Very opinionated, quickly hacked meteor experimental boilerplate.
It includes a number of client + server packages, helpers and common features.
- FontAwesome
- Bootstrap
- CoffeeScript
- Mailgun API Integration (w/ Blaze based template parsing)
- Modal Dialogs
- Users Server & Client Sessions (logged in & anonymous)
- Local Storage w/ Amplify
- DataTables Templates (aldeed:tabular)
- Autoform (aldeed:autoform)
- Collection 2 (aldeed:collection2) w/ MinimongoId integration
- Kadira Setup
- Spiderable - Longer Timeout
- State machine
- Intercom integration
- Highrise integration
- Google Tag Manager
and custom features like:
- Data exports to ElasticSearch for indexing
- Log exports to ElasticSearch for Kibana
- Set of helpers and common modules
- Proper testing coverage (it has been developed in an environment where production and live monitoring is preferred to automated testing)
- Enough object composition on top of inheritance (we're still using some cs classes, but up to 2 level inheritance top)
- Refined and standardized naming guidelines for classes, objects, methods, etc...
- ES6 on top of coffeescript