- Learn about Snapcraft here https://snapcraft.io/docs/getting-started#heading--learning
- Learn about
schema here https://snapcraft.io/docs/snapcraft-yaml-reference
- Ubuntu 20.04
- The Ubuntu 20.04 image can be found at https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04/
- snapd, snapcraft, and multipass packages
is pre-installed on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS by default. For more information aboutsnapd
, see https://snapcraft.io/docs/installing-snapd- To install
use following command:sudo snap install snapcraft --classic
- To install
use following command:For more infomation aboutsudo snap install multipass --classic
, see https://multipass.run/
- KVM enabled
- To enable KVM on a Linux Hyper-V VM, run following Powershell (as an Administrator) command on host PC
For more detail, see Windows 10 Nested Virtualization
Set-VMProcessor -VMName <VMName> -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $true
- To enable KVM on a Linux Hyper-V VM, run following Powershell (as an Administrator) command on host PC
# change directory to iot-hub-device-update project root directory
pushd <project root>
# run 'snapcraft' to build the snap package using <project root>/snap/snapcraft.yaml
# Note: if a build error occurs, you can run snapcraft --debug to troubleshoot the error.
To rebuild on specific part(s), you can use snapcraft clean <PART_NAME>
command follow by snapcraft build
If build success, you can find deviceupdate-agent_#.#_amd64.snap
at the project root directory.
You can use unsquashfs
command to extract .snap
# Run unsquashfs <snap file name>
# e.g., unsquashfs deviceupdate-agent.0.1_amd64.snap
unsquashfs deviceupdate-agent.0.1_adm64.snap
# The content will be extracted to 'squashfs-root' directory
# You can use 'tree' command to view the directory content
tree squashfs-root
To install the snap for testing (developer mode)
sudo snap install --devmode ./deviceupdate-agent_0.1_amd64.snap
NOTE | This will installs the snap content to /snap/<'snap name'>/ directory on the host device
Although installing and running a snap in dev_mode is useful, it is advisable to test the snap's functionality under strict confinement. This will help verify that all necessary permissions and connections have been correctly configured.
In order to achieve this, the confinement setting should be modified to strict. After rebuilding the snap, it can be installed using the --dangerous option.
For example:
sudo snap install --dangerous ./deviceupdate-agent_0.1_amd64.snap
NOTE | You can find more information about the --dangerous option and other snap installation options in the official Snapcraft documentation:
Specify an agent settings, such as, manufacturer, model, agent.name, agent.connectionSource, etc., in du-config.json
, which localted in $SNAP_DATA/config
"schemaVersion": "1.1",
"aduShellTrustedUsers": [
"iotHubProtocol": "mqtt",
"manufacturer":"<Place your device info manufacturer here>",
"model": "<Place your device info model here>",
"agents": [
"name": "<Place your agent name here>",
"runas": "snap_aziotdu",
"connectionSource": {
"connectionType": "string",
"connectionData": "HostName=...HIDDEN..."
"manufacturer": "<Place your device property manufacturer here>",
"model": "<Place your device property model here>"
For example:
- "manufacturer":"contoso"
- "model":"vacuum-v1"
- "agents[0].name":"main"
- "agents[0].connectionSource.connectionType":"string"
- "agents[0].connectionSource.connectionData":"enter your device connection string here"
- "agents[0].manufacturer":"contoso"
- "agents[0].model":"vacuum-v1"
TIP: To share file between host machine and the snap, you can use a 'home' interface.
- To share 'home' directory with the snap, run:
$ snap connect deviceupdate-agent:home :home
- Create du-config.json file in your home directory like so:
{ "schemaVersion": "1.1", "aduShellTrustedUsers": [ "snap_aziotdu", "snap_aziotdo" ], "iotHubProtocol": "mqtt", "manufacturer": "contoso", "model": "vacuum-v1", "agents": [ { "name": "main", "runas": "snap_aziotdu", "connectionSource": { "connectionType": "string", "connectionData": "HostName=...HIDDEN..." }, "manufacturer": "contoso", "model": "vacuum-v1" } ] }
NOTE | Please refer to Provisioning Device Update Agent Snap for an alternative approach, as the method described earlier may not be effective when using snap in 'strict' confinement.
To run the "deviceupdate-agent" snap package with elevated privileges (using sudo command) in a Linux-based operating system that supports snap package management, use following command:
$ sudo snap run deviceupdate-agent
To run the "deviceupdate-agent' snap and open a shell environment:
$ sudo snap run --shell deviceupdate-agent
When you run the snap run --shell command followed by the name of a snap package, it launches a shell with an environment set up for that specific snap. This allows you to execute commands and access files within the snap package's environment, as if you were running them directly on the host system.
Optionally (for --devmode), copy the prepared du-config.json
from [host machine] home directory to $SNAP_DATA/config
$ cp /path/to/your/du-config.json $SNAP_DATA/config
Inspect some snap variables:
root@myhost:~# printenv SNAP
root@myhost:~# printenv SNAP_COMMON
root@myhost:~# printenv SNAP_DATA
For testing purposes, you can manually run $SNAP/usr/bin/AducIotAgent -l 0 -e
to verify that the Device Update agent is successfully connected to, and communicated with, the Azure Iot Hub.
$SNAP/usr/bin/AducIotAgent -l 0 -e
2022-11-30T15:19:17.5333Z 33853[33853] [D] Log file created: /var/log/adu/du-agent.20221130-151917.log [zlog_init]
2022-11-30T15:19:17.5338Z 33853[33853] [I] Agent (linux; 1.0.0) starting. [main]
2022-11-30T15:19:17.5339Z 33853[33853] [I] Supported Update Manifest version: min: 4, max: 5 [main]
2022-11-30T15:19:17.5340Z 33853[33853] [I] Attempting to create connection to IotHub using type: ADUC_ConnType_Device [ADUC_DeviceClient_Create]
2022-11-30T15:19:17.5341Z 33853[33853] [I] IotHub Protocol: MQTT [GetIotHubProtocolFromConfig]
2022-11-30T15:19:17.5341Z 33853[33853] [I] IoTHub Device Twin callback registered. [ADUC_DeviceClient_Create]
2022-11-30T15:19:17.5341Z 33853[33853] [I] Initializing PnP components. [ADUC_PnP_Components_Create]
2022-11-30T15:19:17.5341Z 33853[33853] [I] ADUC agent started. Using IoT Hub Client SDK 1.7.0 [AzureDeviceUpdateCoreInterface_Create]
2022-11-30T15:19:17.5341Z 33853[33853] [I] Calling ADUC_RegisterPlatformLayer [ADUC_MethodCall_Register]
2022-11-30T15:19:17.5702Z 33853[33853] [I] Agent running. [main]
2022-11-30T15:19:18.1976Z 33853[33853] [D] IotHub connection status: 0, reason: 6 [ADUC_ConnectionStatus_Callback]
-> 15:19:18 SUBSCRIBE | PACKET_ID: 2 | TOPIC_NAME: $iothub/twin/res/# | QOS: 0
2022-11-30T15:19:18.5998Z 33853[33853] [I] Processing existing Device Twin data after agent started. [ADUC_PnPDeviceTwin_Callback]
2022-11-30T15:19:18.5999Z 33853[33853] [D] Notifies components that all callback are subscribed. [ADUC_PnPDeviceTwin_Callback]
2022-11-30T15:19:18.6001Z 33853[33853] [D] Queueing message (t:0, c:0xbb236af0 [ADUC_D2C_Message_SendAsync]
2022-11-30T15:19:18.6002Z 33853[33853] [I] DeviceInformation component is ready - reporting properties [DeviceInfoInterface_Connected]
2022-11-30T15:19:18.6003Z 33853[33853] [I] Property manufacturer changed to contoso [RefreshDeviceInfoInterfaceData]
2022-11-30T15:19:18.6004Z 33853[33853] [I] Property model changed to vacuum-v1 [RefreshDeviceInfoInterfaceData]
2022-11-30T15:19:18.6006Z 33853[33853] [I] Property osName changed to Ubuntu Core [RefreshDeviceInfoInterfaceData]
2022-11-30T15:19:18.6007Z 33853[33853] [I] Property swVersion changed to 20 [RefreshDeviceInfoInterfaceData]
2022-11-30T15:19:18.6007Z 33853[33853] [I] Property processorArchitecture changed to x86_64 [RefreshDeviceInfoInterfaceData]
2022-11-30T15:19:18.6242Z 33853[33853] [I] Property processorManufacturer changed to GenuineIntel [RefreshDeviceInfoInterfaceData]
2022-11-30T15:19:18.6243Z 33853[33853] [I] Property totalMemory changed to 5776704 [RefreshDeviceInfoInterfaceData]
2022-11-30T15:19:18.6244Z 33853[33853] [I] Property totalStorage changed to 64768 [RefreshDeviceInfoInterfaceData]
2022-11-30T15:19:18.6245Z 33853[33853] [D] Queueing message (t:2, c:0xbb2306a0 [ADUC_D2C_Message_SendAsync]
2022-11-30T15:19:18.6245Z 33853[33853] [I] DiagnosticsInterface is connected [DiagnosticsInterface_Connected]
2022-11-30T15:19:18.7248Z 33853[33853] [D] Sending D2C message (t:0, retries:0). [ProcessMessage]
2022-11-30T15:19:18.7250Z 33853[33853] [D] Sending D2C message:
{"deviceUpdate":{"__t":"c","agent":{"deviceProperties":{"manufacturer":"contoso","model":"vacuum-v1","interfaceId":null,"contractModelId":"dtmi:azure:iot:deviceUpdateContractModel;2","aduVer":"DU;agent\/1.0.0"},"compatPropertyNames":"manufacturer,model"}}} [ADUC_D2C_Default_Message_Transport_Function]
2022-11-30T15:19:18.7250Z 33853[33853] [D] Sending D2C message (t:2, retries:0). [ProcessMessage]
2022-11-30T15:19:18.7250Z 33853[33853] [D] Sending D2C message:
{"deviceInformation":{"__t":"c","manufacturer":"contoso","model":"vacuum-v1","osName":"Ubuntu Core","swVersion":"20","processorArchitecture":"x86_64","processorManufacturer":"GenuineIntel","totalMemory":5776704,"totalStorage":64768}} [ADUC_D2C_Default_Message_Transport_Function]
2022-11-30T15:19:20.5271Z 33853[33853] [D] Send message completed (status:3) [OnDeviceInfoD2CMessageCompleted]
Verify that the Device Twin contains properties reported by the agent:
"deviceId": "...",
"modelId": "dtmi:azure:iot:deviceUpdateModel;2",
"version": 10,
"tags": {
"ADUGroup": "ucore-test-1"
"properties": {
"desired": {
"reported": {
"deviceUpdate": {
"__t": "c",
"agent": {
"deviceProperties": {
"manufacturer": "contoso",
"model": "vacuum-v1",
"contractModelId": "dtmi:azure:iot:deviceUpdateContractModel;2",
"aduVer": "DU;agent/1.0.0"
"compatPropertyNames": "manufacturer,model"
"deviceInformation": {
"__t": "c",
"manufacturer": "contoso",
"model": "vacuum-v1",
"osName": "Ubuntu Core",
"swVersion": "20",
"processorArchitecture": "x86_64",
"processorManufacturer": "GenuineIntel",
"totalMemory": 5776704,
"totalStorage": 64768
"$version": 8
"capabilities": {
"iotEdge": true
"deviceScope": "ms-azure-iot-edge://ucore-test-1-638054160455707418"
The name of the Device Update agent in the confined environment is snap.deviceupdate-agent.deviceupdate-agent
To view the journal log, use following command:
$ journalctl -u snap.deviceupdate-agent.deviceupdate-agent -f --no-tail
To start the daemon:
$ sudo systemctl start snap.deviceupdate-agent.deviceupdate-agent
To stop the daemon:
$ sudo systemctl stop snap.deviceupdate-agent.deviceupdate-agent
To restart the daemon:
$ sudo systemctl restart snap.deviceupdate-agent.deviceupdate-agent