From 17f8516594e46918a9e5ef12c4189244b8e94bad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Guobao Shen This is the start of a document that describes the MASAR service. This
-document describes an implementation that is a combination of Python and C++.
-The IRMIS access is through PYIRMIS interface layer. To separate the interface
-with V4 service, we add a layer called data source layer. With the Data Source
-Layer, each facility can plug in their own RDB fundamental with minimum
-modification to data source layer, which mainly focuses on the interfaces to
-replace the PYIRMIS layer. The MASAR is an EPICS V4 service, which takes machine snapshot data,
-archives data, and retrieves data. As described above, the compare and restore functions are left to the client.
-The underneath IRMIS database schemas are shown as below:
- The service consists of a client that communicates with a server via
-channelRPC requests. The result is an NTTable, i. e. it is a structure like: As stated in [1], "typeIdentifier is a long whose bitfield value is
-used to uniquely identify a PVStructure instance as an example of a data type.
-The first 16 bits (of 64) are reserved to identify the normative types." An example of NTTable structure is as below: As shown in above data structure, a client select a function, and provides
-arguments to the server via an array of nameValuePair_t. The server acts
-according given function and arguments. Following are some examples how a
-server responds to requests. The examples show how the PYIRMIS layer handle a
-request, and how PYIRMIS insulates the service from IRMIS schema changes. The client sends the above to the server via a channelRPC request. The
- service communication control layer receives the command from client and
- passes it to the service layer, The service layer parses the function to
- decide which action it should do. In this case, it passes the argument
- (function+nameValuePair) to data source layer. When the data source layer receives this command it converts the
- argument data into a Python dictionary data (see structure in data source layer),
- and calls PYIRMIS. The PYIRMIS uses the data to construct a SQL query
- command, executes RDB query, and returns data or operation status. For this
- function, it returns operation status, which is true if success, or false
- if failed. The status is presented in the NTTable alarm field. The data
- source layer creates an NTTable that describes what was obtained from
- PYIRMIS. The NTTable is returned to the service layers which returns it to
- the service communication layer. The service communication layer completes
- the channelRPC request. If nameValuePair is an empty array all the snapshot configurations are
- returned otherwise it returns results which satisfies the constraints
- specified by the nameValuePair array. The values for the nameValuePairs can
- be any combination of the values allowed for saveSnapshotConfig. An example is: This returns the configuration where configName="config name" and serviceName="SR commissioning"
- The raw data returned from PYIRMIS is a Python dictionary data as below (conceptual only):
-MAchine Snapshot Archiving and Retrieve
-Guobao Shen,
-Marty Kraimer
-National Synchrotron Light Source II
-Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, 11764
-Updated: 2011.11.09
-Functions not supported
-Collect all reasonable functions which should be provided. It is open for
-The key words for name and value is open for discussion. The name should map
-the name in IRMIS database.
-A convention is requested for the nameValuePair. Basically, it follows the
-NSLS2 naming convention.
-For NSLS II, a default pv_group, which is a collection of pv names, will be
-configured in advance. User can either use the default pv_group configuration,
-or, with administrative privilege, create a new configuration. If a client
-wants to combine pv_groups, it creates, again with administrative
-privilege/authorization, a new configuration. Each configuration has a name,
-description, and created time. One configuration might have more than one
-snapshot event associated with it where the snapshots are taken separately at
-different times. System Architecture
-MASAR Architecture
- IRMIS-MASAR database schema
-IRMIS-PVGROUP database schema
- Terminology and
-structure timeStamp_t
- long secsPastEpoch
- int nanoseconds
- int userTag
-structure alarm_t
- int severity*
- int status*
- string message
-structure nameValuePair_t
- string name
- string value
- Data structure
-The arguments structure for the channelRPC is defined as:structure arguments
- string function
- nameValuePair_t[]nameValues
-structure NTTable
- typeIdentifier_t typeIdentifier
- alarm_t alarm
- timeStamp_t timeStamp
- string[] labels
- <arrayType> xxx
- . . .
-structure NTTable
- typeIdentifier_t typeIdentifier
- alarm_t alarm
- timeStamp_t timeStamp
- string[] labels // length is same as number of following fields
- // label name for each column
- // the order has to be consistent with the following fields
- string[] pvnames // pv name list
- alarm_t[] alarms // alarm for each individual pv
- timeStamp_t[] timeStamps // time stamp for each individual pv
- double[] values // value for each individual pv
- . . .
-Use Cases
structure arguments
- string function saveSnapshotConfig
- nameValuePair_t[]
- nameValuePair_t name "pvName" value "pvname1,pvname2,pvname3,..."
- nameValuePair_t name "configName" value "config name"
- nameValuePair_t name "configDescription" value "config description"
- nameValuePair_t name "groupName" value "group name1, group name2, ..."
- nameValuePair_t name "serviceName" value "SR commissioning"
- nameValuePair_t name "serviceDescription" value "description for storage ring commissioning service config"
- [Function]: saveSnapshotConfig.
- [nameValuePair_t]: pv name list, snapshot name, description
- [Result]: status as NTTable (EPICS V4 normative type)
- structure arguments
- string function retrieveSnapshotConfigs
- nameValuePair_t [...]
- structure arguments
- string function retrieveSnapshotConfigs
- nameValuePair_t[]
- nameValuePair_t name "configName" value "config name"
- nameValuePair_t name "serviceName" value "SR commissioning"
- {
- 'serviceName': string [],
- 'serviceDesc': string[],
- 'servicePropName': string [],
- 'servicePropValue': string [],
- 'serviceID': int[],
- 'serviceCreateTime': datetime[],
- 'configName': string[],
- 'configDesc': string[],
- 'configID': int[],
- 'configVersion': int[],
- 'configCreateTime': datetime[],
- }
- The Python dictionary is converted into a NTTable, and returned.
Another example is:
-structure arguments - string function retrieveSnapshotConfigs - nameValuePair_t[]- This return all configurations stored in IRMIS database, and the data type is as above. - -
The client sends the argument to the server. The service communication - control layer receives the command from client and passes it to the service - layer, The service layer parses the function to decide which action it - should do. In this case, it passes the argument (function+nameValuePair) to - data source layer.
- -Like saveSnapshotConfig, the argument is converted to a Python dictionary data - in the data source layer, and then passed to PYIRMIS which returns data or - status. The PYIRMIS uses the data to construct a SQL command, executes a - RDB query to get the data. In this case, the raw data (ResultSet format) - from IRMIS is converted by PYIRMIS into a Python dictionary data, and the status is - set in alarm field.
-- [Function]: return snapshot configure(s) satisfying given constrain(s) - [nameValuePair_t]: NULL to retrieve all snapshot configures, or nameValuePair constrain(s) - [Result]: NTTable includes - service name, created time, description, and id - config name, created time, description, and id -- -
structure arguments - string function saveSnapshot - nameValuePair_t[] - nameValuePair_t name "configID" value "config id" - nameValuePair_t name "serviceID" value "service id" - nameValuePair_t name "eventName" value "name for this particular snapshot event" - nameValuePair_t name "eventDesc" value "description for this particular snapshot event" -- In this example the client identifies a particular configuration by - combining configID="config id" and serviceID="service id", and wants the - server to record this event with eventName="name for this particular - snapshot event" and eventDesc="description for this particular snapshot - event". If server finds the configure, it takes a snapshot, and stores data - into IRMIS, otherwise, returns an error. - -
The argument nameValuePair can be any combination of the values for - saveSnapshotConfig. The service layer gets a list of channel names from the - data source layer. It then makes channel access calls to get a snapShot. It - saves the data by again calling the data source layer. It returns an - NTTable with labels as an empty array. The alarm fields reports the status - of the request.
- -The data captured in this function includes the value, status, - severity, and time stamp for each pv, and the event name and event - description, which can be from client as nameValuePair, or default value if - they are not given by client. If any pv is disconnected its status is - disconnected and the value is NaN.
- -When the data source layer receives the value, it converts data into - a Python dictionary (see structure in data source layer), and call PYIRMIS. The - PYIRMIS uses the data to construct a SQL command, executes a RDB command to - save data, and returns the status.
- -[Function]: take a snapshot and save the result into IRMIS database - [nameValuePair_t]: nameValuePair for identifying a particular snapshot - [Result]: status as NTTable-
structure arguments - string function retrieveSnapshot - nameValuePair_t[] [nameValuePair1, nameValuePair2, nameValuePair3] --
An example is: structure arguments string function retrieveSnapshot - nameValuePair_t[] nameValuePair_t name "configID" value "config id" - nameValuePair_t name "serviceID" value "service id" nameValuePair_t name - "eventId" value "event id" This identifies a particular snapshot event by - combining configID="config id", serviceID="service id", and eventId="event - id". If server finds this event, it retrieves this snapshot, and returns - data back to client, otherwise an error.
-The client sends above information to server. Once the service - communication control layer receives the command from client, it parses the - function to decide which action it should do. In this case, it passes the - argument (function+nameValuePair) to data source layer through service - layer.
-When the data source layer receives this command, it the argument - data into a Python dictionary data (see structure in data source layer), and call - PYIRMIS. The PYIRMIS uses the data to construct a SQL query command, - executes a RDB query, and returns data or operation status. In this case, - the raw data (in ResultSet format) from IRMIS is converted into a Python dictionary, - and returned back to service. The status is presented in alarm - field. If the SQL query fails, it return an error.
-[Function]: return a particular snapshot satisfying given constraints. - [nameValuePair_t]: nameValuePair(s) - [Result]: snapshot names, event time, description, and data as NTTable-
structure arguments - string function getLiveSnapshot - nameValuePair_t [] - nameValuePair_t name "configID" value "config id" - nameValuePair_t name "serviceID" value "service id" -- A particular snapshot event is obtained by combining configID="config id" - and serviceID="service id". If server finds this config, it takes a - snapshot, and returns data back to client, otherwise an error. -
The client sends above to server. Once the service communication - control layer receives the command from client, it parses the function to - decide which action it should do. In this case, the behavior is similar - with saveSnapShot: the service layer gets a list of channel names from the - data source layer. It then makes channel access calls to get a snapShot. It - constructs a NTTable with those data. The alarm fields reports the status - of the request. If any pv is disconnected its status is disconnected and - the value is NaN.
-This function returns the NTTable with labels as an empty array, i. - e. no data only alarm and timeStamp, are returned.
-[Function]: return a particular snapshot satisfying given constrain with live data for each pv from IOC - [nameValuePair_t]: nameValuePair(s) - [Result]: snapshot names, event time, description, and data as NTTable-
The client code consists of two parts: 1) The actual client API, and 2) The -code that uses pvAccess to communicate with the MASAR server. The client API is -for a python client. The pvAccess code is implemented in C++.
- -The API is:
-NTTable = masar(function, **kws) - # logic depends on function. - # in another word, how to combine name/value pair depends on function. - - list of function (part): - - saveSnapshotConfig - [Description]: config a snapshot, and save configuration into IRMIS database - [Argument]: nameValuePair -- list of pv group names, snapshot config name, description - [Result]: status as NTTable (EPICS V4 normative type) - - retrieveSnapshotConfigs - [Description]: retrieve all snapshot configures satisfying given constrains - [Argument]: All snapshot configures if NULL, or configures satisfying nameValuePair constrain(s) - [Result]: NTTable includes - service name, created time, description, and id - config name, created time, description, and id - - saveSnapshot - [Description]: save a snapshot into IRMIS database - [Argument]: nameValuePair for a particular snapshot - [Result]: status as NTTable - - retrieveSnapshot - [Description]: retrieve a particular snapshot satisfying given constrain, and data for each pv archived in IRMIS - [Argument]: nameValuePair(s) - [Result]: snapshot names, event time, description, and data as NTTable - - getLiveSnapshot - [Description]: take a particular snapshot satisfying given constrain, and live data for each pv from IOC - [Argument]: nameValuePair(s) - [Result]: snapshot names, event time, description, and data as NTTable - - retrievePvGroup - [Description]: retrieve list of pv group used for MASAR service from IRMIS - [Arguments]: list of all groups if NULL, or group(s) satisfying nameValuePair constrain(s) - [Result]: group name, id, description as NTTable - [PYIRMIS]: the data returned from PYIRMIS is a Python dictionary as below: - { 'pvGroupName': string [], - 'pvGroupDesc': string [], - 'pvGroupID': int[], - 'pvGroupCreatedDate': datetime [], - 'pvGroupVersion': string[] - } - - retrievePvs - [Description]: retrieve list of pv group used for MASAR service from IRMIS - [Arguments]: list of all groups if NULL, or group(s) satisfying nameValuePair constrain(s) - [Result]: group name, id, description as NTTable - [PYIRMIS]: the data returned from PYIRMIS is a Python dictionary as below: - { 'pvName': string [], - 'pvDesc': string [], - 'pvAttr': string [{'attrName1': attrValue1, - 'attrName2': attrValue2 - }] - }- -
This implements channelRPC, i. e. it is the code with which the client -communicates. It queues client requests. It has a separate thread that services -the queue. When it takes a request from the queue it looks at -arguments.function. This determines which function it calls. It calls the -service passing it the arguments. The function must return an NTTable which is -passed back to the client completing the channelRPC for a get function.
- -The implementation will be in C++.
- -By default, a MASAR server takes snapshot with default configuration -periodically.
- -Initially two functions will be created: 1) saveSnapshot, and 2) -retrieveSnapshot. The implementation is in C++.
- -The Layer is a C++ API. It is passed arguments.nameValues, and returns an -NTTable.
- -The API to interface with service layer:
-NTTable = masar(structure arguments)- -
The initial version will call the PYIRMIS server. Interfaces to other -databases may be implemented in the future.
- -The API to interface with PYIRMIS layer is in Python, and callable by PYIRMIS:
-[] = "function"(arguments) - function is provided by PYIRMIS, and sent by client in pvstructure arguments. - The function name from client is mapped into or shared by PYIRMIS function name. - The initial implementation adopts the function name as described above. - - Return: - Python dictionary. For get operation, the first must be labels array (string), for example: - { - 'labels': string[], - 'pvnames': string[], - 'severity':int[], - 'status': int[], - 'message': int[], - 'sec': long[], - 'nanosec': int[], - 'userTag': int[], - 'values': double[], - } - - For set operation, return status.- -
This section gives a brief introduction about the PYIRMIS layer. The -PYIRMIS is a standalone Python module, which provides an access to IRMIS -database, and hides all business logic in the API. With this solution, the -database query, and all business logic are done within PYIRMIS layer. Since -database business logic is hidden in this layer, it insulates the service from -underneath RDB, and minimizes the impact caused by changes with IRMIS database -for example, any database schema change. Each API receives a Python dictionary as -parameter, and returns back a Python dictionary as result.
- -Here are some more details what happens inside the PYIRMIS layer. The -nameValuePair is converted to Python dictionary data, and passed to PYIRMIS layer. -Therefore, PYIRMIS is able to construct a SQL command to query to IRMIS -database. There are 2 ways to construct a SQL command: (1) directly use the RDB -keyword as the name of nameValuePair; or (2) use a dictionary to map the name -of nameValuePair to the RDB keyword. For the first solution, the advantage is -that it directly uses the RDB key word as the name of nameValuePair. However, -there are too many RDB details exposed to client since the name of -nameValuePair is used by end user. Any change on the keyword may impact the end -user. The second solution, the impact to end user can be minimized, and cost is -that we need an extra dictionary to map the name between the name of -nameValuePair and the key word of RDB.
- -This is code that accesses V3 IOCs.
-API: NTTable = get(string [] chanNames)- -
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