diff --git a/.speakeasy/gen.lock b/.speakeasy/gen.lock
index 4c29457..e568523 100755
--- a/.speakeasy/gen.lock
+++ b/.speakeasy/gen.lock
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
lockVersion: 2.0.0
id: a76d605f-5242-4bd3-8bd6-56a119e8eec5
- docChecksum: 3f5b7b512239e2ae174a08744b47a8b7
+ docChecksum: e88271fabb4586f51b0386879f7b3c30
docVersion: 1.0.0
speakeasyVersion: 1.346.0
generationVersion: 2.379.3
- releaseVersion: 0.5.0
- configChecksum: a3309a6e429c2e227c4300b09309fef7
+ releaseVersion: 0.5.1
+ configChecksum: 24f54e0e9292a2aeb4a0d21167ba222d
repoURL: https://github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-entitymapping.git
repoSubDirectory: .
published: true
@@ -54,6 +54,12 @@ generatedFiles:
- internal/sdk/models/operations/storeconfig.go
- internal/sdk/models/operations/storenewversion.go
- internal/sdk/models/shared/mappingconfig.go
+ - internal/sdk/models/shared/sourceconfig.go
+ - internal/sdk/models/shared/journeyref.go
+ - internal/sdk/models/shared/entityref.go
+ - internal/sdk/models/shared/executemappingresp.go
+ - internal/sdk/models/shared/mappingwarning.go
+ - internal/sdk/models/shared/mappingfailure.go
- internal/sdk/models/shared/targetconfig.go
- internal/sdk/models/shared/relationattribute.go
- internal/sdk/models/shared/attributeorigin.go
@@ -66,12 +72,6 @@ generatedFiles:
- internal/sdk/models/shared/mappingattributemode.go
- internal/sdk/models/shared/copyvaluemapper.go
- internal/sdk/models/shared/appendvaluemapper.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/sourceconfig.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/journeyref.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/entityref.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/executemappingresp.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/mappingwarning.go
- - internal/sdk/models/shared/mappingfailure.go
- internal/sdk/models/shared/executemappingreq.go
- internal/sdk/models/shared/executerelationsresp.go
- internal/sdk/models/shared/newrelationitem.go
@@ -134,22 +134,6 @@ generatedFiles:
- internal/provider/types/journey_ref.go
- internal/provider/types/config.go
- internal/provider/types/source_config.go
- - internal/provider/types/loop_config.go
- - internal/provider/types/append_value_mapper.go
- - internal/provider/types/copy_value_mapper.go
- - internal/provider/types/set_value_mapper.go
- - internal/provider/types/mapping_attribute.go
- - internal/provider/types/one.go
- - internal/provider/types/two.go
- - internal/provider/types/random_operation.go
- - internal/provider/types/uniq.go
- - internal/provider/types/operation_object_node.go
- - internal/provider/types/operation_node.go
- - internal/provider/types/mapping_attribute_v2.go
- - internal/provider/types/mapping_attributes.go
- - internal/provider/types/source_filter.go
- - internal/provider/types/relation_attribute.go
- - internal/provider/types/target_config.go
- USAGE.md
- internal/provider/provider.go
- examples/provider/provider.tf
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 999fdfa..457d9fe 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ terraform {
required_providers {
epilot-entitymapping = {
source = "epilot-dev/epilot-entitymapping"
- version = "0.5.0"
+ version = "0.5.1"
diff --git a/docs/data-sources/entity_mapping.md b/docs/data-sources/entity_mapping.md
index 84d6470..cbf5a50 100644
--- a/docs/data-sources/entity_mapping.md
+++ b/docs/data-sources/entity_mapping.md
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ data "epilot-entitymapping_entity_mapping" "my_entitymapping" {
### Read-Only
- `source` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--source))
-- `targets` (Attributes List) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets))
+- `targets` (String) Parsed as JSON.
### Nested Schema for `source`
@@ -63,186 +63,3 @@ Read-Only:
- `journey_id` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `targets`
-- `allow_failure` (Boolean) Pass it as true, when you don't want failures to interrupt the mapping process.
-- `condition_mode` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-- `conditions` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-- `id` (String) Identifier for target configuration. Useful for later usages when trying to identify which target config to map to.
-- `linkback_relation_attribute` (String) Relation attribute on the main entity where the target entity will be linked. Set to false to disable linkback
-- `linkback_relation_tags` (List of String) Relation tags (labels) to include in main entity linkback relation attribute
-- `loop_config` (Attributes) contains config in case of running in loop mode (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--loop_config))
-- `mapping_attributes` (Attributes List) Attribute mappings (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes))
-- `name` (String) A name for this configuration
-- `relation_attributes` (Attributes List) Relation mappings (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--relation_attributes))
-- `target_schema` (String) Schema of target entity
-- `target_unique` (List of String) Unique key for target entity (see upsertEntity of Entity API)
-### Nested Schema for `targets.loop_config`
-- `length` (Number) a hard limit of how many times the loop is allowed to run.
-- `source_path` (String) path to the array from the entity payload
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes`
-- `mapping_attribute` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute))
-- `mapping_attribute_v2` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute_v2))
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute`
-- `append_value_mapper` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute--append_value_mapper))
-- `copy_value_mapper` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute--copy_value_mapper))
-- `set_value_mapper` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute--set_value_mapper))
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute.set_value_mapper`
-- `mode` (String) - copy_if_exists - it replaces the target attribute with the source value - append_if_exists - it currently replaces target attribute with array like values. Useful when you have multiple values to be added into one attribute. - set_value - it sets a value to a predefined value. Must be used together with value property.
-must be one of ["copy_if_exists", "append_if_exists", "set_value"]
-- `source` (String) JSON source path for the value to be extracted from the main entity. Eg: steps[1].['Product Info'].price
-- `target` (String) JSON like target path for the attribute. Eg. last_name
-- `target_unique` (List of String) Array of keys which should be used when checking for uniqueness. Eg: [country, city, postal_code]
-- `value_json` (String) To be provided only when mapping json objects into a target attribute. Eg array of addresses.
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute.set_value_mapper`
-- `mode` (String) - copy_if_exists - it replaces the target attribute with the source value - append_if_exists - it currently replaces target attribute with array like values. Useful when you have multiple values to be added into one attribute. - set_value - it sets a value to a predefined value. Must be used together with value property.
-must be one of ["copy_if_exists", "append_if_exists", "set_value"]
-- `source` (String) JSON source path for the value to be extracted from the main entity. Eg: steps[1].['Product Info'].price
-- `target` (String) JSON like target path for the attribute. Eg. last_name
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute.set_value_mapper`
-- `mode` (String) - copy_if_exists - it replaces the target attribute with the source value - append_if_exists - it currently replaces target attribute with array like values. Useful when you have multiple values to be added into one attribute. - set_value - it sets a value to a predefined value. Must be used together with value property.
-must be one of ["copy_if_exists", "append_if_exists", "set_value"]
-- `target` (String) JSON like target path for the attribute. Eg. last_name
-- `value` (String) Any value to be set: string, number, string[], number[], JSON object, etc. It will override existing values, if any.
-Parsed as JSON.
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute_v2`
-- `operation` (Attributes) Mapping operation nodes are either primitive values or operation node objects (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute_v2--operation))
-- `origin` (String) Origin of an attribute. must be one of ["system_recommendation", "user_manually", "entity_updating_system_recommendation"]
-- `target` (String) Target JSON path for the attribute to set
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute_v2.target`
-- `any` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-- `operation_object_node` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute_v2--target--operation_object_node))
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute_v2.target.operation_object_node`
-- `additional_properties` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-- `append` (List of String) Append to array
-- `copy` (String) Copy JSONPath value from source entity context
-- `random` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute_v2--target--operation_object_node--random))
-- `set` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-- `template` (String) Define handlebars template to output a string
-- `uniq` (Attributes) Unique array (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute_v2--target--operation_object_node--uniq))
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute_v2.target.operation_object_node.uniq`
-- `one` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute_v2--target--operation_object_node--uniq--one))
-- `two` (Attributes) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute_v2--target--operation_object_node--uniq--two))
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute_v2.target.operation_object_node.uniq.two`
-- `type` (String) must be one of ["uuid", "nanoid"]
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute_v2.target.operation_object_node.uniq.two`
-- `max` (Number)
-- `min` (Number)
-- `type` (String) must be one of ["number"]
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute_v2.target.operation_object_node.uniq`
-- `array_of_str` (List of String)
-- `boolean` (Boolean)
-### Nested Schema for `targets.relation_attributes`
-- `mode` (String) must be one of ["append", "prepend", "set"]
-- `origin` (String) Origin of an attribute. must be one of ["system_recommendation", "user_manually", "entity_updating_system_recommendation"]
-- `related_to` (Map of String)
-- `source_filter` (Attributes) A filter to identify which source entities to pick as relations from main entity (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--relation_attributes--source_filter))
-- `target` (String) Target attribute to store the relation in
-- `target_tags` (List of String) Relation tags (labels) to set for the stored relations
-- `target_tags_include_source` (Boolean) Include all relation tags (labels) present on the main entity relation
-### Nested Schema for `targets.relation_attributes.source_filter`
-- `attribute` (String) Filter by a specific relation attribute on the main entity
-- `limit` (Number) Limit relations to maximum number (default, all matched relations)
-- `relation_tag` (String) Filter by relation tag (label) on the main entity
-- `schema` (String) Filter by specific schema
-- `self` (Boolean) Picks main entity as relation (overrides other filters)
-- `tag` (String) Filter by a specific tag on the related entity
diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md
index fc9383a..62e7a15 100644
--- a/docs/index.md
+++ b/docs/index.md
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ terraform {
required_providers {
epilot-entitymapping = {
source = "epilot-dev/epilot-entitymapping"
- version = "0.5.0"
+ version = "0.5.1"
diff --git a/docs/resources/entity_mapping.md b/docs/resources/entity_mapping.md
index f60d1a7..7040b89 100644
--- a/docs/resources/entity_mapping.md
+++ b/docs/resources/entity_mapping.md
@@ -24,65 +24,7 @@ resource "epilot-entitymapping_entity_mapping" "my_entitymapping" {
type = "journey"
- targets = [
- {
- allow_failure = false
- condition_mode = "{ \"see\": \"documentation\" }"
- conditions = "{ \"see\": \"documentation\" }"
- id = "cd4d3a54-7d70-4901-810e-0737604f94fa"
- linkback_relation_attribute = "...my_linkback_relation_attribute..."
- linkback_relation_tags = [
- "...",
- ]
- loop_config = {
- length = 69.48
- source_path = "...my_source_path..."
- }
- mapping_attributes = [
- {
- mapping_attribute = {
- append_value_mapper = {
- mode = "set_value"
- source = "...my_source..."
- target = "...my_target..."
- target_unique = [
- "...",
- ]
- value_json = "...my_value_json..."
- }
- }
- },
- ]
- name = "Amos Kirlin"
- relation_attributes = [
- {
- mode = "prepend"
- origin = "user_manually"
- related_to = {
- "Rubber" = "{ \"see\": \"documentation\" }"
- "North" = "{ \"see\": \"documentation\" }"
- }
- source_filter = {
- attribute = "...my_attribute..."
- limit = 9
- relation_tag = "...my_relation_tag..."
- schema = "...my_schema..."
- self = false
- tag = "...my_tag..."
- }
- target = "...my_target..."
- target_tags = [
- "...",
- ]
- target_tags_include_source = true
- },
- ]
- target_schema = "...my_target_schema..."
- target_unique = [
- "...",
- ]
- },
- ]
+ targets = "{ \"see\": \"documentation\" }"
@@ -93,7 +35,7 @@ resource "epilot-entitymapping_entity_mapping" "my_entitymapping" {
- `id` (String) Mapping Config Id. Requires replacement if changed.
- `source` (Attributes) Requires replacement if changed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--source))
-- `targets` (Attributes List) Requires replacement if changed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets))
+- `targets` (String) Parsed as JSON.
### Nested Schema for `source`
@@ -127,199 +69,6 @@ Optional:
- `journey_id` (String) Requires replacement if changed.
-### Nested Schema for `targets`
-- `allow_failure` (Boolean) Pass it as true, when you don't want failures to interrupt the mapping process. Requires replacement if changed.
-- `condition_mode` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-- `conditions` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-- `id` (String) Identifier for target configuration. Useful for later usages when trying to identify which target config to map to. Requires replacement if changed.
-- `linkback_relation_attribute` (String) Relation attribute on the main entity where the target entity will be linked. Set to false to disable linkback
-Requires replacement if changed. ; Default: "mapped_entities"
-- `linkback_relation_tags` (List of String) Relation tags (labels) to include in main entity linkback relation attribute. Requires replacement if changed.
-- `loop_config` (Attributes) contains config in case of running in loop mode. Requires replacement if changed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--loop_config))
-- `mapping_attributes` (Attributes List) Attribute mappings. Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes))
-- `name` (String) A name for this configuration. Requires replacement if changed.
-- `relation_attributes` (Attributes List) Relation mappings. Requires replacement if changed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--relation_attributes))
-- `target_schema` (String) Schema of target entity. Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null
-- `target_unique` (List of String) Unique key for target entity (see upsertEntity of Entity API). Requires replacement if changed.
-### Nested Schema for `targets.loop_config`
-- `length` (Number) a hard limit of how many times the loop is allowed to run. Requires replacement if changed. ; Default: "the length of the array"
-- `source_path` (String) path to the array from the entity payload. Requires replacement if changed.
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes`
-- `mapping_attribute` (Attributes) Requires replacement if changed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute))
-- `mapping_attribute_v2` (Attributes) Requires replacement if changed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute_v2))
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute`
-- `append_value_mapper` (Attributes) Requires replacement if changed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute--append_value_mapper))
-- `copy_value_mapper` (Attributes) Requires replacement if changed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute--copy_value_mapper))
-- `set_value_mapper` (Attributes) Requires replacement if changed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute--set_value_mapper))
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute.set_value_mapper`
-- `mode` (String) - copy_if_exists - it replaces the target attribute with the source value - append_if_exists - it currently replaces target attribute with array like values. Useful when you have multiple values to be added into one attribute. - set_value - it sets a value to a predefined value. Must be used together with value property.
-Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null; must be one of ["copy_if_exists", "append_if_exists", "set_value"]
-- `source` (String) JSON source path for the value to be extracted from the main entity. Eg: steps[1].['Product Info'].price
-Requires replacement if changed.
-- `target` (String) JSON like target path for the attribute. Eg. last_name. Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null
-- `target_unique` (List of String) Array of keys which should be used when checking for uniqueness. Eg: [country, city, postal_code]
-Requires replacement if changed.
-- `value_json` (String) To be provided only when mapping json objects into a target attribute. Eg array of addresses.
-Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute.set_value_mapper`
-- `mode` (String) - copy_if_exists - it replaces the target attribute with the source value - append_if_exists - it currently replaces target attribute with array like values. Useful when you have multiple values to be added into one attribute. - set_value - it sets a value to a predefined value. Must be used together with value property.
-Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null; must be one of ["copy_if_exists", "append_if_exists", "set_value"]
-- `source` (String) JSON source path for the value to be extracted from the main entity. Eg: steps[1].['Product Info'].price
-Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null
-- `target` (String) JSON like target path for the attribute. Eg. last_name. Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute.set_value_mapper`
-- `mode` (String) - copy_if_exists - it replaces the target attribute with the source value - append_if_exists - it currently replaces target attribute with array like values. Useful when you have multiple values to be added into one attribute. - set_value - it sets a value to a predefined value. Must be used together with value property.
-Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null; must be one of ["copy_if_exists", "append_if_exists", "set_value"]
-- `target` (String) JSON like target path for the attribute. Eg. last_name. Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null
-- `value` (String) Any value to be set: string, number, string[], number[], JSON object, etc. It will override existing values, if any.
-Parsed as JSON.
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute_v2`
-- `operation` (Attributes) Mapping operation nodes are either primitive values or operation node objects. Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute_v2--operation))
-- `origin` (String) Origin of an attribute. Requires replacement if changed. ; must be one of ["system_recommendation", "user_manually", "entity_updating_system_recommendation"]
-- `target` (String) Target JSON path for the attribute to set. Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute_v2.target`
-- `any` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-- `operation_object_node` (Attributes) Requires replacement if changed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute_v2--target--operation_object_node))
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute_v2.target.operation_object_node`
-- `additional_properties` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-- `append` (List of String) Append to array. Requires replacement if changed.
-- `copy` (String) Copy JSONPath value from source entity context. Requires replacement if changed.
-- `random` (Attributes) Requires replacement if changed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute_v2--target--operation_object_node--random))
-- `set` (String) Parsed as JSON.
-- `template` (String) Define handlebars template to output a string. Requires replacement if changed.
-- `uniq` (Attributes) Unique array. Requires replacement if changed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute_v2--target--operation_object_node--uniq))
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute_v2.target.operation_object_node.uniq`
-- `one` (Attributes) Requires replacement if changed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute_v2--target--operation_object_node--uniq--one))
-- `two` (Attributes) Requires replacement if changed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--mapping_attributes--mapping_attribute_v2--target--operation_object_node--uniq--two))
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute_v2.target.operation_object_node.uniq.two`
-- `type` (String) Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null; must be one of ["uuid", "nanoid"]
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute_v2.target.operation_object_node.uniq.two`
-- `max` (Number) Requires replacement if changed. ; Default: 1
-- `min` (Number) Requires replacement if changed. ; Default: 0
-- `type` (String) Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null; must be one of ["number"]
-### Nested Schema for `targets.mapping_attributes.mapping_attribute_v2.target.operation_object_node.uniq`
-- `array_of_str` (List of String) Requires replacement if changed.
-- `boolean` (Boolean) Requires replacement if changed.
-### Nested Schema for `targets.relation_attributes`
-- `mode` (String) Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null; must be one of ["append", "prepend", "set"]
-- `origin` (String) Origin of an attribute. Requires replacement if changed. ; must be one of ["system_recommendation", "user_manually", "entity_updating_system_recommendation"]
-- `related_to` (Map of String) Requires replacement if changed.
-- `source_filter` (Attributes) A filter to identify which source entities to pick as relations from main entity. Requires replacement if changed. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--targets--relation_attributes--source_filter))
-- `target` (String) Target attribute to store the relation in. Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null
-- `target_tags` (List of String) Relation tags (labels) to set for the stored relations. Requires replacement if changed.
-- `target_tags_include_source` (Boolean) Include all relation tags (labels) present on the main entity relation. Requires replacement if changed. ; Default: false
-### Nested Schema for `targets.relation_attributes.source_filter`
-- `attribute` (String) Filter by a specific relation attribute on the main entity. Requires replacement if changed.
-- `limit` (Number) Limit relations to maximum number (default, all matched relations). Requires replacement if changed.
-- `relation_tag` (String) Filter by relation tag (label) on the main entity. Requires replacement if changed.
-- `schema` (String) Filter by specific schema. Requires replacement if changed.
-- `self` (Boolean) Picks main entity as relation (overrides other filters). Requires replacement if changed. ; Default: false
-- `tag` (String) Filter by a specific tag on the related entity. Requires replacement if changed.
## Import
Import is supported using the following syntax:
diff --git a/examples/provider/provider.tf b/examples/provider/provider.tf
index 8646a15..5077fa4 100644
--- a/examples/provider/provider.tf
+++ b/examples/provider/provider.tf
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ terraform {
required_providers {
epilot-entitymapping = {
source = "epilot-dev/epilot-entitymapping"
- version = "0.5.0"
+ version = "0.5.1"
diff --git a/examples/resources/epilot-entitymapping_entity_mapping/resource.tf b/examples/resources/epilot-entitymapping_entity_mapping/resource.tf
index aa3b893..81257c8 100644
--- a/examples/resources/epilot-entitymapping_entity_mapping/resource.tf
+++ b/examples/resources/epilot-entitymapping_entity_mapping/resource.tf
@@ -9,63 +9,5 @@ resource "epilot-entitymapping_entity_mapping" "my_entitymapping" {
type = "journey"
- targets = [
- {
- allow_failure = false
- condition_mode = "{ \"see\": \"documentation\" }"
- conditions = "{ \"see\": \"documentation\" }"
- id = "cd4d3a54-7d70-4901-810e-0737604f94fa"
- linkback_relation_attribute = "...my_linkback_relation_attribute..."
- linkback_relation_tags = [
- "...",
- ]
- loop_config = {
- length = 69.48
- source_path = "...my_source_path..."
- }
- mapping_attributes = [
- {
- mapping_attribute = {
- append_value_mapper = {
- mode = "set_value"
- source = "...my_source..."
- target = "...my_target..."
- target_unique = [
- "...",
- ]
- value_json = "...my_value_json..."
- }
- }
- },
- ]
- name = "Amos Kirlin"
- relation_attributes = [
- {
- mode = "prepend"
- origin = "user_manually"
- related_to = {
- "Rubber" = "{ \"see\": \"documentation\" }"
- "North" = "{ \"see\": \"documentation\" }"
- }
- source_filter = {
- attribute = "...my_attribute..."
- limit = 9
- relation_tag = "...my_relation_tag..."
- schema = "...my_schema..."
- self = false
- tag = "...my_tag..."
- }
- target = "...my_target..."
- target_tags = [
- "...",
- ]
- target_tags_include_source = true
- },
- ]
- target_schema = "...my_target_schema..."
- target_unique = [
- "...",
- ]
- },
- ]
+ targets = "{ \"see\": \"documentation\" }"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gen.yaml b/gen.yaml
index f3dcc7a..2b47cdf 100755
--- a/gen.yaml
+++ b/gen.yaml
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ generation:
sdkFlattening: true
telemetryEnabled: false
- version: 0.5.0
+ version: 0.5.1
additionalDataSources: []
additionalDependencies: {}
additionalResources: []
diff --git a/internal/provider/entitymapping_data_source.go b/internal/provider/entitymapping_data_source.go
index f173e4d..d52b176 100644
--- a/internal/provider/entitymapping_data_source.go
+++ b/internal/provider/entitymapping_data_source.go
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ type EntityMappingDataSource struct {
// EntityMappingDataSourceModel describes the data model.
type EntityMappingDataSourceModel struct {
- ID types.String `tfsdk:"id"`
- Source tfTypes.SourceConfig `tfsdk:"source"`
- Targets []tfTypes.TargetConfig `tfsdk:"targets"`
+ ID types.String `tfsdk:"id"`
+ Source tfTypes.SourceConfig `tfsdk:"source"`
+ Targets types.String `tfsdk:"targets"`
// Metadata returns the data source type name.
@@ -84,304 +84,9 @@ func (r *EntityMappingDataSource) Schema(ctx context.Context, req datasource.Sch
- "targets": schema.ListNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- NestedObject: schema.NestedAttributeObject{
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "allow_failure": schema.BoolAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Pass it as true, when you don't want failures to interrupt the mapping process.`,
- },
- "condition_mode": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- },
- "conditions": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- },
- "id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Identifier for target configuration. Useful for later usages when trying to identify which target config to map to.`,
- },
- "linkback_relation_attribute": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- MarkdownDescription: `Relation attribute on the main entity where the target entity will be linked. Set to false to disable linkback` + "\n" +
- ``,
- },
- "linkback_relation_tags": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- Description: `Relation tags (labels) to include in main entity linkback relation attribute`,
- },
- "loop_config": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "length": schema.NumberAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `a hard limit of how many times the loop is allowed to run.`,
- },
- "source_path": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `path to the array from the entity payload`,
- },
- },
- Description: `contains config in case of running in loop mode`,
- },
- "mapping_attributes": schema.ListNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- NestedObject: schema.NestedAttributeObject{
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "mapping_attribute": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "append_value_mapper": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "mode": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- MarkdownDescription: `- copy_if_exists - it replaces the target attribute with the source value - append_if_exists - it currently replaces target attribute with array like values. Useful when you have multiple values to be added into one attribute. - set_value - it sets a value to a predefined value. Must be used together with value property.` + "\n" +
- `` + "\n" +
- `must be one of ["copy_if_exists", "append_if_exists", "set_value"]`,
- },
- "source": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- MarkdownDescription: `JSON source path for the value to be extracted from the main entity. Eg: steps[1].['Product Info'].price` + "\n" +
- ``,
- },
- "target": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `JSON like target path for the attribute. Eg. last_name`,
- },
- "target_unique": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- MarkdownDescription: `Array of keys which should be used when checking for uniqueness. Eg: [country, city, postal_code]` + "\n" +
- ``,
- },
- "value_json": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- MarkdownDescription: `To be provided only when mapping json objects into a target attribute. Eg array of addresses.` + "\n" +
- ``,
- },
- },
- },
- "copy_value_mapper": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "mode": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- MarkdownDescription: `- copy_if_exists - it replaces the target attribute with the source value - append_if_exists - it currently replaces target attribute with array like values. Useful when you have multiple values to be added into one attribute. - set_value - it sets a value to a predefined value. Must be used together with value property.` + "\n" +
- `` + "\n" +
- `must be one of ["copy_if_exists", "append_if_exists", "set_value"]`,
- },
- "source": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- MarkdownDescription: `JSON source path for the value to be extracted from the main entity. Eg: steps[1].['Product Info'].price` + "\n" +
- ``,
- },
- "target": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `JSON like target path for the attribute. Eg. last_name`,
- },
- },
- },
- "set_value_mapper": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "mode": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- MarkdownDescription: `- copy_if_exists - it replaces the target attribute with the source value - append_if_exists - it currently replaces target attribute with array like values. Useful when you have multiple values to be added into one attribute. - set_value - it sets a value to a predefined value. Must be used together with value property.` + "\n" +
- `` + "\n" +
- `must be one of ["copy_if_exists", "append_if_exists", "set_value"]`,
- },
- "target": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `JSON like target path for the attribute. Eg. last_name`,
- },
- "value": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- MarkdownDescription: `Any value to be set: string, number, string[], number[], JSON object, etc. It will override existing values, if any.` + "\n" +
- `` + "\n" +
- `Parsed as JSON.`,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- "mapping_attribute_v2": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "operation": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "any": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- },
- "operation_object_node": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "append": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- Description: `Append to array`,
- },
- "copy": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Copy JSONPath value from source entity context`,
- },
- "random": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "one": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `must be one of ["uuid", "nanoid"]`,
- },
- },
- },
- "two": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "max": schema.NumberAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- "min": schema.NumberAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- "type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `must be one of ["number"]`,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- "set": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- },
- "template": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Define handlebars template to output a string`,
- },
- "uniq": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "boolean": schema.BoolAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- },
- "array_of_str": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- },
- },
- Description: `Unique array`,
- },
- "additional_properties": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- Description: `Mapping operation nodes are either primitive values or operation node objects`,
- },
- "origin": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Origin of an attribute. must be one of ["system_recommendation", "user_manually", "entity_updating_system_recommendation"]`,
- },
- "target": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Target JSON path for the attribute to set`,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- },
- Description: `Attribute mappings`,
- },
- "name": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `A name for this configuration`,
- },
- "relation_attributes": schema.ListNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- NestedObject: schema.NestedAttributeObject{
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "mode": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `must be one of ["append", "prepend", "set"]`,
- },
- "origin": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Origin of an attribute. must be one of ["system_recommendation", "user_manually", "entity_updating_system_recommendation"]`,
- },
- "related_to": schema.MapAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- },
- "source_filter": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "attribute": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Filter by a specific relation attribute on the main entity`,
- },
- "limit": schema.Int64Attribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Limit relations to maximum number (default, all matched relations)`,
- },
- "relation_tag": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Filter by relation tag (label) on the main entity`,
- },
- "schema": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Filter by specific schema`,
- },
- "self": schema.BoolAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Picks main entity as relation (overrides other filters)`,
- },
- "tag": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Filter by a specific tag on the related entity`,
- },
- },
- Description: `A filter to identify which source entities to pick as relations from main entity`,
- },
- "target": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Target attribute to store the relation in`,
- },
- "target_tags": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- Description: `Relation tags (labels) to set for the stored relations`,
- },
- "target_tags_include_source": schema.BoolAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Include all relation tags (labels) present on the main entity relation`,
- },
- },
- },
- Description: `Relation mappings`,
- },
- "target_schema": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- Description: `Schema of target entity`,
- },
- "target_unique": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- Description: `Unique key for target entity (see upsertEntity of Entity API)`,
- },
- },
- },
+ "targets": schema.StringAttribute{
+ Computed: true,
+ Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
diff --git a/internal/provider/entitymapping_data_source_sdk.go b/internal/provider/entitymapping_data_source_sdk.go
index 4e367c5..ebd96f7 100644
--- a/internal/provider/entitymapping_data_source_sdk.go
+++ b/internal/provider/entitymapping_data_source_sdk.go
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import (
tfTypes "github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-entitymapping/internal/provider/types"
- "math/big"
func (r *EntityMappingDataSourceModel) RefreshFromSharedMappingConfigV2(resp *shared.MappingConfigV2) {
@@ -32,220 +31,7 @@ func (r *EntityMappingDataSourceModel) RefreshFromSharedMappingConfigV2(resp *sh
} else {
r.Source.Type = types.StringNull()
- r.Targets = []tfTypes.TargetConfig{}
- if len(r.Targets) > len(resp.Targets) {
- r.Targets = r.Targets[:len(resp.Targets)]
- }
- for targetsCount, targetsItem := range resp.Targets {
- var targets1 tfTypes.TargetConfig
- targets1.AllowFailure = types.BoolPointerValue(targetsItem.AllowFailure)
- if targetsItem.ConditionMode == nil {
- targets1.ConditionMode = types.StringNull()
- } else {
- conditionModeResult, _ := json.Marshal(targetsItem.ConditionMode)
- targets1.ConditionMode = types.StringValue(string(conditionModeResult))
- }
- if targetsItem.Conditions == nil {
- targets1.Conditions = types.StringNull()
- } else {
- conditionsResult, _ := json.Marshal(targetsItem.Conditions)
- targets1.Conditions = types.StringValue(string(conditionsResult))
- }
- targets1.ID = types.StringPointerValue(targetsItem.ID)
- targets1.LinkbackRelationAttribute = types.StringPointerValue(targetsItem.LinkbackRelationAttribute)
- targets1.LinkbackRelationTags = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range targetsItem.LinkbackRelationTags {
- targets1.LinkbackRelationTags = append(targets1.LinkbackRelationTags, types.StringValue(v))
- }
- if targetsItem.LoopConfig == nil {
- targets1.LoopConfig = nil
- } else {
- targets1.LoopConfig = &tfTypes.LoopConfig{}
- if targetsItem.LoopConfig.Length != nil {
- targets1.LoopConfig.Length = types.NumberValue(big.NewFloat(float64(*targetsItem.LoopConfig.Length)))
- } else {
- targets1.LoopConfig.Length = types.NumberNull()
- }
- targets1.LoopConfig.SourcePath = types.StringPointerValue(targetsItem.LoopConfig.SourcePath)
- }
- targets1.MappingAttributes = []tfTypes.MappingAttributes{}
- for mappingAttributesCount, mappingAttributesItem := range targetsItem.MappingAttributes {
- var mappingAttributes1 tfTypes.MappingAttributes
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute = &tfTypes.MappingAttribute{}
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper = &tfTypes.AppendValueMapper{}
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.Mode = types.StringValue(string(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.Mode))
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.Source = types.StringPointerValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.Source)
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.Target = types.StringValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.Target)
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.TargetUnique = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.TargetUnique {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.TargetUnique = append(mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.TargetUnique, types.StringValue(v))
- }
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.ValueJSON = types.StringValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.ValueJSON)
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper = &tfTypes.CopyValueMapper{}
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper.Mode = types.StringValue(string(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper.Mode))
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper.Source = types.StringValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper.Source)
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper.Target = types.StringValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper.Target)
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper = &tfTypes.SetValueMapper{}
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper.Mode = types.StringValue(string(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper.Mode))
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper.Target = types.StringValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper.Target)
- valueResult, _ := json.Marshal(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper.Value)
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper.Value = types.StringValue(string(valueResult))
- }
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2 != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2 = &tfTypes.MappingAttributeV2{}
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.Any != nil {
- anyResult, _ := json.Marshal(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.Any)
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.Any = types.StringValue(string(anyResult))
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode = &tfTypes.OperationObjectNode{}
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Append = nil
- for _, appendItem := range mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Append {
- var append2 types.String
- append2Result, _ := json.Marshal(appendItem)
- append2 = types.StringValue(string(append2Result))
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Append = append(mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Append, append2)
- }
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Copy = types.StringPointerValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Copy)
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random == nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random = nil
- } else {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random = &tfTypes.RandomOperation{}
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.One != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.One = &tfTypes.One{}
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.One.Type = types.StringValue(string(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.One.Type))
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two = &tfTypes.Two{}
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Max != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Max = types.NumberValue(big.NewFloat(float64(*mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Max)))
- } else {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Max = types.NumberNull()
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Min != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Min = types.NumberValue(big.NewFloat(float64(*mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Min)))
- } else {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Min = types.NumberNull()
- }
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Type = types.StringValue(string(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Type))
- }
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Set == nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Set = types.StringNull()
- } else {
- setResult, _ := json.Marshal(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Set)
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Set = types.StringValue(string(setResult))
- }
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Template = types.StringPointerValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Template)
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq == nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq = nil
- } else {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq = &tfTypes.Uniq{}
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.Boolean != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.Boolean = types.BoolPointerValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.Boolean)
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.ArrayOfStr != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.ArrayOfStr = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.ArrayOfStr {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.ArrayOfStr = append(mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.ArrayOfStr, types.StringValue(v))
- }
- }
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.AdditionalProperties == nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.AdditionalProperties = types.StringNull()
- } else {
- additionalPropertiesResult, _ := json.Marshal(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.AdditionalProperties)
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.AdditionalProperties = types.StringValue(string(additionalPropertiesResult))
- }
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Origin != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Origin = types.StringValue(string(*mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Origin))
- } else {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Origin = types.StringNull()
- }
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Target = types.StringValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Target)
- }
- if mappingAttributesCount+1 > len(targets1.MappingAttributes) {
- targets1.MappingAttributes = append(targets1.MappingAttributes, mappingAttributes1)
- } else {
- targets1.MappingAttributes[mappingAttributesCount].MappingAttribute = mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute
- targets1.MappingAttributes[mappingAttributesCount].MappingAttributeV2 = mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2
- }
- }
- targets1.Name = types.StringPointerValue(targetsItem.Name)
- targets1.RelationAttributes = []tfTypes.RelationAttribute{}
- for relationAttributesCount, relationAttributesItem := range targetsItem.RelationAttributes {
- var relationAttributes1 tfTypes.RelationAttribute
- relationAttributes1.Mode = types.StringValue(string(relationAttributesItem.Mode))
- if relationAttributesItem.Origin != nil {
- relationAttributes1.Origin = types.StringValue(string(*relationAttributesItem.Origin))
- } else {
- relationAttributes1.Origin = types.StringNull()
- }
- if len(relationAttributesItem.RelatedTo) > 0 {
- relationAttributes1.RelatedTo = make(map[string]types.String)
- for key, value1 := range relationAttributesItem.RelatedTo {
- result, _ := json.Marshal(value1)
- relationAttributes1.RelatedTo[key] = types.StringValue(string(result))
- }
- }
- if relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter == nil {
- relationAttributes1.SourceFilter = nil
- } else {
- relationAttributes1.SourceFilter = &tfTypes.SourceFilter{}
- relationAttributes1.SourceFilter.Attribute = types.StringPointerValue(relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Attribute)
- relationAttributes1.SourceFilter.Limit = types.Int64PointerValue(relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Limit)
- relationAttributes1.SourceFilter.RelationTag = types.StringPointerValue(relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.RelationTag)
- relationAttributes1.SourceFilter.Schema = types.StringPointerValue(relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Schema)
- relationAttributes1.SourceFilter.Self = types.BoolPointerValue(relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Self)
- relationAttributes1.SourceFilter.Tag = types.StringPointerValue(relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Tag)
- }
- relationAttributes1.Target = types.StringValue(relationAttributesItem.Target)
- relationAttributes1.TargetTags = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range relationAttributesItem.TargetTags {
- relationAttributes1.TargetTags = append(relationAttributes1.TargetTags, types.StringValue(v))
- }
- relationAttributes1.TargetTagsIncludeSource = types.BoolPointerValue(relationAttributesItem.TargetTagsIncludeSource)
- if relationAttributesCount+1 > len(targets1.RelationAttributes) {
- targets1.RelationAttributes = append(targets1.RelationAttributes, relationAttributes1)
- } else {
- targets1.RelationAttributes[relationAttributesCount].Mode = relationAttributes1.Mode
- targets1.RelationAttributes[relationAttributesCount].Origin = relationAttributes1.Origin
- targets1.RelationAttributes[relationAttributesCount].RelatedTo = relationAttributes1.RelatedTo
- targets1.RelationAttributes[relationAttributesCount].SourceFilter = relationAttributes1.SourceFilter
- targets1.RelationAttributes[relationAttributesCount].Target = relationAttributes1.Target
- targets1.RelationAttributes[relationAttributesCount].TargetTags = relationAttributes1.TargetTags
- targets1.RelationAttributes[relationAttributesCount].TargetTagsIncludeSource = relationAttributes1.TargetTagsIncludeSource
- }
- }
- targets1.TargetSchema = types.StringValue(targetsItem.TargetSchema)
- targets1.TargetUnique = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range targetsItem.TargetUnique {
- targets1.TargetUnique = append(targets1.TargetUnique, types.StringValue(v))
- }
- if targetsCount+1 > len(r.Targets) {
- r.Targets = append(r.Targets, targets1)
- } else {
- r.Targets[targetsCount].AllowFailure = targets1.AllowFailure
- r.Targets[targetsCount].ConditionMode = targets1.ConditionMode
- r.Targets[targetsCount].Conditions = targets1.Conditions
- r.Targets[targetsCount].ID = targets1.ID
- r.Targets[targetsCount].LinkbackRelationAttribute = targets1.LinkbackRelationAttribute
- r.Targets[targetsCount].LinkbackRelationTags = targets1.LinkbackRelationTags
- r.Targets[targetsCount].LoopConfig = targets1.LoopConfig
- r.Targets[targetsCount].MappingAttributes = targets1.MappingAttributes
- r.Targets[targetsCount].Name = targets1.Name
- r.Targets[targetsCount].RelationAttributes = targets1.RelationAttributes
- r.Targets[targetsCount].TargetSchema = targets1.TargetSchema
- r.Targets[targetsCount].TargetUnique = targets1.TargetUnique
- }
- }
+ targetsResult, _ := json.Marshal(resp.Targets)
+ r.Targets = types.StringValue(string(targetsResult))
diff --git a/internal/provider/entitymapping_resource.go b/internal/provider/entitymapping_resource.go
index 522798d..5c77f1f 100644
--- a/internal/provider/entitymapping_resource.go
+++ b/internal/provider/entitymapping_resource.go
@@ -5,43 +5,24 @@ package provider
import (
- speakeasy_boolplanmodifier "github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-entitymapping/internal/planmodifiers/boolplanmodifier"
- speakeasy_int64planmodifier "github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-entitymapping/internal/planmodifiers/int64planmodifier"
- speakeasy_listplanmodifier "github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-entitymapping/internal/planmodifiers/listplanmodifier"
- speakeasy_mapplanmodifier "github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-entitymapping/internal/planmodifiers/mapplanmodifier"
- speakeasy_numberplanmodifier "github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-entitymapping/internal/planmodifiers/numberplanmodifier"
speakeasy_objectplanmodifier "github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-entitymapping/internal/planmodifiers/objectplanmodifier"
speakeasy_stringplanmodifier "github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-entitymapping/internal/planmodifiers/stringplanmodifier"
tfTypes "github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-entitymapping/internal/provider/types"
- speakeasy_listvalidators "github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-entitymapping/internal/validators/listvalidators"
- speakeasy_objectvalidators "github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-entitymapping/internal/validators/objectvalidators"
speakeasy_stringvalidators "github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-entitymapping/internal/validators/stringvalidators"
- "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework-validators/boolvalidator"
- "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework-validators/listvalidator"
- "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework-validators/mapvalidator"
- "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/resource/schema/booldefault"
- "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/resource/schema/boolplanmodifier"
- "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/resource/schema/int64planmodifier"
- "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/resource/schema/listplanmodifier"
- "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/resource/schema/mapplanmodifier"
- "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/resource/schema/numberdefault"
- "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/resource/schema/numberplanmodifier"
- "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/resource/schema/stringdefault"
- "math/big"
// Ensure provider defined types fully satisfy framework interfaces.
@@ -59,9 +40,9 @@ type EntityMappingResource struct {
// EntityMappingResourceModel describes the resource data model.
type EntityMappingResourceModel struct {
- ID types.String `tfsdk:"id"`
- Source tfTypes.SourceConfig `tfsdk:"source"`
- Targets []tfTypes.TargetConfig `tfsdk:"targets"`
+ ID types.String `tfsdk:"id"`
+ Source tfTypes.SourceConfig `tfsdk:"source"`
+ Targets types.String `tfsdk:"targets"`
func (r *EntityMappingResource) Metadata(ctx context.Context, req resource.MetadataRequest, resp *resource.MetadataResponse) {
@@ -181,829 +162,16 @@ func (r *EntityMappingResource) Schema(ctx context.Context, req resource.SchemaR
Description: `Requires replacement if changed. `,
- "targets": schema.ListNestedAttribute{
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.List{
- listplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_listplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_listplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
+ "targets": schema.StringAttribute{
+ PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
+ stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
+ speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- Required: true,
- NestedObject: schema.NestedAttributeObject{
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "allow_failure": schema.BoolAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Bool{
- boolplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_boolplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_boolplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Pass it as true, when you don't want failures to interrupt the mapping process. Requires replacement if changed. `,
- },
- "condition_mode": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- validators.IsValidJSON(),
- },
- },
- "conditions": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- validators.IsValidJSON(),
- },
- },
- "id": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Identifier for target configuration. Useful for later usages when trying to identify which target config to map to. Requires replacement if changed. `,
- },
- "linkback_relation_attribute": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Default: stringdefault.StaticString("mapped_entities"),
- MarkdownDescription: `Relation attribute on the main entity where the target entity will be linked. Set to false to disable linkback` + "\n" +
- `` + "\n" +
- `Requires replacement if changed. ; Default: "mapped_entities"`,
- },
- "linkback_relation_tags": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.List{
- listplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_listplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_listplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- Description: `Relation tags (labels) to include in main entity linkback relation attribute. Requires replacement if changed. `,
- },
- "loop_config": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Object{
- objectplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "length": schema.NumberAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Number{
- numberplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_numberplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_numberplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `a hard limit of how many times the loop is allowed to run. Requires replacement if changed. ; Default: "the length of the array"`,
- },
- "source_path": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `path to the array from the entity payload. Requires replacement if changed. `,
- },
- },
- Description: `contains config in case of running in loop mode. Requires replacement if changed. `,
- },
- "mapping_attributes": schema.ListNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.List{
- listplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_listplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_listplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- NestedObject: schema.NestedAttributeObject{
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "mapping_attribute": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Object{
- objectplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "append_value_mapper": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Object{
- objectplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "mode": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- MarkdownDescription: `- copy_if_exists - it replaces the target attribute with the source value - append_if_exists - it currently replaces target attribute with array like values. Useful when you have multiple values to be added into one attribute. - set_value - it sets a value to a predefined value. Must be used together with value property.` + "\n" +
- `` + "\n" +
- `Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null; must be one of ["copy_if_exists", "append_if_exists", "set_value"]`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- stringvalidator.OneOf(
- "copy_if_exists",
- "append_if_exists",
- "set_value",
- ),
- },
- },
- "source": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- MarkdownDescription: `JSON source path for the value to be extracted from the main entity. Eg: steps[1].['Product Info'].price` + "\n" +
- `` + "\n" +
- `Requires replacement if changed. `,
- },
- "target": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `JSON like target path for the attribute. Eg. last_name. Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- },
- },
- "target_unique": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.List{
- listplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_listplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_listplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- MarkdownDescription: `Array of keys which should be used when checking for uniqueness. Eg: [country, city, postal_code]` + "\n" +
- `` + "\n" +
- `Requires replacement if changed. `,
- },
- "value_json": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- MarkdownDescription: `To be provided only when mapping json objects into a target attribute. Eg array of addresses.` + "\n" +
- `` + "\n" +
- `Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- },
- },
- },
- Description: `Requires replacement if changed. `,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("copy_value_mapper"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("set_value_mapper"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- "copy_value_mapper": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Object{
- objectplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "mode": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- MarkdownDescription: `- copy_if_exists - it replaces the target attribute with the source value - append_if_exists - it currently replaces target attribute with array like values. Useful when you have multiple values to be added into one attribute. - set_value - it sets a value to a predefined value. Must be used together with value property.` + "\n" +
- `` + "\n" +
- `Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null; must be one of ["copy_if_exists", "append_if_exists", "set_value"]`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- stringvalidator.OneOf(
- "copy_if_exists",
- "append_if_exists",
- "set_value",
- ),
- },
- },
- "source": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- MarkdownDescription: `JSON source path for the value to be extracted from the main entity. Eg: steps[1].['Product Info'].price` + "\n" +
- `` + "\n" +
- `Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- },
- },
- "target": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `JSON like target path for the attribute. Eg. last_name. Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- },
- },
- },
- Description: `Requires replacement if changed. `,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("append_value_mapper"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("set_value_mapper"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- "set_value_mapper": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Object{
- objectplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "mode": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- MarkdownDescription: `- copy_if_exists - it replaces the target attribute with the source value - append_if_exists - it currently replaces target attribute with array like values. Useful when you have multiple values to be added into one attribute. - set_value - it sets a value to a predefined value. Must be used together with value property.` + "\n" +
- `` + "\n" +
- `Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null; must be one of ["copy_if_exists", "append_if_exists", "set_value"]`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- stringvalidator.OneOf(
- "copy_if_exists",
- "append_if_exists",
- "set_value",
- ),
- },
- },
- "target": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `JSON like target path for the attribute. Eg. last_name. Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- },
- },
- "value": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- MarkdownDescription: `Any value to be set: string, number, string[], number[], JSON object, etc. It will override existing values, if any.` + "\n" +
- `` + "\n" +
- `Parsed as JSON.`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- validators.IsValidJSON(),
- },
- },
- },
- Description: `Requires replacement if changed. `,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("append_value_mapper"),
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("copy_value_mapper"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- },
- Description: `Requires replacement if changed. `,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("mapping_attribute_v2"),
- }...),
- validators.ExactlyOneChild(),
- },
- },
- "mapping_attribute_v2": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Object{
- objectplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "operation": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Object{
- objectplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "any": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- stringvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("operation_object_node"),
- }...),
- validators.IsValidJSON(),
- },
- },
- "operation_object_node": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Object{
- objectplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "append": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.List{
- listplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_listplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_listplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- Description: `Append to array. Requires replacement if changed. `,
- Validators: []validator.List{
- listvalidator.ValueStringsAre(validators.IsValidJSON()),
- },
- },
- "copy": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Copy JSONPath value from source entity context. Requires replacement if changed. `,
- },
- "random": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Object{
- objectplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "one": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Object{
- objectplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null; must be one of ["uuid", "nanoid"]`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- stringvalidator.OneOf(
- "uuid",
- "nanoid",
- ),
- },
- },
- },
- Description: `Requires replacement if changed. `,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("two"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- "two": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Object{
- objectplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "max": schema.NumberAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Number{
- numberplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_numberplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_numberplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Default: numberdefault.StaticBigFloat(big.NewFloat(1)),
- Description: `Requires replacement if changed. ; Default: 1`,
- },
- "min": schema.NumberAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Number{
- numberplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_numberplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_numberplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Default: numberdefault.StaticBigFloat(big.NewFloat(0)),
- Description: `Requires replacement if changed. ; Default: 0`,
- },
- "type": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null; must be one of ["number"]`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- stringvalidator.OneOf(
- "number",
- ),
- },
- },
- },
- Description: `Requires replacement if changed. `,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("one"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- },
- Description: `Requires replacement if changed. `,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- validators.ExactlyOneChild(),
- },
- },
- "set": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- validators.IsValidJSON(),
- },
- },
- "template": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Define handlebars template to output a string. Requires replacement if changed. `,
- },
- "uniq": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Object{
- objectplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "boolean": schema.BoolAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Bool{
- boolplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_boolplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_boolplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Requires replacement if changed. `,
- Validators: []validator.Bool{
- boolvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("array_of_str"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- "array_of_str": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.List{
- listplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_listplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_listplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- Description: `Requires replacement if changed. `,
- Validators: []validator.List{
- listvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("boolean"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- },
- Description: `Unique array. Requires replacement if changed. `,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- validators.ExactlyOneChild(),
- },
- },
- "additional_properties": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- validators.IsValidJSON(),
- },
- },
- },
- Description: `Requires replacement if changed. `,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("any"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- },
- Description: `Mapping operation nodes are either primitive values or operation node objects. Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null`,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- speakeasy_objectvalidators.NotNull(),
- validators.ExactlyOneChild(),
- },
- },
- "origin": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Origin of an attribute. Requires replacement if changed. ; must be one of ["system_recommendation", "user_manually", "entity_updating_system_recommendation"]`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- stringvalidator.OneOf(
- "system_recommendation",
- "user_manually",
- "entity_updating_system_recommendation",
- ),
- },
- },
- "target": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Target JSON path for the attribute to set. Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- },
- },
- },
- Description: `Requires replacement if changed. `,
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- objectvalidator.ConflictsWith(path.Expressions{
- path.MatchRelative().AtParent().AtName("mapping_attribute"),
- }...),
- },
- },
- },
- Validators: []validator.Object{
- validators.ExactlyOneChild(),
- },
- },
- Description: `Attribute mappings. Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null`,
- Validators: []validator.List{
- speakeasy_listvalidators.NotNull(),
- },
- },
- "name": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `A name for this configuration. Requires replacement if changed. `,
- },
- "relation_attributes": schema.ListNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.List{
- listplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_listplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_listplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- NestedObject: schema.NestedAttributeObject{
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "mode": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null; must be one of ["append", "prepend", "set"]`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- stringvalidator.OneOf(
- "append",
- "prepend",
- "set",
- ),
- },
- },
- "origin": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Origin of an attribute. Requires replacement if changed. ; must be one of ["system_recommendation", "user_manually", "entity_updating_system_recommendation"]`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- stringvalidator.OneOf(
- "system_recommendation",
- "user_manually",
- "entity_updating_system_recommendation",
- ),
- },
- },
- "related_to": schema.MapAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Map{
- mapplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_mapplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_mapplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- Description: `Requires replacement if changed. `,
- Validators: []validator.Map{
- mapvalidator.ValueStringsAre(validators.IsValidJSON()),
- },
- },
- "source_filter": schema.SingleNestedAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Object{
- objectplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_objectplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
- "attribute": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Filter by a specific relation attribute on the main entity. Requires replacement if changed. `,
- },
- "limit": schema.Int64Attribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Int64{
- int64planmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_int64planmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_int64planmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Limit relations to maximum number (default, all matched relations). Requires replacement if changed. `,
- },
- "relation_tag": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Filter by relation tag (label) on the main entity. Requires replacement if changed. `,
- },
- "schema": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Filter by specific schema. Requires replacement if changed. `,
- },
- "self": schema.BoolAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Bool{
- boolplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_boolplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_boolplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Default: booldefault.StaticBool(false),
- Description: `Picks main entity as relation (overrides other filters). Requires replacement if changed. ; Default: false`,
- },
- "tag": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Filter by a specific tag on the related entity. Requires replacement if changed. `,
- },
- },
- Description: `A filter to identify which source entities to pick as relations from main entity. Requires replacement if changed. `,
- },
- "target": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Target attribute to store the relation in. Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- },
- },
- "target_tags": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.List{
- listplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_listplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_listplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- Description: `Relation tags (labels) to set for the stored relations. Requires replacement if changed. `,
- },
- "target_tags_include_source": schema.BoolAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.Bool{
- boolplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_boolplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_boolplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Default: booldefault.StaticBool(false),
- Description: `Include all relation tags (labels) present on the main entity relation. Requires replacement if changed. ; Default: false`,
- },
- },
- },
- Description: `Relation mappings. Requires replacement if changed. `,
- },
- "target_schema": schema.StringAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.String{
- stringplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_stringplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- Description: `Schema of target entity. Requires replacement if changed. ; Not Null`,
- Validators: []validator.String{
- speakeasy_stringvalidators.NotNull(),
- },
- },
- "target_unique": schema.ListAttribute{
- Computed: true,
- PlanModifiers: []planmodifier.List{
- listplanmodifier.RequiresReplaceIfConfigured(),
- speakeasy_listplanmodifier.SuppressDiff(speakeasy_listplanmodifier.ExplicitSuppress),
- },
- Optional: true,
- ElementType: types.StringType,
- Description: `Unique key for target entity (see upsertEntity of Entity API). Requires replacement if changed. `,
- },
- },
+ Required: true,
+ Description: `Parsed as JSON.`,
+ Validators: []validator.String{
+ validators.IsValidJSON(),
- Description: `Requires replacement if changed. `,
diff --git a/internal/provider/entitymapping_resource_sdk.go b/internal/provider/entitymapping_resource_sdk.go
index bac77a9..a4f8c98 100644
--- a/internal/provider/entitymapping_resource_sdk.go
+++ b/internal/provider/entitymapping_resource_sdk.go
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import (
tfTypes "github.com/epilot-dev/terraform-provider-epilot-entitymapping/internal/provider/types"
- "math/big"
func (r *EntityMappingResourceModel) ToSharedMappingConfigV2() *shared.MappingConfigV2 {
@@ -61,370 +60,8 @@ func (r *EntityMappingResourceModel) ToSharedMappingConfigV2() *shared.MappingCo
Config: config,
Type: typeVar,
- var targets []shared.TargetConfig = []shared.TargetConfig{}
- for _, targetsItem := range r.Targets {
- allowFailure := new(bool)
- if !targetsItem.AllowFailure.IsUnknown() && !targetsItem.AllowFailure.IsNull() {
- *allowFailure = targetsItem.AllowFailure.ValueBool()
- } else {
- allowFailure = nil
- }
- var conditionMode interface{}
- if !targetsItem.ConditionMode.IsUnknown() && !targetsItem.ConditionMode.IsNull() {
- _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(targetsItem.ConditionMode.ValueString()), &conditionMode)
- }
- var conditions interface{}
- if !targetsItem.Conditions.IsUnknown() && !targetsItem.Conditions.IsNull() {
- _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(targetsItem.Conditions.ValueString()), &conditions)
- }
- id1 := new(string)
- if !targetsItem.ID.IsUnknown() && !targetsItem.ID.IsNull() {
- *id1 = targetsItem.ID.ValueString()
- } else {
- id1 = nil
- }
- linkbackRelationAttribute := new(string)
- if !targetsItem.LinkbackRelationAttribute.IsUnknown() && !targetsItem.LinkbackRelationAttribute.IsNull() {
- *linkbackRelationAttribute = targetsItem.LinkbackRelationAttribute.ValueString()
- } else {
- linkbackRelationAttribute = nil
- }
- var linkbackRelationTags []string = []string{}
- for _, linkbackRelationTagsItem := range targetsItem.LinkbackRelationTags {
- linkbackRelationTags = append(linkbackRelationTags, linkbackRelationTagsItem.ValueString())
- }
- var loopConfig *shared.LoopConfig
- if targetsItem.LoopConfig != nil {
- length := new(float64)
- if !targetsItem.LoopConfig.Length.IsUnknown() && !targetsItem.LoopConfig.Length.IsNull() {
- *length, _ = targetsItem.LoopConfig.Length.ValueBigFloat().Float64()
- } else {
- length = nil
- }
- sourcePath := new(string)
- if !targetsItem.LoopConfig.SourcePath.IsUnknown() && !targetsItem.LoopConfig.SourcePath.IsNull() {
- *sourcePath = targetsItem.LoopConfig.SourcePath.ValueString()
- } else {
- sourcePath = nil
- }
- loopConfig = &shared.LoopConfig{
- Length: length,
- SourcePath: sourcePath,
- }
- }
- var mappingAttributes []shared.MappingAttributes = []shared.MappingAttributes{}
- for _, mappingAttributesItem := range targetsItem.MappingAttributes {
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2 != nil {
- var operation shared.OperationNode
- var operationObjectNode *shared.OperationObjectNode
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode != nil {
- var additionalProperties interface{}
- if !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.AdditionalProperties.IsUnknown() && !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.AdditionalProperties.IsNull() {
- _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.AdditionalProperties.ValueString()), &additionalProperties)
- }
- var append1 []interface{} = []interface{}{}
- for _, appendItem := range mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Append {
- var appendTmp interface{}
- _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(appendItem.ValueString()), &appendTmp)
- append1 = append(append1, appendTmp)
- }
- copy := new(string)
- if !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Copy.IsUnknown() && !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Copy.IsNull() {
- *copy = mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Copy.ValueString()
- } else {
- copy = nil
- }
- var random *shared.RandomOperation
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random != nil {
- var one *shared.One
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.One != nil {
- typeVar1 := shared.RandomOperationSchemasType(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.One.Type.ValueString())
- one = &shared.One{
- Type: typeVar1,
- }
- }
- if one != nil {
- random = &shared.RandomOperation{
- One: one,
- }
- }
- var two *shared.Two
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two != nil {
- max := new(float64)
- if !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Max.IsUnknown() && !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Max.IsNull() {
- *max, _ = mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Max.ValueBigFloat().Float64()
- } else {
- max = nil
- }
- min := new(float64)
- if !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Min.IsUnknown() && !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Min.IsNull() {
- *min, _ = mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Min.ValueBigFloat().Float64()
- } else {
- min = nil
- }
- typeVar2 := shared.RandomOperationType(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Type.ValueString())
- two = &shared.Two{
- Max: max,
- Min: min,
- Type: typeVar2,
- }
- }
- if two != nil {
- random = &shared.RandomOperation{
- Two: two,
- }
- }
- }
- var set interface{}
- if !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Set.IsUnknown() && !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Set.IsNull() {
- _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Set.ValueString()), &set)
- }
- template := new(string)
- if !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Template.IsUnknown() && !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Template.IsNull() {
- *template = mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Template.ValueString()
- } else {
- template = nil
- }
- var uniq *shared.Uniq
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq != nil {
- boolean := new(bool)
- if !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.Boolean.IsUnknown() && !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.Boolean.IsNull() {
- *boolean = mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.Boolean.ValueBool()
- } else {
- boolean = nil
- }
- if boolean != nil {
- uniq = &shared.Uniq{
- Boolean: boolean,
- }
- }
- var arrayOfStr []string = []string{}
- for _, arrayOfStrItem := range mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.ArrayOfStr {
- arrayOfStr = append(arrayOfStr, arrayOfStrItem.ValueString())
- }
- if arrayOfStr != nil {
- uniq = &shared.Uniq{
- ArrayOfStr: arrayOfStr,
- }
- }
- }
- operationObjectNode = &shared.OperationObjectNode{
- AdditionalProperties: additionalProperties,
- Append: append1,
- Copy: copy,
- Random: random,
- Set: set,
- Template: template,
- Uniq: uniq,
- }
- }
- if operationObjectNode != nil {
- operation = shared.OperationNode{
- OperationObjectNode: operationObjectNode,
- }
- }
- var anyVar interface{}
- if !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.Any.IsUnknown() && !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.Any.IsNull() {
- _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.Any.ValueString()), &anyVar)
- }
- if anyVar != nil {
- operation = shared.OperationNode{
- Any: anyVar,
- }
- }
- origin := new(shared.AttributeOrigin)
- if !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Origin.IsUnknown() && !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Origin.IsNull() {
- *origin = shared.AttributeOrigin(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Origin.ValueString())
- } else {
- origin = nil
- }
- target := mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Target.ValueString()
- mappingAttributeV2 := shared.MappingAttributeV2{
- Operation: operation,
- Origin: origin,
- Target: target,
- }
- mappingAttributes = append(mappingAttributes, shared.MappingAttributes{
- MappingAttributeV2: &mappingAttributeV2,
- })
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute != nil {
- var mappingAttribute shared.MappingAttribute
- var setValueMapper *shared.SetValueMapper
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper != nil {
- mode := shared.MappingAttributeMode(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper.Mode.ValueString())
- target1 := mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper.Target.ValueString()
- var value interface{}
- _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper.Value.ValueString()), &value)
- setValueMapper = &shared.SetValueMapper{
- Mode: mode,
- Target: target1,
- Value: value,
- }
- }
- if setValueMapper != nil {
- mappingAttribute = shared.MappingAttribute{
- SetValueMapper: setValueMapper,
- }
- }
- var copyValueMapper *shared.CopyValueMapper
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper != nil {
- mode1 := shared.MappingAttributeMode(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper.Mode.ValueString())
- source1 := mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper.Source.ValueString()
- target2 := mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper.Target.ValueString()
- copyValueMapper = &shared.CopyValueMapper{
- Mode: mode1,
- Source: source1,
- Target: target2,
- }
- }
- if copyValueMapper != nil {
- mappingAttribute = shared.MappingAttribute{
- CopyValueMapper: copyValueMapper,
- }
- }
- var appendValueMapper *shared.AppendValueMapper
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper != nil {
- mode2 := shared.MappingAttributeMode(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.Mode.ValueString())
- source2 := new(string)
- if !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.Source.IsUnknown() && !mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.Source.IsNull() {
- *source2 = mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.Source.ValueString()
- } else {
- source2 = nil
- }
- target3 := mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.Target.ValueString()
- var targetUnique []string = []string{}
- for _, targetUniqueItem := range mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.TargetUnique {
- targetUnique = append(targetUnique, targetUniqueItem.ValueString())
- }
- valueJSON := mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.ValueJSON.ValueString()
- appendValueMapper = &shared.AppendValueMapper{
- Mode: mode2,
- Source: source2,
- Target: target3,
- TargetUnique: targetUnique,
- ValueJSON: valueJSON,
- }
- }
- if appendValueMapper != nil {
- mappingAttribute = shared.MappingAttribute{
- AppendValueMapper: appendValueMapper,
- }
- }
- mappingAttributes = append(mappingAttributes, shared.MappingAttributes{
- MappingAttribute: &mappingAttribute,
- })
- }
- }
- name := new(string)
- if !targetsItem.Name.IsUnknown() && !targetsItem.Name.IsNull() {
- *name = targetsItem.Name.ValueString()
- } else {
- name = nil
- }
- var relationAttributes []shared.RelationAttribute = []shared.RelationAttribute{}
- for _, relationAttributesItem := range targetsItem.RelationAttributes {
- mode3 := shared.Mode(relationAttributesItem.Mode.ValueString())
- origin1 := new(shared.AttributeOrigin)
- if !relationAttributesItem.Origin.IsUnknown() && !relationAttributesItem.Origin.IsNull() {
- *origin1 = shared.AttributeOrigin(relationAttributesItem.Origin.ValueString())
- } else {
- origin1 = nil
- }
- relatedTo := make(map[string]interface{})
- for relatedToKey, relatedToValue := range relationAttributesItem.RelatedTo {
- var relatedToInst interface{}
- _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(relatedToValue.ValueString()), &relatedToInst)
- relatedTo[relatedToKey] = relatedToInst
- }
- var sourceFilter *shared.SourceFilter
- if relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter != nil {
- attribute := new(string)
- if !relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Attribute.IsUnknown() && !relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Attribute.IsNull() {
- *attribute = relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Attribute.ValueString()
- } else {
- attribute = nil
- }
- limit := new(int64)
- if !relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Limit.IsUnknown() && !relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Limit.IsNull() {
- *limit = relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Limit.ValueInt64()
- } else {
- limit = nil
- }
- relationTag := new(string)
- if !relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.RelationTag.IsUnknown() && !relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.RelationTag.IsNull() {
- *relationTag = relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.RelationTag.ValueString()
- } else {
- relationTag = nil
- }
- schema := new(string)
- if !relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Schema.IsUnknown() && !relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Schema.IsNull() {
- *schema = relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Schema.ValueString()
- } else {
- schema = nil
- }
- self := new(bool)
- if !relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Self.IsUnknown() && !relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Self.IsNull() {
- *self = relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Self.ValueBool()
- } else {
- self = nil
- }
- tag := new(string)
- if !relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Tag.IsUnknown() && !relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Tag.IsNull() {
- *tag = relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Tag.ValueString()
- } else {
- tag = nil
- }
- sourceFilter = &shared.SourceFilter{
- Attribute: attribute,
- Limit: limit,
- RelationTag: relationTag,
- Schema: schema,
- Self: self,
- Tag: tag,
- }
- }
- target4 := relationAttributesItem.Target.ValueString()
- var targetTags []string = []string{}
- for _, targetTagsItem := range relationAttributesItem.TargetTags {
- targetTags = append(targetTags, targetTagsItem.ValueString())
- }
- targetTagsIncludeSource := new(bool)
- if !relationAttributesItem.TargetTagsIncludeSource.IsUnknown() && !relationAttributesItem.TargetTagsIncludeSource.IsNull() {
- *targetTagsIncludeSource = relationAttributesItem.TargetTagsIncludeSource.ValueBool()
- } else {
- targetTagsIncludeSource = nil
- }
- relationAttributes = append(relationAttributes, shared.RelationAttribute{
- Mode: mode3,
- Origin: origin1,
- RelatedTo: relatedTo,
- SourceFilter: sourceFilter,
- Target: target4,
- TargetTags: targetTags,
- TargetTagsIncludeSource: targetTagsIncludeSource,
- })
- }
- targetSchema := targetsItem.TargetSchema.ValueString()
- var targetUnique1 []string = []string{}
- for _, targetUniqueItem1 := range targetsItem.TargetUnique {
- targetUnique1 = append(targetUnique1, targetUniqueItem1.ValueString())
- }
- targets = append(targets, shared.TargetConfig{
- AllowFailure: allowFailure,
- ConditionMode: conditionMode,
- Conditions: conditions,
- ID: id1,
- LinkbackRelationAttribute: linkbackRelationAttribute,
- LinkbackRelationTags: linkbackRelationTags,
- LoopConfig: loopConfig,
- MappingAttributes: mappingAttributes,
- Name: name,
- RelationAttributes: relationAttributes,
- TargetSchema: targetSchema,
- TargetUnique: targetUnique1,
- })
- }
+ var targets interface{}
+ _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(r.Targets.ValueString()), &targets)
out := shared.MappingConfigV2{
ID: id,
Source: source,
@@ -455,220 +92,7 @@ func (r *EntityMappingResourceModel) RefreshFromSharedMappingConfigV2(resp *shar
} else {
r.Source.Type = types.StringNull()
- r.Targets = []tfTypes.TargetConfig{}
- if len(r.Targets) > len(resp.Targets) {
- r.Targets = r.Targets[:len(resp.Targets)]
- }
- for targetsCount, targetsItem := range resp.Targets {
- var targets1 tfTypes.TargetConfig
- targets1.AllowFailure = types.BoolPointerValue(targetsItem.AllowFailure)
- if targetsItem.ConditionMode == nil {
- targets1.ConditionMode = types.StringNull()
- } else {
- conditionModeResult, _ := json.Marshal(targetsItem.ConditionMode)
- targets1.ConditionMode = types.StringValue(string(conditionModeResult))
- }
- if targetsItem.Conditions == nil {
- targets1.Conditions = types.StringNull()
- } else {
- conditionsResult, _ := json.Marshal(targetsItem.Conditions)
- targets1.Conditions = types.StringValue(string(conditionsResult))
- }
- targets1.ID = types.StringPointerValue(targetsItem.ID)
- targets1.LinkbackRelationAttribute = types.StringPointerValue(targetsItem.LinkbackRelationAttribute)
- targets1.LinkbackRelationTags = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range targetsItem.LinkbackRelationTags {
- targets1.LinkbackRelationTags = append(targets1.LinkbackRelationTags, types.StringValue(v))
- }
- if targetsItem.LoopConfig == nil {
- targets1.LoopConfig = nil
- } else {
- targets1.LoopConfig = &tfTypes.LoopConfig{}
- if targetsItem.LoopConfig.Length != nil {
- targets1.LoopConfig.Length = types.NumberValue(big.NewFloat(float64(*targetsItem.LoopConfig.Length)))
- } else {
- targets1.LoopConfig.Length = types.NumberNull()
- }
- targets1.LoopConfig.SourcePath = types.StringPointerValue(targetsItem.LoopConfig.SourcePath)
- }
- targets1.MappingAttributes = []tfTypes.MappingAttributes{}
- for mappingAttributesCount, mappingAttributesItem := range targetsItem.MappingAttributes {
- var mappingAttributes1 tfTypes.MappingAttributes
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute = &tfTypes.MappingAttribute{}
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper = &tfTypes.AppendValueMapper{}
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.Mode = types.StringValue(string(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.Mode))
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.Source = types.StringPointerValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.Source)
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.Target = types.StringValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.Target)
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.TargetUnique = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.TargetUnique {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.TargetUnique = append(mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.TargetUnique, types.StringValue(v))
- }
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.ValueJSON = types.StringValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.AppendValueMapper.ValueJSON)
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper = &tfTypes.CopyValueMapper{}
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper.Mode = types.StringValue(string(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper.Mode))
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper.Source = types.StringValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper.Source)
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper.Target = types.StringValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.CopyValueMapper.Target)
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper = &tfTypes.SetValueMapper{}
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper.Mode = types.StringValue(string(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper.Mode))
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper.Target = types.StringValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper.Target)
- valueResult, _ := json.Marshal(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper.Value)
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute.SetValueMapper.Value = types.StringValue(string(valueResult))
- }
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2 != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2 = &tfTypes.MappingAttributeV2{}
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.Any != nil {
- anyResult, _ := json.Marshal(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.Any)
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.Any = types.StringValue(string(anyResult))
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode = &tfTypes.OperationObjectNode{}
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Append = nil
- for _, appendItem := range mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Append {
- var append2 types.String
- append2Result, _ := json.Marshal(appendItem)
- append2 = types.StringValue(string(append2Result))
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Append = append(mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Append, append2)
- }
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Copy = types.StringPointerValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Copy)
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random == nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random = nil
- } else {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random = &tfTypes.RandomOperation{}
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.One != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.One = &tfTypes.One{}
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.One.Type = types.StringValue(string(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.One.Type))
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two = &tfTypes.Two{}
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Max != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Max = types.NumberValue(big.NewFloat(float64(*mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Max)))
- } else {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Max = types.NumberNull()
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Min != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Min = types.NumberValue(big.NewFloat(float64(*mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Min)))
- } else {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Min = types.NumberNull()
- }
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Type = types.StringValue(string(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Random.Two.Type))
- }
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Set == nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Set = types.StringNull()
- } else {
- setResult, _ := json.Marshal(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Set)
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Set = types.StringValue(string(setResult))
- }
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Template = types.StringPointerValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Template)
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq == nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq = nil
- } else {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq = &tfTypes.Uniq{}
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.Boolean != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.Boolean = types.BoolPointerValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.Boolean)
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.ArrayOfStr != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.ArrayOfStr = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.ArrayOfStr {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.ArrayOfStr = append(mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.Uniq.ArrayOfStr, types.StringValue(v))
- }
- }
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.AdditionalProperties == nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.AdditionalProperties = types.StringNull()
- } else {
- additionalPropertiesResult, _ := json.Marshal(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.AdditionalProperties)
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Operation.OperationObjectNode.AdditionalProperties = types.StringValue(string(additionalPropertiesResult))
- }
- }
- if mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Origin != nil {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Origin = types.StringValue(string(*mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Origin))
- } else {
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Origin = types.StringNull()
- }
- mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2.Target = types.StringValue(mappingAttributesItem.MappingAttributeV2.Target)
- }
- if mappingAttributesCount+1 > len(targets1.MappingAttributes) {
- targets1.MappingAttributes = append(targets1.MappingAttributes, mappingAttributes1)
- } else {
- targets1.MappingAttributes[mappingAttributesCount].MappingAttribute = mappingAttributes1.MappingAttribute
- targets1.MappingAttributes[mappingAttributesCount].MappingAttributeV2 = mappingAttributes1.MappingAttributeV2
- }
- }
- targets1.Name = types.StringPointerValue(targetsItem.Name)
- targets1.RelationAttributes = []tfTypes.RelationAttribute{}
- for relationAttributesCount, relationAttributesItem := range targetsItem.RelationAttributes {
- var relationAttributes1 tfTypes.RelationAttribute
- relationAttributes1.Mode = types.StringValue(string(relationAttributesItem.Mode))
- if relationAttributesItem.Origin != nil {
- relationAttributes1.Origin = types.StringValue(string(*relationAttributesItem.Origin))
- } else {
- relationAttributes1.Origin = types.StringNull()
- }
- if len(relationAttributesItem.RelatedTo) > 0 {
- relationAttributes1.RelatedTo = make(map[string]types.String)
- for key, value1 := range relationAttributesItem.RelatedTo {
- result, _ := json.Marshal(value1)
- relationAttributes1.RelatedTo[key] = types.StringValue(string(result))
- }
- }
- if relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter == nil {
- relationAttributes1.SourceFilter = nil
- } else {
- relationAttributes1.SourceFilter = &tfTypes.SourceFilter{}
- relationAttributes1.SourceFilter.Attribute = types.StringPointerValue(relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Attribute)
- relationAttributes1.SourceFilter.Limit = types.Int64PointerValue(relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Limit)
- relationAttributes1.SourceFilter.RelationTag = types.StringPointerValue(relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.RelationTag)
- relationAttributes1.SourceFilter.Schema = types.StringPointerValue(relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Schema)
- relationAttributes1.SourceFilter.Self = types.BoolPointerValue(relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Self)
- relationAttributes1.SourceFilter.Tag = types.StringPointerValue(relationAttributesItem.SourceFilter.Tag)
- }
- relationAttributes1.Target = types.StringValue(relationAttributesItem.Target)
- relationAttributes1.TargetTags = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range relationAttributesItem.TargetTags {
- relationAttributes1.TargetTags = append(relationAttributes1.TargetTags, types.StringValue(v))
- }
- relationAttributes1.TargetTagsIncludeSource = types.BoolPointerValue(relationAttributesItem.TargetTagsIncludeSource)
- if relationAttributesCount+1 > len(targets1.RelationAttributes) {
- targets1.RelationAttributes = append(targets1.RelationAttributes, relationAttributes1)
- } else {
- targets1.RelationAttributes[relationAttributesCount].Mode = relationAttributes1.Mode
- targets1.RelationAttributes[relationAttributesCount].Origin = relationAttributes1.Origin
- targets1.RelationAttributes[relationAttributesCount].RelatedTo = relationAttributes1.RelatedTo
- targets1.RelationAttributes[relationAttributesCount].SourceFilter = relationAttributes1.SourceFilter
- targets1.RelationAttributes[relationAttributesCount].Target = relationAttributes1.Target
- targets1.RelationAttributes[relationAttributesCount].TargetTags = relationAttributes1.TargetTags
- targets1.RelationAttributes[relationAttributesCount].TargetTagsIncludeSource = relationAttributes1.TargetTagsIncludeSource
- }
- }
- targets1.TargetSchema = types.StringValue(targetsItem.TargetSchema)
- targets1.TargetUnique = []types.String{}
- for _, v := range targetsItem.TargetUnique {
- targets1.TargetUnique = append(targets1.TargetUnique, types.StringValue(v))
- }
- if targetsCount+1 > len(r.Targets) {
- r.Targets = append(r.Targets, targets1)
- } else {
- r.Targets[targetsCount].AllowFailure = targets1.AllowFailure
- r.Targets[targetsCount].ConditionMode = targets1.ConditionMode
- r.Targets[targetsCount].Conditions = targets1.Conditions
- r.Targets[targetsCount].ID = targets1.ID
- r.Targets[targetsCount].LinkbackRelationAttribute = targets1.LinkbackRelationAttribute
- r.Targets[targetsCount].LinkbackRelationTags = targets1.LinkbackRelationTags
- r.Targets[targetsCount].LoopConfig = targets1.LoopConfig
- r.Targets[targetsCount].MappingAttributes = targets1.MappingAttributes
- r.Targets[targetsCount].Name = targets1.Name
- r.Targets[targetsCount].RelationAttributes = targets1.RelationAttributes
- r.Targets[targetsCount].TargetSchema = targets1.TargetSchema
- r.Targets[targetsCount].TargetUnique = targets1.TargetUnique
- }
- }
+ targetsResult, _ := json.Marshal(resp.Targets)
+ r.Targets = types.StringValue(string(targetsResult))
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/append_value_mapper.go b/internal/provider/types/append_value_mapper.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 9065deb..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/append_value_mapper.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.com). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type AppendValueMapper struct {
- Mode types.String `tfsdk:"mode"`
- Source types.String `tfsdk:"source"`
- Target types.String `tfsdk:"target"`
- TargetUnique []types.String `tfsdk:"target_unique"`
- ValueJSON types.String `tfsdk:"value_json"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/copy_value_mapper.go b/internal/provider/types/copy_value_mapper.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8683413..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/copy_value_mapper.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.com). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type CopyValueMapper struct {
- Mode types.String `tfsdk:"mode"`
- Source types.String `tfsdk:"source"`
- Target types.String `tfsdk:"target"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/loop_config.go b/internal/provider/types/loop_config.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7427e59..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/loop_config.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.com). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type LoopConfig struct {
- Length types.Number `tfsdk:"length"`
- SourcePath types.String `tfsdk:"source_path"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/mapping_attribute.go b/internal/provider/types/mapping_attribute.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f3ef68e..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/mapping_attribute.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.com). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-type MappingAttribute struct {
- AppendValueMapper *AppendValueMapper `tfsdk:"append_value_mapper" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
- CopyValueMapper *CopyValueMapper `tfsdk:"copy_value_mapper" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
- SetValueMapper *SetValueMapper `tfsdk:"set_value_mapper" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/mapping_attribute_v2.go b/internal/provider/types/mapping_attribute_v2.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a490daf..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/mapping_attribute_v2.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.com). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type MappingAttributeV2 struct {
- Operation OperationNode `tfsdk:"operation"`
- Origin types.String `tfsdk:"origin"`
- Target types.String `tfsdk:"target"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/mapping_attributes.go b/internal/provider/types/mapping_attributes.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ba7ed6d..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/mapping_attributes.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.com). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-type MappingAttributes struct {
- MappingAttribute *MappingAttribute `tfsdk:"mapping_attribute" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
- MappingAttributeV2 *MappingAttributeV2 `tfsdk:"mapping_attribute_v2" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/one.go b/internal/provider/types/one.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a477c47..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/one.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.com). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type One struct {
- Type types.String `tfsdk:"type"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/operation_node.go b/internal/provider/types/operation_node.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ae1fec3..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/operation_node.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.com). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type OperationNode struct {
- Any types.String `tfsdk:"any" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
- OperationObjectNode *OperationObjectNode `tfsdk:"operation_object_node" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/operation_object_node.go b/internal/provider/types/operation_object_node.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 32deded..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/operation_object_node.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.com). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type OperationObjectNode struct {
- Append []types.String `tfsdk:"append"`
- Copy types.String `tfsdk:"copy"`
- Random *RandomOperation `tfsdk:"random"`
- Set types.String `tfsdk:"set"`
- Template types.String `tfsdk:"template"`
- Uniq *Uniq `tfsdk:"uniq"`
- AdditionalProperties types.String `tfsdk:"additional_properties"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/random_operation.go b/internal/provider/types/random_operation.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 939eec8..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/random_operation.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.com). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-type RandomOperation struct {
- One *One `tfsdk:"one" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
- Two *Two `tfsdk:"two" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/relation_attribute.go b/internal/provider/types/relation_attribute.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e546676..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/relation_attribute.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.com). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type RelationAttribute struct {
- Mode types.String `tfsdk:"mode"`
- Origin types.String `tfsdk:"origin"`
- RelatedTo map[string]types.String `tfsdk:"related_to"`
- SourceFilter *SourceFilter `tfsdk:"source_filter"`
- Target types.String `tfsdk:"target"`
- TargetTags []types.String `tfsdk:"target_tags"`
- TargetTagsIncludeSource types.Bool `tfsdk:"target_tags_include_source"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/set_value_mapper.go b/internal/provider/types/set_value_mapper.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b5ddf94..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/set_value_mapper.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.com). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type SetValueMapper struct {
- Mode types.String `tfsdk:"mode"`
- Target types.String `tfsdk:"target"`
- Value types.String `tfsdk:"value"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/source_filter.go b/internal/provider/types/source_filter.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e5bed8d..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/source_filter.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.com). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type SourceFilter struct {
- Attribute types.String `tfsdk:"attribute"`
- Limit types.Int64 `tfsdk:"limit"`
- RelationTag types.String `tfsdk:"relation_tag"`
- Schema types.String `tfsdk:"schema"`
- Self types.Bool `tfsdk:"self"`
- Tag types.String `tfsdk:"tag"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/target_config.go b/internal/provider/types/target_config.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 4997e58..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/target_config.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.com). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type TargetConfig struct {
- AllowFailure types.Bool `tfsdk:"allow_failure"`
- ConditionMode types.String `tfsdk:"condition_mode"`
- Conditions types.String `tfsdk:"conditions"`
- ID types.String `tfsdk:"id"`
- LinkbackRelationAttribute types.String `tfsdk:"linkback_relation_attribute"`
- LinkbackRelationTags []types.String `tfsdk:"linkback_relation_tags"`
- LoopConfig *LoopConfig `tfsdk:"loop_config"`
- MappingAttributes []MappingAttributes `tfsdk:"mapping_attributes"`
- Name types.String `tfsdk:"name"`
- RelationAttributes []RelationAttribute `tfsdk:"relation_attributes"`
- TargetSchema types.String `tfsdk:"target_schema"`
- TargetUnique []types.String `tfsdk:"target_unique"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/two.go b/internal/provider/types/two.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3238b5a..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/two.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.com). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type Two struct {
- Max types.Number `tfsdk:"max"`
- Min types.Number `tfsdk:"min"`
- Type types.String `tfsdk:"type"`
diff --git a/internal/provider/types/uniq.go b/internal/provider/types/uniq.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 75e3ce4..0000000
--- a/internal/provider/types/uniq.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasyapi.com). DO NOT EDIT.
-package types
-import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework/types"
-type Uniq struct {
- Boolean types.Bool `tfsdk:"boolean" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
- ArrayOfStr []types.String `tfsdk:"array_of_str" tfPlanOnly:"true"`
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/mappingconfig.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/mappingconfig.go
index d5055ad..239341f 100644
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/mappingconfig.go
+++ b/internal/sdk/models/shared/mappingconfig.go
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
package shared
type MappingConfig struct {
- ID string `json:"id"`
- OrgID string `json:"org_id"`
- Source SourceConfig `json:"source"`
- Targets []TargetConfig `json:"targets"`
- Version int64 `json:"version"`
+ ID string `json:"id"`
+ OrgID string `json:"org_id"`
+ Source SourceConfig `json:"source"`
+ Targets any `json:"targets"`
+ Version int64 `json:"version"`
func (o *MappingConfig) GetID() string {
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ func (o *MappingConfig) GetSource() SourceConfig {
return o.Source
-func (o *MappingConfig) GetTargets() []TargetConfig {
+func (o *MappingConfig) GetTargets() any {
if o == nil {
- return []TargetConfig{}
+ return nil
return o.Targets
diff --git a/internal/sdk/models/shared/mappingconfigv2.go b/internal/sdk/models/shared/mappingconfigv2.go
index 46edad5..c9226c4 100644
--- a/internal/sdk/models/shared/mappingconfigv2.go
+++ b/internal/sdk/models/shared/mappingconfigv2.go
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
package shared
type MappingConfigV2 struct {
- ID string `json:"id"`
- Source SourceConfig `json:"source"`
- Targets []TargetConfig `json:"targets"`
+ ID string `json:"id"`
+ Source SourceConfig `json:"source"`
+ Targets any `json:"targets"`
func (o *MappingConfigV2) GetID() string {
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ func (o *MappingConfigV2) GetSource() SourceConfig {
return o.Source
-func (o *MappingConfigV2) GetTargets() []TargetConfig {
+func (o *MappingConfigV2) GetTargets() any {
if o == nil {
- return []TargetConfig{}
+ return nil
return o.Targets
diff --git a/overlay.yaml b/overlay.yaml
index 0d20d76..6c95144 100644
--- a/overlay.yaml
+++ b/overlay.yaml
@@ -42,16 +42,22 @@ actions:
- target: $["components"]["schemas"]
PrimitiveJSONValue: {}
- - target: $["components"]["schemas"]["TargetConfig"]["properties"]["conditionMode"]
- remove: true
- - target: $["components"]["schemas"]["TargetConfig"]["properties"]
- update:
- conditionMode: {}
- target: $["components"]["schemas"]["Entity"]
remove: true
- target: $["components"]["schemas"]
Entity: {}
+ # No need to typing target blocks, a jsonencode for targets will be faster
+ - target: $["components"]["schemas"]["MappingConfigCommonFields"]["properties"]["targets"]
+ remove: true
+ - target: $["components"]["schemas"]["MappingConfigCommonFields"]["properties"]
+ update:
+ targets: {}
+ - target: $["components"]["schemas"]["TargetConfig"]["properties"]["conditionMode"]
+ remove: true
+ - target: $["components"]["schemas"]["TargetConfig"]["properties"]
+ update:
+ conditionMode: {}
- target: $["components"]["schemas"]["TargetConfig"]["properties"]["conditions"]
remove: true
- target: $["components"]["schemas"]["TargetConfig"]["properties"]