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Integration Guide

Alexander Chepurnoy edited this page Feb 15, 2021 · 12 revisions

This guide is for helping developers integrating Ergo into exchanges, wallets, pools wallets etc.


Some quick facts useful for an integration:

Please run the node with -Xmx3G flag, e.g. java -jar -Xmx3G ergo-4.0.4.jar --mainnet -c mainnet.conf

Node Wallet

Node wallet has UI available @ by default on the mainnet ( on the testnet). Main methods:

  • /wallet/init and /wallet/restore to create a wallet (and a secret mnemonic) and restore wallet from mnemonic
  • /wallet/unlock to unlock the wallet (it is unlocked after init but locked after restart)
  • /wallet/lock to lock the wallet
  • /wallet/payment/send to send a simple payment
  • /wallet/status to get wallet status
  • /wallet/deriveNextKey to derive a new key according to EIP-3 (BIP 44 implementation for Ergo)
  • /wallet/balances to get wallet balance (for all the addresses)
  • /wallet/transactions to get wallet transactions (for all the addresses)

Doing an external wallet

If you are going to do wallet logic externally, you can do it with a library and also the block explorer. Please note, you need to consider mempool transactions to avoid double-spending generation.

Available libraries are:

Offline Signing

Transaction assembly and offline signing demo using ergo-wallet and Java is provided in

Transaction assembly and signing in Rust

Transaction assembly and signing in JavaScript

Composing transaction outside the node

To get unspent UTXOs for some address, please use transactions/boxes/byAddress/unspent Explorer API method: .

You need to exclude UTXOs spent in the mempool! Use /transactions/unconfirmed/byAddress Explorer API method for that:

Broadcasting transaction

To broadcast a transaction made outside the node, the easiest way is to serialize it into JSON, in Java it could be like:

   Json json = JsonCodecsWrapper.ergoLikeTransactionEncoder().apply(tx);

and then send this json via POST request to the public explorer, your private explorer or a node with open API (POST to http://{node_ip}:9053/transactions )

Address generation

Secret seed and derived addresses generation demo using ergo-wallet and Java is provided in

Own Testnet and Explorer Infrastructure

You can use ergo-bootstrap to install Explorer backend easily (and so not rely on public ones).

To start your own testnet, use the following node:

ergo {
  networkType = "testnet"

  node {
    mining = true
    offlineGeneration = true
    useExternalMiner = false

scorex {

 network {
    bindAddress = ""
    nodeName = "ergo-testnet-4.0.4"
    knownPeers = []

 restApi {
    # Hex-encoded Blake2b256 hash of an API key. Should be 64-chars long Base16 string.
    # Below is hash corresponding to API_KEY = "hello" (with no quotes)
    apiKeyHash = "324dcf027dd4a30a932c441f365a25e86b173defa4b8e58948253471b81b72cf"

and then the node will CPU-mine its own chain.

Any suggestions for improvements are welcomed! Please send them to [email protected] or #development channel in Discord