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HelpingHand1 edited this page Nov 19, 2014 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the parsedown-extra wiki!

The purpose of this page is to explain the Markdown-Extra language syntax in fewer words and clearer language than other documentation existent on the web.

I will attempt to start at easier concepts and gradually build up to the hardest (which aren't that hard anyway).

Feel free to contribute if you feel that I have left something out!

Beginners Markdown Syntax


One of the most used styles in documents on and off the internet, the paragraph is essential in every way.

Fortunately, Markdown language makes this extremely simple. Paragraphs are written in the same way they would be on any document.

The paragraph is written, and followed with two new lines, another can be created.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent cursus convallis libero sit amet pharetra. Vivamus lacinia sem non justo bibendum, et pharetra orci luctus. Maecenas vitae semper turpis. Ut congue turpis arcu, nec rutrum sapien vestibulum in. Mauris iaculis purus in ligula sollicitudin ultricies. Quisque id risus finibus, porta sem eu, egestas quam. Maecenas et felis turpis. Nullam auctor rutrum tortor, a suscipit elit pulvinar sed.

Maecenas porta venenatis quam non lobortis. Ut facilisis felis ut elit accumsan fringilla. Ut a congue sem, porta egestas risus. Morbi eleifend vitae enim ut dignissim. Ut laoreet in lectus in faucibus. Sed nec tellus nec risus euismod mollis. Nullam vitae posuere mauris. Vivamus tincidunt dapibus velit vel dignissim. Praesent lobortis, urna eget lacinia suscipit, nunc lacus egestas augue, sit amet efficitur ligula nulla sed dolor. Quisque posuere mattis facilisis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin a ornare nibh, luctus molestie ipsum. Sed feugiat tincidunt blandit. Integer egestas, tellus sit amet tempor tempus, dui ligula sollicitudin nisl, vitae scelerisque sapien tellus sit amet diam. Proin eget tortor vitae nunc blandit fermentum. Sed feugiat convallis libero eu luctus.


Another widely used function of the internet is the hyperlink. This is used in websites to reference other resources publicly available.

Yet again, Markdown makes this simple even for beginners.

To create a hyperlink, you need a name for it and a reference. The name is what is printed to the screen upon entry onto the website. The reference is the web address of the place which is loaded upon clicking the name.

Inline Hyperlinks

For a simple inline hyperlink in markdown, you surround the name of your link with square brackets and the reference with parentheses.






Hyperlink title

There is also a title which can be displayed when the user places his computer's cursor over the link.

This is specified right after the reference within quotation marks.



[example]( "Title")



Reference-style hyperlinks

The Reference-style hyperlink is used to organize multiple links on a webpage.

This method is used in the same way as the inline hyperlink except that vital information such as the reference and title is placed at the bottom of the page and is labeled with a certain id. This id is included in the original location where you want the hyperlink to appear.

This is especially good when placing many links within paragraphs or other text.


This is an [example][id] sentence with a [hyperlink][id2] in the middle of it

[id]: "Title"

[id]: "Title"

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