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Building AntennaPod

orionlee edited this page Sep 9, 2016 · 27 revisions

Building AntennaPod

Step 1: Clone the repository, download dependencies

Clone repository

Execute the following commands to download the AntennaPod repository and the repositories of its library projects:

git clone --recursive  

Set up the Android SDK

In order to be able to build the app, you should download the following SDK components:

Optional: Enter flattr API keys

AntennaPod accesses the Flattr API for flattring podcasts. In order to gain access, a client ID and a client secret is required, which you can get by registering a new app on the flattr website. The official API credentials have been excluded from the public source code.

You can enter your own API credentials in the file in the root folder of the project like this:


Note that adding API credentials is not necessary for building the app. If no credentials are added, the flattr integration of the app will be disabled.

Step 3: Set up build system

There are several different tools available for building AntennaPod. You only have to choose one of them.

Building in Android Studio

  • In Android Studio, go to File → Import Project…
  • Select the root directory of the AntennaPod repository and click "OK".
  • Select "import project from external model"
  • Select "gradle" in the list below "import project from external model" and click "Next"
  • Select "Use default gradle wrapper". You can also configure Android Studio to use the version of gradle that is installed on your system, but you have to make sure that it is compatible with the project's setup. See Building on the command-line with gradle for a detailed description of the wrapper script.
  • Click "Finish".

Building in Eclipse

  • In Eclipse, go to File → Import... → Android → Existing Android Code Into Workspace
  • Select the root directory of the AntennaPod repository as the root directory in the import dialog.
  • Deselect all projects except the one located in the root directory of AntennaPod (it should be called "MainActivity"). Click "Finish".
  • Next, you have to import two library projects. Open the same import dialog and select the same root directory as before. Deselect all projects except the one located in submodules/dslv/library (it should be called "library"). Click "Finish" and rename the project, for example to "dslv".
  • Repeat the previous step to import the appcompat-v7 library. It should be located in Android SDK home/extras/android/support/v7/appcompat.
  • In eclipse, right-click the AntennaPod project, then go to Properties → Android. Make sure that both library projects are referenced by AntennaPod.
  • If you want to run tests, you can also import the test project that is located in the "test" directory. This step is optional.
  • Eclipse might refuse to build the app because of different versions of the support library. To solve this issue, right-click the AntennaPod project and go to Android Tools → Add Support Library... . Repeat this step with every one of the two library projects.
  • Wait until Eclipse has finished building the workspace. If no errors are displayed, you can start developing. Congratulations!

Building on the command-line with gradle

  • You can either use the version of gradle that is installed on your system or the wrapper script gradlew in the project's repository. It is recommended to use the wrapper script because it will always use a version of gradle that is compatible with the project setup and it will update itself automatically if necessary.
  • If you use the version of gradle that is installed on your system, make sure to use the latest version of gradle.
  • You may need to set ANDROID_HOME to point to your Android SDK before running Gradle
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/username/development/android/sdk
gradle foo
  • The wrapper script can be found in the project's root folder. On Windows, you should use gradlew.bat, on all other operating system you should gradlew. You can execute the usual gradle commands by replacing the gradle command with ./gradlew. For example

      gradle assembleDebug


	./gradlew assembleDebug
  • Gradle will download the project's dependencies automatically when building the project.

Useful commands for building with gradle

Build debug APK:

gradle assembleDebug

Install debug APK on device:

gradle installDebug			

Print a list of all available commands:

gradle tasks

More commands can be found in the Gradle Plugin User Guide

Building a release APK with gradle

  • If you want the release APK to be signed by gradle automatically, you have to create a file called in app sub-directory.

  • Add the following lines to the and replace the value to the right of the = with information about your keystore:

  • Tips on generating keystore

  • Note: the release APK you created CANNOT install over the APK from official distribution. Android's security check forbids so (your APK has a signature generated above, different from the one signed in the official one).

Useful commands for building release versions with gradle

Build release APK:

gradle assembleRelease

Install release APK on device:

gradle installRelease

Running unit tests

Unit test source files can be found in src/instrumentationTest. In order to run the unit tests, you have to set up gradle first (see Building on the command-line with gradle for details). Execute the following command to run the unit tests on all connected devices:

gradle connectedAndroidTest

Once the unit tests have been run, a HTML report can be found in build/report/


If you see the error

Execution failed for task ':submodules:dslv:library:preBuild'.
> The SDK Build Tools revision (19.0.3) is too low for project ':submodules:dslv:library'. Minimum required is 19.1.0

then edit the file submodules/dslv/library/build.gradle and replace 19.0.3 with 19.1.0. See this issue for further details.

If you get an error Could not find when building with Gradle, try android update sdk -u -a -t extra-android-m2repository

Info for users

  • [About AntennaPod](About AntennaPod)
  • [Help test AntennaPod](Help test AntennaPod)
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • [Supported languages](Supported languages)
  • [The New, The Played and the Unplayed](The New, The Played and the Unplayed)
  • [Using Soundcloud, Mixcloud & YouTube channels](Soundcloud and Mixcloud in AntennaPod)

Developer- and contributers' info

  • [Building AntennaPod](Building AntennaPod)
  • [Updating Translations](Updating Translations)
  • [Releasing a New Version](Releasing a New Version)
  • [Sorting criteria](Proposal for sorting criteria)

For producers

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