Releases: epam/UUI
Releases · epam/UUI
5.7.0 - 25.03.2024
What's New
- New Scaling Icons Approach:
- Components now define the icon size based on their
value. You no longer need to pass an icon with an appropriate size for the component's size. The provided icon will now be scaled by the component itself. - Added a new icons pack, new icons placed under the '@epam/assets/icon' path. Old icons still exist under the '@epam/assets/icon/common' path.
- This change doesn't require any immediate action from your side. You can continue using icons from the old icons pack. However, please note that icons which were passed to the components without adhering to the guidelines may now be scaled according to these guidelines.
- Components now define the icon size based on their
- [DataTable]: Added possibility to pin columns to the right side of the table via columns config dialog
- [DataTable]: added 'Expand All/Collapse All' action in table header. They isn't rendered by default, to turn on pass
showFoldAll={ true }
to the DataTable props. - [RTE]: added serialazer/deserializer for MD format. Read more here.
- [RTE]: added
prop - [Modals]: now the Modals closed by default if the URL was changed. You can turn this off passing
prop to ModalBlocker component. - [Modals]: added
prop - [Paginator]: added
property - [IconButton]: added property
- [TimePicker]: added property
to disable inputs' clear cross - [FlexRow]: deprecated property
, it will be removed in future releases. Please usecolumnGap
prop now works viacolumnGap
. - [FlexRow]: added property
to add border on the top of the FlexRow - [FileUpload]: move wordings to the i18n
- [ColumnsConfigurationModal]: small visual tweaks
- [Avatar]: changed default avatar img
What's Fixed
- [PickerInput]: fixed loading of selectedId with parents.
- Fixed partially selected with predefined selected value.
- Fixed fetching missing parents for selected element in PickerInput.
- [PickerInput]: fixed 'unknown records' removing
- [PickerInput]: Fixed focus reset after clicking outside
- [PickerInput]: fixed unnecessary PickerInput
calls ondataSourceState
change(search, focusedIndex change) in single select withvalueType=entity
. - [PickerList]: aligned caption by the left side in the footer.
- [DropdownContainer]: disable scroll to the focused element after dropdown close
- [DropdownContainer]: fixed warning about incorrect ref in React strict mode
- [Avatar]: change type of 'img' prop to also accept null value
- [RTE]: fixed table border rendering issues in Firefox
- [RTE]: fixed placeholder position in Safari
- [RTE]: fixed editor focusable area and appearing cursor on first click
- [RTE]: disable image resizing in readonly mode
- [RTE]: Fixed the position of the selected text toolbar within ShadowRoot for Chromium browsers.
- [DataTable]: changed default column
value for resizing. For first columns now it's78px
, for others54px
. - [DataTable]: prevent sorting change on column resize;
- [Blocker]: changed the exit animation duration from 1000ms to 200ms
- [ApiContext]: 'auth-lost' and 'connection-lost' errors in 'manual' error handling mode now handled by ApiContext itself
- [ApiContext]: add link to the login page in 'auth lost' modal
- [IconButton]: fixed property
; - [Switch]: fixed property
; - [TextArea]: fixed ability to scroll when
; - [Modals]: change 'accent' buttons to 'primary' in UUI built in modals
- [Badge]: small style tweaks according to the design
5.6.2 - 15.03.2024
What's Fixed
- [PickerInput]: fixed toggler blur in case searchPosition = 'none'
5.6.1 - 19.02.2024
What's Fixed
[LazyListView]: refetch on search clear.
5.6.0 - 08.02.2024
What's New
- Added 'Tokens' doc page. It contains list of all core tokens with their value and description.
- prop
is deprecated for the following components:Button
and will be removed in future release. Please use 'cx' prop to access caption styles and use cascading to change the styles for the 'uui-caption' global class. - [Breaking changes]:
- [Badge]: can be a
element ifonClick
prop is not passed, consider it for dom manipulation with this component. - [Tag]: can be a
element ifonClick
props is not passed, consider it for dom manipulation with this component. - [PickerInput]: in
selectionMode: multi
selected itemTag
rendered as aspan
, consider it for dom manipulation with this component. - [Button]: removed
props. - [TabButton]: removed
prop. - [VerticalTabButton]: removed
prop. - [LinkButton]: removed
props. - [MainMenuButton]: removed
props. - [Badge]: removed
prop. - [Tag]: removed
prop. - [Text]: removed color
; Removed--uui-text-brand
token from themes, use--uui-text-primary
- [Badge]: can be a
- Removed deprecated
components from loveship. - [TimePicker]: improve time picker input value parsing. Added ability to parse value in different formats, e.g.:
->01:23 PM
->12:02 AM
etc. - Changes in
interface:- Extract
to theIHasValidationMessage
interface - Extract validationProps into ValidationState interfaces
- Extract
- [Text]: added
color. - [FlexRow]: added property
it can be equals'center' | 'space-between' | 'space-around' | 'space-evenly' | 'start' | 'end'
, see more in Flexbox Guide( - [DropSpot]: changed type of the property
from string into ReactNode. Now you can pass your own realization of it, or pass string and use our. - [Snackbar]: added 'Clear all notification' notification button while 2+ notifications displaying. To enable this behavior, exports Snackbar form @epam/uui package or skins.
What's Fixed
- [PickerInput]: fixed initialy selected items clear with LazyDatasoruce
- [PickerInput]: fixed partially selected mark for all chain of parent in single mode
- [RadiInput]: added native HTML
attribute for the input. - [RadioGroup]: added native HTML
attribute for each group member. - [Tooltip]: fixed vertical paddings according to the design.
- [SearchInput]: fixed
prop. Now component can use provided callback, not only default implementation - [useForm]: fixed
method to always return Promise - [LinkButton]: fixed sky color in loveship dark theme
- [Badge]: fixed outline night600 color in loveship dark theme
5.5.1 - 01.02.2024
What's New
- [DataTable]: added
prop toDataColumnProps
, to be able to customize or disable table header tooltip - [ApiContext]: added parseResponse callback to the ApiCallOptions. It can be used to define custom way of how to parse the response of the request.
What's Fixed
- [PickerInput]: fixed clear selection for single mode picker with lazy datasource
5.5.0 - 18.01.2024
What's New
- Added support of React 18 with concurrent rendering mode(i.e. react mounting via
). - Added semantic colors for components in 'Loveship' & 'Promo' skins. They can duplicate skin specific colors, so you can use both on your choose.
- [Pickers]: turn on flatten search results by default for all Pickers. Now for pickers with tree structure and in search mode, results will be shown as a flat tree, each item will have a subtitle with parents path.
- [DataTable]: Introduced focus manager api.
Added ability to change focus on different cells using a keyboard in editable tables.
See the example here. - [RadioInput]: removed 'theme' prop in loveship skin.
- [NumericInput]: size
is deprecated and will be removed in future releases. Please, use size42
instead. - [Badge]: in Loveship property
shape: square
was deprecated and will be removed in future releases. Please pay attention thatsguare
is default now. Use Tag component instead if you need 'square' appearance or use "round" value. - [Badge]: in Loveship
size 12
is deprecated and will be removed in future release. Please, use size18
instead. - [NotificationCard]: color
in promo, andnight600
in loveship are deprecated and will be removed in future release. - [Dropdown]: improve close on click outside dropdown logic.
- [FiltersPanel]: added
prop for picker filters. - [DataTable]: added
field forDataColumnProps
, to be able to configure resizing for each column - [ApiContext]: added possibility to provide your own fetcher for requests
- [PickerInput]: added
prop to add HTML ID attribute for the input. - [DatePicker]: added
prop to add HTML ID attribute for the toggler input. - [RangeDatePicker]: added
prop to add HTML ID attribute for the first input into toggler. - [CountIndicator]: set color
by default. - [FilterPanel]: in range numeric filter set mark 'from' input as invalid in case if value
bigger than valueto
. - [Modals]: fixed
overflow: hidden
body style removing after closing first modals in case when multiple modals was opened. Now this style will be removed only when the last modal in stack was closed.
What's Fixed
- [LazyDataSource]: fixed cascade selection with not flatten search.
- [VirtualList]: fixed
prop typing - [PickerInput]: fixed closing picker body by checking some item in 'Show only selected' mode
- [ErrorHandling]: fixed notification errors handling for recovery status. Now notification will be shown only after recovery will be completed and request failed.
- [PresetPanel]: fixed the problem of creating duplicates of the new preset when clicking the accept button quickly.
- [CheckboxGroup]: added property
to set it for all group components. Added possibility to provide CheckboxProps for each item of group. - [ApiContext]: file upload now handle JSON.parse errors.
- [useUUIError]: fixed subscribing for the contexts with React strict mode
- [NumericInput]: removed 'none' from size type.
- [DataPickerRow]: removed 'none' from size type.
- [RangeDatePicker]: fixed mounth/year selection blocker styles
- [NumericInput]: fixed placeholder appearing after removing value, if props.min > 0.
- [PickerInput]: clip selected value with ellipsis while overflow.
- [StatusIndicator]: small visual tweaks according to the design.
- [Tag]: small visual tweaks according to the design.
- [Badge]: small visual tweaks according to the design.
- [RTE]: extend clickable aria for the full height of editor.
- [RTE]: improve the link replacement logic
5.4.3 - 19.12.2023
What's Fixed
- [RTE]: fixed
props - [Button]: fixed 'white' color on loveship
5.4.2 - 07.12.2023
What's New
- [FiltersPanel]: added
prop, which configuremaxWidth
of filter toggler - [Tag]: added additional colors in skins
- [Badge]: added new colors in skins:
- Loveship: 'cyan' | 'mint'.
- Promo: 'cyan' | 'mint'.
- Electric: 'yellow'| 'orange' | 'purple' | 'cyan' | 'mint' | 'white' | 'night100' | 'night600'.
- [DropdownContainer]:
property now used as a default formaxWidth
, ifmaxWidth
is not provided.
What's Fixed
- [Tag]: fixed typings
- [Button]: fixed
typings fordata-*
attributes - [Paginator]: fixed
typings - [PickerInput]: added default
maxWidth={ 360 }
value for picker body - [PickerInput]: Fixed clear checked before opening a picker body and if selectAll: false is provided.
- Added
method toIDataSourceView
interface to support unchecking all without enabledselectAll
flag. - Reduced amount of loaded data while clearing all checked elements in
cascadeSelection: false
- Added
- [LazyDataSource]: fixed showing placeholders on
. - [TextPlaceholder]: fixed animation performance issues
- [LazyListView]: fixed backgroundReload functionality.
- Fixed showing blocker when filter/sorting changed.
- Fixed showing placeholders while backgroundReload=true and placeholders should not appear.
- [icons]: Returned filled version for the following icons: communication-chat, flag, communication-mail, action-eye, action-eye-off, action-job_function, action-deleteforever, action-schedule.