file Path null The path to a credentials list file, containing the lines of comma-separated item path, user id and secret key
storage-auth-uid String null The authentication identifier
storage-auth-secret String null The authentication secret
storage-auth-token String null S3: no effect, Atmos: subtenant, Swift: token
storage-driver-limit-concurrency Integer >= 0 1 The concurrency limit (per node in case of distributed mode). In case of filesystem this is the max number of open files at any moment. In case of HTTP this is the max number of the active connections at any moment.
storage-driver-limit-queue-input Integer > 0 1000000 Storage drivers internal input operations queue size limit
storage-driver-threads Integer >= 0 0 The count of the shared/global I/O executor threads. 0 means automatic value (CPU cores/threads count)
storage-driver-type String s3 The identifier pointing to the one of the registered storage driver implementations to use
storage-namespace String null The storage namespace
storage-net-node-slice Boolean false Try (or not) to distribute the storage endpoints between the Mongoose nodes using greatest common divisor

1.2. Specific Types

1.2.1. Time

The configuration parameters supporting the time type:

  • item-output-delay
  • output-metrics-average-period
  • load-step-limit-time
Value Effect
"0" 0/infinite/not set
"-1" Invalid value
"1" 1 second
"1s" 1 second
"2m" 2 minutes
"3h" 3 hours
"4d" 4 days
"5w" Invalid value
"6M" Invalid value
"7y" Invalid value
1.2.2. Size

The configuration parameters supporting the time type:

  • item-data-input-layer-size
  • item-data-size
  • item-data-ranges-threshold
  • storage-net-rcvBuf
  • storage-net-sndBuf
  • load-step-limit-size
Value Effect
"-1" Invalid Value
"0" 0 bytes (Infinity in case of load-step-limit-size)
"1" 1 bytes
"1024" 1024 bytes or 1KB
"0B" 0 bytes (Infinity in case of load-step-limit-size)
"1024B" 1024 bytes or 1KB
"1KB" 1024 bytes or 1KB
"2MB" 2MB
"6EB" 6EB (exobytes)
"7YB" Invalid Value

All conversions between specified sizes are done using 2^10 (1024) multiplier. So 1MB is 1_048_576 bytes.

1.2.3. Dictionary

Some configuration values support the dictionary type. Don't use the command line arguments for the dictionary values setting.

1.2.4. Expression

The expression language allows to assign the dynamic values to some configuration parameters.

2. Aliasing

The configuration aliasing is used primarily for backward compatibility to map old configuration paths to the new ones. Also there's a shortcut alias for the load operation types:

Alias Meaning
create load-op-type=create
read load-op-type=read
update load-op-type=update
delete load-op-type=delete
noop load-op-type=noop