Soldering/Putting the Christmas Tree PCB together is pretty simple, since there are not so many steps.
- Get the lower/larger branch and ring PCBs.
- Flip the PCBs over and align the two arrows as shown in the picture.
- Solder the aligned pads of the two PCBs together.
- Get 8 LEDs.
- Insert the LEDs as shown in the picture and marked on the PCB.
- Flip the ring over.
- Solder the LEDs and break/snip off their legs.
Repeat the steps of 1. Assemble lower ring
with the upper/smaller branch and ring PCBs.
- Get the base plate, the switch as well as the 10k and 200 ohm resistors.
- Insert the components as marked on the PCB and solder them.
- Break/Snip off the legs of the components.
- Get the ESP8266 D1 Mini and two pin headers.
- Insert the headers as seen in the picture on the bottom side (the one with the ESP8266 D1 Mini outline) of the PCB.
- Insert ESP8266 D1 Mini as seen in the picture.
- Flip the PCB over and solder the headers from the top.
- Flip the PCB again and solder the ESP from the bottom while making sure that the Micro-USB does not touch the leads of the resistors.
- Get the plastic PCB spacers/standoffs.
- Insert the PCB spacers/standoffs into the PCB from the bottom.
- Get the tree trunk PCB.
- Insert the trunk PCB into the slot of the base PCB while making sure the solder pads align.
- Solder the pads of the trunk and base PCBs together while making sure the trunk is straight.
- Get the lower/larger ring and slide the branch into the trunk.
- Solder the pads of the branch and the trunk PCBs together while making sure the lower/larger ring is level.
- Repeat steps 4. and 5. for the upper/smaller ring.
- Get the last LED and insert it into the trunk PCB while leaving some space.
- Bent the LED upwards and solder it in place.
- Break/Snip off the legs of the LED.
- Congratulations you finished building the Christmas Tree 🎄. Now plug in the ESP8266 to your PC, upload the software described in the Software Guide and enjoy 🎉