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Origin Backend

The Origin Backend is a NestJS application that provides services for user and organization authorization and management. The Backend application can be used in conjunction with one, several or all of the Origin SDKs to provide integrated user management and authorization.


Origin-backend project is currently not meant to be run as a separate nest application. In order to run origin-backend project please refer to

Default TypeOrm configuration requires running PostgreSQL database. The detailed config with .env parameters is:

DB_HOST      - default 'localhost'
DB_PORT      - default 5432
DB_USERNAME  - default 'postgres',
DB_PASSWORD  - default 'postgres',
DB_DATABASE  - default 'origin',


DATABASE_URL  - postgres://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{database}

Using TypeORM migrations

Exchange project uses TypeORM mechanism to perform SQL data migrations. For detailed information please refer to

  • yarn typeorm:run to update DB to latest exchange tables schema
  • yarn typeorm:migrate SampleMigrationName to create new migration file based on the changes in the code entities

Development flow:

  • run yarn typeorm:run - to apply latest migrations
  • apply changes in the entities, like change the variable name or type
  • run yarn typeorm:migrate LastestChanges...
  • inspect newly created migration in /migrations folder
  • run yarn typeorm:run to apply newly created migration


Existing migration files from /migration folder should never be edited after being committed.

PostgreSQL installation using Docker

docker pull postgres
docker run --name origin-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d -p 5432:5432 postgres


docker pull dpage/pgadmin4
docker run -p 80:80 \
    -e '[email protected]' \
    -d dpage/pgadmin4