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The redMaPPer How-To

This is growing documentation on how to run redMaPPer on your data. These instructions are incomplete, as is the documentation. Please see the main page for installation instructions.


This section details the data requirements.

Photometric Galaxy Catalog

The first thing that you need is a photometric galaxy catalog. The requirements for redMaPPer are quite simple: unique identifying integer; position; total magnitude and error in the reference band; color-optimized magnitude and error in each individual band; E(B-V) from Galactic reddening for systematics checks (not yet implemented).

If you have a simulated catalog, you can also add in the true redshift; the mass of the host halo; if the galaxy is a central; and the halo id. These are just used for comparisons, not as input. (Many of these comparisons have not been ported to python yet.)

Note that the canonical example of a different "total" magnitude and "color-optimized" magnitude is from SDSS: the cmodel magnitudes are good for measuring total flux (though not great, just ask the people who do detailed modeling of galaxy outskirts!), and the model magnitudes are good for colors.

The band used as the reference band is up to the user. For SDSS clusters, redMaPPer was run with i-band (which is good and bright up to z~0.6), and for DES and LSST it is run with z-band (which avoids getting cut by the 4000A break until z~1).

For the expected datatype, please see redmapper_dtype in the python code below.

In addition, you will need the maximum magnitude in the reference band, keys for all the indices, as described in the python code below. If you magnitudes are actually arcsinh luptitudes, then you need to supply an array of "b" softening parameters and a zeropoint to do the magnitude/luptitude/flux conversions.

import redmapper

filename_base = '/path/to/files/foo'
# files will show up as '/path/to/files/foo_XXXXX.fits' (where XXXXX is a
# healpix number) and the mail galaxy file will be
# '/path/to/files/foo_master_table.fits'

redmapper_dtype = [('id', 'i8'),             # galaxy id number (unique)
                   ('ra', 'f8'),             # right ascension (degrees)
                   ('dec', 'f8'),            # declination (degrees)
                   ('refmag', 'f4'),         # total magnitude in reference band
                   ('refmag_err', 'f4'),     # error in total reference mag
                   ('mag', 'f4', nmag),      # mag array
                   ('mag_err', 'f4', nmag),  # magnitude error array
                   ('ebv', 'f4'),            # E(B-V) (systematics checking)
                   ('ztrue', 'f4'),          # ztrue if from a simulated catalog
                   ('m200', 'f4'),           # m200 of halo if from a simulated catalog
                   ('central', 'i2'),        # central? 1 if yes (if from sims)
                   ('halo_id', 'i8')]        # halo_id if from a simulated catalog

info_dict = {}
info_dict['LIM_REF'] = limiting_mag_reference_band
info_dict['REF_IND'] = index_for_reference_band
info_dict['AREA'] = catalog_area
info_dict['NMAG'] = number_of_mags
info_dict['MODE'] = file_mode # currently SDSS, DES, or LSST
info_dict['ZP'] = reference_zeropoint_for_mag_to_flux
info_dict['B'] = b_array # if magnitudes are actually luptitudes
info_dict['G_IND'] = 0 # g-band index
info_dict['R_IND'] = 1 # r-band index
# (etc, for the rest of the bands)

maker = redmapper.GalaxyCatalogMaker(filename_base, info_dict)

for input_file in input_files:
    # insert code to translate to file format



If you have a set of galaxies and a geometric mask (see below), and the geometric mask has not been applied to the set of galaxies, these can be applied at this stage, for example:

maker = redmapper.GalaxyCatalogMaker(filename_base, info_dict,
maskfile='maskfile', mask_mode=3)

And the mask will then be applied every time galaxies are appended to the catalog.

Spectroscopic Training Galaxies

In addition to the photometric galaxies, you also need a spectroscopic sample that includes cluster centrals over the redshift range for which you want to run the cluster finder. For SDSS, these are easily obtained, but it may require some thought for other surveys. These need not be complete, but for adequate performance you want at least 40 clusters per 0.05 redshift bin (see Appendix A of Rykoff et al. (2014)).

The spectroscopic catalog should have the following format:

spec_dtype = [('ra', 'f8'),        # right ascension (degrees)
              ('dec', 'f8'),       # declination (degrees)
              ('z', 'f4'),         # spectrosopic redshift
              ('z_err', 'f4')]     # error on spec-z

Survey Geometry Mask (Strongly Recommended)

Although redMaPPer does not require a survey geometry mask in order to run, it is strongly recommended when running on real data. For certain types of simulated data that cover a large contiguous area with limited boundaries and no star-holes or bad fields, you can definitely get away without a survey geometry mask!

The only type of mask currently supported in the redmapper package is a healpix geometry mask as described by the healsparse format. Other types of mask could have supported added provided they have reasonably efficient ways of doing a position lookup.

The healsparse format is much more memory efficient and faster to read than a standard healpy healpix file or the older redmapper format. The format of the mask is a standard healsparse map with a float value for fracgood (the fractional "good" coverage) in each pixel. Using fracgood allows you to approximate a higher resolution mask via sub-sampling. If you do not have fracgood, then you should set each pixel that is in the mask to 1.0, and each pixel that is outside the mask to healpy.UNSEEN (the default value).

If you have an old-style redmapper mask, this can be converted to the healsparse format with the executable

Survey Depth Maps (Recommended)

For best performance, you can specify a depth map with a format similar to the survey geometry masks above. Depth maps make it possible to have better richness measurements for higher redshift clusters that are near the threshold, and add the ability to make a volume-limited catalog (see Section 3.4 of Rykoff et al. (2016)). If the depth map is not specified, the code will do its best to approximate it with a fit to the galaxies (see Appendix B of Rozo et al. (2015)).

The depth map should be in healsparse format. Other types of mask could have supported added provided they have reasonably efficient ways of doing a position lookup (as with the survey geometry masks).

The depth map healsparse file has the format described below, with values consistent with the model in Section 3 of Rykoff et al. (2015).

import fitsio

hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR()
hdr['ZP'] = reference_zeropoint
hdr['NSIG'] = signal_to_noise_at_limmag
hdr['NBAND'] = 1  # not used
hdr['W'] = 0.0  # not used
hdr['EFF'] = 1.0 # not used

depth_dtype = [('exptime', 'f4'),  # effective exposure time
               ('limmag', 'f4'),   # limited magnitude at nsig (in header)
               ('m50', 'f4'),      # Should be same as LIMMAG (for now)
               ('fracgood', 'f4')] # fraction of good coverage (see mask above)

If you have an old-style redmapper depth file, this can be converted to the healsparse format with the executable

m* as a Function of Redshift

As described in Section 3.2 of Rykoff et al. (2016) we need to know the value of m* (as defined in a Schechter luminosity function) as a function of redshift for the reference band. As a default this is dervied from a Bruzual & Charlot (2003, BC03) model.

For convenience, the following files are included with the redmapper package, and more can be added on request (and I will add the code to generate these files at some point in the near future):


(The "03" in the names refer to them being generated from a BC03 model.)

The format of the files is as follows:

import fitsio

hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR()
hdr['SURVEY'] = survey_name       # e.g., 'lsst'
hdr['BAND'] = band_name_from_file # e.g., 'z03'

mstar_dtype = [('Z', 'f4'),       # redshift
               ('MSTAR', 'f4')]   # mstar at redshift z

Initial Guess for Red Sequence as a Function of Redshift

The final ingredient is the initial guess for the red-sequence as a function of redshift. This does not need to be super-precise, but it is helpful to be close in each redshift range of interest. For example, the g-r color should be reasonable at z < 0.4; the r-i color should be reasonable at 0.3 < r-i < 0.8; and the i-z color reasonable at 0.7 < i-z.

As described in Section 3.3 of Rykoff et al. (2016) this is also derived similarly to m*(z) using BC03 models, though any reasonable method can work.

For convenience, the following files are included with the redmapper package, and more can be added on request (and I will add the code to generate these files at some point in the near future):


The format of the files is as follows:

import fitsio

hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR()
hdr['SURVEY'] = survey_name        # e.g., 'lsst'
hdr['BAND'] = band_names_from_file # e.g., 'grizy'

mstar_dtype = [('Z', 'f4'),               # redshift
               ('COLOR', 'f4', n_color)]  # colors at redshift z

Red-Sequence Calibration

With all these ingredients, it is easy to run the red-sequence calibration: -c cal.yml

Please see the example cal_example.yml file in this directory for all the configuration settings, and what they mean.

The red-sequence calibration code will run on a local machine that has enough memory to hold the full galaxy catalog (at least for the calibration area, which is configurable), and you can set the number of cores to run on (using python multiprocessing). It will produce a large number of files in the current directory, diagnostic plots in the plots/ directory, and may take more than a day (depending on the area and depth of the catalog).

Typically, my directory tree looks like the following:


And after the calibration is run in the /path/to/stuff/redmapper_v0.2.1py/cal/ directory, it will create a pre-made config file for the full cluster finder run with all the calibration outputs pre-filled:


Note that you can name your calibration directory and config yaml file whatever you want, but if you stick with the cal or cal_foo convention the code will automatically replace cal with run when creating the run files.

Running the Cluster Finder

There are two phases to running the cluster finder. The first is to compute the zred photometric redshifts for all the galaxies, and the second is to run the actual cluster finder. In between, you may want to recompute the global background.

Note that if you run the calibration on the full catalog, and not a subregion, then you can skip the zred photometric redshift run and background recalculation because these have already been run.

Step 1: Set up the run.yml configuration file

The first step is to copy the run_default.yml configuration file to something like run.yml and to take a look at it to ensure that everything looks okay. The main things to look at are:

  • zredfile: Does this point to a file in the calibration directory (already done!) or in the run directory (to do!)
  • bkgfile: Does this point to a file in the calibration directory (already done!) or in the run directory (to do!)

Unfortunately, the background file generation has not yet been optimized for memory usage. If you have a very large footprint, you may want to set the calib_make_full_bkg to False in the calibration configuration file.

Step 2: Compute zred photometric redshifts (if necessary)

The second step (if the calibration was not performed on the full footprint) is to compute the zred photometric redshifts. This can be done one of two ways. If you have a compute cluster, then you should be able to run: -c run.yml -r 1 -b BATCHMODE -w WALLTIME -n NSIDE

On first run, the code will create a configuration file called $HOME/.redmapper_batch.yml. You must edit this, with the following format:

   setup: 'environment_setup_script_to_call'
   batch: 'lsf'
   requirements: 'linux64'

You can name batchmode whatever you want, and you can define more than one section if you run on multiple clusters. Currently, the only batch system that is supported is lsf, but I'll be adding slurm support soon, and please let me know if you have other needs. Finally, requirements is the batch system requirements (-R in lsf).

When run after setup, this will create directory called jobs/ and an lsf batch file called foo_zred_1.job. You can specify the walltime for the compute cluster (default is 5 hours) and the nside splitting (larger number means more jobs that will run faster). Default is nside=8.

Alternatively, if you do not have a compute cluster, this can be run locally in the following way:

import redmapper

config = redmapper.Configuration('run.yml')
zredRunpix = redmapper.ZredRunPixels(config)
# This will use python multiprocessing to run on config.calib_nproc cores

Step 3: Compute zred background (if necessary)

The third step (if the calibration was not performed on the full footprint, and you have asked for a computation of the new background) is to compute the zred background. This needs to be streamlined, but can be accomplished with: -c run.yml

Step 4: Run the Cluster Finder

The fourth step is to run the full cluster finder. It is strongly recommended to run this on a compute cluster, but it is possible to run it locally (though not fully tested yet...).

See above for setting up the batch system. Then you do: -c run.yml -r 0 -b BATCHMODE -w WALLTIME -n NSIDE

When run after setup, this will create a directory called jobs/ and an lsf batch file called foo_run_1.job. You can specify the walltime for the compute cluster (default is 72 hours) and the nside splitting (larger number means more jobs that will run faster). Default is nside=4. Higher nside is smaller pixels which run faster and use less memory, but there are diminishing returns because you still have to run the buffer region between pixels.

Alternatively, if you do not have a compute cluster, this can be run locally in the following way:

import redmapper
import numpy as np

config = redmapper.Configuration('run.yml')
config.run_min_nside = 4  # nside desired
config.border = config.compute_border()
redmapperRun = redmapper.RedmapperRun(config)
# This will use python multiprocessing to run on config.calib_run_nproc cores

Step 5: Consolidate the Catalog Pixels

The final step is to consolidate the catalog pixels that were run. This is done with: -c run.yml [-l LAMBDA_CUTS] [-v VLIM_LSTARS]

The lambda_cuts (typically lambda > 5 and lambda > 20) can also be specified in run.yml, but the command line will override it. The vlim_lstars arguments specify the "fraction of L* for which the galaxy catalog depth should be bright enough to find a typical red galaxy at redshift z". This can only be specified if you have depth maps for all the relevant bands. Typically, this is set to 0.2 (the same as the luminosity cut for the richness estimation) for a volume limited catalog, and to some large number (I use 5.0) for a "full" catalog that covers as much redshift as possible, but is not volume-limited.

Some diagnostic plots will be placed in the plots/ subdirectory of the run.

And that's it, for creating a cluster catalog!

But wait, there's more...

Step 6: Generating redMaPPer Random Points

If you want to generate redMaPPer random points (see Section 3.6 of Rykoff et al. (2016)), it is a bit clunky at the moment, but it does work. There are four stages to generating the redMaPPer randoms, and these need to be performed separately for each volume-limited catalog that you have. The three stages are:

  1. Generate raw uniform random points with appropriate redshift/richness distribution (
  2. Run random points to estimate local geometric/depth corrections (
  3. Compute random weights on sub-selections (

Step 6.1: Generate Raw Uniform Randoms

The first step is to use an input redMaPPer cluster catalog to generate a set of spatially uniform randoms with the same redshift/richness distribution as the the cluster catalog, while taking into account the "zmax" maximum redshift mask. This step needs to be done once for each volume limit selected in Step 5, and preferentially in a separate directory for each run.

You first need to create a new directory called, for example "zmask02" for a 0.2L* volume limited catalog. Copy the run.yml file from the run and call it run_zmask02.yml, and edit the catfile to be the full path to the appropriate catalog file that you want randoms for. Typically, if you have output catalogs with multiple richness cuts (defaults being lambda>5 and lambda>20), then you want to use the catalog with the lowest richness cut (which includes all the clusters with the higher richness cut), and down-select the randoms at the end, as described in Section 6.3.

Additionally, edit the randfile to be a full path to a new raw random catalog that will be generated. Typically, this would be something like /path/to/files/zmask02/rands/ Additionally, you must symlink into this directory the appropriate zmask file (in this case, called This dance will be simplified in the future.

Then, call The following will generate 50 million random points. -c run_zmask02.yml -n 50000000

Step 6.2: Run random points through redMaPPer code

The easiest way to do this is via the batch system: -c run_zmask02.yml -r 3 -b BATCHMODE [-w WALLTIME] [-n

After it is done, to consolidate you do: -c run_zmask02.yml -r

Alternatively, you can run locally (not distributed) with:

import redmapper

config = redmapper.Configuration('run_zmask02.yml')
rand_zmask = redmapper.RunRandomsZmask(config)

Step 6.3: Compute random weights on sub-selections

The randoms must now be weighted according to their detection rate. These weights must be computed separately for each richness cut/bin chosen. Right now, the command-line code only easily computes weights for a full catalog with a set of richness cuts (e.g., 5 and 20). This is done with: -c run_zmask02.yml -r -l 5 20

This will output files of the form (the randoms with appropriate weights), and (the area as a function of redshift, with geometric corrections computed from the randoms).

If you want to weight specific redshift or richness bins, you can do:

import redmapper

config = redmapper.Configuration('run_zmask02.yml')
weigher = redmapper.RandomWeigher(config, '')
wt_randfile, wt_areafile = weighter.weight_randoms(lambda_cut, zrange=[minz,
maxz], lambdabin=[lambda_min, lambda_max])

Note that lambda_cut should be the minimum richness of the parent catalog (5 or 20) to ensure that scatter around the lambda_min cut for the richness bin is accounted for properly.

Step 7: Calibrating and Generating redMaGiC Catalogs

After a redMaPPer catalog is computed, you can calibrate and generate redMaGiC catalogs (see Rozo et al. (2016)).

First, make a new directory called (for example) redmagic. Copy in the run.yml from the run directory into the redmagic directory, and rename it redmagic_cal.yml. You'll need to set the following fields:

  • catfile: The full path of the redMaPPer catalog with the "best" redshifts for calibration, usually the lambda>20 catalog.
  • hpix, nside: Set these if you want to calibrate over a sub-area of the survey (for speed and to reserve regions for testing).
  • redmagic_etas: The luminosity cuts in units of L*, typically [0.5, 1.0]
  • redmagic_n0s: The comoving density target in 10^-4 gal/Mpc^3, typcially [10.0, 4.0]
  • redmagic_names: The names of the redMaGiC selections, typically ['highdens', 'highlum']
  • redmagic_zmaxes: The maximum redshifts for the two selections. For DES this is [0.75, 0.95]
  • redmagicfile: The calibration file to output, typically

Then you can run the redMaGiC calibration and selection step: -c redmagic_cal.yml

And voila! After some time you will get the redMaGiC catalogs output with calibration and run QA plots in the plots/ directory. Associated randoms will also be generated, with 10x the number density as the redMaGiC galaxies.

If you already have a redMaGiC calibration and want to make a selection on a new catalog (e.g., for multiple sim runs with the same red-sequence model), you can use: -c redmagic_run.yml [-C CLOBBER] [-n NRANDOMS]

If you don't specify -n then you'll get 10x the number of randoms as the number of galaxies selected. Note that you have to have the zreds already available to make the redMaGiC selection.