A few tasks require participants to issue Denoms(Collections), mint NFTs, and transfer NFTs. Here are a few instructions on how to do that. The NFT Module of SDK Chain is based on Cosmos x/nft
module, thus they have different implementations and module names.
For tasks, you only need to issue, mint and transfer on IRISnet. More details can be found here.
iris tx nft issue <denom-id> \
--name <name> \
--uri <uri> \
--data <json-string-denom-data> \
--schema <denom-schema> \
--symbol <denom-symbol> \
--mint-restricted <true|false> \
--update-restricted <true|false>
iris tx nft mint <denom-id> <nft-id> \
--name <nft-name> \
--uri <nft-uri> \
--uri-hash <nft-uri-hash> \
--data <json-string-token-data> \
--recipient <nft-recipient>
iris tx nft transfer <recipient> <denom-id> <nft-id>
For task, you probably need to query NFT Info on different chains, here are the commands for different SDK chains. As for CosmWasm query, you can refer here.
Query the detailed collection info.
iris q nft collection <denom-id>
uptickd q collection collection <denom-id>
omniflixhubd query onft collection <denom-id>
Query the NFTs owned by an address.
iris q nft owner <address>
uptickd q collection owner <address>
omniflixhubd q onft owner <address>