pip install git+https://github.com/eodms-sgdot/py-eodms-dds.git
NOTE: Before using the DDS API, you'll need to get the UUID of an RCM image product. You can use the py-eodms-rapi (see rapi_dds_test.py for example code).
from eodms_dds import dds
# First, create the DDS_API with your EODMS username and password.
dds_api = dds.DDS_API(eodms_user, eodms_pwd)
# Set the Collection Id and the UUID
collection = 'RCMImageProducts'
item_uuid = '01d0c4e2-853b-5d05-b48f-7d768bb249c5'
# Once the DDS_API has been initialized, you can now get an item with a UUID and the Collection Id.
item_info = dds_api.get_item(collection, item_uuid)
# NOTE: item_info is also stored as self.item_info in the DDS_API object.
# Download the image to a specific location (the download link will be taken from the self.item_info)
out_folder = "/home/myuser"
git clone https://github.com/eodms-sgdot/py-eodms-dds.git
If the pip installation above did not work, you can install from the cloned repository:
cd py-eodms-dds
pip install -e .
This test gets an image item from the EODMS RAPI, parses the metadata and uses the UUID to download the image using the EODMS DDS API.
For this test script, you will need to install the py-eodms-rapi package:
pip install py-eodms-rapi -U
Usage: rapi_dds_test.py [OPTIONS]
Used for CLI input.
-u, --username TEXT The EODMS username. [required]
-p, --password TEXT The EODMS password. [required]
-c, --collection TEXT The collection name. [required]
-e, --env TEXT The AWS environment (default is "prod").
-o, --out_folder TEXT The output folder (default is the current folder).
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
python rapi_dds_test.py -u eodms_user -p eodms_pwd -c RCMImageProducts