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Getting Started For Developers

Download CDI

To download the source directly, simply

$ go get -u

Lint, Test, Build

GnuMake is used to drive a set of scripts that handle linting, testing, compiling, and containerizing. Executing the scripts directly is not supported at present.

NOTE: Standard builds require a running Docker daemon!

The standard workflow is performed inside a helper container to normalize the build and test environment for all devs. Building in the host environment is supported by the Makefile, but is not recommended.

Docker builds may be disabled by setting DOCKER=0; e.g.
$ make all DOCKER=0

$ make all executes the full workflow. For granular control of the workflow, several Make targets are defined:

Make Targets

  • all: cleans up previous build artifacts, compiles all CDI packages and builds containers
  • apidocs: generate client-go code (same as 'make generate') and swagger docs.
  • build: compile all CDI binary artifacts and generate controller and operator manifests
  • clean: cleans up previous build artifacts
  • cluster-up: start a default Kubernetes or Open Shift cluster. set KUBEVIRT_PROVIDER environment variable to either 'k8s-1.18' or 'os-3.11.0-crio' to select the type of cluster. set KUBEVIRT_NUM_NODES to something higher than 1 to have more than one node.
  • cluster-down: stop the cluster, doing a make cluster-down && make cluster-up will basically restart the cluster into an empty fresh state.
  • cluster-down-purge: cluster-down and cleanup all cached images from docker registry. Accepts make variables DOCKER_PREFIX. Removes all images of the specified repository. If not specified removes localhost repository of current cluster instance.
  • cluster-sync: 'make cluster-sync-cdi' followed by 'make cluster-sync-test-infra'
  • cluster-sync-cdi: builds the controller/importer/cloner, and pushes it into a running cluster. The cluster must be up before running a cluster sync. Also generates a manifest and applies it to the running cluster after pushing the images to it.
  • cluster-sync-test-infra: pushes the test-infra pods into a running cluster.
  • cluster-clean-cdi: cleans all cdi resources, but not test-infra ( labeled), cdi namespace and operator manifest.
  • cluster-clean-test-infra: cleans all test-infra resources ( labeled).
  • deps-update: runs 'go mod tidy' and 'go mod vendor'
  • format: execute shfmt, goimports, and go vet on all CDI packages. Writes back to the source files.
  • generate: generate client-go deepcopy functions, clientset, listers and informers.
  • generate-verify: generate client-go deepcopy functions, clientset, listers and informers and validate codegen.
  • goveralls: run code coverage tracking system.
  • manifests: generate a cdi-controller and operator manifests in _out/manifests/. Accepts make variables DOCKER_TAG, DOCKER_PREFIX, VERBOSITY, PULL_POLICY, CSV_VERSION, QUAY_REPOSITORY, QUAY_NAMESPACE
  • publish: CI ONLY - this recipe is not intended for use by developers
  • push: compiles, builds, and pushes to the repo passed in DOCKER_PREFIX=<my repo>
  • release-description: generate a release announcement detailing changes between 2 commits (typically tags). Expects RELREF and PREREF to be set
    • e.g. $ make release-description RELREF=v1.1.1 PREREF=v1.1.1-alpha.1
  • test: execute all tests (NOTE: WHAT is expected to match the go cli pattern for paths e.g. ./pkg/.... This differs slightly from rest of the make targets)
    • test-unit: execute all tests under ./pkg/...
    • test-functional: execute functional tests under ./tests/.... Additional test flags can be passed to the test binary via the TEST_ARGS variable, see below for an example and restrictions.
    • test-lint runs gofmt and golint tests against src files
  • vet: lint all CDI packages

Make Variables

Several variables are provided to alter the targets of the above Makefile recipes.

These may be passed to a target as $ make VARIABLE=value target

  • WHAT: The path from the repository root to a target directory (e.g. make test WHAT=pkg/importer)

  • DOCKER_PREFIX: (default: kubevirt) Set repo globally for image and manifest creation

  • DOCKER_TAG: (default: latest) Set global version tags for image and manifest creation

  • VERBOSITY: (default: 1) Set global log level verbosity

  • PULL_POLICY: (default: IfNotPresent) Set global CDI pull policy

  • TEST_ARGS: A variable containing a list of additional ginkgo flags to be passed to functional tests. The string "--test-args=" must prefix the variable value. For example:

           `make TEST_ARGS="--test-args=-ginkgo.noColor=true" test-functional >& foo`.

    Note: the following extra flags are not supported in TEST_ARGS: -kubeurl, -cdi-namespace, -kubeconfig, -kubectl-path since these flags are overridden by the hack/build/ script. To change the default settings for these values the KUBE_URL, CDI_NAMESPACE, KUBECONFIG, and KUBECTL variables, respectively, must be set.

  • RELREF: Required by release-description. Must be a commit or tag. Should be the more recent than PREREF

  • PREREF: Required by release-description. Must also be a commit or tag. Should be the later than RELREF

Execute Standard Environment Functional Tests

If using a standard bare-metal/local laptop rhel/kvm environment where nested virtualization is supported then the standard kubevirtci framework can be used.

Environment Variables and Supported Values

Env Variable Default Additional Values
KUBEVIRT_PROVIDER k8s-1.18 k8s-1.17, os-3.11.0-crio,
KUBEVIRT_STORAGE* none ceph, hpp, nfs

To Run Standard cluster-up/kubevirtci Tests

 # make cluster-up
 # make cluster-sync
 # make test-functional

To run specific functional tests, you can leverage ginkgo command line options as follows:

# make TEST_ARGS="--test-args=-ginkgo.focus=<test_suite_name>" test-functional

E.g. to run the tests in transport_test.go:

# make TEST_ARGS="--test-args=-ginkgo.focus=Transport" test-functional

Clean Up

 # make cluster-down

Clean Up with docker container cache cleanup To cleanup all container images from local registry and to free a considerable amount of disk space. Note: caveat - cluser-sync will take longer since will have to fetch all the data again

 # make cluster-down-purge

Execute Alternative Environment Functional Tests

If running in a non-standard environment such as Mac or Cloud where the kubevirtci framework is not supported, then you can use the following example to run Functional Tests.

  1. Stand-up a Kubernetes cluster (

  2. Clone or get the kubevirt/containerized-data-importer repo

  3. Run the CDI controller manifests

    • To generate latest manifests
    # make manifests 

    To customize environment variables see make targets

    • Run the generated latest manifests There are two options to deploy cdi directly via cdi-controller.yaml or to deploy it via operator
    Direct deployment
      #kubectl create -f ./_out/manifests/cdi-controller.yaml
      namespace/cdi created created created created created created created created
      serviceaccount/cdi-sa created
      deployment.apps/cdi-deployment created
      configmap/cdi-insecure-registries created
      serviceaccount/cdi-apiserver created created created created created
      service/cdi-api created
      deployment.apps/cdi-apiserver created
      service/cdi-uploadproxy created
      deployment.apps/cdi-uploadproxy created
    Deployment via operator
      #./cluster-up/ apply -f "./_out/manifests/release/cdi-operator.yaml" 
      namespace/cdi created created
      configmap/cdi-operator-leader-election-helper created created
      serviceaccount/cdi-operator created created created
      deployment.apps/cdi-operator created
      #./cluster-up/ apply -f "./_out/manifests/release/cdi-cr.yaml" created
  4. Build and run the func test servers In order to run fucntional tests the below servers have to be run

    • host-file-server is required by the functional tests and provides an endpoint server for image files and s3 buckets
    • registry-server is required by the functional tests and provides an endpoint server for container images. Note: for this server to run the follwoing setting is required in each cluster node systemctl -w user.max_user_namespaces=1024

    Build and Push to registry

    # DOCKER_PREFIX=<repo> DOCKER_TAG=<tag> make docker-functest-images

    Generate manifests

    # DOCKER_PREFIX=<repo> DOCKER_TAG=<docker tag> PULL_POLICY=<pull policy> VERBOSITY=<verbosity> make manifests 

    Run servers

    # ./cluster-up/ apply -f ./_out/manifests/bad-webserver.yaml
    # ./cluster-up/ apply -f ./_out/manifests/test-proxy.yaml
    # ./cluster-up/ apply -f ./_out/manifests/file-host.yaml
    # ./cluster-up/ apply -f ./_out/manifests/registry-host.yaml
    # ./cluster-up/ apply -f ./_out/manifests/imageio.yaml
  5. Run the tests

 # make test-functional
  1. If you encounter test errors and are following the above steps try:
 # make clean && make docker

redeploy the manifests above, and re-run the tests.

Submit PRs

All PRs should originate from forks of Work should not be done directly in the upstream repository. Open new working branches from main/HEAD of your forked repository and push them to your remote repo. Then submit PRs of the working branch against the upstream main branch.


Release practices are described in the release doc.

Vendoring Dependencies

This project uses go modules as it's dependency manager. At present, all project dependencies are vendored; using go mod is unnecessary in the normal work flow.

go modules automatically scans and vendors in dependencies during the build process, you can also manually trigger go modules by running 'make dep-update'.

S3-compatible client setup:

AWS S3 cli


aws_access_key_id = <your-access-key>
aws_secret_access_key = <your-secret>

Minio cli


        "version": "8",
        "hosts": {
                "s3": {
                        "url": "",
                        "accessKey": "<your-access-key>",
                        "secretKey": "<your-secret>",
                        "api": "S3v4"