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Text Fields

Jim Tang edited this page Sep 4, 2012 · 5 revisions

Text Fields


enyo.Input is an enyo.Control that implements an HTML <input> element with cross-platform support for change events.

You can listen for the oninput and onchange DOM events to know when the text inside an Input has been modified. oninput fires immediately, while onchange fires when the text has changed and the input loses focus.

components: [
    {kind: "enyo.Input", name: "myInput", placeholder: "Enter some text...",
        onchange: "inputChange"}
inputChange: function(inSender, inEvent) {
    // retrieve new input value
    newInputValue = this.$.myInput.getValue();

    // do something in response


As illustrated above, you may use the placeholder property to specify text to be displayed when the input is empty.

Also, in the event handler method, you may access the value of the input by calling getValue (or setValue) on it.

To create an input suitable for password entry, set the type property to "password".

Finally, two other properties of enyo.Input deserve mention. By setting the disabled property to true, you can prevent the user from entering anything into the input (presumably on a temporary basis). And by setting defaultFocus to true, you can make the input take focus when rendered. (Note that you should only do this for one input.)


onyx.Input derives from enyo.Input and provides the same functionality with added visual styling.

Typically, an onyx.Input is placed inside an onyx.InputDecorator, e.g.:

{kind: "onyx.InputDecorator", components: [
    {kind: "onyx.Input", placeholder: "Enter some text...", onchange: "inputChange"}



enyo.TextArea is an enyo.Input that implements an HTML <textarea> element with cross-platform support for change events.

enyo.TextArea is functionally equivalent to enyo.Input; one interacts with it through the same events (onchange, oninput) and properties (value, placeholder, type, disabled, defaultFocus).

A TextArea differs from an Input mainly in that the text field it displays spans multiple lines.

{kind: "enyo.TextArea", placeholder: "Enter some text...", onchange: "textChange"}



onyx.TextArea derives from enyo.TextArea and provides the same functionality with added visual styling.

Typically, an onyx.TextArea is placed inside an onyx.InputDecorator, e.g.:

{kind: "onyx.InputDecorator", components: [
    {kind: "onyx.TextArea", placeholder: "Enter some text...", onchange: "textChange"}



enyo.RichText is a multi-line enyo.Input that supports rich formatting, such as bold, italics, and underlining.

{kind: "enyo.RichText",
    value: "<b>Boldly</b> going where <i>no one</i> has gone before",
    style: "width: 250px;", defaultFocus: true, onchange: "textChange"}


As with Input and TextArea, the text displayed in a RichText may be accessed at runtime via getValue and setValue.

RichText also has disabled and defaultFocus properties that function just like their counterparts in Input and TextArea.

enyo.RichText differs from Input and TextArea in having an allowHtml property. This is true by default, enabling HTML-based rich formatting. Note that the default setting allows any HTML to be inserted into the RichText, including <iframe> and <script> tags. Since this can be a security concern in some situations, you have the option of setting allowHtml to false, in which case any inserted HTML will be escaped.

RichText also differs from Input and TextArea by offering methods for manipulating the current selection and the cursor position. The Selection operations and insertAtCursor method use the HTML Editing APIs.

In addition, RichText requires explicit sizing for width.

Note that RichText is not supported on Android < 3.


onyx.RichText derives from enyo.RichText and provides the same functionality with added visual styling.

Typically, an onyx.RichText is placed inside an onyx.InputDecorator, e.g.:

{kind: "onyx.InputDecorator", components: [
    {kind: "onyx.RichText",
        value: "<b>Boldly</b> going where <i>no one</i> has gone before",
        style: "width: 250px;", defaultFocus: true, onchange: "textChange"}


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