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138 lines (90 loc) · 3.74 KB

File metadata and controls

138 lines (90 loc) · 3.74 KB


Guidelines for contributions to the Recycling Locator codebase.

Get started

Before starting, you will need access to recycle locator proxy and have it running locally. Alternatively, you can use the UAT proxy.

Make sure you're using the right node version

nvm use

Install the dependencies

npm install

Setup your .env

cp .env.example .env

Start the local development server on http://localhost:3020

npm start

For component documentation, start storybook on on http://localhost:6006/

npm run storybook

If using the UAT recycle locator proxy, you will need to set up a local reverse proxy to a domain that has been whitelisted for CORS.

Download Caddy, then execute the downloaded file and start up the reverse proxy (change the folder and caddy file name in the instructions below if needed)

cd ~/Downloads
chmod +x caddy_darwin_arm64
./caddy_darwin_arm64 reverse-proxy --to :3020 --from rl.localhost

If Caddy is installed as a service, you can run the following command from the root of the project

caddy run

Navigate to rl.localhost in the browser

Folder structure

  • index.html - default embedded widget
  • standalone.html - standalone variant testing available at http://localhost:3020/standalone
  • /public - static assets
  • /demo – documentation website for demonstrations of the widget
  • /src
    • /components - all locator specific custom elements
    • /lib - general lib functions
    • /styles - global styles
    • /types - global types
    • /pages - app routes using a file naming convention
      • entrypoint.tsx - sets up the app and routes
      • *.loader.ts - data loader for a route
      • *.action.ts - form submission action for a route
      • *.page.tsx - renders as a page on a route
      • *.routes.ts - route definitions
      • *.layout.tsx - wraps a page routes to provide layout
      • /[route] - dynamic route segment
    • config.ts - global app config variables
    • index.tsx - registers the recycling-locator web app and renders /pages/entrypoint.tsx

Public asset URLs

All asset URLs must be prefixed with config.publicPath so that the asset is loaded via a full publicly accessible web address.

This is because the embedded version of the widget is designed to be placed within the context of third party sites where the assets won't exist.


All content changes must have a Welsh equivalent translation.

The translation files can be found under /public/translations.

  • en.json – English language (default)
  • cy.json – Welsh language


Running tests

Tests will run through vitest, for the end-to-end tests Playwright launches a chromium instance against the built dist folder.

Unit tests

Run only unit tests

npm run test:unit

End to end tests

Run only the E2E tests

npm run test:end-to-end

Or enable E2E test debugging

npm run test:end-to-end-debug

This will launch Playwright in PWDEBUG=console mode with an infinite timeout.


Unit tests exist for lib functions in /tests/unit using Vitest.

End-to-end tests exist for route coverage in /tests/end-to-end using Playwright.

All end-to-end tests must be wrapped in the describeEndToEndTest function which handles setting up the Playwright browser page context.


This file exists on the recycle locator proxy under resources/assets/js/widget/index.js.

Be aware that any changes to routes, may result in knock on changes being needed in this script.