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Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting 30 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, 31 March 2020 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 52:56 MIN

Moderator: Pooja Ranjan

Notes: Angela Gilhotra



Decision Description
30.1 The official onboarding date for new members is decided to be 1st of April.


Action Description
30.1 Pooja will add Angela to the telegram group of Cat Herders Meetings.
30.2 Husdon will lead the content migration group and is going to help Sam and ther people from
30.3 Survey will be shared with Core dev members. And meeting Agenda to be posted on twitter account.
30.4 Pooja will check with Helena about z Cash.
30.5 Hudson, Jim and James to work on the presentation together.
30.6 Folder created in Ethereum PM github, so video talks and presentations will be added here.
30.7 Modification in the website to make information available.
30.8 Edson will design the banner for promoting.
30.9 We will create a list which includes all the links or info about the meetings and community calls.
30.10 Tim will take care of funding from previous notes.

1. New members introduction.

  • Pooja: We have new member here today,I Welcome you Angela on the behalf of the Ethereum Cat Herder. Would you like to introduce yourself?

  • Angela: Yeah! Sure, Hi everyone, I am Angela and I am currently working with Matic Network as Developer Evangelist. So, my work usually revolves around solving queries, attending conferences, building Dapps and it's actually wearing a lot of caps right now. Apart from that, I have been interested in Ethereum cat herders since quite some time now. I was introduced to this group by Sachin, a friend of mine and yeah, so I would like to contribute to this so this is why I joined. Thank you.

  • Pooja: Angela, I would be adding you to the telegram group of the ECH and I would add you as note taker to the scheduled calender meetings. Feel free to reach any of us with any of the queries you may have.

  • Angela: Sure, Thank you.

Action Item Decriptions
30.1 Pooja will add Angela to the telegram group of Cat Herders Meetings.

2. ECH Herder-in-chief

  • Pooja: The discussion for having a point of contact for Ethereum cat herder for accountability and other purposes has been there for a while. In the month of march this year, we made good progress and in our last meeting on march 17th, the group made a decision to onboard a part-time coordinator and honoured me by selecting unanimously as Herder-in-Chief. I'm Thankful to everyone for giving me an opportunity to work with you and I appreciate you all for your encouragement and support, This means a lot to me. Generally the ethereum community is very supportive along with all of the members of the community and the Ethereum cat herder group. I would specially like to thank to Hudson, Tim, Brent, William and many others who have supported me from time to time. I hope to continue learning every day and keep up with the expectation with this position. Thank you everyone.

2.1 Official onboarding date

  • Pooja: The next step I was trying to discuss over here was the onboarding date. We have been discussing this for a while but did not quite discuss the formal onboarding date before this. So, hoping to come up with an official onboarding date for this particular role and I understand that getting answers on funding this position is needed before we can actually decide on any other thing. But while this is in progress, I would like to start working on the responsibilities as Herder-in-chief. So, I would love to hear others thought on this.

  • Brent: you have been cat herder-in-chief since last year, right?.

  • Pooja: Not really, I have been contributing as a volunteer but this particular role is from this year only, we started taking discussions from this year only. but yes, I have been taking up responsibilities of that and representing the Cat herder since last year.

  • Brent: Yeah! that's what i meant. Unofficially just doing all the work of that person.

  • Tim: I think in general, that make sense right like i thing agreeing on the responsibilities is like a good start. I guess for the funding bit like we said we probably wanted to talk with Molock DAO, and check with Hudson if EF can help us with this. So, I think that there's not much we can do on this call for that but i am happy to review the responsibilities that you already sent in the spreadsheet which look good to me. It's easier to discuss the funding once we have kind of something to discuss about what's being funded.

  • Pooja: I was thinking we could come up with official date. Let's say today is 31st of March, can we think of from the 1st of April and in the meanwhile me and Hudson are talking to people.

2.2 Budget & funding options: Ecosystem Support Program, Moloch DAO?

  • Pooja: So, I reached out to the guys at ecosystem support program, submitted the application for that, as of now there is no discussion of what amount of funding do we need but i hope to get that discussion real soon in future. In the meanwhile, they have assigned me a PoC for future communication. Her name is Monet and she said that the team would be reviewing our proposal and she will contact us soon with the updates. As far as contacting Moloch DAO people i'm aware that we have shared the list of responsibilities that we are requesting them to sponsor. So it is under discussion and we hope to hear something soon on that.

  • Tim: Yeah, that makes sense, I dont have it either

  • Edson: Doesn't usually start dates depend on pay cycles or i guess like on the funding so, it would be a couple of weeks before the first time you get paid?

  • Pooja: Yes, you are right there, so what i meant was that the official funding may take some time, it may take from one month to three months. Usually that is the cycle for getting a grant. So that may take time and in the meanwhile i should start working as Coordinator-in-chief and maybe with the help of our own ECH funding or no funding at this point, I'm not worried about that part, that can be taken care later but yeah, that was the initial thought process.

  • So, do people have any particular date in mind or we need to wait till everything is cleared?

  • Tim: So i Guess if the date is before funding then that implies you basically, just do we throw active payments after that?

  • Brent: or we could just start with Ether Cat herding funding right. Just start in April, get her monthly payment.

  • Tim: Yeah, the only challenge is like how much are we willing to deplete the cat herders funding. I'll agree if it probably makes sense, for a month doesn't change much but if its a three month gap or something then that's not as good. ideally we should not have a three month gap but that's my only concern there that for how long we pay from the cat herders fund and how long can we afford to but i think as long as it's reasonable, that make sense.

  • Pooja: Another Important thing here is we have not decided on the rates as well at this point of time that is also under discussion. So, what my proposal would be like I can start from one 1st of April if people have no objection from there but just charging with time, no rate no payment till everything is decided or we get funding.

  • Tim: Yeah, I think that's right and i think for the rate, Once we think that's like the conversation with Moloch and seeing their view on what's reasonable but yeah, i think that maybe make sense and we should hopefully be able to figure that out in a few weeks right it shouldn't take months to figure out the rates, it should be pretty quick.

  • Pooja: Okay, so if we do not have a strong opposition for that then i would just start charging time in the sense like i would be taking all the responsibilities that i have shared with Moloch DAO and you and everybody else so, would be doing that and would be adding it to the issue section in the time. And we will decide on this part as we see clarity on funding.

  • Tim: Sounds good

  • Pooja: Thank you Everyone

Decision Item Description
30.1 The official onboarding date is decided to be 1st of April

3. EIP Improvement Process meeting

3.1 EIP content migration group

  • Pooja: In this meeting the discussion is about moving the content from the to ,its the content migration from just to the website and Hudson is willing to lead this particular group who is going to help Sam and other people from So anybody from the cat herder who are interested to be a part of this group may reach out Hudson and help out with this process .

Action Item 30.2:

Action Item Description
30.2 Husdon will lead this content migration group and is going to help Sam and ther people from

3.2 EIP Procedure Survey update

  • Pooja: We have Edson in this agenda, Edson, do you have any update on this.

  • Edson: I linked it below again, So we haven't gotten any responses for majority, survey is ready so i am thinking to go into the Core devs call, get added to the agenda item and publicize it there and maybe thats how we can start, i think the best way to go about it, is to gather a list of all past EIPs editors and EIPs contributor and sums to them individually or finding their contact through other means and then we should probably publicize it on the Cat Herder twitter.

  • Pooja: Yeah,i like that idea of publicizing it through the Cat Herder twitter as well, so if it is okay like we will first share it with the all core dev meetings and then post that we will like follow up with our twitter account to get more and more responses to this.

  • Edson: Yep, so all that's left is sharing and getting responses, Sounds good.

  • Pooja: Thank you Edson.

Action Item Description
30.3 Survey will be shared with Core dev meeting Agenda and will be post on twitter account.

4. Events & conferences

4.1. Consensus 2020 event participation update

  • Pooja: So, I have shared the list earlier. I dont have link right here, does somebody has it. So we have received response from quite a lot of the community. I reached out to Danny for three or four of the ethereum 2.0 related presentation and he sounded quite positive about it and he has actually suggested me a couple of people who could be doing this presentation from ethereum 1.x Alexy, he has shown interest and he may give presentation for that. One thing came up with the EEA thing is that EEA is legally bounded by some contract by which they cannot come up with this kind of public sponsored presentation but they said that if somebody would like to do it individually they can do that so for that i have reached out to John Wolpert and Tanzanians, so i'm waiting for their responses. One thing that Tim suggested about the option one and two is, it could be combined. Hudson, Jim and James can do that together and that sounds good to me. So any other thoughts.
  • Okay,so I am not sure if William reached out to Greg and he is also interested to do some kind of presentation, if so, would you like to add it over here.
  • William: I could, i did reach out to Greg and he said that ide sounds okay, he just needs to make sure there is not a (day conflict).I haven't followed up further from there but both him and Philippe are intially interested. I guess that might be the best way for me to say it. I don't have the link myself and i came late to the call unfortunately if someone could just put the link in the chat and i'll try and update that.

  • Pooja: Okay, I'll try to share that link but this is not something that has to be done on the date because it's a virtual thing so the idea here is to have a pre-recorded presentation or if at all needed that could be with Zoom live. If there is schedule conflict it may not work but i can't tell it before because i have to submit the list to those people and then they will decide which all are going to be finalized and which presentation they want to take in what way like Zoom way or the pre-recorded way.

  • William: The preferences for pre-recorded is supposed to actually like making a live virtual session .

  • Pooja: Yes, the preferences are for pre-recorded because I mean like they're trying to make it like 24 hours series like people would be watching from all over the world and any point of time there is something there but or some or the other topics which requires some kind of presentation go step by step or something like that, that could be something with the Zoom link.

  • William: Okay, got it, interesting.

  • Pooja: Okay, i think i am getting the link of the document so if you could just go and add it to the list we can consider it. Obviously we'll add it to the list when we are sending it to the consensus people. And about the other topic that we need the competitor, to my understanding that they were looking for something with the advantage and disadvantage, both sides of a blockchain and for ethereum we may have to do that. So i was looking for a person who could be like representing ethereum strongly and would be having the answers to the questions from the competitor side it is that way but as Hudson mentioned that he has already discussed with the consensus team and there is a posssiblity of having Z cash people over there so we may be looking into that possiblity as well. I'm looking for more suggestions if there are any then please do feel free to add it in the sheet and we can take it. Any other thought in this topic.

  • Tim: Yeah, i think Z cash makes sense. I think Helena used to work there or still works there so might connect with her.

  • Pooja: Okay, then i'm gonna check with Helena. Any other thing before we move on from this topic.

Action Item Description
30.4 Pooja will check with Helena about z Cash.
30.5 Hudson, Jim and James will work on the presentation together.

4.2 Collect ECH related video/talks/presentations at ECH Github

  • Pooja: So sometimes back Helena suggested that we should be having a repository in our ECH github to collect all these presentation talks that we do in different conferences for people to refer, so i have created this folder in the Ethereum PM github. So i have created a folder in it, ethereum cat herder PM and there i have already added three of these video talks, whatever i can get but i'm looking for people to add more presentation talks those which were done in the previous year 2019, so here is the link that contains the road map and the presentation that i did and the presentation that was there in the EthCC Paris, i've added that but if somebody will get a hold of any talk that was done previous year then feel free to share and we will keep on adding it. Any other thought on this how to be maintained or do people find it useful or we may have some other idea.

  • Edson: I think it's pretty useful.

  • Sachin: Yeah, it looks good.

Action Item Description
30.6 Folder created in Ethereum PM github, so video talks and presentations will be added here.

5. Ethereum Meeting & notes

5.1. Funding of notes for Ethereum 2.0 Implementors Call

  • Pooja: We have now Angela joining in so, I will be adding her to the meeting and notes group. We have been finding some issues with the funding for the ethereum 2.0 implementers call so, the other day i wrote email to Scott and Danny. I have suggested couples of ways to handling it: one way which was also done earlier by having gitcoin bounty. Peole submitting notes would be finished with bounty part and if that doesn't work, I have suggested a couple of more options.

  • One way to go is to request funding upfront, for some amount of months. So, they pay the cat herders for some 12 months and we distribute accordingly.

  • Do people having more suggestion on that how that could be handled. Does anyone have any suggestion on how to handle this kind of situation.

  • Tim: Could you just summarize the two options again quickly.

  • Pooja: First option is for Ethereum2.0 foundation to transfer funds upfront. So for like an year of note taking, we are paid in advance.

  • Pooja: transferring funds every 15 days adds overhead to their team.

  • Tim: Ohh that make sense.

  • Pooja: Right that was the one option and the other option, is if they do not have enough funds themselves, we reach out to other options for funding. like the moloch dao.

  • Tim: Yeah i think that is reasonable.

  • Brent: Then in both cases we will be pushing to get the whole years funding so we can manage the distribution of that right.

  • Pooja: Yeah that is the suggestion here.

  • Tim: Yeah so that makes a lot of sense.

  • Pooja: Let's wait for few more days to for they Ethereum 2.0 team to revert back and see where it goes well see from there.

  • Brent: I just wanted to review the current stage of things. There are three issues open for funding for three notes and i just wanted to make sure am i doing that right or is there anything in addition we should be doing to track the notes that we have done.

  • Pooja: This is what i requested them to clarify. I did not have any latest link for the PR so i sent them of whatever i had for the previous one so what i sent the mail was the four issues that was not funded i linked all the PRs that were submitted to the ethereum 2.0 team and i am suggesting them to pick up these things and this is the process that we may follow whatever we are following for all core dev. I suggested them the same process would be followed end they would be getting their notes, we will be doing from funding and distribution, we will be checking if notes are available and they are good and everything else. So, at this point of time to answer the questions i really do Pot have much and i am waiting for them to respond back. proper process that we would follow for future submission of a pull request.

6. ECH Website Update

  • Pooja: So moving on the ECH website update as i mention earlier i was trying to get a hold on Helena. But i understand situations are not really good across the world, people are having some difficulties so i try to do something on my own and i think i am able to get like how to updated and i tried it updating with the new glacier update and it did work. So, i was just thinking like would you want to keep our website like this or should we go ahead for website revamp. I am willing to work on that, i am willing to give it a good look but might need help with the contents we would like to have it over there. A few suggestion are already in my mind like we could add about our blogs. People who want to volunteer for the content.

  • Tim: I am not 100 percent sure how valuable is to review the website like i guess I'd be curious to know how many people actually go on it versus say reader updates or go on the ethereum website and stuff like that so that's why i only comment like we don't want it's probably not worth it spend a whole like a huge amount of effort if not that many people visit it.

  • Pooja: yes i get that part. I think the reason why people were not visiting it before because we have been redirecting people two places one was our github and another one was gitter which was quite okay but i think it would worth having basic information like for example the berlin upgrade that we are doing we have information available on part, there is no central repository where it is because right now matter for berlin is not ready that mean some kind of update and the EFI that is being tracked is also not on the EIP github it is somewhere else it is that may be baecuse we are trying to move it on so that may be the reason so we're just thinking giving this information at on central place like earlier it was with it at wiki or whatever we did it for istanbul so instead of going outside we were just thinking like, if we can bring it to the cat herder platform would be helpful.

  • Sachin: I also think that i was trying the EFI list website and it mention that if you want to check the status or talk or conversation around an EFI or EIP you can visit to the meeting notes so we can add ECH website link there somewhat look what i intend to say is that we can add more backlinks at places where we have contributed to like one in this add and then the audit and you know post moreterms ECH is doing.

  • Pooja: Yeah that could be there so the basic idea was like you know giving the different information which is not available anywhere at this point to visit that we can say that okay find me and we are updating it and you can find it over here. I mean ofcourse i am not suggesting that we should be investing a huge amount of time but with little modification we can make this information available.

  • On the same note i would like to mention that few days back i was on call with this they were also looking for something which is not available right now on and they are reaching us for some of the other questions and there like plenty of information which are missing. So the website update part maybe like i can start a page where we can think of what to put or what not to put and if we find it like quite valuable then we will go ahead and update the website as of now it shows the latest information to glacier upgrade and we will keep on updating for berlin as we get more information on that.

Action Item Description
30.7 Modification in the website to make information available

7. Ethereum Cat Herders - Promotion and Positioning (in the Ethereum community) initiatives

7.1 Placing Community Promotion Ads at Ethereum Stack Exchange

  • Pooja: William would you like to throw some light on this?

  • William: Yeah sure, So the ethereum stack exchange actually has a I dont know what to call, a program, something like that where they let community members make sort of banners or promote i.e. they call them promotion ads. I just put the link in the chat, you can see from the one example that's up right now which is every is put up a little one for running goerli note. The basic idea is that instead of running like you know various institutions in the community. We can make a little banner ad that they'll put up so it struck me as maybe something that we should do. I can't say i have that much of an opinion this way or that about it but i was interested in what anybody else would want to say about it. Would basically just mean if we do it that we'd have to fill out an answer on the thread that's linked and have some sort of banner that they could put up as an ad for us.

  • Pooja: Okay, does it involve some kind of a sponsorship from the group as well?

  • William: No, Atleast not to the best of my knowledge, i can re-read it, I haven't read it recently but to the best of my knowledge, not.

  • Pooja: Ok, so i think you're like we are trying to let people know about this group because i have found that outside the developers community there is very less information about the cat herders. So, I mean it's you can say that from zero to very little knowlegde about the ethereum Cat Herder group. so it would be a good idea we could do something and that is not actually requiring sponsorship because we are already funded by some other people so not sure. what do other people think about it?

  • Brent: It sound like the only gating is we just need someone to create a banner ad to submit to him. Is that true?

  • William: To the best of my knowledge to actually fill out the answer on Stack Exchange, Yeah, I think that would be the major hurdle.

  • Tim: I dont know who worked out on logo & stuff but we can probably put that together quite easily.

  • Edson: Do you know the dimensions of it?

  • William: 300 by 250 pixels

  • Edson: I have done design in the past, I can probably set up a few examples and then we can choose one, if not we could probably find other avenues to create one.

  • Tim: That would be great

  • William: The exact requirements are right there in the link. like it says exactly like what the requirements are if you want to take a look.

  • Pooja: Sounds Good. Thank you for taking a lead on this and yeah, you can come up with a couple of options and yeah we can select it and go ahead with that. I think it's a good idea, we need to let community know about the cat herder group and that would also include getting information what they would want us to take care of like what are the gaps that we can actually fill from the developers to the community that we would like to take more responsibilities this year and yes that would be very helpful that people would know about us.

Column 1 Description
30.8 Edson will design the banner for promoting.

7.2 Consider re-tweet, clap and share Medium blogs

  • Pooja: We are trying to reach out to the people and we are doing it with our Cat herder official twitter and medium blogs. We see quite good response for example the last medium article by William, it did really good but i would encourage more people to retweet from the personal account and that would also help and clapping to any or the other of authors for people who are writing as cat herders like i mean not only a cat herder, in generally it is really a good thing to do but that would provide more encouragement. People come out and start writing more and more blogs for community. So, that was just a general thought over there.

7.3 Participate and represent ECH in Ethereum Community calls

  • Pooja: So, we had this call call sometimes back, I was there but i would encourage like more people from the group to participate in this kind of community call which comes up and talk about the group and try to learn the opportunity where we can volunteer or where we can get a job for which we can involve more community members from outside that could get some kind of funding and do the job for the community. So, my initial thought here was like we should should be taking part to more and more community calls.

  • Edson: A question about that. How did you find the community call because i've been looking around and i couldn't find it.

  • Pooja: Okay, so, for that i can do one thing whenever u come across something, i will post it in the group. That's one thing i'll take it on me. The other thing is is that it is always available on twitter. official page. They try to promote it. For example, i'm aware that on 3rd of April there is a community call for EEA. Thet are gonna tell what they did with the main networking group. How they are taking it ahead. That is again a community call in which they may be asking question from the community. We may be taking part with the help of youtube chat box, We can throw our questions there, so those are the ways. Mostly twitter helps us getting this kind of information

  • Brent: Is there some kind of web page that lists all the community meetings going on and stuff like that, some kind of reference or something like that?

  • Pooja: Not really, but this could be really good thing that we could do that on our website. That's a very good suggestion. I mean I'm not aware of any such place where these kind of community meetings are updated but since we are already taking care of notes for so many meetings, we can come up with a calender. which meeting is in what date and if it is a community meeting and people can join and we have the link and people have no objection sharing the Zoom link or youtube link. Thats a very good suggestion, thank you

  • William: Maybe two pints on that, first, i mean atleast in the mean time before we have a resource up for something like that using the internal getter or even the community getter as a way of just cycling the information around us. I think it's a really good idea, it could be we should use the Twitter account for that also but the other would be it might be wise to differentiate the two like i know that like the core devs and a lot of the other note calls they're not necessarily interested in attracting a huge crowd. If maybe we actually want to separate those two like where the note taking and sort of the community call. what do you thing?

  • Pooja: yeah, i mean like i completely agree to your point that people who might not attract more crowd on the zoom call but probably we can share the youtube link and people, if they are interested they can put their question in the youtube chat get it to the developers whatever they want to convey or ask. right?

  • William: right, that's a good point.

  • Pooja: We can still have this list and we'll be very careful about adding the link what we would want to put over there, maybe zoom, almost probably youtube is better for the community because if they want somebody to be involved and they are already posting it. So, we'll be trying to list youtibe links from them.

  • Action Item 30.9: We will create a list which includes all the links or info about the meetings and community calls.

7.3 Create target audience specific survey to identify

7.3.1 The positioning of ECH in the community & what the community expects from us
7.3.2 Tasks where ECH can extend help to Ethereum core/client developers community including and beyond note-taking
7.3.3 Identify the gap and support other working groups of the Ethereum ecosystem
  • Pooja: So i was thinking of running some kind of surveys like specific to the specific target audience. One to the community, second to the core developers and third to the working group. if we can come up eith different surveys to collect more information we may be able to figure out more jobs for us in future. I'm more inclined towards getting more opportunities because i would want to involve more and more community participation in this group because this is decentralized project management group. the cat herder is decentralized project management group and we would want more community participation. So, that was a thought by getting the survey on and getting the information. Do people have some thoughts or not?

  • Brent: Sounds Great

  • Tim: That's good

  • Pooja: As of now we have just one survey created by Tim which we are trying to add on every newsletter but i'll be thinking of coming up with more surveys. If somebody from the group can think of something please feel free to share the document and we'll keep on adding thoughts on it and we'll try to come up with this kind of surveys to collect more information from the community. At this point of time what i see is that cat herder is a bridge between the developers and the community. when i say community, it is mostly to the people who are not actively participating but are some kind of stakeholders but if we target a specific community like developers community or the working group community, i think we would be more helpful. we would be a way of like much work to the community. so, i'm happy, i'm glad that people think likewise and yes, we will be coming up with some of the other surveys in next meetings or maybe in future.

8. Discuss and close the ECH GitHub Issues/PRs

  • Pooja: I have not looked at the PM issues this time because it's no new issue there are for funding i think Tim you can take care of that so it's just about funding from the previous notes.

  • Tim: Yeah i can handle it.

  • Pooja: Thank you so much for that.

  • William: Also i think this might be one of the closing the issue and one of them was about the dy/dx stake that we are trying to retrieve.

  • Pooja: No that's not this that's the next item but yes please go ahead.

  • William: Okay fine so i reached it's nothing major, reached out to lane he had said the one time that he had tried to doing it didn't work i noticed in the thread that i think Edson may be had a suggestion about something that might make it work so i just drew that his attention he said he was gonna look into it that i haven't heard back from him since so i mean it could be the new information will be enough for him to actually do that i don't know exactly what it's gonna happen though.

  • Edson: For that information I'd talk to some of the developers in the dxDAO the guy that mainly set up a site if what i wrote doesn't help i can link them together see if they can start i mean he couldn't help directly.

  • William: Okay what's the best way for him to get in touch with you if he needs to.

  • Edson: Probably on the telegram.

  • William: Let me see, I'll see if i have your contact information otherwise i'll try and get touch with you a different way.

  • Edson: Ohh see it in touch with me or to get in touch with the other conflict .

  • William: No, well i mean if i need to give him a way to get in touch with you so then i will try and work it out with you outside the gulf just to make sure have a contact information that i can pass on to him.

  • Edson: Okay sound great we get in touch with you i was through telegram for me i am just how i have a bunch of way she can get pleasure we talked about that.

  • William: Actually if you know your telegra username if could just put that in chat that did be great. Thanks.

  • Pooja: Okay, we have this last meeting action item that we would like to review timbrel shared in that community to get total consensus on it, it is about the diversifying fun 2/3 dye and 1/3 USDC . I think it's already done isn't it?

  • Tim: it's still not done like i think charles had some ideas around why we should maybe keep it all and i especially because because USBC is now carraro for dye so maybe it's best to have this conversation in the telegram chart okay i'll post something right now in the chart.

  • Brent: That sound good to me especially since the dye already i mean it's already supported by USDC automatically underneath.

  • Pooja: So do we want to keep this or i think we can take it offline on the chat itself.

  • Tim: We should probably keep it to check on it in few weeks i think that's a good idea.

  • Edson: Yes i have been looking and sometimes they are scam streams but the last one i saw was associated with the coinbase and it was using BTC. I haven't seen a single one that one was rare but there are channels that are using they are saying like ethereum 2.0 and then that are they look like hijacked channels which is like that's all left they are not actually running any scams anymore so i'm sure what the next step would be for the channels are hijacked my understanding it's the responsibility of the person whose original channel was to contact youtube to get that resolved but yeah looking for more feedback on that.

  • Pooja: Okay so in my mind is not something that is like you know could be closed i think this is happening and will be happening so it might not required a constant watch on it but is it if it's something that we would like to continue into now and you know next agenda item or it's something that we can bring it back whenever required.

  • Edson: So i think the reason it was the big issue in January is because a youtube changed their bots because they were falsely flagging some channels and so i think they changed their bots again so i think it was an issue that was happening before we were where with it a bit that the youtube was already handling and it just a problem afteryoutube changed our algorithm for taking down content that was fraudulent.

  • Pooja: Okay then will you keep it here for some more time and we'll see.

  • Edson: I can give an updated about that Hudson messaged me that the ethereum username was not already taken i went to visit it and it didn't exist so either someone was previously taken it and was banned or it's reserved by twitch as a well known user to be reserved for the person who as a trade mark so i said i'm twitch can give a username to an entity if they had the trademark for it and i sent that information over to Hudson i think he has the contact support so i'm just waiting on a response for that creating the account.

  • Pooja: Okay sounds good

  • Pooja: So that's about it do we have any other business or anybody would want to share we talked about it

11. Date for the next meeting

  • Pooja: I think two weeks from now is good because we all are at home and we do not see any events coming upany objection

  • Tim: I'm fine.

  • William: Passover, but i'm fine, it's just me. So it's okay.

  • Tim: Sorry, i'm really not familiar,is it like one day thing or a full week thing.

  • William: Passover's either seven or eight days long, some of them (theoretically) i might be able to make a meeting on,i actually haven't pulled out the calender and checked. I really wouldn't try and reroute it around that. I'd keep the date, worst comes to worst on this one.

  • Brent: Jim and i are on notes for that meeting so we'll be on that.

  • Pooja: So we are good right, i mean William would like is it not possible for you to make it or do you think we can keep it.

  • William: I'll have to check a calender it could be it i can't make it but at the end of the day i'm just one guy like i mean i think the meeting can't go perfectly fine even if i'm not there.

  • Pooja: Okay so we keep it for the two weeks from now and if they find that more people are not available then we may want to reschedule it or something so anything else anybody want to discuss.

  • Okay so thank you every one for joining see you all in two weeks and stay safe.


  • Tim Beiko
  • Pooja Ranjan
  • Hudson
  • Edson
  • Brent Allsop
  • William
  • Sachin Mittal
  • Angela Gilhotra