- Introduction
- Contact Information
- Introduction
- Last in first out
- Structure
- Methods
- Push
- Pop
- Peek
- Search
- Efficiency of common operations
- Where would you use it
- Software Stack
- Ctrl-Z
- Example
- Problem to Solve
- Introduction
- First in first out
- Structure
- Priority Queue
- Circular Queue
- Methods
- Enqueue
- Dequeue
- Peek
- Rotate
- Efficiency of common operations=
- Where would you use it
- Customer Help Requests
- Handling Networking Requests
- Example
- Problem to Solve
- Introduction
- Unique Elements
- Structure
- Immutable Values
- Automatically Sorted
- Methods
- Insert
- Delete
- Contains
- Efficiency of common operations
- Where would you use it
- Collections of Objects
- Example
- Problem to Solve
- Introduction
- Each Element Points to the Next
- Structure
- Head
- Tail
- Nodes
- Doubly-Linked List vs Linked List
- Circular Linked Lists
- Methods
- Insert
- Delete
- Search
- Reverse
- Efficiency of common operations
- Where would you use it
- Asynchronous Functions
- Previous and Next Page in a Browser
- Example
- Problem to Solve
- Introduction
- Interconnected Nodes
- Structure
- Nodes
- Edges
- Directed / Undirected
- Connected / Disconnected
- Adjacency Matrix / Adjacency List
- Methods
- Initialize
- Insert Node
- Delete Node
- Insert Edge
- Delete Edge
- Get Edges
- Traversal
- Efficiency of common operations
- Where would you use it
- Building a Tree Data Structure; Trees are Restricted Graphs
- Social Networks
- Neural Networks
- Example
- Problem to Solve
- Introduction
- Nodes Which Point to a Left and Right Node
- Structure
- Base
- Nodes
- BST Height
- Balancing a BST
- Methods
- Insert
- Delete
- Search
- Traversal
- Efficiency of common operations
- Where would you use it
- Efficient Searching
- Example
- Problem to Solve