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Releases: eth-educators/eth-docker


04 Dec 15:51
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This is an optional release with new features and bug fixes

  • Fix Nimbus Web3signer wait loop
  • Add ./ethd space
  • Add Eden relays to Holesky during ./ethd config
  • mev-boost can be source-built
  • ./ethd update can be --non-interactive
  • Support ETHD_FRONTEND=noninteractive as an alternative to --non-interactive


01 Dec 16:23
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This is an optional release with new features and bug fixes

  • New Nimbus and Teku deployments use a dedicated validator client service. Legacy deployments use the
    nimbus-legacy.yml and teku-legacy.yml files.
    NB If you made manual changes to nimbus.yml or teku.yml, these will not automatically carry over to the -legacy.yml files. Please recreate your changes. Also consider whether CL_EXTRAS and VC_EXTRAS could do what you need, without manual changes.
  • Introduced a wait loop to Nimbus when using Web3signer, to work around a bug in Nimbus
  • Better handling of legacy master branch of Eth Docker


25 Nov 12:15
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This is an optional release with new features and bug fixes

  • Prometheus metrics collection improved. Scrape targets in ./prometheus/conf.d, uses yq to merge custom-prom.yml. Default scrape interval 15s instead of 1m now possible because of this, which solves a whole bevvy of "No Data" in preloaded dashboards. Thanks to @aliask!
  • Preserve empty RAPID_SYNC_URL in .env
  • Extraneous web3signer messages during keyimport, when web3signer was not in use, resolved
  • ./ethd up <service-name> supported
  • Version numbering will be semver-ish from here: World-shaking changes (think Ethereum merge) first digit, breaking changes second digit, enhancements third digit, bug fixes fourth digit.

Version 2.3.9

15 Nov 13:08
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This is an optional release with new features and bug fixes

  • Eth Docker's version can be pinned in .env
  • Use new Teku v23.11.0 syntax. Breaking for any prior version.
  • Fix the ./ethd prune-geth command
  • Additional IPv6 support for Lodestar, Geth and Erigon
  • Use .NET 8 for Nethermind source build
  • default.env defaults to Holesky testnet

Version 2.3.8

08 Nov 13:57
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This is an optional release with new features and bug fixes

  • Fixed a breaking bug in cl-traefik.yml that impacted 2.3.7
  • Fix ./ethd keys delete all when using Web3signer
  • ./ethd config can now configure SSV for Holesky
  • Switched Prometheus to scrape by Docker labels
  • Added Web3signer dashboard
  • Fixed Nimbus dashboard provisioning
  • Running multiple RPC nodes connected to one central traefik is now easier. If that is your use case, set
    EL_NODE=http://${NETWORK}-execution:8551 in .env. See the ELCLIENT.yml files for the alias this references.

Version 2.3.7

02 Nov 21:29
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This is an optional release with security relevant changes for traefik users

  • BREAKING change for users who use traefik to access the execution client RPC API, consensus client REST
    API or execution client engine RPC API: The el-traefik.yml, cl-traefik.yml and ee-traefik.yml files are
    now required for this. This was done to avoid host header attacks against users who just want to expose Grafana
    and may not have firewall rules in place to trusted source IPs.
  • Ditto for Prometheus access, where it is prometheus-traefik.yml

Version 2.3.6

02 Nov 17:55
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This is an optional release with new features and bug fixes

  • ./ethd keys send-exit works with RocketPool reverse hybrid
  • Raise Loki ingestion limit. Thanks invis!
  • Prysm uses prysmctl for legacy exit method
  • Erigon source build uses Go 1.21
  • ./ethd config offers Reth alpha
  • Send anonymized traefik usage
  • Fixes to prysm-vc-only.yml. Thanks @nflaig!
  • Scraping metrics centrally is now supported
  • RocketPool integration no longer adds mev-boost.yml
  • Error handler that restores .env if ./ethd update fails. Thanks invis!
  • ./ethd config is a little more visually consistent
  • On Ubuntu, use the docker-compose-v2 package for Docker Compose upgrades
  • Lighthouse Siren fixed. Thanks @davidkassa!
  • Changed default checkpoint URL for Gnosis Chain
  • Added traefik labels to all CL-CLIENT.yml files

Version 2.3.5

11 Oct 19:49
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This is an optional release with new features and bug fixes

  • Support for encrypted node key with an SSV node
  • Remove hard coded ancient barriers for Nethermind, use Nethermind defaults
  • Add tab completion for Linux systems. Thanks @jshufro!
  • Add support for Lighthouse Siren
  • Change Prometheus retention to 40d
  • Configurable Lodestar heap
  • Changed Teku and web3signer integration
  • Add QUIC port to Lighthouse
  • Support Nethermind v1.21

Version 2.3.4

12 Sep 13:57
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This is an optional release with new features and bug fixes

  • ./ethd config offers Holesky testnet
  • Geth fresh sync now uses PBSS
  • SSV supports MEV
  • SSV migrates to new jato-v2 testnet
  • Reth supports full node pruning
  • The script has been deprecated and will be removed with Dencun
  • New ./ethd keys sign-exit command for use with clients' keymanager API
  • ./ethd config prompts for MEV when using a RocketPool reverse hybrid setup. Thanks @haurog!
  • ./ethd keys import knows about eth2-val-tools style keys and secrets folders. Thanks to Patches for prodding me!
  • Geth uses its down defaults for HTTP and WS API for easier override via EL_EXTRAS. Thanks @jiangbo0216!
  • Nimbus registers web3signer keys on startup
  • All-new support for custom testnets. Set NETWORK to a github repo containing the network config such as Thanks to Barnabas and client teams for the feature request!
  • Binary and source repos can now be specified in .env, to allow use of custom client repos for custom testnets.
  • Upgrading compose V1 to compose V2 no longer marks for deletion
  • New Nethermind executable name on source build. Thanks @rubo!

Version 2.3.3

15 Aug 11:51
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This is an optional release with new features and bug fixes

  • Fixed an ./ethd terminate edge case that would attempt to delete volumes in other stacks / directories
  • Improved web3signer support; work around a Teku bug
  • Support signing exit messages with keymanager API
  • Teku default heap reduced to 4g
  • Lodestar source build with node 20
  • Lodestar doppelganger flag adjusted. Thanks @nflaig!
  • cadvisor works on ARM64
  • Default to jato-v2 for new SSV setups
  • Geth source build with Go 1.21