I needed a simple starting point app for prototyping facebook/twitter app. It doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles, mostly just followed the Railscasts on Devise (user auth) and Omniauth (third party auth).
Feel free to fork this project for your own projects.
See a demo:
To create a new app, simply fork this repo!
Copy config/app_config.EXAMPLE.yml to config/app_config.yml, and populate with your own third-party API keys. Also, remove app_config.yml from the .gitignore file in the project root, and check it in. You'll need it versioned when you go to deploy.
Add extra config lines to config/app_config.yml for your own settings and access them using APP_CONFIG[:some_setting]
Remove services you don't need from views/authentications.html.erb
Postgres is a required gem for Heroku (assuming you'll be deploying to heroku, at least for prototypes). If you don't want the "pg" gem installed locally (or in my case it errors), use this command to install bundle gems locally without it: bundle install --without production
Oh and use ruby 1.9.2 (if don't use it already, look at RVM)
Article on deploying rails 3 apps to Heroku:
Something like:
- "heroku create yourappname --stack cedar"
- Add yourappname.herokuapp.com URL to config/app_config.yml and config/environments/production.rb
- git push heroku master
- heroku run rake db:migrate --trace
- heroku open
Go here and be amazed:
Read this:
Watch this:
Read this:
Watch these:
- http://railscasts.com/episodes/235-omniauth-part-1
- http://railscasts.com/episodes/236-omniauth-part-2
The name says it all:
Pillaged from: