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[3] DOPE functionality

Jan Sigrist edited this page Dec 4, 2024 · 4 revisions

Supported Expressions and Clauses



Syntax DOPE Link
SELECT QueryBuilder().select(...) SELECT Clause
SELECT * QueryBuilder().selectAsterisk() SELECT Syntax
SELECT DISTINCT QueryBuilder().selectDistinct(...) SELECT Clause
SELECT RAW QueryBuilder().selectRaw(...) SELECT Clause
SELECT * FROM QueryBuilder().selectFrom(...) SELECT Syntax
FROM .from(...) FROM Clause
UNNEST .unnest(...) UNNEST Clause
JOIN ... ON .join(...) JOIN Clause
JOIN ... ON KEYS .join(...) JOIN Clause
JOIN ... ON KEY FOR .join(...) JOIN Clause
INNER JOIN ... ON .innerJoin(...) JOIN Clause
INNER JOIN ... ON KEYS .innerJoin(...) JOIN Clause
INNER JOIN ... ON KEY FOR .innerJoin(...) JOIN Clause
LEFT JOIN ... ON .leftJoin(...) JOIN Clause
LEFT JOIN ... ON KEYS .leftJoin(...) JOIN Clause
LEFT JOIN ... ON KEY FOR .leftJoin(...) JOIN Clause
RIGHT JOIN ... ON .rightJoin(...) JOIN Clause
RIGHT JOIN ... ON KEYS .rightJoin(...) JOIN Clause
RIGHT JOIN ... ON KEY FOR .rightJoin(...) JOIN Clause
WHERE .where(...) WHERE Clause
GROUP BY .groupBy(...) GROUP BY Clause
ORDER BY .orderBy(...) ORDER BY Clause
LIMIT .limit(...) LIMIT Clause
OFFSET .offset(...) OFFSET Clause
(SELECT ...) .asExpression() Subqueries
(SELECT ...) AS ... .alias(...) Aliases
UNION .union(...) Set Operations
UNION ALL .unionAll(...) Set Operations
INTERSECT .intersect(...) Set Operations
INTERSECT ALL .intersectAll(...) Set Operations
EXCEPT .except(...) Set Operations
EXCEPT ALL .exceptAll(...) Set Operations


Syntax DOPE Link
UPDATE QueryBuilder().update(...) UPDATE Statement
SET .set(...) SET Clause
UNSET .unset(...) UNSET Clause
WHERE .where(...) WHERE Clause
LIMIT .limit(...) LIMIT Clause
RETURNING .returning(...) RETURNING Clause


Syntax DOPE Link
DELETE QueryBuilder().deleteFrom(...) DELETE Statement
WHERE .where(...) WHERE Clause
LIMIT .limit(...) LIMIT Clause
OFFSET .offset(...) OFFSET Clause
RETURNING .returning(...) RETURNING Clause

Supported Functions

Number Functions

Syntax DOPE Link
ABS abs(...) ABS Function
ACOS acos(...) ACOS Function
ASIN asin(...) ASIN Function
ATAN atan(...) ATAN Function
ATAN2 atan2(...) ATAN2 Function
CEIL ceil(...) CEIL Function
COS cos(...) COS Function
DEGREES degrees(...) DEGREES Function
E e() E Constant
EXP exp(...) EXP Function
FLOOR floor(...) FLOOR Function
LOG log(...) LOG Function
LN ln(...) LN Function
POWER power(...) POWER Function
PI pi() PI Constant
RADIANS radians(...) RADIANS Function
RANDOM random(...) RANDOM Function
ROUND round(...) ROUND Function
SIGN sign(...) SIGN Function
SIN sin(...) SIN Function
SQRT sqrt(...) SQRT Function
TAN tan(...) TAN Function
TRUNC trunc(...) TRUNC Function

String Functions

Syntax DOPE Link
CONCAT2 concat2(...) CONCAT2 Function
CONCAT concat(...) CONCAT Function
CONTAINS contains(...) CONTAINS Function
INITCAP initCap(...) INITCAP Function
LENGTH length(...) LENGTH Function
LOWER lower(...) LOWER Function
LPAD lpad(...) LPAD Function
LTRIM ltrim(...) LTRIM Function
MASK mask(...) MASK Function
MB_LENGTH mbLength(...) MB_LENGTH Function
MB_LPAD mbLpad(...) MB_LPAD Function
MB_POSITION1 mbPosition1(...) MB_POSITION1 Function
MB_POSITION mbPosition(...) MB_POSITION Function
MB_RPAD mbRpad(...) MB_RPAD Function
MB_SUBSTR1 mbSubstring1(...) MB_SUBSTR1 Function
MB_SUBSTR mbSubstring(...) MB_SUBSTR Function
POSITION1 position1(...) POSITION1 Function
POSITION position(...) POSITION Function
REPEAT repeat(...) REPEAT Function
REPLACE replace(...) REPLACE Function
REVERSE reverse(...) REVERSE Function
RPAD rpad(...) RPAD Function
RTRIM rtrim(...) RTRIM Function
SPLIT split(...) SPLIT Function
SUBSTR1 substring1(...) SUBSTR1 Function
SUBSTR substring(...) SUBSTR Function
SUFFIXES suffixes(...) SUFFIXES Function
TITLE title(...) TITLE Function
TOKENS tokens(...) TOKENS Function
TRIM trim(...) TRIM Function
UPPER upper(...) UPPER Function
URL_DECODE urlDecode(...) URL_DECODE Function
URL_ENCODE urlEncode(...) URL_ENCODE Function

Date Functions

Syntax DOPE Link
NOW_STR nowString(...) NOW_STR Function

Array Functions

Syntax DOPE Link
ARRAY_APPEND arrayAppend(...) ARRAY_APPEND Function
ARRAY_AVG arrayAverage(...) ARRAY_AVG Function
ARRAY_CONCAT arrayConcat(...) ARRAY_CONCAT Function
ARRAY_CONTAINS arrayContains(...) ARRAY_CONTAINS Function
ARRAY_COUNT arrayCount(...) ARRAY_COUNT Function
ARRAY_DISTINCT arrayDistinct(...) ARRAY_DISTINCT Function
ARRAY_EXCEPT arrayExcept(...) ARRAY_EXCEPT Function
ARRAY_FLATTEN arrayFlatten(...) ARRAY_FLATTEN Function
ARRAY_IFNULL arrayIfNull(...) ARRAY_IFNULL Function
ARRAY_INSERT arrayInsert(...) ARRAY_INSERT Function
ARRAY_INTERSECT arrayIntersect(...) ARRAY_INTERSECT Function
ARRAY_LENGTH arrayLength(...) ARRAY_LENGTH Function
ARRAY_MAX arrayMax(...) ARRAY_MAX Function
ARRAY_MIN arrayMin(...) ARRAY_MIN Function
ARRAY_MOVE arrayMove(...) ARRAY_MOVE Function
ARRAY_POSITION arrayPosition(...) ARRAY_POSITION Function
ARRAY_PREPEND arrayPrepend(...) ARRAY_PREPEND Function
ARRAY_PUT arrayPut(...) ARRAY_PUT Function
ARRAY_RANGE arrayRange(...) ARRAY_RANGE Function
ARRAY_REMOVE arrayRemove(...) ARRAY_REMOVE Function
ARRAY_REPEAT arrayRepeat(...) ARRAY_REPEAT Function
ARRAY_REPLACE arrayReplace(...) ARRAY_REPLACE Function
ARRAY_REVERSE arrayReverse(...) ARRAY_REVERSE Function
ARRAY_SORT arraySort(...) ARRAY_SORT Function
ARRAY_STAR arrayStar(...) ARRAY_STAR Function
ARRAY_SUM arraySum(...) ARRAY_SUM Function
ARRAY_SYMDIFF arraySymDiff(...) ARRAY_SYMDIFF Function
ARRAY_UNION arrayUnion(...) ARRAY_UNION Function

Collection Functions

Syntax DOPE Link
EXISTS exists(...) EXISTS Function
IN .inArray(...) IN Function
NOT IN .notInArray(...) NOT IN Function
ANY SATISFIES .any(...) ANY Function
EVERY SATISFIES .every(...) EVERY Function
WITHIN .withinArray(...) WITHIN Function
NOT WITHIN .notWithinArray(...) NOT WITHIN Function

Type Functions

Syntax DOPE Link
ISARRAY .isArray() ISARRAY Function
ISATOM .isAtom() ISATOM Function
ISBOOLEAN .isBoolean() ISBOOLEAN Function
ISNUMBER .isNumber() ISNUMBER Function
ISOBJECT .isObject() ISOBJECT Function
ISSTRING .isString() ISSTRING Function
TOARRAY .toArray() TOARRAY Function
TONUMBER .toNumber() TONUMBER Function
TOOBJECT .toObject() TOOBJECT Function
TYPE typeOf(...) TYPE Function

Comparison Functions

Syntax DOPE Link
GREATEST .greatestOf() GREATEST Function
LEAST .leastOf() LEAST Function

Operators and Expressions

Logical Operators

Syntax DOPE Link
AND .and(...) AND Operator
OR .or(...) OR Operator
NOT not(...) NOT Operator

Aggregate Functions

Syntax DOPE Link
ARRAY_AGG arrayAggregate(...) ARRAY_AGG Function
AVG avg(...) AVG Function
COUNT count(...) COUNT Function
COUNT(*) countAsterisk() COUNT(*) Function
MAX max(...) MAX Function
MEAN mean(...) MEAN Function
MEDIAN median(...) MEDIAN Function
MIN min(...) MIN Function
STDDEV stdDev(...) STDDEV Function
SUM sum(...) SUM Function
VARIANCE variance(...) VARIANCE Function

Arithmetic Operators

Syntax DOPE Link
+ .add(...) Addition Operator
/ .div(...) Division Operator
% .mod(...) Modulo Operator
* .mul(...) Multiplication Operator
- .sub(...) Subtraction Operator
-(...) neg(...) Negation Operator

Relational Operators

Syntax DOPE Link
= .isEqualTo(...) Equality Operator
!= .isNotEqualTo(...) Inequality Operator
>= .isGreaterOrEqualThan(...) Greater Than or Equal Operator
> .isGreaterThan(...) Greater Than Operator
<= .isLessOrEqualThan(...) Less Than or Equal Operator
< .isLessThan(...) Less Than Operator
BETWEEN .between(...) BETWEEN Operator
NOT BETWEEN .notBetween(...) NOT BETWEEN Operator
IS MISSING .isMissing() IS MISSING Operator
IS NOT MISSING .isNotMissing() IS NOT MISSING Operator
IS NULL .isNull() IS NULL Operator
IS NOT NULL .isNotNull() IS NOT NULL Operator
IS VALUED .isValued() IS VALUED Operator
IS NOT VALUED .isNotValued() IS NOT VALUED Operator
LIKE .isLike(...) LIKE Operator
NOT LIKE .isNotLike(...) LIKE Operator

Conditional Functions for Unknowns

Syntax DOPE Link
DECODE decode(...) DECODE Function
IFMISSING ifMissing(...) IFMISSING Function
COALESCE coalesce(...) COALESCE Function
IFNULL ifNull(...) IFNULL Function
NVL2 nvl2(...) NVL2 Function
NVL nvl(...) NVL Function

Meta Functions and Operators

Syntax DOPE Link
META() meta() META Function
META(...) meta(...) META Function
META(...).cas meta(...).cas META.cas Property
META(...).expiration meta(...).expiration META.expiration Property
META(...).flags meta(...).flags META.flags Property
META(...).id meta(...).id Property
META(...).type meta(...).type META.type Property
META(...).keyspace meta(...).keyspace META.keyspace Property

Conditional Operators

Syntax DOPE Link
CASE case() CASE Expression
CASE ... case(...) CASE Expression
WHEN THEN .condition(...) CASE WHEN THEN
ELSE .otherwise(...) CASE ELSE

Use Clause

Syntax DOPE Link
USE INDEX .useIndex(...) USE INDEX Clause
USING GSI .useGsiIndex(...) USING GSI Clause
USING FTS .useFtsIndex(...) USING FTS Clause
USE KEYS .useKeys(...) USE KEYS Clause
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