Require the package with composer require erdnaxelaweb/staticfakedesign:dev-main
then activate the bundle :
ErdnaxelaWeb\StaticFakeDesignBundle\StaticFakeDesignBundle::class => ['all' => true],
- Variable with autogenerated fake value
- Components declaration
- Showroom interface
The bundle provide a "showroom" interface which allow you to navigate and display the components you have created
You need to add the following route to access this interface on the url /showroom
resource: "@StaticFakeDesignBundle/Resources/config/routing/showroom.yaml"
Add the following route to access the examples /static/{path to template}
path: /static/{path}
controller: ErdnaxelaWeb\StaticFakeDesignBundle\Controller\StaticController::viewAction
path: .*