function keys, including volume
fix gimp layout. currently pretty messed up
transition when switching screens, no flash
Switch from gnome terminal
Yank mode with keyboard
cat /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/ngn.conf |egrep 'Server|Document'
write a script to update all repos from weekend tinkering
Fonts, ldis smiley not working
Puppet for config?
Uninstall xfce
Display manager (gdm, slim)? bootsafe options
text boxes in browser fix
Iphone with banshee or itunes in wine
pm-suspend tools, how to wake up computer??
Fish for a shell?
Twitter client
Photoshop with wine
Switch to SystemD from initscripts
HG status in prompt
Blog resurrection on github
Right click keyboard shortcut for browser
new colourscheme
Do not display headers
View attachments according to extension
resize splits
change split orientation
some sort of notifications like gnome notifier
Sort out gvimrc for mutt (yes i use gvim for mutt. it just looks nicer)
Refresh browser on special save chord
PHP debugging
Taglist broken? (ctags)
Gundo broken? (compile vim with python3)
Create own colorscheme
Setup VNC server(tightVNC) and start Windows VM using VBoxHeadless -s "WindowsXP". Then access it using a VNC client (TightVNC)
virtualbox modprobe load modules on boot
virtualbox fullscreen default (with extras?, more video memory? why does this not work)