This Rails API was created to provide scraped data from two supermarkets for use with the mobile application shop1stop. There are two custom rake jobs (see lib) that run weekly to update sale data through a cron job set up using the whenever gem (see config/schedule.rb). Unfortunately, these jobs only run successfully when in a local development environment. Thus, you will find seed source data hard coded in the seed_files folder.
To request a search of each store's offerings and receive an array of search results, send requests in the following format:
where store_id is 1 for QFC and 2 for Safeway.
- db/seeds.rb - change reference to seed_files folder path accordingly
- database.yml - create your own database.yml file
- secrets.yml - create your own secrets.yml file if linking a postgres database
For data scraping/parsing:
- nokogiri
- httparty
For scheduling cron jobs:
- whenever
For testing:
- minitest/reporters
- vcr
- webmock/minitest
- simplecov
For deployment:
- capistrano
- passenger