Name | Type | Description | Notes |
cluster_overview | UpgradeClusterClusterOverview | The cluster overview of an upgrade process. | [optional] |
cluster_state | str | The different states of an upgrade, rollback, or assessment. One of the following values: 'committed', 'upgraded', 'partially upgraded', 'upgrading', 'rolling back', 'assessing', 'error' | [optional] |
finish_time | str | The time when a rollback, assessment or upgrade has finished completely. Use ISO 8601 standard. Null if the cluster_state is not 'upgraded'. | [optional] |
install_image_path | str | The location (path) of the upgrade image which must be within /ifs. Null if the cluster_state is 'committed' or 'upgraded.' | [optional] |
onefs_version_current | ClusterNodesOnefsVersion | The current OneFS version before upgrade. | [optional] |
onefs_version_upgrade | ClusterNodesOnefsVersion | The OneFS version the user is attempting to upgrade to. Null if the cluster_state is 'committed' or 'assessing.' | [optional] |
patch_action | str | The most recent patch action performed. | [optional] |
patch_name | str | The patch with the most recent patch action. | [optional] |
start_time | str | The time when an upgrade, rollback, or assessment was started. Use ISO 8601 standard. Null if the cluster_state is 'committed' or 'partially upgraded.' | [optional] |
upgrade_settings | UpgradeClusterUpgradeSettings | The settings neccessary when starting an upgrade. Null if the cluster_state is not 'upgrading' or 'partially upgraded.' or 'error'. | [optional] |