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233 lines (189 loc) · 9.68 KB

ft_containers 📦📦📦 esafar's 42 ft_containers Score


You must implement the following c++ containers from the Standard Library (STL) : vector, stack and map

You also gonna rewrite std:: functions such as equal, lexicographical_compare, is_integral, pair, make_pair, enable_if, iterator_traits and reverse_iterator.

📔 Summary

📚🔢📐 Containers/Algorithm/Iterators

In C++ STL (Standard Template Library), 3 things are meaningful and important:

1. Containers: These are used to manage collection of objects of a certain kind. Containers can be of two types: Sequence Containers (vector, deque, list) and Associative Containers (Set, Multiset, Map, Multimap).
2. Algorithms: These are used to process the elements of a collection. That is algorithms feed from containers and process those elements in a predefined way and may also push the results into the same/different container.
3. Iterator: These are used to step through the elements of collection of objects (aka containers).

⏱️ Strat for ft_containers

At first, I didn't know where to start on this project. I spent quite some time thinking about an effective strategy, in order to finish the project faster. The following instructions are precious, and gives you an easy-to-understand roadmap.

  1. Start by coding all the following std functions, asked in the subject (you gonna be able to use them later, inside your containers)
    • equal
    • lexicographical_compare
    • is_integral
    • pair
    • make_pair
    • enable_if
    • iterator_traits
    • reverse_iterator
  2. Then, code stack as your first container, and use original vector from STL to test it.
namespace ft {

	template <class T, class Container = std::vector<T> >
	class stack {
  1. When your stack container works properly. start coding vector container and test it with your previously handmade stack container.
namespace ft {

	template <class T, class Container = ft::vector<T> > //std::vector become ft::vector
	class stack {
  1. Final step, code map and drop a ⭐ on this repo for the time I saved you ;)

🌲 How does the Red Black Tree works?

A Red-Black tree is a type of self-balancing binary search tree (BST). It is characterized by the following properties:

  • Each node is either red 🔴 or black ⚫️.
  • The root is black ⚫️.
  • All leaf nodes (NIL) are black ⚫️.
  • If a node is red, both its children are black ⚫️.
  • Every path from a node to its leaf nodes contains the same number of black nodes ⚫️.

These properties ensure that the tree remains balanced, and the height of the tree is always O(log n) where n is the number of nodes in the tree.
Operations such as insertion, deletion and search are similar to those in a regular binary search tree, with the added step of re-balancing the tree if the red-black properties are violated.

➕ Insertion:

Insert the new node as in a regular binary search tree.
Color the new node red 🔴.
Starting from the new node, check if the red-black properties are violated, and if so, perform rotations and color changes to fix the violation.

➖ Deletion:

Delete the node as in a regular binary search tree.
Starting from the node's parent, check if the red-black properties are violated, and if so, perform rotations and color changes to fix the violation.

🔎 Search:

Search for the desired node as in a regular binary search tree.
The time complexity for insertion, deletion and search operations on a Red-Black tree is O(log n) on average, making it a good choice for a data structure that needs to efficiently support insertion, deletion, and search operations.

✅ Step to follow in order to check if the tree is balanced

A Red-Black tree is considered balanced if it satisfies the previously shown properties.
To check if a Red-Black tree is balanced, you can perform the following steps:

Start at the root of the tree and traverse through the tree in-order.

  1. For each node, check that it is either red or black, and that if it is red 🔴, both its children are black ⚫️.
  2. Check that the root is black ⚫️.
  3. Check that all leaf nodes (NIL) are black ⚫️.
  4. For each node, compute the black height ⚫️ of the left and right subtrees. The black height of a subtree is the number of black nodes from the root of the subtree to a leaf node. Check that the black height ⚫️ is the same for all leaf nodes in the tree.

If all the above checks pass, the Red-Black tree is considered balanced. (more documentation at the end of the readme)

🔨 Tools (typedef, explicit, friend)

1. typedef: allows to give a new name to an existing data type.

template <class T, ...>
class stack {
		typedef T value_type;
		value_type& top() {
   			return (_container.back());

1.bis typename: let the compiler know that Iter is a type and not a static member of std::vector

typedef typename std::vector<T>::iterator Iter  

2. explicit: allows only direct-initialization (avoid implicit conversions and copy initialization from braced-init-list).

template <class T, class Container>
class stack {
		Container _container;
		explicit stack(const Container &ctnr) : _container(ctnr) {}

int main()
	std::vector<int> vector_std;
	for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
   	std::stack<int, std::vector<int> > stack_std = vector_std;


>> error: no viable conversion [...] explicit constructor is not a candidat.

3. friend: allows a function to access private and protected members of a class.

template <class T, class Container>
class stack {
		Container _container;
		friend bool operator==(const stack<T, Container>& lhs, const stack<T, Container>& rhs) {
			return (lhs._container == rhs._container);

❗️ Potential mistakes !

Error: this file requires compiler and library support... for c++ 2011 standard [...]

/usr/include/c++/11/bits/c++0x_warning.h:32:2: error: #error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standard. This support must be enabled with the -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 compiler options.
   32 | #error This file requires compiler and library support \
      |  ^~~~~

To fix this, you should check in your files that you are not including libraries from c++11 that are not supported and which block compilation with the c++98 standard.
In my case, I forgot this include in my is_integral file:

#include <iostream>
// #include <type_traits>     <- this include is from c++11

And here you go!

Error: invalide type argument of unary '*' (have int)

vector.hpp:52:31: error: invalid type argument of unary ‘*’ (have ‘int’)
   52 |                     push_back(*it);
      |                               ^~~
inside this specific constructor:  
template<class InputIterator>
vector(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type()) : _alloc(alloc), _capacity(0), _size(0) {
	for (InputIterator it = first; it != last; it++)

To fix this, you gonna need to use enable_if to check if the user pass as a 4th parameter an iterator, that has the type of an integral integer (is_integral)

typename ft::enable_if<!ft::is_integral<InputIterator>::value>::type* = NULL

And here you done !

⚙️ How to run the project ?

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Compile the project:
    make -j or you can either choose which containers tests to compile: make + vector, stack or map
  3. Run the program:
  4. Enjoy ;)

🗃️ Usefull documentation

std functions




std::pair / std::make_pair




