Name | Type | Description | Notes |
account_id | str | (S3 only) The user id of the S3 account | [optional] |
account_username | str | The username required to authenticate against the cloud service | [optional] |
birth_cluster_id | str | The guid of the cluster where this account was created | [optional] |
enabled | bool | Whether this account is explicitly enabled or disabled by a user | [optional] |
key | str | A valid authentication key for connecting to the cloud | [optional] |
name | str | A unique name for this account | [optional] |
skip_ssl_validation | bool | Indicates whether to skip SSL certificate validation when connecting to the cloud | [optional] |
storage_region | str | (S3 only) An appropriate region for the S3 account. For example, faster access times may be gained by referencing a nearby region | [optional] |
telemetry_bucket | str | (S3 only) The name of the bucket into which generated metrics reports are placed by the cloud service provider | [optional] |
uri | str | A valid URI pointing to the location of the cloud storage | [optional] |