Mood | Score | Core Value | Score | Vision | Goal X | Step X |
Business/Career | ||||||
Finances | ||||||
Health | ||||||
Family and Friends | ||||||
Romance | ||||||
Personal Growth | ||||||
Fun and Recreation | ||||||
Physical Environment |
Stage 1-8 For each id (ID = Core Value tag) You parse the current state of each core Value On the screen you’d display the final parsed state of the core value (i.e. Add a goal for Career or whatever) On every turn/user input, increment the counter and parse the next core value finite state machine (Only 3 at a time)
For the third option, if the mood score hasn’t been assessed for awhile, Display the option to rank your mood Start intervention loop if user chooses to improve mood
[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] Range 3 out of the above array Parse the first core Value Occupy the first and second option for example with:
- Add a new goal for Career
- Add the next baby step for goal “XYZ” in Career
- - Add a new goal for finances?
Score = 1 Vision = 2 Goal = 3 If no 3s, only display one create a goal option Based on how many 3s there are, Add a step for that nth goal Step = 4
Increment counter for range 3 base
[ { :Career {:history ‘(1 2 3 4 3) :score 2 :vision “Vision name” :goals [{ :name “Goal Name” :description “Goal Description” :something “Something” :steps [{ }] }] } }
{ :Finances {:history ‘(1 2 3 4 3) :score 2 :vision “Baller” :goals [{ :name “Goal Name” :description “Goal Description” :something “Something” :steps [{ }] }] } } ]