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Naming Conventions

In general, we use American English. We use the GTFS terminology inside OTP as the transit domain-specific language. In cases where GTFS does not provide an alternative, we use NeTEx. The naming should follow the Java standard naming conventions. For example, a "real-time updater" class is named RealTimeUpdater. If in doubt, check the Oxford Dictionary (American).


Try to arrange code by domain functionality, not technology. The main structure of a package should be org.opentripplanner.<domain>.<component>.<sub-component>.

Package Description
o.o.<domain> At the top level, we should divide OTP into "domains" like apis, framework, transit, street, astar, raptor, feeds, updaters, and application.
component and sub-component A group of packages/classes that naturally belong together; think aggregate as in Domain-Driven Design.
component.api Used for components to define the programing interface for the component. If present, (see Raptor) all outside dependencies to the component should be through the api.
component.model Used to create a model of Entities, ValueObjects, etc. If exposed outside the component, you should include an entry point like xyz.model.XyzModel and/or a Service (in api or component root package).
component.service Implementation of a service like DefaultTransitService; may also contain use case-specific code. Note: The Service interface goes into the component root or api, not in the service package.
component.configure Component creation/orchestration. Put dependency injection code here, like the Dagger module.
support Sometimes domain logic gets complicated; then extracting/isolating it helps. support is used internally in a component, not outside.
framework (Abstract) building blocks internal to a domain/parent package. In some cases accessed outside the component; e.g., OptAppException, TransitEntity.
mapping Map between two domains/components.
util General "util" functionality, often characterized by static methods. Dependencies to other OTP packages are NOT allowed; only third-party utils libraries.
o.o.apis OTP external endpoints. Note! Many APIs are in the Sandbox where they are in the o.o.ext package.

Note! The above is the goal. The current package structure needs cleanup.

Note! Util methods depending on an OTP type/component should go into that type/component, not in the utils class; e.g., static factory methods. Warning: The "pure" utilities right now are placed into subpackages of o.o.util. The root package needs cleanup.


Here is a list of common prefixes used and what to expect.

Good method prefixes Description
stop() : Stop Field accessor, equivalent to getStop as in the Java Bean standard.
getStop(ID id) : Stop Get Stop by ID; throws exception if not found.
getStops(Collection<ID> id) : List/Collection<Stop> Get all Stops by set of IDs; throws exception if not found.
findStop(Criteria criteria) : Optional<Stop> Find one or zero stops; return Optional.
findStops(Criteria criteria) : List/Stream<Stop> Find 0, 1, or many stops; return a Collection or Stream (List is preferred).
listStops() : List/Stream<Stop> List ALL stops in context; return a Collection or Stream (List is preferred).
initStop(Stop stop) : void Set property once; a second call throws an exception.
createStop(String name, ...) : Stop Factory methods for creating objects should start with create prefix.
See (Builder Conventions)[] for creating objects with builders.
addStop(Stop stop) : void/Builder Add a Stop to a collection of Stops.
addStops(Collection<Stop> stops) : void/Builder Add set of Stops to existing set.
withBike(Consumer<BikePref.Builder> body) : Builder For nested builders, use lambdas.
withStop(Stop stop) : Builder Set Stop in builder, replacing existing value; return this builder.
of(FeedScopedId id) : Builder Create new builder instance from Stop class.
copyOf() : Builder Initialize a new builder instance from Stop instance with identical values.
build() : Stop Finish building stop with a builder.

These prefixes are also "allowed" but not preferred; they have some kind of negative "force" to them.

Okay method prefixes, but ... Description
withStops(Collection<Stop> stops) : this) Replace all Stops in builder with new set. Consider using addStops(...) instead.
setStop(Stop stop) Set a mutable Stop reference. Avoid if not part of natural lifecycle. Use initStop(...) if possible.
getStop() : Stop Old style accessor. Use the shorter form stop() : Stop.

Service, Model and Repository


Naming convention for builders with and without a context.

Graph Builds and Tests Run Without a Context

// Create a new Stop
trip = Trip.of(id).withName("The Express").build();

// Modify and existing stop
stop = stop.copyOf().withPrivateCode("TEX").build();

Referencing Established OTP Terminology in Documentation

Use emphasis ("dated service journey") in markdown documentation, in API, and configuration documentation. In this kind of documentation we usually talk about the concept, not the implementing class. Use CamleCase (eg. TripOnServiceDate) if you need to reference the class.

Use hyphen ("dated-service-journey") in plain text and JavaDoc. In JavaDoc we also use {@link TripOnServiceDate} the first time we mention a class. Note that sometimes we want to talk about the concept (dated-service-journey) and sometimes we reference a class ({@link DatedServiceJourney}).