diff --git a/.nojekyll b/.nojekyll new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8b1378917 --- /dev/null +++ b/.nojekyll @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/404.html b/404.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f16caa117 --- /dev/null +++ b/404.html @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ + + +
+ + + + +CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
+ We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
+We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
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+Community Impact: A violation through a single incident or series of actions.
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+Community Impact: A serious violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior.
+Consequence: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period. Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
+Community Impact: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
+Consequence: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within the community.
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 2.0, available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/code_of_conduct.html.
+Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by Mozilla’s code of conduct enforcement ladder.
+For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq. Translations are available at https:// www.contributor-covenant.org/translations.
+ This outlines how to propose a change to EpiNow2. In general, we accept contributions in the form of issues and/or pull requests.
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+You can suggest an idea for a new feature/enhancement. Please provide as much detail of its use case as possible. As an example, see this extensive issue about making the model outputs S3 classes.
+If you have found a bug, ideally illustrate it with a minimal reprex (this will also help you write a unit test, if you opt to fix it yourself). Here is an example of a bug report.
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+# install precommit if not already installed
+# set up precommit for use
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Please note that the EpiNow2 project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project you agree to abide by its terms.
+YEAR: 2020 +COPYRIGHT HOLDER: EpiForecasts ++ +
+ Copyright (c) 2020 EpiForecasts
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ In the following section we give an overview of the simple use case
+for epinow()
and regional_epinow()
The first step to using the package is to load it as follows.
+ +Distributions can be supplied in two ways. First, one can supply
+delay data to estimate_delay()
, where a subsampled
+bootstrapped lognormal will be fit to account for uncertainty in the
+observed data without being biased by changes in incidence (see
Second, one can specify predetermined delays with uncertainty using
+the distribution functions such as Gamma
. An arbitrary number of delay distributions are
+supported in dist_spec()
with a common use case being an
+incubation period followed by a reporting delay. For more information on
+specifying distributions see (see
For example if data on the delay between onset and infection was
+available we could fit a distribution to it, using
, with appropriate uncertainty as follows
+(note this is a synthetic example),
+reporting_delay <- estimate_delay(
+ rlnorm(1000, log(2), 1),
+ max_value = 14, bootstraps = 1
If data was not available we could instead specify an informed
+estimate of the likely delay using the distribution functions
or LogNormal
. To demonstrate, we choose
+a lognormal distribution with mean 2, standard deviation 1 and a maximum
+of 10. This is just an example and unlikely to apply in any
+particular use case.
+reporting_delay <- LogNormal(mean = 2, sd = 1, max = 10)
+#> - lognormal distribution (max: 10):
+#> meanlog:
+#> 0.58
+#> sdlog:
+#> 0.47
For the rest of this vignette, we will use inbuilt example literature +estimates for the incubation period and generation time of Covid-19 (see +here +for the code that generates these estimates). These distributions +are unlikely to be applicable for your use case. We strongly recommend +investigating what might be the best distributions to use in any given +use case.
+#> - gamma distribution (max: 14):
+#> shape:
+#> - normal distribution:
+#> mean:
+#> 1.4
+#> sd:
+#> 0.48
+#> rate:
+#> - normal distribution:
+#> mean:
+#> 0.38
+#> sd:
+#> 0.25
+#> - lognormal distribution (max: 14):
+#> meanlog:
+#> - normal distribution:
+#> mean:
+#> 1.6
+#> sd:
+#> 0.064
+#> sdlog:
+#> - normal distribution:
+#> mean:
+#> 0.42
+#> sd:
+#> 0.069
Users can also pass a non-parametric delay distribution vector using
+the NonParametric
option for both the generation interval
+and reporting delays. It is important to note that if doing so, both
+delay distributions are 0-indexed, meaning the first element corresponds
+to the probability mass at day 0 of an individual’s infection. Because
+the discretised renewal equation doesn’t support mass on day 0, the
+generation interval should be passed in as a 0-indexed vector with a
+mass of zero on day 0.
+example_non_parametric_gi <- NonParametric(pmf = c(0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.2))
+example_non_parametric_delay <- NonParametric(pmf = c(0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.09))
These distributions are passed to downstream functions in the same +way that the parametric distributions are.
+Now, to the functions.
+This function represents the core functionality of the package and +includes results reporting, plotting, and optional saving. It requires a +data frame of cases by date of report and the distributions defined +above.
+Load example case data from EpiNow2.
+reported_cases <- example_confirmed[1:60]
+#> date confirm
+#> <Date> <num>
+#> 1: 2020-02-22 14
+#> 2: 2020-02-23 62
+#> 3: 2020-02-24 53
+#> 4: 2020-02-25 97
+#> 5: 2020-02-26 93
+#> 6: 2020-02-27 78
Estimate cases by date of infection, the time-varying reproduction
+number, the rate of growth, and forecast these estimates into the future
+by 7 days. Summarise the posterior and return a summary table and plots
+for reporting purposes. If a target_folder
is supplied
+results can be internally saved (with the option to also turn off
+explicit returning of results). Here we use the default model
+parameterisation that prioritises real-time performance over run-time or
+other considerations. For other formulations see the documentation for
+estimates <- epinow(
+ data = reported_cases,
+ generation_time = gt_opts(example_generation_time),
+ delays = delay_opts(example_incubation_period + reporting_delay),
+ rt = rt_opts(prior = LogNormal(mean = 2, sd = 0.2)),
+ stan = stan_opts(cores = 4),
+ verbose = interactive()
+#> [1] "estimates" "estimated_reported_cases"
+#> [3] "summary" "plots"
+#> [5] "timing"
Both summary measures and posterior samples are returned for all
+parameters in an easily explored format which can be accessed using
. The default is to return a summary table of
+estimates for key parameters at the latest date partially supported by
measure | +estimate | +
New infections per day | +2246 (1345 – 3712) | +
Expected change in reports | +Likely decreasing | +
Effective reproduction no. | +0.9 (0.71 – 1.1) | +
Rate of growth | +-0.028 (-0.097 – 0.037) | +
Doubling/halving time (days) | +-25 (19 – -7.1) | +
Summarised parameter estimates can also easily be returned, either +filtered for a single parameter or for all parameters.
+head(summary(estimates, type = "parameters", params = "R"))
+#> date variable strat type median mean sd lower_90
+#> <Date> <char> <char> <char> <num> <num> <num> <num>
+#> 1: 2020-02-22 R <NA> estimate 2.192146 2.198985 0.11444472 2.024200
+#> 2: 2020-02-23 R <NA> estimate 2.155321 2.161326 0.10485587 2.002736
+#> 3: 2020-02-24 R <NA> estimate 2.116282 2.122057 0.09752376 1.973624
+#> 4: 2020-02-25 R <NA> estimate 2.076851 2.081412 0.09208487 1.944169
+#> 5: 2020-02-26 R <NA> estimate 2.034924 2.039632 0.08807288 1.907857
+#> 6: 2020-02-27 R <NA> estimate 1.991849 1.996950 0.08500839 1.867559
+#> lower_50 lower_20 upper_20 upper_50 upper_90
+#> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num>
+#> 1: 2.117945 2.163831 2.223016 2.273580 2.398886
+#> 2: 2.086968 2.130249 2.182448 2.231471 2.342141
+#> 3: 2.053489 2.091872 2.140538 2.184986 2.295274
+#> 4: 2.015866 2.053039 2.099319 2.140357 2.242094
+#> 5: 1.976725 2.012561 2.056509 2.095363 2.195281
+#> 6: 1.936513 1.970944 2.012702 2.051563 2.153084
Reported cases are returned in a separate data frame in order to +streamline the reporting of forecasts and for model evaluation.
+head(summary(estimates, output = "estimated_reported_cases"))
+#> date type median mean sd lower_90 lower_50 lower_20
+#> <Date> <char> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num>
+#> 1: 2020-02-22 gp_rt 36 36.2210 9.597511 22.00 30 33
+#> 2: 2020-02-23 gp_rt 52 53.4375 13.289635 34.00 44 50
+#> 3: 2020-02-24 gp_rt 64 65.6005 15.262941 42.00 55 61
+#> 4: 2020-02-25 gp_rt 72 73.3265 16.283718 48.95 62 68
+#> 5: 2020-02-26 gp_rt 82 83.0275 19.168972 54.00 70 77
+#> 6: 2020-02-27 gp_rt 119 121.2740 25.328851 83.00 103 113
+#> upper_20 upper_50 upper_90
+#> <num> <num> <num>
+#> 1: 38 42 53.00
+#> 2: 56 61 77.00
+#> 3: 68 75 92.05
+#> 4: 76 83 102.00
+#> 5: 87 94 116.05
+#> 6: 126 136 167.00
A range of plots are returned (with the single summary plot shown
+below). These plots can also be generated using the following
The regional_epinow()
function runs the
function across multiple regions in an efficient
Define cases in multiple regions delineated by the region +variable.
+reported_cases <- data.table::rbindlist(list(
+ data.table::copy(reported_cases)[, region := "testland"],
+ reported_cases[, region := "realland"]
+#> date confirm region
+#> <Date> <num> <char>
+#> 1: 2020-02-22 14 testland
+#> 2: 2020-02-23 62 testland
+#> 3: 2020-02-24 53 testland
+#> 4: 2020-02-25 97 testland
+#> 5: 2020-02-26 93 testland
+#> 6: 2020-02-27 78 testland
Calling regional_epinow()
runs the epinow()
+on each region in turn (or in parallel depending on the settings used).
+Here we switch to using a weekly random walk rather than the full
+Gaussian process model giving us piecewise constant estimates by
+estimates <- regional_epinow(
+ data = reported_cases,
+ generation_time = gt_opts(example_generation_time),
+ delays = delay_opts(example_incubation_period + reporting_delay),
+ rt = rt_opts(prior = LogNormal(mean = 2, sd = 0.2), rw = 7),
+ gp = NULL,
+ stan = stan_opts(cores = 4, warmup = 250, samples = 1000)
+#> INFO [2025-01-31 17:34:01] Producing following optional outputs: regions, summary, samples, plots, latest
+#> INFO [2025-01-31 17:34:01] Reporting estimates using data up to: 2020-04-21
+#> INFO [2025-01-31 17:34:01] No target directory specified so returning output
+#> INFO [2025-01-31 17:34:01] Producing estimates for: testland, realland
+#> INFO [2025-01-31 17:34:01] Regions excluded: none
+#> INFO [2025-01-31 17:34:21] Completed estimates for: testland
+#> INFO [2025-01-31 17:34:41] Completed estimates for: realland
+#> INFO [2025-01-31 17:34:41] Completed regional estimates
+#> INFO [2025-01-31 17:34:41] Regions with estimates: 2
+#> INFO [2025-01-31 17:34:41] Regions with runtime errors: 0
+#> INFO [2025-01-31 17:34:41] Producing summary
+#> INFO [2025-01-31 17:34:41] No summary directory specified so returning summary output
+#> INFO [2025-01-31 17:34:41] No target directory specified so returning timings
Results from each region are stored in a regional
+with across region summary measures and plots stored in a
list. All results can be set to be internally saved
+by setting the target_folder
and summary_dir
+arguments. Each region can be estimated in parallel using the
+future package (when in most scenarios cores
+should be set to 1). For routine use each MCMC chain can also be run in
+parallel (with future
= TRUE) with a time out
) allowing for partial results to be
+returned if a subset of chains is running longer than expected. See the
+documentation for the future package for details on
+nested futures.
Summary measures that are returned include a table formatted for +reporting (along with raw results for further processing). Futures +updated will extend the S3 methods used above to smooth access to this +output.
Region | +New infections per day | +Expected change in reports | +Effective reproduction no. | +Rate of growth | +Doubling/halving time (days) | +
realland | +2017 (1029 – 3866) | +Likely decreasing | +0.85 (0.6 – 1.1) | +-0.042 (-0.11 – 0.036) | +-17 (19 – -6.1) | +
testland | +2026 (1026 – 4222) | +Likely decreasing | +0.86 (0.6 – 1.2) | +-0.04 (-0.12 – 0.042) | +-17 (17 – -5.9) | +
A range of plots are again returned (with the single summary plot +shown below).
+ case-studies.Rmd
This is a work in progress. Please consider submitting a PR +to improve it.
+Abbott, Sam, Joel Hellewell, Robin N. Thompson, Katharine +Sherratt, Hamish P. Gibbs, Nikos I. Bosse, James D. Munday, et al. 2020. +“Estimating the Time-Varying Reproduction Number of SARS-CoV-2 Using +National and Subnational Case Counts.” Wellcome Open Research 5 +(December): 112. http://dx.doi.org/10.12688/wellcomeopenres.16006.2
Sherratt, Katharine, Sam Abbott, Sophie R. Meakin, Joel +Hellewell, James D. Munday, Nikos Bosse, Null Null, Mark Jit, and +Sebastian Funk. 2021. “Exploring Surveillance Data Biases When +Estimating the Reproduction Number: With Insights into Subpopulation +Transmission of COVID-19 in England.” Philosophical Transactions of the +Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences 376 (1829): +20200283. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2020.0283
Bosse, Nikos I., Sam Abbott, Johannes Bracher, Habakuk Hain, +Billy J. Quilty, Mark Jit, Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of +Infectious Diseases COVID-19 Working Group, Edwin van Leeuwen, Anne +Cori, and Sebastian Funk. 2022. “Comparing Human and Model-Based +Forecasts of COVID-19 in Germany and Poland.” PLoS Computational Biology +18 (9): e1010405. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010405
Davies, Nicholas G., Sam Abbott, Rosanna C. Barnard, Christopher +I. Jarvis, Adam J. Kucharski, James D. Munday, Carl A. B. Pearson, et +al. 2021. “Estimated Transmissibility and Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Lineage +B.1.1.7 in England.” Science 372 (6538). https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abg3055.
Meakin, Sophie, Sam Abbott, Nikos Bosse, James Munday, Hugo +Gruson, Joel Hellewell, Katharine Sherratt, CMMID COVID-19 Working +Group, and Sebastian Funk. 2022. “Comparative Assessment of Methods for +Short-Term Forecasts of COVID-19 Hospital Admissions in England at the +Local Level.” BMC Medicine 20 (1): 86. http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12916-022-02271-x
The EpiNow2 package contains functionality to run
in production mode, i.e. with full
+logging and saving all relevant outputs and plots to dedicated folders
+in the hard drive. This is done with the epinow()
+that takes the same options as estimate_infections()
+some additional options that determine, for example, where output gets
+stored and what output exactly. The function can be a useful option
+when, e.g., running the model daily with updated data on a
+high-performance computing server to feed into a dashboard. For more
+detail on the various model options available, see the Examples vignette, for more
+on the general modelling approach the Workflow, and for
+theoretical background the Model
+definitions vignette
To run the model in production mode for a single region, set the
+parameters up in the same way as for estimate_infections()
+(see the Workflow
+vignette). Here we use the example delay and generation time
+distributions that come with the package. This should be replaced with
+parameters relevant to the system that is being studied.
+#> Attaching package: 'EpiNow2'
+#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
+#> Gamma
+options(mc.cores = 4)
+reported_cases <- example_confirmed[1:60]
+reporting_delay <- LogNormal(mean = 2, sd = 1, max = 10)
+delay <- example_incubation_period + reporting_delay
+rt_prior <- LogNormal(mean = 2, sd = 0.1)
We can then run the epinow()
function with the same
+arguments as estimate_infections()
+res <- epinow(reported_cases,
+ generation_time = generation_time_opts(example_generation_time),
+ delays = delay_opts(delay),
+ rt = rt_opts(prior = rt_prior)
+#> Logging threshold set at INFO for the name logger
+#> Writing EpiNow2 logs to the console and:
+#> '/tmp/RtmpTIgwPA/regional-epinow/2020-04-21.log'.
+#> Logging threshold set at INFO for the name logger
+#> Writing EpiNow2.epinow logs to the console and:
+#> '/tmp/RtmpTIgwPA/epinow/2020-04-21.log'.
The initial messages here indicate where log files can be found. If
+you want summarised results and plots to be written out where they can
+be accessed later you can use the target_folder
The package also contains functionality to conduct inference
+contemporaneously (if separately) in production mode on multiple time
+series, e.g. to run the model on multiple regions. This is done with the
Say, for example, we construct a dataset containing two regions,
and realland
(in this simple example
+both containing the same case data).
+cases <- example_confirmed[1:60]
+cases <- data.table::rbindlist(list(
+ data.table::copy(cases)[, region := "testland"],
+ cases[, region := "realland"]
+ ))
To then run this on multiple regions using the default options above, +we could use
+region_rt <- regional_epinow(
+ data = cases,
+ generation_time = generation_time_opts(example_generation_time),
+ delays = delay_opts(delay),
+ rt = rt_opts(prior = rt_prior),
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:51:23] Producing following optional outputs: regions, summary, samples, plots, latest
+#> Logging threshold set at INFO for the name logger
+#> Writing EpiNow2 logs to the console and:
+#> '/tmp/RtmpTIgwPA/regional-epinow/2020-04-21.log'.
+#> Logging threshold set at INFO for the name logger
+#> Writing EpiNow2.epinow logs to: '/tmp/RtmpTIgwPA/epinow/2020-04-21.log'.
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:51:23] Reporting estimates using data up to: 2020-04-21
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:51:23] No target directory specified so returning output
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:51:23] Producing estimates for: testland, realland
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:51:23] Regions excluded: none
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:54:18] Completed estimates for: testland
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:55:24] Completed estimates for: realland
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:55:24] Completed regional estimates
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:55:24] Regions with estimates: 2
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:55:24] Regions with runtime errors: 0
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:55:24] Producing summary
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:55:24] No summary directory specified so returning summary output
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:55:24] No target directory specified so returning timings
+## summary
+#> Region New infections per day Expected change in reports
+#> <char> <char> <fctr>
+#> 1: realland 2284 (1405 -- 3710) Likely decreasing
+#> 2: testland 2237 (1344 -- 3795) Likely decreasing
+#> Effective reproduction no. Rate of growth
+#> <char> <char>
+#> 1: 0.91 (0.73 -- 1.1) -0.026 (-0.093 -- 0.04)
+#> 2: 0.9 (0.71 -- 1.1) -0.028 (-0.099 -- 0.041)
+#> Doubling/halving time (days)
+#> <char>
+#> 1: -27 (17 -- -7.4)
+#> 2: -25 (17 -- -7)
+## plot
If instead, we wanted to use the Gaussian Process for
and a weekly random walk for realland
+we could specify these separately using the opts_list()
+function from the package and modifyList()
+gp <- opts_list(gp_opts(), cases)
+gp <- modifyList(gp, list(realland = NULL), keep.null = TRUE)
+rt <- opts_list(rt_opts(), cases, realland = rt_opts(rw = 7))
+region_separate_rt <- regional_epinow(
+ data = cases,
+ generation_time = generation_time_opts(example_generation_time),
+ delays = delay_opts(delay),
+ rt = rt, gp = gp,
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:55:25] Producing following optional outputs: regions, summary, samples, plots, latest
+#> Logging threshold set at INFO for the name logger
+#> Writing EpiNow2 logs to the console and:
+#> '/tmp/RtmpTIgwPA/regional-epinow/2020-04-21.log'.
+#> Logging threshold set at INFO for the name logger
+#> Writing EpiNow2.epinow logs to: '/tmp/RtmpTIgwPA/epinow/2020-04-21.log'.
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:55:25] Reporting estimates using data up to: 2020-04-21
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:55:25] No target directory specified so returning output
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:55:25] Producing estimates for: testland, realland
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:55:25] Regions excluded: none
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:56:30] Completed estimates for: testland
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:56:59] Completed estimates for: realland
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:56:59] Completed regional estimates
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:56:59] Regions with estimates: 2
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:56:59] Regions with runtime errors: 0
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:56:59] Producing summary
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:56:59] No summary directory specified so returning summary output
+#> INFO [2025-02-04 19:57:00] No target directory specified so returning timings
+## summary
+#> Region New infections per day Expected change in reports
+#> <char> <char> <fctr>
+#> 1: realland 2017 (1042 -- 3839) Likely decreasing
+#> 2: testland 2266 (1356 -- 3666) Likely decreasing
+#> Effective reproduction no. Rate of growth
+#> <char> <char>
+#> 1: 0.84 (0.6 -- 1.2) -0.042 (-0.11 -- 0.038)
+#> 2: 0.9 (0.71 -- 1.1) -0.028 (-0.098 -- 0.039)
+#> Doubling/halving time (days)
+#> <char>
+#> 1: -16 (18 -- -6.2)
+#> 2: -25 (18 -- -7.1)
+## plot
+ estimate_infections.Rmd
supports a range of model
+formulations. Here we describe the most commonly used and highlight
+other options. The two main models for how new infections arise in the
+model are a renewal equation model and a non-mechanistic
+infection model. The initialisation of both of these models
+involves estimating an initial infection trajectory during a
+(set to the mean of modelled delays from infection to observation) that
+precedes the first observation at time
This is the default model and is used when rt != NULL
+New infections are generated at discrete time steps of one day via the
+renewal equation[1]. These
+infections are then mapped to observations via discrete convolutions
+with delay distributions.
The model is initialised before the first observed data point by
+assuming constant exponential growth for the mean of modelled delays
+from infection to case report (called seeding_time
+in the model):
where + +is the number of latent infections on day +, + +is an estimate of the initial growth rate, + +is the proportion reported (see Delays and +scaling), is a scaling factor and + +is the mean of the first 7 days of cases (or all cases if fewer than 7 +days of data are available).
+The initial growth rate + +is estimated from the first estimated value of the reproduction number + +by solving the linear system [wallinga2006how]
+ +where
+ +is the moment generating function of the discretised generation time +distribution (see Infections).
+For the time window of the observed data and beyond infections are +then modelled by weighting previous infections with the generation time +and scaling by the instantaneous reproduction number:
+ +where + +is the discretised distribution of generation times with parameters + +and maximum +. +Generation times can be specified as coming from a distribution with +uncertainty by giving mean and standard deviations of normal priors of +the distributional parameters. By default this prior is weighted by +default by the number of observations although this can be changed by +the user. It is truncated to be positive where relevant for the given +distribution. Alternatively, generation times can be specified as coming +from a given distribution with set parameters.
+The distribution of generation times + +here represents the probability that somebody who became infectious on +day 0 and who infects someone else during their course of infection does +so on day +, +assuming that infection cannot happen on day 0. If not given this +defaults to a fixed generation time of 1, in which case + +represents the exponential of the daily growth rate of infections.
+Different options are available for setting a prior for +, +the instantaneous reproduction number at time +. +The default prior is an approximate zero-mean Gaussian Process (GP) for +the first differences in time on the log scale,
+ +More details on the mathematical form of the GP approximation and +implementation are given in the Gaussian Process +implementation details vignette. Other choices for the prior of + +are available such as a GP prior for the difference between + +and its mean value (implying that in the absence of data + +will revert to its prior mean rather than the last value with robust +support from the data).
+ +or, as a specific case of a Gaussian Process, a random walk of +arbitrary length +.
+ +where + +indicates interval-valued division (i.e. the floor of the division), +such that for example + +indicates a daily and + +a weekly random walk.
+The choice of prior for the time-varying reproduction number impact +run-time, smoothness of the estimates and real-time behaviour and may +alter the best use-case for the model.
+The prior distribution of the initial reproduction number + +can be set by the user. By default this is a log-normal distribution +with mean 1 and standard deviation 1.
+ +The simplest possible process model option is to use no time-varying +prior and rely on just the intial fixed reproduction number +.
+Beyond the end of the observation period +(), +by default, the Gaussian process is assumed to continue. However, here +again there are a range of options. These included fixing transmission +dynamics (optionally this can also be done before the end of the +observation period), and scaling + +based on the proportion of the population that remain susceptible. This +is defined as followed,
+ +where
+are cumulative infections by
+are the unadjusted infections defined above. This adjustment is based on
+the one implemented in the epidemia
R package[2].
This is an alternative model that can be used by setting
+rt = NULL
that assumes less epidemiological mechanism by
+directly modelling infections on a log scale with a range of process
+models. By default, this uses a Gaussian Process prior for the number of
+new infections each day (on the log scale) although alternatively
+infections can be estimated using a prior based on a fixed backwards
+mapping of observed cases. In general, these model options will be more
+computationally efficient than the renewal process model but may be less
+robust due to the lack of an epidemiological process model (i.e. more
+dependence is placed on the assumptions of the Gaussian process
In order to initialise this model, an initial estimate + +of the infection trajectory is first created by first shifting +observations back in time by + +and then smoothing the observation data with a moving average of window +size + +(default: +), +allocated to the centre of the window:
+ +where + +is the day of the last observation, + +is rounded up to the nearest integer in the limits of the sum, and +. +Any date with + +cases following this procedure is then allocated 1 case to facilitate +further processing in the model.
+For any times + +the number of infections is then estimated by fitting an exponential +curve to the final week of data and extrapolating this until the end of +the forecast horizon.
+By default, a Gaussian Process prior is used for the number of +infections, resulting in smoother estimates of the infection curve. In +this case, as in the renewal equation model there are two alternative +formulations available. The default uses an approximate zero-mean GP for +the differences between modelled infections and the initial +estimate,
+ +Alternatively, one can use is an approximate zero-mean Gaussian +Process (GP) for the first differences in time on the log scale,
+ +with +
+More details on the mathematical form of the Gaussian process +approximation are given in the Gaussian Process +implementation details vignette.
+As for the renewal equation model, the Gaussian process can be +replaced by a random walk of arbitrary length +.
+When using a fixed shift from infections to reported cases there is +no process model and so + +is used as the estimated infection curve (potentially scaled to take +into account underreporting, see section Delays and scaling).
+If infections are observed with a delay (for example, the incubation +period if based on symptomatic cases, and any delay from onset to +report), they are convolved in the model to infections at the time scale +of observations + +using delay distributions +, +scaled by an underreporting factor $(which is 1 if all infections are +observed). This model can be defined mathematically as follows,
+ +where + +is the combined discrete distribution of delays with parameters + +and maximum +.
+Delays can either be specified as coming from a distribution with +uncertainty by giving mean and standard deviations of normal priors for +the distributional parameters, weighted by default by the number of +observations and truncated to be positive where relevant for the given +distribution; or they can be specified as coming from a distribution +with given parameters, or as fixed values.
+The scaling factor $represents the proportion of cases that are +ultimately reported, which by default is set to 1 (i.e. no +underreporting) but can instead be estimated with a given prior +distribution.
+The modelled counts + +are related to observations +. +By default this is assumed to follow a negative binomial distribution +with overdispersion + +(alternatively it can be modelled as a Poisson, in which case + +is not used):
+ +where + +is a daily reporting effect of cyclicity +. +If + +this corresponds to a day-of-the-week reporting effect.
+In the model overdispersion is characterised by a “dispersion” +parameter, which is defined as one over the square root of +. +With this, the priors for the observation model are
+ +The model supports counts that are right-truncated, i.e. reported +with a delay leading to recent counts being subject to future upwards +revision. Denoting the final truncated counts with + +they are obtained form the final modelled cases + +by applying a given discrete truncation distribution + +with cumulative mass function +:
+ +If truncation is applied, the modelled cases + +are replaced by the truncated counts before confronting them with +observations + +as described above.
+ estimate_infections_options.Rmd
The estimate_infections()
function encodes a range of
+different model options. In this vignette we apply some of these to the
+example data provided with the EpiNow2 package, highlighting
+differences in inference results and run times. It is not meant as a
+comprehensive exploration of all the functionality in the package, but
+intended to give users a flavour of the kind of model options that exist
+for reproduction number estimation and forecasting within the package,
+and the differences in computational speed between them. For
+mathematical detail on the model please consult the model definition vignette, and for a
+more general description of the use of the function, the estimate_infections
+workflow vignette.
We first load the EpiNow2 package and also the +rstan package that we will use later to show the differences in +run times between different model options.
+#> Attaching package: 'EpiNow2'
+#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
+#> Gamma
+#> Loading required package: StanHeaders
+#> rstan version 2.32.6 (Stan version 2.32.2)
+#> For execution on a local, multicore CPU with excess RAM we recommend calling
+#> options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()).
+#> To avoid recompilation of unchanged Stan programs, we recommend calling
+#> rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
+#> For within-chain threading using `reduce_sum()` or `map_rect()` Stan functions,
+#> change `threads_per_chain` option:
+#> rstan_options(threads_per_chain = 1)
In this examples we set the number of cores to use to 4 but the +optimal value here will depend on the computing resources available.
+options(mc.cores = 4)
We will use an example data set that is included in the package, +representing an outbreak of COVID-19 with an initial rapid increase +followed by decreasing incidence.
+reported_cases <- example_confirmed[1:60]
+ggplot(reported_cases, aes(x = date, y = confirm)) +
+ geom_col() +
+ theme_minimal() +
+ xlab("Date") +
+ ylab("Cases")
Before running the model we need to decide on some parameter values, +in particular any delays, the generation time, and a prior on the +initial reproduction number.
+Delays reflect the time that passes between infection and reporting, +if these exist. In this example, we assume two delays, an incubation +period (i.e. delay from infection to symptom onset) and a +reporting delay (i.e. the delay from symptom onset to being +recorded as a symptomatic case). These delays are usually not the same +for everyone and are instead characterised by a distribution. For the +incubation period we use an example from the literature that is included +in the package.
+#> - lognormal distribution (max: 14):
+#> meanlog:
+#> - normal distribution:
+#> mean:
+#> 1.6
+#> sd:
+#> 0.064
+#> sdlog:
+#> - normal distribution:
+#> mean:
+#> 0.42
+#> sd:
+#> 0.069
For the reporting delay, we use a lognormal distribution with mean of
+2 days and standard deviation of 1 day. Note that the mean and standard
+deviation must be converted to the log scale, which can be done using
+the convert_log_logmean()
+reporting_delay <- LogNormal(mean = 2, sd = 1, max = 10)
+#> - lognormal distribution (max: 10):
+#> meanlog:
+#> 0.58
+#> sdlog:
+#> 0.47
EpiNow2 provides a feature that allows us to combine these +delays into one by summing them up
+delay <- example_incubation_period + reporting_delay
+#> Composite distribution:
+#> - lognormal distribution (max: 14):
+#> meanlog:
+#> - normal distribution:
+#> mean:
+#> 1.6
+#> sd:
+#> 0.064
+#> sdlog:
+#> - normal distribution:
+#> mean:
+#> 0.42
+#> sd:
+#> 0.069
+#> - lognormal distribution (max: 10):
+#> meanlog:
+#> 0.58
+#> sdlog:
+#> 0.47
If we want to estimate the reproduction number we need to provide a +distribution of generation times. Here again we use an example from the +literature that is included with the package.
+#> - gamma distribution (max: 14):
+#> shape:
+#> - normal distribution:
+#> mean:
+#> 1.4
+#> sd:
+#> 0.48
+#> rate:
+#> - normal distribution:
+#> mean:
+#> 0.38
+#> sd:
+#> 0.25
Lastly we need to choose a prior for the initial value of the +reproduction number. This is assumed by the model to be normally +distributed and we can set the mean and the standard deviation. We +decide to set the mean to 2 and the standard deviation to 1.
+rt_prior <- LogNormal(mean = 2, sd = 0.1)
We are now ready to run the model and will in the following show a +number of possible options for doing so.
+By default the model uses a renewal equation for infections and a +Gaussian Process prior for the reproduction number. Putting all the data +and parameters together and tweaking the Gaussian Process to have a +shorter length scale prior than the default we run.
+def <- estimate_infections(reported_cases,
+ generation_time = gt_opts(example_generation_time),
+ delays = delay_opts(delay),
+ rt = rt_opts(prior = rt_prior)
+# summarise results
+#> measure estimate
+#> <char> <char>
+#> 1: New infections per day 2275 (1353 -- 3811)
+#> 2: Expected change in reports Likely decreasing
+#> 3: Effective reproduction no. 0.9 (0.72 -- 1.1)
+#> 4: Rate of growth -0.029 (-0.095 -- 0.042)
+#> 5: Doubling/halving time (days) -24 (16 -- -7.3)
+# elapsed time (in seconds)
+#> warmup sample
+#> chain:1 27.360 27.048
+#> chain:2 33.805 19.095
+#> chain:3 33.064 24.555
+#> chain:4 34.182 29.239
+# summary plot
To speed up the calculation of the Gaussian Process we could decrease +its accuracy, e.g. decrease the proportion of time points to use as +basis functions from the default of 0.2 to 0.1.
+agp <- estimate_infections(reported_cases,
+ generation_time = gt_opts(example_generation_time),
+ delays = delay_opts(delay),
+ rt = rt_opts(prior = rt_prior),
+ gp = gp_opts(basis_prop = 0.1)
+# summarise results
+#> measure estimate
+#> <char> <char>
+#> 1: New infections per day 2304 (1392 -- 3704)
+#> 2: Expected change in reports Likely decreasing
+#> 3: Effective reproduction no. 0.91 (0.73 -- 1.1)
+#> 4: Rate of growth -0.026 (-0.094 -- 0.038)
+#> 5: Doubling/halving time (days) -27 (18 -- -7.4)
+# elapsed time (in seconds)
+#> warmup sample
+#> chain:1 17.897 28.005
+#> chain:2 19.861 28.966
+#> chain:3 17.763 28.042
+#> chain:4 20.268 17.828
+# summary plot
We might want to adjust for future susceptible depletion. Here, we do +so by setting the population to 1000000 and projecting the reproduction +number from the latest estimate (rather than the default, which fixes +the reproduction number to an earlier time point based on the given +reporting delays). Note that this only affects the forecasts and is done +using a crude adjustment (see the model definition).
+dep <- estimate_infections(reported_cases,
+ generation_time = gt_opts(example_generation_time),
+ delays = delay_opts(delay),
+ rt = rt_opts(
+ prior = rt_prior,
+ pop = 1000000, future = "latest"
+ )
+# summarise results
+#> measure estimate
+#> <char> <char>
+#> 1: New infections per day 2243 (1358 -- 3690)
+#> 2: Expected change in reports Likely decreasing
+#> 3: Effective reproduction no. 0.9 (0.72 -- 1.1)
+#> 4: Rate of growth -0.028 (-0.096 -- 0.041)
+#> 5: Doubling/halving time (days) -25 (17 -- -7.2)
+# elapsed time (in seconds)
+#> warmup sample
+#> chain:1 31.359 27.996
+#> chain:2 27.694 20.757
+#> chain:3 30.441 30.463
+#> chain:4 24.466 33.262
+# summary plot
We might further want to adjust for right-truncation of recent data +estimated using the estimate_truncation model. Here, +instead of doing so we assume that we know about truncation with mean of +1/2 day, sd 1/2 day, following a lognormal distribution and with a +maximum of three days.
+trunc_dist <- LogNormal(
+ mean = 0.5,
+ sd = 0.5,
+ max = 3
+#> - lognormal distribution (max: 3):
+#> meanlog:
+#> -1
+#> sdlog:
+#> 0.83
We can then use this in the esimtate_infections()
+function using the truncation
+trunc <- estimate_infections(reported_cases,
+ generation_time = gt_opts(example_generation_time),
+ delays = delay_opts(delay),
+ truncation = trunc_opts(trunc_dist),
+ rt = rt_opts(prior = rt_prior)
+# summarise results
+#> measure estimate
+#> <char> <char>
+#> 1: New infections per day 4605 (2739 -- 8031)
+#> 2: Expected change in reports Likely increasing
+#> 3: Effective reproduction no. 1.1 (0.91 -- 1.4)
+#> 4: Rate of growth 0.044 (-0.029 -- 0.13)
+#> 5: Doubling/halving time (days) 16 (5.4 -- -24)
+# elapsed time (in seconds)
+#> warmup sample
+#> chain:1 30.744 21.518
+#> chain:2 30.152 25.655
+#> chain:3 29.763 21.657
+#> chain:4 32.512 24.148
+# summary plot
Instead of keeping the reproduction number fixed from a certain time +point we might want to extrapolate the Gaussian Process into the future. +This will lead to wider uncertainty, and the researcher should check +whether this or fixing the reproduction number from an earlier is +desirable.
+project_rt <- estimate_infections(reported_cases,
+ generation_time = gt_opts(example_generation_time),
+ delays = delay_opts(delay),
+ rt = rt_opts(
+ prior = rt_prior, future = "project"
+ )
+#> Warning: There were 1 divergent transitions after warmup. See
+#> https://mc-stan.org/misc/warnings.html#divergent-transitions-after-warmup
+#> to find out why this is a problem and how to eliminate them.
+#> Warning: Examine the pairs() plot to diagnose sampling problems
+# summarise results
+#> measure estimate
+#> <char> <char>
+#> 1: New infections per day 2290 (1342 -- 3845)
+#> 2: Expected change in reports Likely decreasing
+#> 3: Effective reproduction no. 0.91 (0.71 -- 1.1)
+#> 4: Rate of growth -0.027 (-0.1 -- 0.047)
+#> 5: Doubling/halving time (days) -26 (15 -- -6.7)
+# elapsed time (in seconds)
+#> warmup sample
+#> chain:1 36.939 33.936
+#> chain:2 36.873 31.181
+#> chain:3 33.125 31.308
+#> chain:4 38.751 32.907
+# summary plot
We might want to estimate a fixed reproduction number, i.e. assume +that it does not change.
+fixed <- estimate_infections(reported_cases,
+ generation_time = gt_opts(example_generation_time),
+ delays = delay_opts(delay),
+ gp = NULL
+# summarise results
+#> measure estimate
+#> <char> <char>
+#> 1: New infections per day 18976 (10957 -- 34164)
+#> 2: Expected change in reports Increasing
+#> 3: Effective reproduction no. 1.2 (1.2 -- 1.3)
+#> 4: Rate of growth 0.054 (0.039 -- 0.069)
+#> 5: Doubling/halving time (days) 13 (10 -- 18)
+# elapsed time (in seconds)
+#> warmup sample
+#> chain:1 1.594 0.992
+#> chain:2 1.876 0.987
+#> chain:3 1.766 1.037
+#> chain:4 1.544 1.030
+# summary plot
Instead of assuming the reproduction number varies freely or is
+fixed, we can assume that it is fixed but with breakpoints. This can be
+done by adding a breakpoint
column to the reported case
+data set. e.g. if we think that the reproduction number was constant but
+would like to allow it to change on the 16th of March 2020 we would
+define a new case data set using
+bp_cases <- data.table::copy(reported_cases)
+bp_cases <- bp_cases[,
+ breakpoint := ifelse(date == as.Date("2020-03-16"), 1, 0)
We then use this instead of reported_cases
in the
+bkp <- estimate_infections(bp_cases,
+ generation_time = gt_opts(example_generation_time),
+ delays = delay_opts(delay),
+ rt = rt_opts(prior = rt_prior),
+ gp = NULL
+# summarise results
+#> measure estimate
+#> <char> <char>
+#> 1: New infections per day 2306 (1936 -- 2750)
+#> 2: Expected change in reports Decreasing
+#> 3: Effective reproduction no. 0.89 (0.86 -- 0.91)
+#> 4: Rate of growth -0.028 (-0.034 -- -0.022)
+#> 5: Doubling/halving time (days) -25 (-32 -- -20)
+# elapsed time (in seconds)
+#> warmup sample
+#> chain:1 2.636 4.027
+#> chain:2 3.373 3.806
+#> chain:3 2.776 3.795
+#> chain:4 2.942 4.100
+# summary plot
Instead of a smooth Gaussian Process we might want the reproduction
+number to change step-wise, e.g. every week. This can be achieved using
+the rw
option which defines the length of the time step in
+a random walk that the reproduction number is assumed to follow.
+rw <- estimate_infections(reported_cases,
+ generation_time = gt_opts(example_generation_time),
+ delays = delay_opts(delay),
+ rt = rt_opts(prior = rt_prior, rw = 7),
+ gp = NULL
+# summarise results
+#> measure estimate
+#> <char> <char>
+#> 1: New infections per day 1991 (1048 -- 3838)
+#> 2: Expected change in reports Likely decreasing
+#> 3: Effective reproduction no. 0.85 (0.62 -- 1.1)
+#> 4: Rate of growth -0.043 (-0.11 -- 0.036)
+#> 5: Doubling/halving time (days) -16 (19 -- -6.1)
+# elapsed time (in seconds)
+#> warmup sample
+#> chain:1 7.163 15.637
+#> chain:2 9.244 15.295
+#> chain:3 7.316 15.986
+#> chain:4 7.954 14.878
+# summary plot
Whilst EpiNow2 allows the user to specify delays, it can +also run directly on the data as does e.g. the EpiEstim +package.
+no_delay <- estimate_infections(
+ reported_cases,
+ generation_time = gt_opts(example_generation_time)
+# summarise results
+#> measure estimate
+#> <char> <char>
+#> 1: New infections per day 2794 (2397 -- 3260)
+#> 2: Expected change in reports Decreasing
+#> 3: Effective reproduction no. 0.89 (0.8 -- 0.98)
+#> 4: Rate of growth -0.031 (-0.063 -- 0.00098)
+#> 5: Doubling/halving time (days) -22 (710 -- -11)
+# elapsed time (in seconds)
+#> warmup sample
+#> chain:1 31.395 30.495
+#> chain:2 38.438 31.528
+#> chain:3 30.985 36.548
+#> chain:4 33.849 31.746
+# summary plot
The package also includes a non-parametric infection model. This runs +much faster but does not use the renewal equation to generate +infections. Because of this none of the options defining the behaviour +of the reproduction number are available in this case, limiting user +choice and model generality. It also means that the model is +questionable for forecasting, which is why were here set the predictive +horizon to 0.
+non_parametric <- estimate_infections(reported_cases,
+ generation_time = gt_opts(example_generation_time),
+ delays = delay_opts(delay),
+ rt = NULL,
+ backcalc = backcalc_opts(),
+ forecast = forecast_opts(horizon = 0)
+# summarise results
+#> measure estimate
+#> <char> <char>
+#> 1: New infections per day 2544 (2503 -- 2585)
+#> 2: Expected change in reports Decreasing
+#> 3: Effective reproduction no. 0.92 (0.83 -- 0.96)
+#> 4: Rate of growth -0.024 (-0.025 -- -0.022)
+#> 5: Doubling/halving time (days) -29 (-31 -- -28)
+# elapsed time (in seconds)
+#> warmup sample
+#> chain:1 3.815 0.613
+#> chain:2 3.805 0.585
+#> chain:3 3.811 0.634
+#> chain:4 3.538 0.640
+# summary plot
+ estimate_infections_workflow.Rmd
This vignette describes the typical workflow for estimating +reproduction numbers and performing short-term forecasts for a disease +spreading in a given setting using EpiNow2. The vignette uses +the default non-stationary Gaussian process model included in the +package. See other vignettes for a more thorough exploration of alternative model variants +and theoretical background.
+Obtaining a good and full understanding of the data being used is an
+important first step in any inference procedure such as the one applied
+here. EpiNow2 expects data in the format of a data frame with
+two columns, date
and confirm
, where
stands for the number of reports - which could be
+confirmed case counts although in reality this can be applied to any
+data including suspected cases and lab-confirmed outcomes. The user
+might already have the data as such a time series provided, for example,
+on public dashboards or directly from public health authorities.
+Alternatively, they can be constructed from individual-level data, for
+example using the incidence2 R
+package. An example data set called example_confirmed
+included in the package:
+#> date confirm
+#> <Date> <num>
+#> 1: 2020-02-22 14
+#> 2: 2020-02-23 62
+#> 3: 2020-02-24 53
+#> 4: 2020-02-25 97
+#> 5: 2020-02-26 93
+#> 6: 2020-02-27 78
Any estimation procedure is only as good as the data that feeds into +it. A thorough understanding of the data that is used for +EpiNow2 and its limitations is a prerequisite for its use. This +includes but is not limited to biases in the population groups that are +represented (EpiNow2 assumes a closed population with all +infections being caused by other infections in the same population), +reporting artefacts and delays, and completeness of reporting. Some of +these can be mitigated using the routines available in EpiNow2 +as described below, but others will cause biases in the results and need +to be carefully considered when interpreting the results.
+We first load the EpiNow2 package.
+#> Attaching package: 'EpiNow2'
+#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
+#> Gamma
We then set the number of cores to use. We will want to run 4 MCMC +chains in parallel so we set this to 4.
+options(mc.cores = 4)
If we had fewer than 4 available or wanted to run fewer than 4 chains
+(at the expense of some robustness), or had fewer than 4 computing cores
+available we could set it to that. To find out the number of cores
+available one can use the detectCores
+function from the parallel
Once a data set has been identified, a number of relevant parameters +need to be considered before using EpiNow2. As these will +affect any results, it is worth spending some time investigating what +their values should be.
+EpiNow2 works with different delays that apply to different
+parts of the infection and observation process. They are defined using a
+common interface that involves functions that are named after the
+probability distributions, i.e. LogNormal()
, etc. For help with this function, see its manual
In all cases, the distributions given can be fixed +(i.e. have no uncertainty) or variable (i.e. have associated +uncertainty). For example, to define a fixed gamma distribution with +mean 3, standard deviation (sd) 1 and maximum value 10, you would +write
+fixed_gamma <- Gamma(mean = 3, sd = 1, max = 10)
+#> - gamma distribution (max: 10):
+#> shape:
+#> 9
+#> rate:
+#> 3
which looks like this when plotted
If distributions are variable, the values with uncertainty are +treated as prior probability +densities in the Bayesian inference framework used by +EpiNow2, i.e. they are estimated as part of the inference. For +example, to define a variable gamma distribution where uncertainty in +the shape is given by a normal distribution with mean 3 and sd 2, and +uncertainty in the rate is given by a normal distribution with mean 1 +and sd 0.1, with a maximum value 10, you would write
+uncertain_gamma <- Gamma(shape = Normal(3, 2), rate = Normal(1, 0.1), max = 10)
+#> - gamma distribution (max: 10):
+#> shape:
+#> - normal distribution:
+#> mean:
+#> 3
+#> sd:
+#> 2
+#> rate:
+#> - normal distribution:
+#> mean:
+#> 1
+#> sd:
+#> 0.1
which looks like this when plotted
There are various ways the
+specific delay distributions mentioned below might be obtained. Often,
+they will come directly from the existing literature reviewed by the
+user and studies conducted elsewhere. Sometimes it might be possible to
+obtain them from existing databases, e.g. using the epiparameter R
+package. Alternatively they might be obtainable from raw data,
+e.g. line-listed individual-level records. The EpiNow2 package
+contains functionality for estimating delay distributions from observed
+delays in the
function. For a more
+comprehensive treatment of delays and their estimation avoiding common
+biases one can consider, for example, the dynamicaltruncation
+R package and associated paper.
The generation interval is a delay distribution that describes the
+amount of time that passes between an individual becoming infected and
+infecting someone else. In EpiNow2, the generation time
+distribution is defined by a call to gt_opts()
, a function
+that takes a single argument defined as a dist_spec
+(returned by the function corresponding to the probability distribution,
+i.e. LogNormal()
, Gamma()
, etc.). For example,
+to define the generation time as gamma distributed with uncertain mean
+centered on 3 and sd centered on 1 with some uncertainty, a maximum
+value of 10 and weighted by the number of case data points we could use
+the shape and rate parameters suggested above (though notes that this
+will only very approximately produce the uncertainty in mean and
+standard deviation stated there):
EpiNow2 calculates reproduction numbers based on the
+trajectory of infection incidence. Usually this is not observed
+directly. Instead, we calculate case counts based on, for example, onset
+of symptoms, lab confirmations, hospitalisations, etc. In order to
+estimate the trajectory of infection incidence from this we need to
+either know or estimate the distribution of delays from infection to
+count. Often, such counts are composed of multiple delays for which we
+only have separate information, for example the incubation period (time
+from infection to symptom onset) and reporting delay (time from symptom
+onset to being a case in the data, e.g. via lab confirmation, if counts
+are not by the date of symptom onset). In this case, we can combine
+multiple delays with the plus (+
) operator, e.g.
+incubation_period <- LogNormal(
+ meanlog = Normal(1.6, 0.05),
+ sdlog = Normal(0.5, 0.05),
+ max = 14
+reporting_delay <- LogNormal(meanlog = 0.5, sdlog = 0.5, max = 10)
+combined_delays <- incubation_period + reporting_delay
+#> Composite distribution:
+#> - lognormal distribution (max: 14):
+#> meanlog:
+#> - normal distribution:
+#> mean:
+#> 1.6
+#> sd:
+#> 0.05
+#> sdlog:
+#> - normal distribution:
+#> mean:
+#> 0.5
+#> sd:
+#> 0.05
+#> - lognormal distribution (max: 10):
+#> meanlog:
+#> 0.5
+#> sdlog:
+#> 0.5
We can visualise this combined delay
In EpiNow2, the reporting delay distribution is defined by a
+call to delay_opts()
, a function that takes a single
+argument defined as a dist_spec
object (returned by
, Gamma()
etc.). For example, if
+our observations were by symptom onset we would use
If they were by date of lab confirmation that happens with a delay
+given by reporting_delay
, we would use
+delay <- incubation_period + reporting_delay
Besides the delay from infection to the event that is recorded in the +data, there can also be a delay from that event to being recorded in the +data. For example, data reported by symptom onset may only become part +of the dataset once lab confirmation has occurred, or even a day or two +after that confirmation. Statistically, this means our data is +right-truncated. In practice, it means that recent data will be unlikely +to be complete.
+The amount of such truncation that exists in the data can be
+estimated from multiple snapshots of the data, i.e. what the data looked
+like at multiple past dates. One can then use methods that use the
+amount of backfilling that occurred 1, 2, … days after data for a date
+are first reported. In EpiNow2, this can be done using the
method which returns, amongst others,
+posterior estimates of the truncation distribution. For more details on
+the model used for this, see the estimate_truncation vignette.
In the estimate_infections()
function, the truncation
+distribution is defined by a call to trunc_opts()
, a
+function that takes a single argument defined as a
(either defined by the user or obtained from a
+call to estimate_truncation()
or any other method for
+estimating right truncation). This will then be used to correct for
+right truncation in the data.
The separation of estimation of right truncation on the one hand and +estimation of the reproduction number on the other may be attractive for +practical purposes but is questionable statistically as it separates two +processes that are not strictly separable, potentially introducing a +bias. An alternative approach where these are estimated jointly is being +implemented in the epinowcast package, which is +being developed by the EpiNow2 developers with +collaborators.
+Another issue affecting the progression from infections to reported
+outcomes is underreporting, i.e. the fact that not all infections are
+reported as cases. This varies both by pathogen and population (and
+e.g. the proportion of infections that are asymptomatic) as well as the
+specific outcome used as data and where it is located on the severity
+pyramid (e.g. hospitalisations vs. community cases). In EpiNow2
+we can specify the proportion of infections that we expect to be
+observed (with uncertainty assumed represented by a truncated normal
+distribution with bounds at 0 and 1) using the scale
+argument to the obs_opts()
function. For example, if we
+think that 40% (with standard deviation 1%) of infections end up in the
+data as observations we could specify.
The default model that estimate_infections()
uses to
+estimate reproduction numbers requires specification of a prior
+probability distribution for the initial reproduction number. This
+represents the user’s initial belief of the value of the reproduction
+number, where there is no data yet to inform its value. By default this
+is assumed to be represented by a lognormal distribution with mean and
+standard deviation of 1. It can be changed using the
function. For example, if the user believes that
+at the very start of the data the reproduction number was 2, with
+uncertainty in this belief represented by a standard deviation of 1,
+they would use
When providing uncertain delay distributions one can end up in a
+situation where the estimated means are shifted a long way from the
+given distribution means, and possibly further than is deemed realistic
+by the user. In that case, one could specify narrower prior
+distributions (e.g., smaller mean_sd
) in order to keep the
+estimated means closer to the given mean, but this can be difficult to
+do in a principled manner in practice. As a more straightforward
+alternative, one can choose to weigh the generation time priors by the
+number of data points in the case data set by setting
+weigh_delay_priors = TRUE
(the default).
All the options are combined in a call to the
function. For example, using some of
+the options described above one could call
+def <- estimate_infections(
+ example_confirmed,
+ generation_time = gt_opts(generation_time),
+ delays = delay_opts(delay),
+ rt = rt_opts(prior = rt_prior)
Alternatively, for production environments, we recommend using the
function. It uses
internally and provides functionality
+for logging and saving results and plots in dedicated directories in the
+user’s file system.
The estimate_infections()
function works with a single
+time series of outcomes such as cases by symptom onset or
+hospitalisations. Sometimes one wants to further create forecasts of
+other secondary outcomes such as deaths. The package contains
+functionality to estimate the delay and scaling between multiple time
+series with the estimate_secondary()
function, as well as
+for using this to make forecasts with the
To visualise the results one can use the plot()
+that comes with the package
The results returned by the estimate_infections
+depend on the values assigned to all to parameters discussed in this
+vignette, i.e. delays, scaling, and reproduction numbers, as well as the
+model variant used and its parameters. Any interpretation of the results
+will therefore need to bear these in mind, as well as any properties of
+the data and/or the subpopulations that it represents. See the Model options vignette for
+an illustration of the impact of model choice.
+ estimate_secondary.Rmd
This is a work in progress. Please consider submitting a PR +to improve it.
+This model is based on a discrete convolution of primary cases, +scaled based on the fraction (here described as the secondary fraction +but depending on application potentially being the case fatality ratio, +case hospitalisation ratio, or the hospitalisation fatality ratio), and +a delay distribution that is assumed to follow a discretised daily log +normal distribution. This model can be thought of as a discrete time +ordinary differential equation approximation generalised to log normal, +rather than exponential, delay distributions.
+We generalise this simple model beyond the incidence cases to also +include prevalence indicators (for example hospital admissions and +occupancy) where the secondary notifications can be thought of as +depending on secondary notifications from the previous timestep, scaled +current primary notifications, and minus scaled historic primary +notifications weighted by some delay distribution.
+This model can be defined as follows,
+ +where + +and + +are observed primary and secondary notifications, + +are expected secondary notifications, + +and + +when + +is a prevalence measure, + +and + +when it is an incidence based measure. + +and + +are defined as the secondary fraction and delay from primary to +secondary notification (or delay from secondary notification to recovery +etc in the prevalence case) with + +typically being of most interest to those interpreting the models +posterior estimates. We further assume that + +follows a discretised log normal distribution described by its mean + +and standard deviation + +on the log scale (where we take the cumulative mass function for time + +minus the cumulative mass function for +) +normalised by the maximum allowed delay + +such that +.
+The above definition captures our mechanistic assumptions for the +expectation of secondary notifications but does not account for +potential observation noise or reporting patterns. Here we assume a +negative binomial observation model (though our implementation also +supports a Poisson observation model) in order to capture potential +reporting overdispersion via + +and adjust expected counts using an optional day of the week effect +based on a simplex + +(such that + +so the total effect over a week is balanced). This gives the following +observation process,
+ +vignettes/estimate_truncation.Rmd
+ estimate_truncation.Rmd
This is a work in progress. Please consider submitting a PR +to improve it.
+This model deals with the problem of nowcasting, or
+adjusting for right-truncation in reported count data. This occurs when
+the quantity being observed, for example cases, hospitalisations or
+deaths, is reported with a delay, resulting in an underestimation of
+recent counts. The estimate_truncation()
model attempts to
+infer parameters of the underlying delay distributions from multiple
+snapshots of past data. It is designed to be a simple model that can
+integrate with the other models in the package and therefore may not be
+ideal for all uses. For a more principled approach to nowcasting please
+consider using the epinowcast package.
Given snapshots + +reflecting reported counts for time + +where + +is in order of recency (earliest snapshots first) and + +is the number of past snapshots used for estimation, we try to infer the +parameters of a discrete truncation distribution + +with corresponding probability mass function +).
+The model assumes that final counts + +are related to observed snapshots via the truncation distribution such +that
+$$\begin{equation} +C^{i < S)_{t}_\sim \mathrm{NegBinom}\left(Z (T_i - t | \mu_{Z}, +\sigma_{Z}) D(t) + \sigma, \varphi\right) +\end{equation}$$
+where + +is the date of the final observation in snapshot +, + +is defined to be zero for negative values of + +and + +is an additional error term.
+The final counts + +are estimated from the most recent snapshot as
+ +Relevant priors are:
+ +vignettes/gaussian_process_implementation_details.Rmd
+ gaussian_process_implementation_details.Rmd
We make use of Gaussian Processes in several places in
. For example, the default model for
uses a Gaussian Process to model the
+1st order difference on the log scale of the reproduction number. This
+vignette describes the implementation details of the approximate
+Gaussian Process used in EpiNow2
The one-dimensional Gaussian Processes +() +we use can be written as
+ +where + +and + +are the mean and covariance functions, respectively. In our case as set +out above, we have
+ +with the following choices available for the kernel +
+ + + + +In order to make our models computationally tractable, we approximate +the Gaussian Process using a Hilbert space approximation to the Gaussian +Process[1], centered around +mean zero.
+ +with + +the number of basis functions to use in the approximation, which we +calculate from the number of time points + +to which the Gaussian Process is being applied (rounded up to give an +integer value), as is recommended[1].
+ +and values of + +given by
+ +where + +is a positive number termed boundary condition, and + +are regression weights with standard normal prior
+ +The function + +is the spectral density relating to a particular covariance function +. +In the case of the Matérn kernel of order + +this is given by
+ +For
+(the default in EpiNow2
) this simplifies to
For + +it is
+ +and for + +it is
+ +In the case of a squared exponential the spectral kernel density is +given by
+ +The functions + +are the eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator,
+ +with time rescaled linearly to be between -1 and 1,
+ +Relevant default priors are
+ +with + +additionally constrained with an upper bound of + +and + +and + +calculated using a mean of 21 and standard deviation of 7.
+Furthermore, by default we set.
+ +These values as well as the prior distributions of relevant +parameters can all be changed by the user.