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List Tutorial

An introduction to Embedded Domain-Specific Language (EDSL) developement can be found on the Development process page. Here, we give an example of that methodology, with a simple library for manipulating lists (dubbed list-dsl).

Step 1: Defining the Library

The EDSL is first defined as a standard Scala library, that we will place in package list.shallow. It provides a List data type, and ways to apply common manipulations on it (mainly mapping, filtering and folding).

class List[A](val data: Seq[A]) {
  def map[B](f: A => B): List[B] =
    new List(data map f)
  def filter(f: A => Boolean): List[A] =
    new List(data filter f)
  def fold[B](init: B)(f: (B,A) => B): B =
    (init /: data)(f)
  def size: Int = fold(0)((s, _) => s + 1)
  override def toString: String = s"List(${data mkString ", "})"
object List {
  def apply[A](data: A*): List[A] = new List[A](data.toSeq)
  def zip[A,B](as: List[A], bs: List[B]) = new List( zip
  val empty = List()

See the full file here.

The EDSL can already be used like a normal Scala library. It can be tested by typing sbt console, and importing list.shallow._, as in the following sbt session example:

sc-examples/list-dsl$ sbt console
[info] ...
Welcome to Scala version 2.11.7 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_65).

scala> import list.shallow._
import list.shallow._

scala> List(1,2,3) map (_ + 1) map (_.toDouble)
res0: list.shallow.List[Double] = List(2.0, 3.0, 4.0)

One can also create a Scala application that uses it, by creating a file containing:

package list.shallow

object Main extends App {
  val ls = List(1,2,3) map (_ + 1) map (_.toDouble)

Such an application can be run by typing sbt run.

Now, we'd like to have more power and be able to optimize/transform programs written in the DSL, as well as compile it to different target languages. These require deep embedding.

Step 2: Generating the Deep Embedding

Specifying the Generation

SC provides a way to deeply embed our shallow DSL automatically, via an SBT plugin called Purgatory. We just need to add a few annotations to the library, and Purgatory will handle the rest:

@needs[(_,_) :: Seq[_]]
class List[A](val data: Seq[A]) {

Here, the @deep annotation tells Purgatory that we would like deep embedding of this class both for expression (Exp, the normal deep embedding) and extraction (Ext, used for pattern-matching with quasiquotes). In case you do not want to generate the Ext or Exp part, add the @noDeepExt/@noDeepExp annotation.

@needs specifies which DSL features our DSL requires. Since our library uses 2-element tuples and they are not present in the default Base DSL embedded with SC, we need to add this requirement. If we omitted it, the generated code would not be able to compile.
Note that (_,_) is just syntax sugar for Tuple2[_,_], and that a special :: type, defined in pardis.annotations, is used to separate the types passed to @needs.

Now, we can also add effect annotations to help SC reason about transformations (e.g., what code can be reordered). In their current state, effect annotations are relatively coarse-grained: @pure indicates that the metod will only read its arguments (excluding this) and will not modify any non-local state; @read is used to indicate the method may read from the this parameter, and @global that it may read globally-defined variables; when applied to a method, @write means that the function may write to this, and when applied to a parameter, that it may write to that parameters .

The following shows how we annotated one method of our List DSL:

def map[B](f: A => B): List[B] = ...

Remark: From a theoretical point of view, map is only conditionally pure, i.e., it is only pure if the function argument f it is passed is also pure. If one knows, however, that no impure functions may be passed to map in the context of one's DSL, one may still mark it @pure. A more elaborate effect system will be introduced in a future version of SC (cf. sc/issues/144).

Recommended SBT Configuration

In order to use Purgatory, we need to add it to the plugins.sbt file:

resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")
addSbtPlugin("" % "sc-purgatory-plugin" % "0.1")

We recommend that one create an SBT sub-project for the deep embedding of the library. This is to prevent a wrongly-generated deep embedding from breaking compilation of the main project (which would prevent re-generating the deep embedding).

The important generation settings needed in the SBT configuration are the following:

generatorSettings ++ Seq(
    generatePlugins += "",
    pluginLibraries += "" % "sc-purgatory-quasi_2.11" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT",

    outputFolder := "list-deep/src/main/scala/list/deep",
    inputPackage := "list.shallow",
    outputPackage := "list.deep"

One should not forget the generatePlugins line to be able to use quasiquotation, and to specify a correct outputFolder (the folder for generated files), inputPackage and outputPackage (package of the shallow library and package for the deep embedding to be generated).

See here for the full build file of our example.

Now that SBT is set up, we can proceed to the actual code generation, by going to the main project root directory, and typing sbt embed.

In our example, a file DeepList.scala will be generated inside the folder list-deep/src/main/scala/list/deep.

Simple Compilation

In order to use this deep embedding, we can still use the normal shallow syntax, but we have to do so inside of a quasiquotation block dsl"...". To use dsl quasiquotes, we need to extend the QuasiAPI[ListDSLOpsPackaged, ListDSLExtOpsPackaged] trait and import its content (alternatively, we can make the current package object extend it), where ListDSLOpsPackaged and ListDSLExtOpsPackaged correspond to the deep embeddings of our EDSL (the second one is the one used for extraction).

These are automatically generated by Purgatory after defining our DSL and its dependent constructs using the following trait:

@needs[List[_] :: ScalaCore]
trait ListDSL

ScalaCore contains the deep embedding of the core part of the Scala standard library provided by SC. @quasiquotation specifies that we would like to use quasiquotation to construct and perform pattern matching on the IR nodes. @language specifies that the current trait specifies a (domain-specific) language in the deep embedding.

An example of quasiquote use to define a program follows:

implicit object Context extends ListDSLOpsPackaged // required by the `dsl` string interpolator

def pgrm = dsl"""  
  val ls = List(1, 2, 3)
  ls map (_ + 1)

What the dsl macro does is typecheck the shallow expression that we pass it, and transform it to deep embedding nodes (ListDSLOps if it is used in an expression, ListDSLExtOps if it is used in a pattern).

Note: If you have trouble with a quasiquote, there is a page dedicated to debugging quasiquotes.

Finally, in order to generate a program from this deep embedding, we have to extend pardis.compiler.Compiler[ListDSLOps] and define a code generator for it. This is going in the opposite direction as the dsl macro, i.e., from deep embedding to shallow embedding.

object MyCompiler extends Compiler[ListDSLOps] {
  val DSL: ListDSLOps = Context
  import sc.pardis.prettyprinter._
  val codeGenerator = ...

// Compiling our program to proper Scala code:
MyCompiler.compile(pgrm, "src/main/scala/GeneratedApp")

(See file MyCompiler.scala for an example definition of codeGenerator.)

Step 3: Defining Optimizations

Difference Between Online and Offline Optimizations

There are two main kinds of optimizations: online and offline. Online (or local) optimizations are applied continuously, as soon as a node in the deep embedding is created, while offline optimizations are only applied after constructing the full program in the deep embedding (and thus after online optimizations have been applied), in a predefined order.

SC allows both kinds to be defined, but offline optimizations are simpler to start with. This is because they require no knowledge of the deep embedding, being able to be fully described using quasiquotes. Therefore, we will focus on them in this tutorial. For an explanation of online optimizations and an example, please refer to the appendix.

The Compilation Pipeline

In order to define offline transformations, we need to add them to the pipeline of the MyCompiler object defined earlier. In the following example, we extend MyCompiler's pipeline with a transformer MyTransformer, which definition is detailed below.

import sc.pardis.optimization.RecursiveRuleBasedTransformer

object MyCompiler extends Compiler[ListDSLOps] {

  pipeline += new MyTransformer[ListDSLOps](DSL)

Offline analysis and rewrite rules can be written in the following general syntax:

class MyTransformer extends RuleBasedTransformer {
    analysis += rule {
      case dsl" .. to match .. " => // store gathered information
    rewrite += rule {
      case dsl" .. to match .. " => dsl" .. to construct .."

A Simple Optimization

Following is an optimization that rewrites any application of size to lists of one elements with the literal 1. To do so, it matches program fragments of the form List(x).size and generates a program fragment consisting of 1.

import sc.pardis.optimization.RecursiveRuleBasedTransformer

class MyTransformer(DSL: ListDSLOps) extends RecursiveRuleBasedTransformer[ListDSLOps](DSL) {  
  rewrite += rule {
    case dsl"List($x).size" => dsl"1"

In the body of the transformation above, the extracted variable x has type Rep[?A], where ?A is a type generated automatically by the quasiquote engine, representing the (unknown) type of the constructed list's elements. We could also specify the type explicitly, as in case dsl"List[Int]($x).size", in which case x would have had type Rep[Int]. (Note that we could also write $_ instead of $x, because we never use x.)

Caveat: in its current implementation, quasiquotation will not check that the type of an extracted object matches the concrete type specified, so extarctor dsl"List[Int]($x) could extract a List[String], and the type of x (Rep[Int]) would be lying. (This will be corrected in the future, cf. sc/issues/99.)

Note that a manual approach can be used to define the transformation, ie: without using quasiquotes and by manipulating IR nodes directly. However, this requires special knowledge about the compiler's internals, and is out of the scope of this tutorial. Quasiquotes will be enough for most use cases.

Generalizing the size Optimization

In order to generalize that size optimization to any list size, we can use the vararg extraction syntax of quasiquotes:

  import IR.Predef._
  rewrite += rule {  case dsl"List($xs*).size" => `  }

In the code above, xs has type Seq[Rep[A]], because it will match any actual list of arguments passed to the List constructor. Notice that xs.size has type Int, so it can be spliced into a quasiquote. Writing unit(xs.size) would have the same effect as unit(xs.size): the function unit (from IR.Predef) takes a plain Int object and returns a Rep[Int] (of underlying class Constant[Int]). It is necessary to return a Rep[Int] and not an Int, since any transformation is expected to return a value of type Rep[_].

In any case, lifting constants require the TypeRep type class; in our case, it expects an implicit value of type TypeRep[Int]. This value is also imported from IR.Predef. Other related implicits can be found in sc.pardis.types.PardisTypeImplicits.

Finally, note that matching case dsl"List($xs: _*).size" is also possible, but has a different meaning. It will extract nodes created by Scala syntax f(x: _*), where x is any sequence, of size not necessarily known statically. As a consequence, the type of xs will be Rep[Seq[A]] (and not Seq[Rep[A]]).

Explicitly Polymorphic Transformations

It is often useful to be able to refer to the generic types found in a pattern-matched expression. In addition, extraction quasiquotes will not always be able to generate existential types (like ?A above), and may need help to typecheck the quasiquoted expressions.

For this purpose, SC provides a macro newTypeParams that generates types and implicits whose purpose is to be used for extraction and construction of expressions through quasiquotes. It is used as follows:

val params = newTypeParams('A, 'B, 'C); import params._

rewrite += rule {
  case dsl"($ls: List[A]).map($f: A => B).map($g: B => C)" =>
    f : Rep[A => B]  // typechecks
    dsl"($ls).map(x => $g($f(x)))"

Notice how we don't need to specify the types again in the construction of the new expression. Scala infers all types for us in this context, i.e., as if we had written dsl"($ls: List[A]).map[C]((x: A) => $g($f(x)))".

Caveat: Because of limitations in what extractor macros can do (and because we need to propagate implicit type representations from the extraction to the construction of expressions), the newTypeParams macro relies on some shared state (instantiated with its application). For this reason, one should never share type parameters generated through this macro across transformations that may apply concurrently. For example, in an extraction of the form case dsl"XXX" => x match { case dsl"YYY" => ... }, the extractor YYY should use type parameters distinct from the ones used in XXX. This also means that recursive extractors should define their newTypeParams parameters locally (so each recursive invocation has a distinct state).

Step 4: Defining Lowerings


Program transformations fall into two categories:

  • Optimizations, described in the above section.

  • Lowerings, wherein a program representation is translated to a lower level of abstraction, using constructs not necessarily available in the source language.

Unlike optimizations, which are optional, each lowering leading to the target language must be applied exactly once. Lowerings usually lower the program abstraction by ways of inlining, specialization and partial evaluation.

Lowering List constructions

In our example, we would like to lower the high-level, immutable List data structure to a construct more amenable to performant compilation. We chose to use mutable ArrayBuffers, available in the default Scala constructs of SC, as the lower-level representation.

The first thing to do is to rewrite all constructions of List[T] to an appropriate construction of ArrayBuffer[T].

rewrite += symRule {
  case dsl"List[A]($xs*)" =>
    val buffer = dsl"new ArrayBuffer[A](${unit(xs.size)})"
    for (x <- xs) dsl"$buffer append $x"

In the code above, we construct a new ArrayBuffer[A](s), where s is the size to reserve for the elements it will contain. We then loop through the arguments xs and independently append them one by one to the buffer we just defined.

Every execution of dsl"$buffer append $x" creates corresponding IR nodes in the current block and return a Rep[Unit], that there is no need to do anything with.

Lowering List operations

Lowering the operations on lists is done in a similar fashion, but with a catch: we have to match patterns such as dsl"($ls: List[A]).map($f: A => B)", but such a pattern will expose an ls object of type List[A], whereas we would like an ArrayBuffer[A]. Indeed, we know we have converted list construction nodes to array construction nodes, and would like to leverage this information (we want to use the append method available in ArrayBuffer).

Here, we have to force SC to believe us and use an asInstanceOf. An elegant way of doing it is to define an auxilliary extractor that does the dirty job once and for all, limiting the potential for errors:

object ArrFromLs {
  def unapply[T](x: Rep[List[T]]): Option[Rep[ArrayBuffer[T]]] = x match {
    case dsl"$ls: List[T]" => Some(ls.asInstanceOf[Rep[ArrayBuffer[T]]])
    case _ => None

We can now write the lowering as follows:

  case dsl"(${ArrFromLs(arr)}: List[A]).map($f: A => B)" =>
      val r = new ArrayBuffer[B]($arr.size)
      for (x <- $arr) r append $f(x)

Notice that contrary to the previous case (List construction), here the loop is inside the quasiquotation block, because we do not know the size statically and wish to generate a loop with a statement inside, and not to loop and generate single statements (which corresponds to loop unrolling).

Keeping Types Consistent

In several places, SC has to keep track of what are the types of the program's subexpressions. We have to tell it of the transformation we implemented, so typing information can be properly maintained, and the generated code will be consistent.

This is done by overriding the transformType function to make it handle our type transformation:

override def transformType[T](implicit tp: TypeRep[T]): TypeRep[Any] = tp match {
  case lst: IR.ListType[t] => IR.ArrayBufferType[t](lst.typeA).asInstanceOf[TypeRep[Any]]
  case _ => super.transformType(tp)

Note: It will not always be the case that a type transformation be performed throughout a program. Sometimes, the decision of which low-level construct to use to lower a higher-level one will be contextual. In such cases, it is necessary to construct a mapping during the analysis phase of the transformation that remembers to which type each symbol is converted to. This is outside the scope of this tutorial.

Step 5: Compilation to C

Memory Management

Memory Management Nodes

In order to compile our DSL to C, we must take into account the fact that C does not have garbage collection, and uses instead stack allocation and explicit dynamic allocation/deallocation using the malloc/free primitives.

Conversion of garbage-collected programs to explicit memory management is a hard problem in its most general form. Here, we will only describe an ad-hoc technique to manage the memory of our List objects: for each List creation, we will convert it to an array allocation, and a corresponding deallocation (free) at the end of the current block.

Caveat: This simplistic scheme is only sound as long as List objects do not escape the blocks they are defined in (for example, by being returned). The next logical step would be to perform escape analysis (which is an existing analysis in SC), either to prevent escape or to use a more elaborate scheme handling escapes, but this is out of the scope of this tutorial.

In order to represent allocation/deallocation in the DSL, we add an object Mem that provide the corresponding nodes:

class Mem
object Mem {
  def alloc[T](size: Int): Array[T] = ???
  def free[T](obj: Array[T]): Unit = ???

Notice that these methods have no shallow implementation, because they are only used as an intermediate representation before generating C code.

One should not forget to extend the requirements of the main DSL trait to @needs[List[_] :: Mem :: ScalaCore], in order for the deep representation of Mem to be included in the deep embedding.

We split the corresponding lowering in two parts: one to lower our ArrayBuffers to simple Arrays, and one to implement explicit memory manegement of the Arrays.

Lowering to Array

The problem is to rewrite a sequence of the form val a = new ArrayBuffer[A](n); a append x; a append y ... into something of the form val a = new Array[A](n); var size = 0; a(size) = x; size += 1; a(size) = y; size += 1; .... We can ensure this transformation is safe and semantics-preserving based on our domain-specific knowledge.

In order to remember which size variable is associated with each array, we maintain a mapping arraySizes and update it as we encounter statements corresponding to array creations:

val arraySizes = mutable.Map[Rep[_], IR.Var[Int]]()

rewrite += statement {
  case sym -> (x @ dsl"new ArrayBuffer[A]($size)") => 
    val res = dsl"new Array[A]($size)"
    arraySizes(res) = newVar(unit(0))

Now, we can define normal rewriting rules to leverage this information. We use the subst mapping automatically defined and updated by RecursiveRuleBasedTransformer, that keeps a mapping of the symbols transformed thus far:

rewrite += symRule {
  case dsl"($arr: ArrayBuffer[A]).size" =>
  case dsl"($arr: ArrayBuffer[A]) append $e" =>
    val myarr = subst(arr).asInstanceOf[Rep[Array[A]]]
    val v = arraySizes(myarr)
    dsl"$myarr($v) = $e; $v = $v + 1"


The main idea is to use a buffer arrays containing all arrays created within the current block, and to deallocate them at the end of the block:

case class Arr[T](arr: Rep[Array[T]])(implicit val tp: TypeRep[T])
var arrays = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Arr[_]]()

rewrite += statement {
  case sym -> dsl"new Array[A]($size)" => 
    val e = dsl"Mem.alloc[A]($size)"
    arrays += Arr(e)

def postProcessBlock[T](b: Block[T]): Unit = {
  arrays foreach {
      case a =>

The reason for using an Arr case class is to easily capture and reuse implicit TypeRep evidences extracted by unapply quasiquotes in one place and spliced back by apply quasiquotes in another place.

Converting Scala nodes to C nodes

In addition to lowering ArrayBuffer to Array and constructing memory management nodes, there are still language mismatches between Scala and C. For example, Scala if statements can return values, whereas in C if statements can only have Unit (void) type (to be more precise, conditionals cond ? thenp : elsep can return values other than void but cannot have proper blocks containing local variables in the branches). Furthermore, the data structures of Scala core library should also be transformed to their corresponding C version. To do so SC provides the ScalaCoreToC transformer, which should be added in the transformation pipeline.

Generating C Syntax

In order to stringify C code, we need to provide a C code generator in addition to the existing Scala code generator. To do so, whenever the user wants to use the C code generator, an instance of CASTCodeGenerator should be used. In order to stringify some core constructs of Scala core library to C code, SC already provides the ScalaCoreCCodeGen interface. In addition, we should guide the code generator how to generate C code for Mem.alloc and This is achieved by overriding the functionNodeToDocument in the C code generator object, as shown in the following code:

override def functionNodeToDocument(fun: FunctionNode[_]) = fun match {
  case dsl"Mem.alloc[A]($size)" => {
    val tp = implicitly[TypeRep[A]]
    doc"($tp *)malloc($size * sizeof($tp))"
  case dsl"$mem)" => doc"free($mem)"
  case _ => super.functionNodeToDocument(fun)

Finally, by providing appropriate flags for switching between Scala code generation and C code generation, we can have a modular compiler able to target the two languages.

Annex: Online Optimizations

Online optimizations are achieved through "Smart Constructors": overriding deep embedding node constructors so as to change their behavior depending on the subnodes they are given.

Using Quasiquotes

A typical example is a constructor that directly generates the literal 0 instead of a node for calling size on an empty list.

This can be defined easily by overriding the listSize method found in ListOps, and giving it this body:

override def listSize[A: TypeRep](self : Rep[List[A]]) : Rep[Int] = self match {
    case dsl"shallow.List()" => dsl"0"
    case _ => super.listSize(self)

The example above is similar to the one we described as an offline transformation, but applies to lists of size 1 instead.

Notice that we use a shallow. prefix in front of List in order not to capture the List object defined in ListOps, bur the actual shallow-embedding List object.

The overriding method should be defined in a trait (named as ListExpOptimizations) which extends the ListOps trait. In order to benefit from this online transformation, instead of using the ListDSLOps polymorphic embedding interface, one should use another interface which extends both ListDSLOps and ListExpOptimizations.


Note that the transformation above is essentially equivalent to the following, manual definition:

   override def listSize[A: TypeRep](self : Rep[List[A]]) : Rep[Int] = self match {
     case Def(ListApplyObject(Def(PardisLiftedSeq(Seq())))) => unit(0)
     case _ => super.listSize(self)

As one can see, it is easier to use quasiquotes to match deep embedding nodes, because they hide implementation details of the Intermediate Representation by providing the same language as the shallow library.