Track all the instructions and events from the program in Solana.
This Substreams uses the Anchor IDL to decode instruction and event data.
Substreams, is one of the production of The Graph, which allows you to stream data and sink it into a variety of places (a Postgres database, a JS application, or a Subgraph).
NOTE: This Substreams has been auto-generated by using the substreams init
command of the Substreams CLI. Try it out!
A compiled Substreams project is contained in the pump-fun-v0.1.0.spkg
file, which contains all the decoding logic of the Solana program.
Install the Substreams CLI.
Run the Substreams
substreams gui
Install the Substreams CLI.
Build the project (you will need Rust installed)
substreams build
- Run the Substreams
substreams init